
By YukiSage

19K 425 28

Asa Callahan (n.) 1. shortest member of the Bobby Wasabi Dojo with a fiery temper and a bo staff on her back ... More

Wasabi Warriors
Fat Chance
Dummy Dancing
Dojo Day Afternoon
Swords and Magic
Road to Wasabi
All The Wrong Moves
Ricky Weaver
Wax On, Wax Off
The Commercial
Kung Fu Cop
Boo Gi Nights
Clash of the Titans
Badge of Honor
The Great Escape
Breaking Board
Reality Fights

Dude, Where's My Sword?

597 18 1
By YukiSage

Another fine day at the Bobby Wasabi dojo where these Warriors were impressively watching Jack and Asa's mirrored bo staff routine, them ending in a unison, "Aiya!"

"Wow, guys, your new bo staff routine is awesome," Eddie compliments giving the two fist bumps.

"Thanks man."

"You know what I say about bo staffs? Bo-ring." Jerry said taking the staff out of Jack's hands. "Swords - it's where it's at, bro." He says before swinging the staff around as if it were a sword. And to prevent any damage that Jerry was capable of causing, Asa stopped him mid-swing.

"Oh so you know how to use a sword?" Jack asked, taking his staff back.

"He doesn't know how to use a q-tip properly without digging too deep and impaling himself." Asa exposed, leaning on her staff.

"I've been practicing with the attachments on my mom's vacuum cleaner. In one move I can wack the ceiling fan down and suck the curtains off the wall."

Asa shakes her head. "Your poor mother."

"Well that katana sword Rudy loves so much is right there," Milton suggests, gesturing to the doorway.

"Yeah, give it a shot, Jerry," Kim taunted pointing up to the beautifully sheathed weapon.

Jerry's confidence took a turn making him into a stuttering mess. "Uh y-yeah, yeah. I'll give it a shot. You know I'm not sure this thing is as balanced as my mom's vacuum cleaner and there's uh, no brush at the end of it but I'll give it a shot."

"Hey Jerry." Rudy's voice greeted causing him to scream with his hand still placed on the katana. "Whatcha doing?"

"Uh- airing out the pits."

Not really buying it but going along anyway, Rudy firmly states, "Well let me be clear, no one touches my katana!"

A weeping Bobby came out from Rudy's office and the kids didn't remember him coming in after them. "Bobby, what's wrong?"

"Oh Rudy! I didn't get the part in that movie," Bobby weeped.

"I'm sure the part was just wrong for you."

"It was to play Bobby in the Bobby Wasabi Story."

"Maybe there's another part for ya."

"I'm Bobby!"


**✿❀ ❀✿**

The kids stood around Rudy the next day as he's dressed in leather, smirking at his students. "Yep, kids, every once and a while you have to put on the leather pants and hit the open road with the boys."

"At least you've accepted you're not men," Asa inputs.

"Now all I need is for one of you guys to come in on Saturday to water the plants." A chorus of agreement went around the group. "Alright, let me get the keys from my office." Rudy stiffly walks over, the squeak coming from his pants, then turns around in remembrance. "They're in my pocket." With how tight the pants were, he gets his hand stuck in them soon to be running around on the floor. They could only watch unimpressed.

"Hey! Our gas powered pigs are ready to ride on." Phil greets in his own biker gear and Bobby following in behind him.

"I'm going to feel so alive out there on the open road. Men, being men. I should put my hair back. Kim, can you spot me a scrunchie?"

"Well one out the three..." Asa rephrases her previous statement as Kim shoots Bobby a scrunchie.

Out of breath and somehow managed to have gotten up by himself, "Okay, guys, I got the keys. Let's go!" Rudy tosses the keys to Jack and they bid him a farewell. "We'll see you guys in a few days."

"That is the worst biker gang ever," Milton states the obvious.

With keys in hand and a mischievous look on Jack's face read he had a plan in mind. "Guys, we've got these keys, and Rudy's gone for the weekend. Do you know what that means?"

"Yes! We need to come up with a chart with everyone's plant watering responsibilities!" Eddie says.

"He's so innocent. We need to taint him."

