The Wish and Witch

By PrincessMoon1019

65.5K 493 48

A young 17 year old by the name of Izabella life is changed one day and soon she was trapped in a world she d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 8

2.3K 21 0
By PrincessMoon1019

Jess woke up and headed towards the nursery to hear babbling, she opened the door to find Izzy naked in the crib with only her diaper left on. This meant that the tape had worked in controlling Izzy's mind enough to allow her to take off the footie. She walked over to the crib, took the headphones off of Izzy's head and placed them on the shelf, took the tape out and placed it in its designated spot. Jess knew this might be a perfect opportunity to see how Izzy would fare in the public in this state of regression. Jess picked up the wiggling Izzy and placed her on the changing table, she reached underneath and found a fluffy pink onesie, she grabbed it and placed it next to Izzy. Jess then untapped Izzy's diaper and lifted her butt in the air to remove the diaper and place a brand new fluffy white diaper. As Jess powered Izzy's bottom, she noticed something on Izzy's legs, dried cream she grabbed a wet towel and cleaned Izzy's legs and butt to make sure it didn't cause a rash. She then finally was able to power the bottom of the diaper and Izzy's, she then taped the diaper up and grabbed the pink onesie and did her best to put it on. However Izzy was being very difficult and didn't want the onesie on, Jess knew that if she wanted to take Izzy out in public she would need to put her in the onesie. After some struggling, Jess finally was able to button up the onesie and picked up Izzy and brought her over to the playpen in the nursery, placed her down and went to go change because she was still in her pajamas, she left the room and headed to the shower. As she stood in the shower she wondered if it was a really good idea to bring Izzy out in public, she knew that by doing so her magic would be exhausted by creating the image of Izzy's mental age. That's when it hit her, she could make wishes to make it look like Izzy had a mental problem or that it's normal for girls her age to act like that. As she finished her shower and got dressed, she found what she was going to do. Izzy had wished Jess had the power to be her mommy and stop Jessica, so being her mommy meant that she could make anything happen for her little angel. She got out of the bathroom in a beautiful white dress that exposed some of her breasts. She quickly made it to the nursery and found Izzy laying on the ground and trying to eat her toes. She smiled and picked her up and headed towards the rocking chair, sat down and lowered the strings on her dress revealing her breasts and started to bounce them towards Izzy's mouth. Izzy began to drool and the sight of the bouncing breasts in front of her, so much so that without thinking she wet herself as she latched on and began to suck. Jess began to sing a lullaby she wrote as Izzy began to drink

" Oh my sweet little angel, drink up, drink up so that you can grow big and strong. Know that mommy will feed you day and night to help you be her little delight. Make sure to remember your song so that whenever you're lost mommy will come and save you no matter the cost."

As Jess began to hum, Izzy finished on one side and Jess moved her over to the other and began to sing again. Soon Izzy began to doze off as she heard Jess' amazing voice. It was almost like she was in a trance of some sort. In that moment Izzy blacked out and didn't see what would happen next. Jess knew that the hypnosis worked as Izzy's eyes became lifeless and her body stopped moving. Jess then picked up the now hypnotized Izzy and walked downstairs towards the front door, placed Izzy in a stroller and began to whisper in Izzy's ear.

" Now when Mommy tells you to do something you'll obey her. Now I want to take you out in public to live a regular day as my baby so you'll do what I need when I need it to happen okay. Now when Mommy snaps her fingers you'll listen to anything she says got it." Jess said as she snapped her finger and Izzy awoke from the trance.

As Jess opened the door, sunlight hit Izzy's face until the shade hood was dropped down and covered her face. Jess casually closed the front door, locked it and headed down the path towards the driveway, then headed towards the sidewalk, she turned left and headed towards the park. She placed Izzy's diaper bag into the pocket of the stroller down towards Izzy's feet. As she walked towards the park she knew it was high time that Izzy was going to poo seeing as she drank some laxatives before feeding Izzy her milk, she made it to the park and sat down on a bench near a sand pit and saw all the different kids playing as their parents watched. A nice blonde lady walked over towards Jess and sat next to her.

