I wonder what she thinks of m...

By skittlesandcake

26.5K 1.7K 1K

"I wonder what she thinks of me when you're coming home..." Nicki doesn't have to wonder anymore when she mee... More



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By skittlesandcake

Beyoncé, on the other hand, was constantly busy. She sat scribbling in her notepad with one leg crossed over the other. A plane didn't make the best place for planning but she tried anyway. Taking a sip from her flute glass, she attempted to focus her thoughts.

She was struggling to do her job and she didn't know if it was her or the client. The client didn't know what she wanted which made her job even harder, but usually she was better at guiding and talking to her clients. As an interior designer, she needed to know her clients interests so she could design for them. Everyone wanted a personal touch which meant Beyoncé needed to know their personalities. She usually did this by talking. She'd meet them somewhere - at work or during their lunch break when they had a free moment. She'd use the scene to her advantage and coax them into revealing their dream home through a simple conversation. But Taraji was either avoiding her or she really was as busy as they come.

Beyoncé rolled her eyes. She wore a pantsuit with block heels and nibbled the pen between her teeth. The plane had started to move and she was waiting for her moment. She always watched the ascent with her eyes wide open focused on the way the city disappeared into the clouds. The bumps of clouds would become an abstract landscape as the awakening light of the sun faded into the sky. The clouds folded into themselves beneath the winged aircraft and she gingerly raised her glass again letting the bubbles meet her lips.

Her ears began to feel uncomfortable as she glanced at her notepad. Turning a page she started to make a thought bubble. This was something she rarely had to do - usually the ideas just flowed. Taking pen to paper, she started to write; it started off basic - name, age, occupation. She pulled from her memory all of the facts about the client. She wrote down what she knew trying to pull anything interesting from their limited conversations. "Busy" she underlined twice. How could she design a home for someone too busy to talk? She hoped this flight to meet in person would help with her ideas, but she had a feeling the problem was coming from her and not the client.

Throwing some gum into her mouth she forced herself to be stable and tried not to overthink. It had been a while since she'd last seen that woman in the hotel room. She couldn't stop thinking about her, remembering the scent of her body wash as it hit her nostrils, knowing how much she wanted more but had stopped herself. The moment had passed and she was still on her mind.

For once, the stars had aligned and put her best friend with her for the next two hours. Beyoncé took another sip of her drink, questioning who she was, and what this meant, before she gulped deciding to say something.

Glancing to her left she put away her shame and spoke. It was the first time in a while she had company on a flight. Her best friend was also flying for work. Their jobs were not the same  at all but they both were the best at what they did. Bey sipped the champagne, as though it was liquid courage.

"Remember when we were kids and you ate all those cookies and I never told anyone?" She didn't bother to wait for Kelly's reaction, knowing she would just bring up the fact that Beyoncé had copied and eaten the other half. The point was she never told even as they both got in trouble - she kept her mouth shut. "I need tell you something but you can never say a word. And I mean ever"

Rolling her eyes, her best friend nodded. They told each other everything so there was no need for Beyoncé to suddenly be swearing her to secrecy. Kelly thought it was stupid but she agreed nonetheless, curious what was so important she'd invoked a childhood treaty and why her best friend seemed so awkward and shy. Beyoncé hadn't said a word since they sat down.

Looking around to ensure her privacy, Beyoncé gestured her closer in their space and started to explain her meeting with Nicki. She needed to tell someone, the guilt and passion was eating her up inside. Kellys first reaction was anger - this bastard was cheating on her best friend. She was going to kill him.

But as the story continued, her reactions changed to shock and intrigue. She couldn't believe it. The girl she used to spend every week at Sunday school with had cheated on her husband - with a woman - and it was the woman her husband was sleeping with.

"I didn't cheat!" Beyoncé was decisive. What she had done was not cheating. It was a kiss - maybe a heavy make out session - but nothing more. It was wrong but it wasn't cheating.

"You might as well have gone all the way" Kelly exclaimed through laughter. "Damn near tonguing this girl down. And it's his mistress too, that's foul Bey. Ooh I'm so proud of you!" She mushed her.