"Eddie, it means we can throw that party we've always wanted to have," Kim corrects having caught on to Jack's idea.

"With girls and music and girls and food and girls!" Jerry fantasizes with a similar dreamy look as Milton.

"You said girls three times," Asa points out.

"You bet I did!"

"You know who we should invite, Brad Wolf." "Cathy Davis." An awkward silence fell upon them.

Milton broke the silence to get everyone back on track. "Now let's get back to the party. Rudy will flip if he finds out, so we have to keep things small and under control."

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"This party is both huge and outta control!" Milton shouts as he crowd surfs, the people shout and confetti rains down on everyone.

He was let down from the crowd surf, returning to his bouncer duties. Him and Asa would occasionally switch off giving the other a five minute break to enjoy the party as well. Milton was the nerd with a clipboard and Asa was the security while also collecting a bit of cash while she was at it. And seeing how most of the school was aware of the Tiger of Seaford High, it was quite easy getting money out of them.

Milton tapped her on the shoulder signaling it was her turn for a break and raised a questionable eyebrow. He leaned over to her whispering, "You know we're not requiring them to pay, right."

Without looking back she held out a twenty to him. "I'll give you twenty to buy your silence for the night."

"Didn't see a thing," he said pocketing the money.

The last few people in line had paid and went inside when she told Milton her five was starting.

Asa wasn't a party gal. She'd prefer regular sized parties with close friends or a night in curled up in her apartment. Though the antics during said parties were worth getting out once in a while. Seated on the dojo's trophy ledge, Asa swung her legs back and forth watching fellow classmates dance. When a familiar jam came on, she instantly found Kim weirdly dancing around the person she invited, then snickered when he left.

Jack had been looking around for the person he invited, all to see that she didn't show. He turns around a corner of people, coming across the image of Asa on the ledge. He fixes up his hair and smooths out his jacket before asking her, "How you liking the party so far?"

She shrugged. "Not the kinda scene I'd put myself in but we did good on planning, and on such short notice too."

"That we did. Aren't you supposed to be the security outside with Milton?"

"He let me take a five to see how the party was doing." Asa looked over by the refreshments to have seen one of Milton's nerd friends talking to Jerry. She furrowed her brows then remembered it was Milton she left alone as the bouncer. "I should probably get back to work."

Hopping off the ledge and turning to leave, Jack caught her arm. "I'll save you a dance on your next five," he smiles cheekily.

She pats him on the shoulder. "This isn't a formal, but if you say so, Jack."

When Asa went outside she found Milton trying to size up Kevin, their football team's captain. She twirled her bo staff as she approached the line hold up, slamming it to the ground. "Hey! Back off the nerd, Kevin. Or do you want to see how flexible you are tonight?"

"Get outta here, shrimp." Kevin said, going back to Milton.

She looked down and put her staff back in it's case. Without a word she grabbed one of Kevin's outstretched arms, twisting it and pinning behind his back. The people in line behind him took a step back. "You wanna repeat that, shrimp?"

Asa shoved him out of the line, causing him to trip into the velvet rope they had. He caught his footing and stalked off giving her a dirty look.

Seeing how a new line had formed within the time she was gone, she called out, "That's what you get for not listening to the bouncer, people! Now, twenty bucks per person, come on."

In a rush they took their wallets out, fishing around for cash. With each person she counted the cash they handed to her before saying, "Thank you and enjoy the party."

One of them tried to get past her to which she held a hand up to his chest to stop his advances. "Gotta pay the fee, man."

He looked down at her mockingly. ""Gotta pay the fee, man." Your price is outrageous. There's no way I'm paying that."

"Hey, do you want to say you've been to the hottest party in all of seventh grade or not?" She smirked. "Or would you rather I throw you out like I did with Kevin earlier. Yeah, I know you saw the whole thing."

The guy looked at her challenging look. Begrudgingly, he dug out his wallet and held out a bill. "I only got a fifty."

She smiled, plucking the money out of his hand. "Enjoy the party! Next!" Person after person, Asa's smile grew with all the cash she was collecting.

The line had finally gone down enough to where the people would be less of a threat if Milton was left on duty. Asa told him she was going on her next five and to keep collecting money.

