Infinite Crisis

Von AllyBPBR

7.2K 224 39

Thanks to Oliver Queen's sacrifice, life was given a second chance in the universe. Earth Prime heroes are st... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 8

443 17 2
Von AllyBPBR

Notes: I hope you guys like this chapter. I've done a lot of research so I wouldn't write any absurds, and it makes me really happy to know now that Snyder Cut approached some stuff that I tried to add here. (Did u like the movie btw? I loved it)

Enough talking, enjoy.


Kara walked from on side to the other at the Tower, impatiently waiting for Brainy to giver her some news. Because of the Harun-El, communication with Argo, the city her mom and those who survived Krypton's explosion lived in, was extremely difficult.

- I think I made it work, but I don't know for how long – Brainy said as he stared at Alura's hologram. – I'll leave you two alone.

- Thank you, Brainy. We'll meet the team later to plan everything.

Kara stared at her mom's hologram, feeling emotional. She still couldn't believe Alura was alive and safe in Argo City. It felt like a dream since she found out, a few years ago.

- Hi, Kara. How are you?

- I'm fine... And missing you – Kara said, trying to control her emotions – How's everything there?

- As good as it can be. – Alura smiled – And I also miss you. You know you can come and visit anytime you want.

- I know... Things are just hard now...

- Did anything happen?

- I need to ask you something. We have been researching it, and we could find some information but I have this feeling you would know something more... About the Anti-Life Equation and a being named Darkseid.

Alura's face became serious as she heard that name. Kara knew her mom could have some information since she was part of the Krypton's council and knew it all about its story, and that just confirmed her theory.

- Yes, I know. And I must ask you to be careful.

- Why? – Kara looked worried – I know is something dangerous and this being is dangerous...

- No, not just that. Honey, he's a New God. We've heard stories about him and his quest, but no one knows if he's actually out there...

- We have strong evidence to believe someone here on Earth is working for him, something like that. I need to know more about it, so we can find a way to stop them. The future of this Earth is depending on that.

Alura took a deep breath and stared at Kara, trying to collect memories from stories she've heard before in Krypton. Kara waited patiently, hoping the conection would last enough for her to learn what she needed to.

- His name was Uxas. He lived among the Old Gods and corrupted their minds, creating a war between them. With that, he stole their powers to himself. After a while, he became a New God, Darkseid.

- Why do I feel like this New God thing is a terrible thing?

- They exist outside time and space. They evolved into beings of genetic stability and evolutionary perfection, meaning they are extremely powerful. In an unstoppable level of powerful. He's functionally immortal, he perceive and understand the workings of the universe on a cosmic level, perceive others in different dimensions, he can do a lot.

- And why does he need this Anti-Life Equation if he's all that powerful?

- Legend says his goal was to dominate the entire universe to his will, something that he can't do by himself. The Anti-Life Equation has the power to dominate the will of any sentient race, alter reality powers that twist and distort freedom over life and death. He learned about it 300 years ago and never stopped trying to find it.

- J'onn told us this part... So, this formula is out there somewhere is real but not even a powerful God like him could find it...

- If he does, this can mean the end. That's why you need to be careful. There's a legend about something stopping him from coming to Earth since he tried to invade centuries ago, but if he manages to find this Equation, nothing will be able to stop him.

Alura's hologram started to glitch, and Kara couldn't hear her last words before the connection turning off for good. Kara stared around the room, thinking fast about everything and how it all made sense now. She heard a noise at the door and saw Oliver coming in, looking worried at her.

- Hey, is everything ok?

- Yes, I... I just spoke to my mom for some answers. And... I really miss her.

Kara had a different spark in her eyes and she knew tears were fighting hard to come out. She shook her head, trying to shake that feeling off and gave Oliver a tiny smirk.

- I know, is stupid... We're about to face another crisis, world ending level, and I'm here all emotional, missing my mom like a kid...

- Is not stupid, is human...

- But...