" Wonderful weather we're having today." The kind lady stated

" Yes, that's why I decided to take the little one out for a stroll." Jess remarked

" Well doesn't that bring back memories sometimes I wonder if I should've never stopped at 2 kids."

" I have to ask if it is hard with 2 kids or easier than one."

" Oh trust me it's harder with 2. Especially boys, my sister has two boys and she doesn't have time to relax, luckily I have a boy and a girl. It's a lot easier because one behaves and the other doesn't so I know which one to punish."

" Really? That must be nice. I wonder if I'd get lucky and have 2 girls, maybe then I'll be happy with just 2."

" You said it, having 2 girls is a breeze from what I've heard from my mommy daughter group."

" May I ask your name so that I can keep in contact?"

" Of course my name is Mary. What's your name, if I might ask?"

" Hello Mary I'm Jess, I just moved here and was hoping to make some friends."

"Well that's wonderful, I think my mommy daughter group is going to love you."

" Great, you know Mary I've been told that I'm this really lucky person and sometimes I can give that luck to others through wishes. Is there anything you would wish for?"

" Hmmm....if I had to choose, I would wish to have 2 girls and be able to have more in the future so that I can pass my legacy off to bright young women."

" That's an amazing wish, I hope it comes true."

" So do I. Now here is a card with the info about my mommy daughter group, we meet every Thursday and Saturday."

" Thank you so much."

" No problem Jess I hope to see you again soon."

As Jess got up she heard the most delightful sound, her little Izzy was going potty, and boy did she need to go.

" Of course the only downside of raising a baby girl is the smell she makes."

" Oh I know what you mean little Lexy and Lois know how to make very smelly diapers."

" See you around Mary take care of those 2 beautiful girls."

" I will thanks Jess, hope to see you on Thursday."

As Jess slowly walked away she whispered into Izzy's ear to cry, almost like a button was pressed Izzy started to ball her eyes out, Jess quickly put her pacifier in her mouth to calm her down. Jess then grabbed the diaper bag laid the changing mat down and placed Izzy on it, she began to change the now brownish diaper and wiped Izzy's butt clean so that she wouldn't get a rash, she then smeared rash cream on her butt then grabbed a new diaper placed it underneath where the former diaper was and applied powered to it then taped it up and noticed it had gotten fluffier than before. Jess then noticed that all of the diapers were really fluffy and she realized why she packed the extra fluffy diapers so that she could be out and about with Izzy for a long time, this diapers allowed Izzy to have 5 accidents at best until it broken, this allowed Jess to be out in town with her baby for at least 6 hours and seeing as it was 8:45 in the morning she had time to kill. She headed back towards the house to the car parked in the driveway, she picked Izzy up and placed her into a car seat behind the driver's seat, then opened the trunk and folded the stroller and placed it inside and shut the trunk, grabbed Izzy's diaper bag that was now on the ground and placed it in the passenger's seat. She buckled Izzy up, placed Bluetooth headphones on her head, the headphones were paired with Jess' phone. She then shut the door and made sure that the child locks were on because she didn't want a repeat of what happened the last time she had taken one of the kids out of the house. She backed out of the driveway and headed towards the main street, she then placed her phone in the cup holder and turned on the hypnosis playlist she made just for Izzy, and began to drive.

Author's Note: 4.7k Reads! #2 in wish, mentalregression and #3 in mmlg! Thank you guys so much for the amazing support I've been working on this story for almost 2 months now I can't thank you guys enough. I still hope to upload weekly so be prepared for Chapter 9 next week I have been trying to balance school, and work. Again thank you so much I did plan on making this a 10 chapter story if you guys want more than that let me know in the comments down below I really appreciate it if you guys give me your thoughts and ideas for the story. Have an amazing week! 

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