Having entered the party, Asa noticed Cathy was dancing with Brad instead of those who had originally invited them. Approaching Jack near the punch table she says, "You mind if I steal that dance Cathy will be missing out on?"

"Not at all," he smiles taking her hand and twirling her around.

"Jack! Asa!" Milton shouted running in. They turned their attention away from each other to see him bump into one of the jocks. "Gahh! These guys crashed the party."

They looked past their shoulder over to where Kevin and his jock buddies were and approached them.

"Kevin, you guys gotta go," Jack said firmly.

Kevin just laughed. "I don't think so. We just got here." He shoved Asa into Jack to walk over by the refreshments, scarring off one of the nerds wanting a punch refill.

"Come on, Kevin, be cool. We don't want any trouble, alright?"

In response Kevin threw a fist at the two. Asa ducked in time for Jack to catch his fist. "You see, it's rude to punch the host."

Jack twisted his arm back and kicked him into the food table. One of the jocks came running in and tried to jump Jack to which he ducked, sending him over his shoulder. Another jock came in from behind, sending punches Jack's way all for him to be kicked into another table. Kevin tried once more to get at him, failing as he was thrown into their bo staff collection.

"Aw not the bo staffs!" Asa cried out despite the chaotic atmosphere.

The entire party scrammed out of there, leaving the Warriors to deal with the damage.

"This is not good," Jerry gasps surveying the damage.

"We are in so much trouble!" Kim exclaims.

"We just gotta clean this up, okay," Jack assures just as scared as the rest.

Milton gasped, pointing up to the entryway. "But what do we do about that!"

Where the beautiful katana once resided, now housed nothing but air. "Rudy's priceless katana is gone; he is going to kill us!"

"At least he won't be doing it with the sword," Jerry attempts to lighten the mood.

"And that's not even the worst part! We forgot to water the plant!" Having more important matters to deal with, the crew deadpanned as Eddie remained talking to a plant.

Milton left to Rudy's office to find any possible replacement while the others began cleaning up the mess.

While they were sweeping up the confetti the red head emerged out of the office with a printed ad. "I found one! It's the same exact sword Rudy had. It's at the Bronze Nugget Pawnshop."

"Yes! Alright, Kim, Milton, Asa, let's go!" Jack cheered running out with the others.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

After having arrived at the pawnshop and showing Lou, the shopkeeper, the item they were looking for, he went to the back room and came out with the exact katana in hand. "This boys and girls is the real deal. Completely unique. There's only one that exists in the whole world."

"Actually our sensei has one just like it," Jack tells him.

Lou corrected himself, "There's only two that exist in the entire world."

"We gotta get it for Rudy." Turning to Lou, Milton asks, "How much do you want for it?"

"Five hundred dollars."

"What?!" Three out of the four kids exclaimed.

"We don't have that kind of money!" Asa kept staring at some random trinkets nearby.

"Well you have to bring in something of equal value to trade for it. Hey, maybe your friend would like this priceless Ben Franklin toe nail." Lou offers, them gathering around to see upon closer inspection.

"That's a corn chip," Kim stared unimpressed.

Lou's expression morphed to horror. "Oh no! I ate a national treasure!"

"There's still time to catch the bus, meet back here in an hour!" They ran out having forgotten one member of their party.

Asa stayed back and when they were out of sight, she pulled out a stack of cash from her zipper pocket and began to count the money. Placing a wad on the table she notes, "This is for the sword, just don't say anything to the others when we get back with our stuff."

Lou looked to her then the pile on the counter. "And why shouldn't I say anything?"

With a smirk, "My friends are an interesting bunch, I'd like to see where this goes."

"You're a weird one," Lou comments placing the money in his register.

It was then she ran out to the others just as they were boarding the bus. "Where were you?" Kim asks, slightly panicking with their rushed situation.

"Bathroom." Not thinking anything of it, they each went their separate ways in search for anything that would add to the five hundred dollar pot.

Around an hour or so later they met back at the pawnshop, dumping their stuff on the counter. "Well I've totaled up all the stuff you've brought and I think you'll be happy to hear I can give you ninety-four dollars."