- Kara, you know what I mean – Oliver said, taking a few steps closer to her – You're more human than the most of us. And is totally ok to miss your mom, no matter what's happening around you. I miss mine too. I know when I restored the universe; I brought her back to life but... I still haven't talked to her and I don't know when I'll be able to, or if I'll even be able to...

- Stop. – Kara said – I told you we won't lose anyone this time, and I mean it. You'll see her. And I'll see mine.

- That's the spirit. – Oliver smiled

- Yes, it is.

Kara told Oliver about what her mom told her and how everything made sense and connected. Kara was really glad Oliver was there with her, because it was a lot to process.

- Now I'm even more convinced that this is the one working with Lex. He can't come to Earth for whatever reason so he would need someone here to find this Equation for him. Lex must have done some deal with him... We just need to know for sure and find him, to stop him before he can find it.

- Otherwise Earth is doomed... - Oliver said

- The whole universe is.

- I still feel like there's something else...

- What do you mean? Something else? Another problem?

- When I came back from the Artic, my memories were a mess. I could remember some stuff Prometheus told me, but everything else was confusing. And many things I couldn't remember. I know he told me that the multiverse needed my help again, but I'm not sure if it was just about this Lex situation. Something inside of me is telling me that there was something else he told me and I hate I can't remember...

- You will. You just need to be patient. – Kara said as she reached for his arms, caressing them – Do you remember when you fainted, and you had that flashback? About who brought you back and all? Maybe something in your mind needs triggering for you to remember. I will help you with that, we can discover it together. You're not alone anymore, Oliver.

Oliver felt something warm inside of him as he heard Kara's words. It was reconforting that he could count on her to help him now, after having gone through all he did since he died and came back. He admired her strenght and faith because he wasn't sure if he would be able to have them after everything, but here she was, giving him hope. Even after suffering so many traumas, here she was, standing in front of him, smiling that beautiful smile and making sure he had faith things would work out.

- I know. And I'm glad for it. – Oliver said almost in a whisper, standing inches from her now.

They stared at each other in silence for a few seconds, like there was just the two of them in the world. Kara's face came closer to Oliver's and she felt gosebumps. She stared at his lips for a few seconds and closed the space between them, feeling like fireworks were finally exploding around them.

Her lips felt soft against his and he slowly started to kiss her back, caressing her face.

Kara felt like she was in torpor and slowly opened her eyes, realizing what she did. What in Rao's name was that? She asked herself mentally. They've had a party, they celebrated life and friends, and they needed focus now because according to her mother, not even all the heroes, all together could stop that creature if he succeeded. And here she was, kissing Oliver Queen. She blushed hard and gave a few steps backwards.

- I'm sorry... I need to call everyone...

- Kara, wait...

Kara stormed out in super speed, leaving Oliver confused and alone in the Tower. He closed his eyes and touched his lips, still feeling her scent around him. He wondered if she regreted it, and hoped deep down for that to not be true. Because he was glad she did it, and now, he knew that kiss would haunt his dreams for a long time.

The Wave Rider landed on Egypt and became invisible to avoid any trouble, more than them could ever cause anyways, as Sara turned her chair and smiled to the team.

- Let's get ready, everyone. We can't mess this up!

- I can't believe we're in 2589 BC – Nate said with a mesmerized face. – I thought we were going back a thousand years...

- Well, it happens – Sara said – Gideon told me it was the wrong year, and kept looking for him until the aberration was found.

- I can't believe I would ever travel that far back in my life... - Barry commented – Let's recap the plan... What are we dealing with?

Sara nodded at Nate and he got up from the chair, remembering everything they learned about the mission with Gideon, before taking off.

- Khufu, known by the ancient Greeks as Cheops, was the second pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty of Egypt; he was responsible for the Great Pyramid of Giza, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Now he's missing, and somehow, Carter Hall, also known as Prince Khufu, is about to take this position and history is about to get messed up.

- Yes, so we need to find the actual Khufu and take him back to his original position and we need to rescue Carter and bring him back to 2019. – Sara said – We need to do our best...

- Ruining history? – Zari asked – I've been with you guys for a short time, I know, but I couldn't help but notice it.