Beyoncé huffed, pulling herself out of Kelly's grasp and placing her head into her hands. Kelly was not helping at all. She had always disliked her husband from the day they were introduced so of course she was celebrating. Kelly said he wasn't good enough for her, but Beyoncé argued no man would ever be good enough in Kelly's eyes.

"That's not why I told you." She rolled her eyes. "I need your advice"

Kelly nodded, silently beaming with pride.

Beyoncé took a breath. "I can't stop thinking about her. It's ridiculous, I don't even know her." She said in a lowered voice.

Kelly side eyed her causing her to taper off as she placed her empty glass on the table. She took in a breath and sighed knowingly - her friend was down bad. "I should've known" Kelly shook her head. "I really should have known"

"Known what?" Beyoncé was getting frustrated. Kelly wasn't taking her seriously and it was annoying as hell. Her best friend was always goofy but now wasn't the time. She was laughing and making fun of her when she needed actual advice.

"You're Beyoncé. You don't sleep with people or do casual hookups. I know you were high but the fact that you even accepted drugs from a stranger should tell you something. If you went as far as kissing her you must've had some kind of feelings for her."

"What?" Beyoncé gulped. "We just met!" She protested. But she knew Kelly had a point. Beyoncé rarely liked to be touched. She had even been uncomfortable when she first met her husband. It usually took weeks to even get a kiss on the cheek but here she was making out with a stranger desperately wanting more.

Eventually she began to nod. "I did like her. She was really funny and not because I was high. She was so easy to talk to and she really made me laugh. She was different but in a good way, kind of confusing but she was beautiful." She chuckled thinking back before dismissing herself. "But that's crazy I barely even know her"

"But you want to know her." Kelly smirked raising her brows.

Beyoncé sighed before trying to explain it in her mind. "It's probably just because she's a woman and I've never - you know - with a woman. Like it's on my mind. That explains why I'm thinking about her a lot"

"Not what I said but sure" Kelly shrugged. She was used to being more of a soundboard than an actual advisor. Beyoncé did not like advice other than her own, and even that was a struggle at times. Kelly got used to offering her opinions and Beyoncé hearing what she wanted to.

"That makes sense. I'm just thinking about her because she's a woman who I... and that's weird. Because I've never - you know... with a woman"

"If you say so lesbeyoncé" Kelly teased causing Beyoncé to punch her arm in response. It wasn't the first time Kelly had called her a lesbian but Beyoncé had always brushed it off as a joke. An air hostess passed offering them snacks and drinks which they turned down. It was only a 2 hour flight so that bag of chips was beyond unnecessary.

"Have y'all spoken since?" Kelly asked.

"No. I don't know her like that"

"Well get to know her. You clearly want to"

"I'm married Kells!"

"So is he" Kelly responded placing an earphone in her ear. Flights were for music not relationship drama. She didn't care that Beyoncé had almost cheated - as far as she was concerned her husband was lucky she'd said yes and he should be thanking his lucky stars every time she came home to his basic ass.

Kelly told Beyoncé she deserved the world and more and she would fight anyone who tried to give her less. And Beyoncé was the same with Kelly - more with actions than words which usually resulted in some legal fees.

They flew together, comfortably, enjoying the drinks. They were best friends through thick and thin. And if Kelly thought she should get to know Onika then maybe she was right. Her best friend had never led her astray even with the advice she didn't take. She considered it during the flight, knowing how much easier it would be to drive from the airport when she got back to the hotel Onika stayed in.

Her cheating husband hadn't been very smart hauling his mistress into the hotel nearest to the airport they both frequented. Beyoncé wondered whether it was his idea or hers to be in a hotel. But remembering the dullness in Nickis eyes, she had her answer. She spent the rest of the flight thinking about Nicki, remembering what they'd talked about and how she had reacted. She remembered the woman's body and how desperate she had been to touch her. But she held herself back from imagining too much. This was, after all, the same woman her husband was fucking.

"This place is really beautiful" Nicki admired the view from the table which overlooked a clear blue pool. She hadn't imagined having something to do would be the highlight of her week. She never thought she'd be so happy just to hang out with another human being but she was overjoyed.