"What!" "Are you insane?!" The boys shout, both of them wanting to utter more words at the man who found their stuff less valuable than expected.

"Guys, guys, guys, calm down. It's okay. I got this." Kim assures confidently, dangling one of her bracelets and plopping it in Lou's hand. "I was hoping not to have to do this but what'd you say if I was willing to throw in this antique charm bracelet."

Holding the bracelet and looking at it for less than a minute he offers, "Ooo I'd say I'd give you another three bucks."

"That's it!" Kim nearly about jumped the counter if it wasn't for Jack and Milton pulling her back.

"Ninety-seven dollars for all your junk, take it or leave it."

Milton eyes the French horn behind Lou, gesturing to it. "Can I see that French horn?"


The boy inspected the instrument and a look of shock took over when he noticed something under the spit valve and a plan forming. "Would you trade this for all our stuff?"

"I can do that."

Jack pulled him back in disbelief. "Milton, what are you doing?"

"Trust me." Milton lets out a sweet melody, impressing the shopkeeper.

"You know a little something about the French horn, don't ya?"

"This horn was made by the greatest French horn maker and composer ever! See that little L.S. under the spit valve? That stands for Lorenzo Stansonie."

"I thought that stood for loud sound. How much is that thing worth?" Lou asked despite taking the word of a seventh grade boy brainiac than getting it checked out by a professional.

"I think you mean how much is this thing worth, boss, cause we just bought ourselves a pawnshop!" That not being how it works at all, the kids celebrated anyway.

"Now hand me that sword! And organize these shelves! Take out this toy cannon!" Milton pulled the string having an actual cannon ball shoot through the wall.

"And patch up that hole!" Jack adds. 

"Yeah, you heard him, move it!" Kim says, leading the trio out sheepishly.

Out of hearing range, Asa places another wad of cash on the counter. "This is for the hole."

**✿❀ ❀✿**

During their time at the pawnshop and racing everywhere to find stuff, Jerry and Eddie had done an immaculate job at restoring the dojo. "You did it! This place looks great," Kim praises.

"We got the sword," Milton says holding it up for them to see."

"Yes! Wait, guys, there's something I need to tell you." Eddie didn't get to finish when they heard a bike's engine pull up.

"It's Rudy! He's back!"

"We gotta get the sword up there."

"Give it to me!" Milton tosses him the sword, Jack runs and jumps from the bench, placing the katana back were the old one was. He rolled out just as Rudy turned around from saying bye to Phil and Bobby. Placing an arm around his shoulder he greets, "Hey Rudy! How was your trip?"

Rudy smiled. "It was amazing. How's everything here?"

"Everything here is great." Kim broke out into nervous laughter leading Milton to nudge her quiet.

"Well, place looks great. Plant's been watered-"

"Oh that was me, all me!" Eddie says excitedly.

Feeling something off in the room, "Wait, something's different. My katana." They began to shuffle away when his back was turned. "Nah it's fine." Then turned back around in relief. "I don't know why I get so crazy about that thing. It's just a knock off I paid fifteen bucks for at the flea market."

Milton looked about ready to commit murder, his voice raising with each word. "Knock off? Flea market? Do you have any idea-"

"How glad we are to have you back, Rudy, we missed you." Jack cut off, placing a hand over Milton's mouth and keeping it there to prevent him from slipping up again.

Easing up from Milton's almost slip up, Kim suggests, "Why don't we all go over to Falafel Phil's and you can tell us all about your trip. Come on, we'll buy."

"Go ahead, I'm just going to put my stuff in the office. I'll be right there."

They dragged a muffled Milton out, letting him speak once they were out of Rudy's hearing range. "Do you realize we just went through all that for nothing?"

"It wasn't for nothing. We threw an awesome party that Rudy will never know about."

It came to Asa's attention that she hadn't heard Jerry's voice since they came back. "Uh guys, how do we keep loosing Jerry?"

Eddie nervously laughed, "Oh yeah, about that..."

**✿❀ ❀✿**

If there's one thing I like doing is highlighting my oc when I can :D

Next chap is a fun one.


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