- We screw things up for the better... - Ray said as he got ready – We're not that bad.

- Actually... - Barry started, but was interrupted by Sara.

- I know. – She said as she stared at him and then, back to the crew – We do this the best way we can and do everything in our power to not screw history this time around, ok? Laurel, Constantine and Barry, you guys go find the real Khufu. Nate, Ray and Zari will come with me.

- Do you still think it was a good idea to ask Kendra to stay in 2019? She knows Carter... - Constantine asked – Because I think it was a mistake to leave her behind.

- Exactly, she knows him and things have gone wrong before. Even if something happened and he doesn't remember his life like the last time, we still avoid the risk of causing too much damage to history. Something weird happens when they are together is like they have this connection...

- Connection that would be useful... - Constantine insisted

- Or cause more trouble. We can't take any risks right now. – Sara said determined, and turned around – Let's go!

Barry, Laurel and Constantine went after the real Khufu, trying to find any information about what happened and where he was while the others went to the palace.

- How exactly will we pull this off? They won't allow us in to talk to him just like that. – Nate asked

- I didn't think about it – Sara said as they kept walking – We'll have to improvise.

- So much for avoiding a mess, huh? – Zari said – I'll try to find where he is, keep hidden.

- And what exactly will you do? – Ray asked

- I'm a great actress, trust me... - Zari blinked at Ray – I've got this.

They managed to get inside the castle just having to knock out one guard that caught them, and as soon as they've reached the pharaoh's room, Sara, Nate and Ray did as Zari told them while she did an amazing job at distracting the guards at the door.

As soon as the path was free, Sara, Nate and Ray got inside.

- Carter? – Sara asked as she stopped in the middle of the room, unsure of what was going to happen. She was ready to take him down if she needed to, but she was truly hoping it wouldn't be the case

- Who are you and who let you in?

- We're your friends, man. – Ray said as he stood beside Sara – Don't you remember us?

- I don't know you. Get out!

- Yes, you do know us! And you don't belong here! You need to come with us... - Nate said

- I will become the next pharaoh, I won't go anywhere...

- I was truly hoping we wouldn't need to do this... - Sara said as she took a few steps forward, trying to act in a rush as she gave him a high kick and caught him by surprise, knocking him out. – Sorry. I don't have time to convince you...

- Nice, now we just need to carry him around so everyone can see us – Nate said, not taking his eyes from the door.

- What did you want me to do? We need to act fast...

- Sara, you said we needed to avoid trouble... - Ray said as he helped Sara pick Carter from the ground.

- I've changed my mind, screw this, let's go...

As soon as they got out of the room, they saw the guards holding Zari and threatening to kill her. More guards came and surrounded them.

- Like I've said... let's go – Sara said as she threw a knife towards the guard holding Zari. It hit him on his leg and he yelled in pain, letting Zari go. Everyone else attacked at once, breaking out a huge fight.

- I think we're outnumbered... - Ray said, as two guards jumped to attack him.

- Not anymore – Laurel said as she used her Canary Cry as a distraction.

Constantine used his magic on Carter's body and helped Ray and Nate take him while Barry took care of the rest in super speed. Sara turned around to see what was happening and in a blink of an eye, she was back inside the Wave Rider, with everyone else around her feeling a bit nauseous. Barry smiled awkwardly at them.

- I'm sorry guys.

- What... What happened? – Sara asked, confused.

- We found Khufu, the real one, locked down in a dungeon. So we took care of people guarding him and I used my speed to put him back where he belonged... And before we left, I made them all swallow memory pills, so they won't have any memories of what happened...

- Wow... - Nate said – I'm impressed.

- I wish we could have you around more – Ray said, patting Barry in the back – You too Laurel.

Laurel smiled, nodding with her head.

- That was... powerful – Sara said, giving Barry a knowing look that made him blush. – Well done everyone.

- And now, we go back home. Let's hope we can make Carter remember everything. – Barry said as he stared at Carter sat on a chair, still out.