"Yeah I used to come here sometimes with my parents" Lauren chuckled before looking down. Looking around, this was the type of place you only went to if you had lots of money. They had eaten and now sat musing and talking over their lives.

"What happened?" She asked stirring her drink with the long metal straw. They were far enough into lunch to ask personal questions and the two were surprisingly comfortable in each others company.

"My dad lost his job and with the stress of being the only one making money, my mom was mentally exhausted. She was always looking for other options and a way out - she'd go on these rants about how she just needed to learn a new skill or work harder and we'd be fine. Anyway, she met this guy, he seemed really smart and cool, you know? Like he was good at talking. He said he could help her with investing and said he'd double our money." Lauren sighed at this point, grabbing some of the bread laid out in the centre of the table. "She ended up giving him all our money to invest and he ran off with it. Police said they can't help since she willingly gave him the money"

"Fuck" Nicki raised a brow. Lauren seemed so calm about it, she could tell it wasn't her first time telling the story.

"Yeah. But honestly, I'm just glad she's okay now. Things were crazy back then, I don't even remember seeing my mom home. She was always working or looking for work. Since that happened, my dad and I make sure she doesn't overwork herself and she's actually got a social life. My dads working now too. It's not the best job but we make do and at least we're not struggling"

Nicki nodded softly. She was Lauren had been honest with her and glad she had offered to pay for lunch. She'd disguised her offer as a thanks for being a friend but she knew she would feel guilty if she hadn't paid especially while she lay in a hotel room every night that Lauren cleaned. She understood better than most how money or lack of money can make you go crazy. Being broke was not a joke.

"Now it's your turn." Lauren watched her drink. "I told you something about me now you gotta tell me something"

"What'd you wanna know?" Nicki raised a brow expecting Lauren to ask something deep.

"How that mans wife ended up in your bed?" Lauren shot back immediately as if she'd been dying to know for days.

Nicki let out a cackle instantly dropping her face into her hands. There wasn't much she could say to answer the question. She'd been high for most of the evening and every explanation she came up with sounded ridiculous.

"I don't know" she spoke. "I think I surprised her. She wanted to beat my ass I think. But then I think she liked me. We were talking and she seemed cool. One thing led to another and I let her stay the night" she frowned, still confused how the woman had come expecting a fight and ended up almost doing the opposite.

She glanced over again at the view. The skyline was the perfect mix of nature and skyscrapers which was perfect for the weather. She could immediately tell this was a building built to be shown off. Her mind drifted to the cloud coloured dress Beyoncé had worn that day. She was beautiful in the dress which floated perfectly down her frame. From the moment she got there Onika was dazed by her looks. She'd known already what his wife looked like but in person she was captivating.

"So did y'all...?" Lauren asked, her finger tracing the rim of her glass with a sly look in her eyes.

"Her straight ass?" Onika burst into laughter as if it was ridiculous. "Nah she ain't ready for all this"

"Well tell her I'm ready whenever she ready to leave Mr. Ugly" Lauren giggled remembering the way she looked in bed. She'd noticed every curve that Beyoncé had hidden under the blanket. That woman was every bit of fine.

"Girl, if I ever see her ass again" Nicki shrugged raising a brow. She'd not considered Beyoncé returning. She seemed like a woman unhappy in her marriage that just needed a little excitement. Nicki had given her that. Perhaps she'd even given her too much. Lauren laughed and the conversation moved on. They spoke about their lives and how annoying college was.

Lauren finished her drink ordering another as soon as the empty glass hit the wood of the table. She grinned when the pink strawberry daiquiri arrived with a strawberry pressed on top of the ice. Their lunch consisted of more drinks than food. The two fed off of each others energy. They were getting drunker and drunker together as the minutes turned to hours. Nicki hadn't planned to get more than tipsy but it had been so long since she had the option, she didn't dare turn it down.

Though Beyoncé was always in the back of her mind. Lauren was a great distraction but she was sad she wouldn't see Beyoncé again. She knew she shouldn't but she still wanted to. The woman was different in a way that she liked. Maybe she shouldn't have kissed her and made everything so weird. She sighed blaming the woman who's lips had called to her.

