The Ghost

By Goddessamonghumans

266K 7.5K 1.8K

Currently being re-written! Check out Creating the Ghost for the new version! (Not finished in the least) "No... More

1. how pissed are you at me right now?
2. What kind of mother are you!
3. I know all this, I am a graduate.
4. It is time to begin the naming ceremony.
5. Welcome, welcome
6. hah I caught you
7. Fina-fucking-ly
9. You've been a bad boy
11. I love you G
12. What happens if I kill her?
13. What is the initiation?
14. Mark, are you busy?
16. My turn to reveal to her!
17. Her initiation
18. Where have you been
19. My Comeback
20. I trusted you
21. Ghost's secret weapon
Character List
22. The plan
25. I'll just kill them both
26. We are safe
27. Domino, Jackson
28. The blank faced sister
29. Next time I kill you
30. Idiots
31. Domino and Rosie's turn
32. Fear me
33. I'm bored
35. follow their lead
36. you forgot who raised me
37. She moved all of them out!
38. She just fucking died for G!
39. He's...
40. G! Don't!
41. So... you're Mark's... boyfriend???
43. You created me
44. plans
45. I will protect my family.
46. too easy
47. The darkness
48. Enjoy the pain!
49. The Ghost
50. Stay safe G, I'll always love you
51. Le Renard
52. Half Birthday
53. You're Fired
54. The Video
55. Rogue
56. Questions
57. Jacques
58. Scars
59. She might kill me
Character Questions
60. Rebrand
61. Massacre
62. Is she...
63. A nice long chat
64. Friend
65. Life's not fair, kid.
66. Losing you
67. The Show
68. Heirs
69. Sisters
70. He's gone
71. No more hugs till I've had a shower!
72. I promise
A/N Editing


2K 71 49
By Goddessamonghumans

Jackson AKA sperm donor’s POV

I can’t believe what that bitch did! I mean sure she was raised by assassins, but to torture your own flesh and blood? 

Sam’s trying to hide it, but I know she did a number on him mentally too. He’s been stuck on bedrest since the bitch’s friend fixed him up. 

At this point, I don’t care if she’s my daughter or if I forced her to be like this, she must DIE. I’ve already contacted some of my more trusted associates, and they are already making moves against her. I don’t think she’s noticed, but then again I can’t even be in the same room with her. 

She’s even managed to steal my wife and other kids! I can’t stand the silence between us. Domino doesn’t even come to bed anymore. I’ve tried to convince her that it wasn’t my fault, but she just refuses to even give me the time of day. Rosie tried, but that bitch of a wife decided to ruin that for me as well when she told me to steal her diary. Jace hasn’t even left his sisters' sides since the moment they got back, so I don’t even get to listen to him ramble on about his day as I space out thinking about business. Mark… Well I lost control of him a long time ago, but now he just fucking let this happen! I can’t decide whether to be proud of the mafia man he’s becoming or pissed that he willingly let this happen to a member of the family. 

Honestly I’m slightly afraid of what’s going to happen because of the contract she forced me to sign. They haven’t done anything with it yet, but I know they will make their move soon. I’ve seen how her mind works now and I can make a counter that will take her down for good. 

I’ve thought about looking for ex-graduates of the school, but the few I managed to find refused to take her down because she saved them or some bullshit like that. 

“We found something!” My third, Win yells as he bursts through the door. 

I feel a surge of anger go through me, “What the hell have I said about bursting into my room like that?...” He stares at me blankly, “Knock goddamn it! Now do it right this time!” I force him out of my office, when I hear the knock on the door I don’t say anything. I’m hoping he’ll give me a reason to shoot him because I really need to release some of this anger. He doesn’t enter and knocks again, this time I let him enter. “Now what did you find?”

Win rolls his eyes, “what no Hello?” I growl at him, letting some of my anger to the surface, making him put his hands up in surrender as he continues, “You know how there's this group that keeps stealing people from all of the mafias?”

“I told you to look into the Ghost, not some random ass group!” I yell in his face. 

He merely puts his hands up trying to calm me down. “You did, but in my research on the Ghost I discovered that wherever she was positioned the mafia would lose members daily. There was something fishy going on, so I looked deeper and sure enough I found something. She is the leader of the infamous group.”