- Me too. – Sara said, turning her chair around and preparing the Wave Rider to fly again.

Cisco walked through Star Labs corridors as he spoke to J'onn on his phone, confirming he got Kara's message and was about to call everyone back there so they could know what she learned about Darkseid and Anti-Life Equation, when he noticed some movement in one of the rooms.

- Ok, I will call them. See you soon... - He turned his phone off and slowly peaked into the room. – Weird... - He murmured to himself as he saw Kendra alone, looking into a screen and nodding with her head.

- Yes, I'm will be ready – She said to the screen and Cisco found that to be really suspicious.

She was about to turn when he rushed to the cortex, knowing something was off. He thought about confronting her by himselff but something told him it wasn't a good idea. Since she came back, he thought something was off with her. He met her before the Hawk stuff and he knew that wasn't regular Kendra at all. He just needed to be sure what was happening. He heard her voice saying she was sorry and decided he needed to do something about it, just not alone.

After he was sure Kendra left the room, he got inside and started to search for any clues in the computer. If anyone could find any trace of what she was doing, that someone was him. He hoped deep down he was wrong, the last thing they needed right now was betrayal of someone they trusted.

- Damn it, Kendra! – He said after finally finding something he hoped not to find.

- Hey guys! Is there anyone here? – Cisco heard Sara's voice and rushed to the cortex.

- Hey, you're back. Good – He said as he noticed they had Carter with them.

- Yes, and I need a drink! – Constantine said, going straight to the kitchen.

- Carter? – Kendra said as she came rushing, looking surprised to see him there.

He started to wake up slowly and jumped from Barry and Ray's arms, looking around scared.

- Where am I? What have you done to me?

- me, Kendra... - She said as she approached him slowly.

Carter stared intensily at her, as if he could remember only about her and no one else. He smiled and she jumped into his arms, giving him a kiss. Suddenly, Carter collapsed on the ground, making everyone else jump in scare. Kendra held him in her arms and he stared at her once again, this time around with relief.

- Kendra! Finally! – He said, hugging her.

- Is he back? – Nate asked, not sure if they could let their guard down yet.

- Apparently... - Sara said – Carter, do you remember us?

- Of course I do, Sara! What happened? – He looked confused

- We found you in the ancient Egypt. You were acting weird and couldn't remember any of us... - Ray said.

Cisco still felt something was really wrong and decided he couldn't keep it away from the team. Others started to arrive and he prepared to do what he didn't want to.

- Guys, before Kara tells us what she found out, I need to tell you something! – As soon as everyone was paying attention, Cisco continued - Kendra, I saw you. And I've heard you.

- What? Cisco...

- Don't lie. You were talking to someone about something that has been done, about a plan... I took a look, you know – he pointed at himself – computer genius, I kinda know how to hack stuff, find out things? Yeah, you got caught and have some serious explaining to do. Start now!

- Cisco what are you talking about? – Thea looked confused from Kendra to Cisco.

- I'm telling you Kendra is up to something and she needs to tell us now. She was acting weird at the party and now I've caught her message, I just can't track the person she was talking to because guess what? Whoever that is, is not even here on Earth.

- Kendra? Start talking. And the truth. – Oliver looked serious ate her and everyone else just waited, in silence.

Kendra and Carter exchanged looks and Kendra nodded with her head. She looked at Cisco.

- Ok... I'll tell you everything.

- Kendra... - Carter stared at her concearned.

- I think they'll understand... - She said and stared back at Cisco – Not so long ago, I found out that Carter and I were actually from a planet called Thanagar.

- Hey, this is the planet Vandal Savage warned us pre Crisis, about trying to invade Earth... - Sara said as she looked at Ray and then at Kendra – Are you with them? Did you betray us?

- No... Is not like that, please, listen. – She looked at Sara, desperate – We went there to find more about our story, our origins. We learned they were not friendly, and I didn't want to stay, live by their rules. We both didn't. One day, I couldn't find Carter anywhere, and they told me he was gone, and that if I didn't agree to spy on Earth for them, they would invade Earth and kill Carter. They were powerful and I couldn't fight them alone, so I did what they told me to.