Ordering another platter of wings, Nicki scarfed them down with her drinks. Lauren coated them in hot sauce while Nicki added the ketchup. Neither of them worried about the bill which was quickly growing larger as they continued to enjoy the day. Nicki finally had something to spend that man's money on. Lunch continued and at the back of Nickis mind was the taller blonde woman who'd once shared a bed with her.

The Uber back was spent laughing and chatting causing their passenger rating to drop drastically. The strong smell of chicken radiated through Lauren's handbag while Nicki was cackling at nothing but herself. Nicki felt like she was back home having brunch with her friends with the way the two were getting on.

"Thanks for this Lo, I finally feel normal" Nicki gave her a smile. Lauren smiled in return and suggested they do it again.

Arriving back at the hotel Nicki was stopped by a concierge. He was a slender man who couldn't have been older than twenty. This was probably a summer job for him - he'd soon leave and go back to school.

"Miss Maraj" he said slowly jogging to catch her.
Nicki turned back with a smile to hide her annoyance - she desperately needed the bathroom.

"Uh someone came to see you today. She insisted we let you know. She was very persistent"

She frowned. Nobody ever came to see her, except him. And if it was any of her friends she knew they would've called. "She?"

"Yeah, she asked for your number and details first and—"

"Did you give them?" Nicki interrupted starting to fret. She raised a brow wondering if her mother had somehow found her. Fuck that would be bad. Or maybe she'd finally been discovered by her favourite artist who wanted to offer her a paid internship. Probably not the latter.

"No of course not ma'am, it's against hotel policy. She sat in the lobby waiting for you for about an hour. She made me promise to tell you she was here. She looked so busy on her laptop and her phone just kept ringing and ringing." He chuckled with light amusement. "I see you have more wealthy friends"

At this Nicki paused. Her mother would not have been that busy and she definitely wouldn't have looked wealthy. She frowned for a moment contemplating. "Lightskin and blonde?"

"Yes ma'am" he responded, and her face fell into her chest with disbelief. She was relieved it wasn't her mother and but confused by Beyoncé's presence. Any urge she felt to pee was replaced by a dire need to know everything. Why had that woman come to see her? What did she want now? Was she finally going to be the crazy wife who gets jealous and attacks her husband's mistress? Or was this about how they'd almost touched - would she be upset, try to convince Nicki she was sorry, that nothing had happened, tell her to never speak of that again? Nicki sighed inwardly.

"Thanks" she responded, finally walking back towards her room.

Meet me at Julliettes on Tuesday at 6pm
Beyoncé x

The note sat on her floor clearly slid underneath her door. Her heart raced. Beyoncé wanted to see her again. She had been to her hotel.

Onika hadn't been able to get her out of her mind, even touching herself with images of her and now she wanted to see her again. She didn't know if that was a good idea. She had no idea what Beyoncé wanted. The note was hand written by Beyoncé and had the restaurants address on the back.

She turned on her tv trying to forget about the woman.

Another day passed and Onika felt rage. How dare Beyoncé toy with her like this? Onika liked her. The woman was incredible - smart, and beautiful, and cute, and interesting. Onika hated it. She kissed the woman. Then she disappeared. Onika was usually smarter than this. She'd opened up to someone she didn't know. Now she didn't know where she stood.

The days were usually quiet but this day was a painful silence. She thought of coming clean, apologising to the Man and telling him the truth - how she'd almost slept with his wife and couldn't stop thinking about her. But even in her hope she knew that was a bad idea. Maybe the woman was horrible and she deserved to be cheated on. She probably lied about who she was and that's why her husband hated her.

...but he didn't hate her. He spoke about her with love and admiration only. Anyone could tell he was in awe of her. Insecurity on his part, but she seemed very secure. She thought of the woman who apparently wanted to see her again. This was a woman who had the perfect life and wanted to ruin Onikas.

Hey guys! I know this felt like filler but I have to edge you guys a little bit right? I'm sick shocked I'm actually sticking to my update schedule (every Friday)

What do you all think anyway? Is Nicki gonna go see her? Should she go?

And Beyoncé being confused? Is she half a lesbian for real?😂

What should happen next and what do you think will happen next?

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