This keeps getting worse and worse. I have the perfect person to take over the mafia, but it's a girl and she hates me so much that it would be next to impossible to get her to take over. Especially because she wholeheartedly believes that Mark deserves that position more than her. 

My anger is on the rise again, so I dismiss Win and call one of the whores that I own. I tell her to be here within the hour and to make sure she will pass assessment. I love Domino, but she would never allow me to take full control of her, so I take those desires elsewhere and give her my love instead of my anger. 

Jace’s POV

Something's going on again, but I just don’t understand. Galaxy almost killed Paris, but it didn’t look like she was being praised for it like Daddy does when I get that close. It looked like Ashley was about to yell at her when they walked outside. I hope she doesn’t get yelled at too much. 

When we get home Galaxy walks outback and starts running around the track. I decide to sit and watch her because she looks like she needs a little company. I would run with her, but she’s so fast I don’t think that I could even go a third of her speed. I can hear the others yelling, but I don’t understand them. I want to go inside, but if I do, then they won’t talk about anything. 

I just want us to be a family. 

In my time knowing her, I’ve noticed that she has four masks: the emotionless one, the I care more about you than me one, the angry one, and the funny I’m hiding everything one. Staring at Galaxy I see all of her masks drop, and tears start rolling down her face. I want to run to her and give her a big hug, but she doesn't stop running. In fact she’s running even faster now. 

It gets dark out, but she still keeps running. I’m getting a little worried about her, so I decide that it’s time to be a brother and go run with her. I step up to the track stretching slightly then start running on the track right before she reaches me, so if she wants to she can run with me. 

When she starts to pass me I get a little disappointed, but all of a sudden she adjusts her pace and running style so we’re running synchronised. Honestly it’s kinda cool to have someone literally match me instead of trying my best to keep up with her and getting schooled on my speed instead.

Glancing up at her, I see a genuine smile on her face, although the tears still rolling down her cheeks distract you from it. I don’t think anyone would have guessed how much pain is still in her heart judging only from her eyes. Others may think he is too young to notice stuff like this, but I do. Eventually we are tired, or at least it looks like she is, so we head inside. 

I beg to sleep in her room, and it takes a lot, but she finally gives in. We spend the rest of the night cuddling in her room, watching movies. I stay up to make sure she falls asleep first. I fall into a light sleep, trying my best to pay attention to her if something happens. 

She whimpers a little bit every now and then, but I tighten my hug around her a little and she seems to switch dreams to something more pleasant. I just hope that she manages to sleep better once we’re out of this house. She doesn’t seem to like mom and dad very much. She seems to flinch whenever either of them even come close to her. I don’t know what happened when she was at that boarding school, but I don’t like it. 

Unknown POV

I can’t believe how close she’s getting with her bio-sibs! She’s even talking about running away with them! She shouldn’t have anyone, but me! I should be the one and only person she relies on. Well if I can’t have her then no one can!

I pull out my phone to call the one person who will help me with my plan to kill her. 

“WHAT!” the gruff man on the other side of the phone yells after answering the phone. 

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, I was hoping you’d be in a better mood, but whatever.” I admonish the man. 

He scoffs at me, “What do you want?”

“Well then straight to the point I see… I wanna help you with your little problem.”

“I don’t have a problem.” He growls out. 

“Oh but yah do,” I sing out. “There’s no way you can kill her without me.”

The man hesitates for a moment, but when he does speak you can hear the hint of curiosity in his voice, “Oh… and who exactly do you think I’m trying to kill?”

I roll my eyes at him, "Your daughter Galaxy of course although I prefer to call her the Ghost.”

“Fine what’s your plan then?”

We spend another couple minutes talking through the plan and payment, but I’m just excited to know that soon I will have her separated from everyone. I thought about just kidnapping her, but she’ll just try to escape and she won’t let me show her how much I love her. 

I look at the cameras that I placed in her room to see her cuddling with that boy her family replaced her with. I can’t wait to get her away from her toxic family. 


What did you think about this chapter?

Honestly I think it could be better, but idk how right now, so here it is.

See you in the next chapter!

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