- And why in Rao's name did they ask you that? – Kara asked, trying to digest everything she heard.

- I... I don't know. They didn't tell me.

Oliver stood up blinking twice; feeling like his head would explode in pain. Suddenly, he felt dizzy and different memories came to his mind. Kara stared worried at him as she held him just in time before he could hit the ground. Thea rushed to his side, worried as well.

- Ollie, are you ok? What happened? – She said.

- Is that a memory again? – Kara asked as Oliver opened his eyes slowly.

- Again? – Clark asked

- It happened before. When he remembered how he was brought back. I think he had another memory flash. – Kara said.

- And I did... - Oliver slowly got up with Kara's help and stared at Carter – I remembered Prometheus telling me about why I needed to come back. Thanagar invades Earth in the future and this Earth Prime ceases to exist, that's why I ended up on Earth 2 when I came back. I had to come here to prevent this from happening and something tells me Carter knows more about this than he's letting us know.

Alex was really angry. She didn't know that couple properly, but if there was anything she really hated was people stabbing their friends on their backs. She jumped him, grabbing him by the collar of his old shirt, shaking him.

- You tell the truth right now!

- Alex... - Kara said as she approached her sister. – Is ok, he'll talk... Right?

- Or we'll make him talk. – Mick said said as he crossed his arms.

- My people are mankind's only hope against Gordanians, a reptile race that wants to conquer all planets. They are on their way to enslave Earth under their rule. We needed information about Earth's protectors, about everything here so we could come up with a salvation plan.

- What's with every single super villain wanting to dominate Earth? How unoriginal... - Zari whispered to Anyssa.

- Earth's has the mightest heroes already, we saved the Multiverse once, we can do it again – Nia said

- Yeah, about that, ask your friend Oliver how it went down. He came back to stop what you guys couldn't prevent happening, so no, this time around you can't do it. We can.

- Why were you spying on us? You could have told us that before – Oliver said as he stood by Alex side.

- We needed to know if they weren't already among humans. They can hide pretty well. But anyways, thanagarians are coming and there's nothing you can do to stop us from doing something. You couldn't even stop your planet being destroyed.

- Things are different now. And well, you two – Oliver pointed at Kendra and Carter – will stay here. Once they get here, we'll talk to them and see a proper way of dealing with the problem. This is our Earth, we'll protect it the best we can.

- Yes, because we have that another problem to solve... - Kara said – I spoke to my mom, asked her about Darkseid and the Anti-Life Equation. Guys, this is more serious than we've thought of.

Kara explained everything her mother told her, about the dangers, Darkseid' story, the fact that he was immortal and that they needed to focus on stopping him from getting the Equation, otherwise there wouldn't be anything else to do.

- I told you, they all have the same goal... - Zari said as she scratched her head.

Just as Kara finished, Brainy and J'onn teleported back to Star Labs.

- We found it! The equation! – Brainy said, almost bursting from excitement

- How? – Barry asked

- Legend says its fragments could be inside a human mind, so we did some research with the information Kara gave us and what J'onn already knew... We traced some patterns, and found a person named Sonny Sumo. He has the Equation on his mind. – Brainy explained

- Great, so let's go get him... - Sara said, wanting nothing more than to solve all of their problems soon.

- That's the problem... He's time displaced. – J'onn said

- Where? And when? – Ray asked, having the feeling they wouldn't like the answer.

- Scotland 1624. – Brainy said.

- Well, we have now two big problems at our hands, so I suggest we divide in two teams to deal with them. – Oliver said as he stared at everyone. – Luckly we have enough people to handle it. The best – He said as he stared at Kara, making her cheeks go red.

Everyone agreed and they started organizing. One team would go to the past to find Sonny and the other team would deal with thanagarians arrival.

- Let's do this! – Kara said as she stared at Clark and everyone else. This was going to be harder than their last fight, but she was more than ready and she knew everyone else was too.

They had to be.


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