The Princes Shadow

By jackalyn369

61.2K 1.3K 161

Emerin always followed her kings command. Watching over the Prince of The Woodland Realm, making sure that no... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
New Story!!!!!!
The Wedding Night
OK, NEW STORY!!!! (Again)
In the Dark of the Night

Chapter 25

1K 22 0
By jackalyn369

Get ready cause this chapter is gonna be a long one

Emerin POV~

We rode on for hours through the mountain pass. Nothing to see but grey rocks that towered over us, and scarce trees. As we rode Gimli wondered aloud,

"What kid of army would linger in such a place?" 

Legolas answered his question, "One that is cursed. Long ago, the men of the mountains swore an oath, to the last king of Gondor, to come to his aid, to fight. But when the time came, when Gondor's need was dire, they fled, vanishing into the darkness of the mountain. And so Isildur cursed them," As Legolas spoke, he observed our surroundings carefully, until his eyes landed on me, and he smiled, "Never to rest until they had fulfilled their pledge." He looked ahead again, "Who shall call them from the grey twilight? The forgotten people. The heir to whom the oath they swore. From the north shall he come. Need shall drive him. He shall pass the door to the path's of the dead." We rode up a steep hill which seemed to have more gravel on it and was more worn down. We came across a patch of a few scraggly trees that stood at the entrance of a door. The door was ornamented with skulls and markings. I could not help but feel unsettled. We dismounted our horses, knowing that we would soon have to set them loose, and stalked towards the eerie entrance. As we neared it, Gimli shuddered,

"The very warmth of my blood seems stolen away." He whispered.

Legolas tilted his head upward to read what was unscripted above the entrance, "The way is shut. It was made by those who are dead. And the dead keep it. The way is shut."

What sounded like a person gasping for breath came from the cave, causing the horses to pull, and run away, abandoning us,

"Brego!" Aragorn called out to his horse. Legolas grasped my forearm tightly. I could tell it was because of the obvious danger that was in the cave. Aragorn turned to the entrance,

"I do not fear death!" He proclaimed, and ran into the dark, gaping entrance. Legolas glanced at me, and released my forearm, moving his hand to gently hold my hand. He looked at the entrance, and we both began to walk in after Aragorn. I heard Gimli grumbling about us going without him, and then shortly heard his heavy footsteps following us.

We ventured deep into the cavernous dark, stone walls wrapped around us. Aragorn, at the head of our group, had his sword raised, peering into the continuing darkness. As we turned a corner, I noticed that it was overflowing with skulls of men, decaying on top of each other. I also saw ghost like figures around us, too faint for Aragorn or Gimli to regard, but I knew that Legolas could see them as well,

"What is it?" Gimli asked. He was behind us, "What do you see?"

"I see shapes of men." Legolas answered, "And of horses." I began to notice them as well, as we continued ahead,

"Where?" Gimli looked around,

"Pale banners, like shreds of cloud," I detailed what I saw, "Spears rise, like winter thickets through a shroud of mist. The dead are following," I warned Gimli, who kept glancing around, axe raised,

"They have been summoned!" Legolas exclaimed,

"The dead?" Gimli cried, "Summoned? I knew that." He tried to act blasé, and chuckled to himself. I walked ahead with Legolas and Aragorn as Gimli muttered to himself. He soon realized that we had moved on. I heard his scuffling footsteps, as he looked for us, "Legolas!" I heard him running towards us. We walked through a passageway that had mist and foul things clawing at us. Grabbing at our ankles and wrists. I tried to avoid them, but they lingered. The shadowy souls moved on. Aragorn glanced downward, and looked up, 

"Do not look down," He whispered. At the warning, I tried to keep my head from lowering to see what was beneath us. We continued onward, quickening our pace. Aragorn lit our path with the torch in his hand. We found our way into a large, cavernous area, all stone with an eerie glow. There was a building of some sort that had been made into the mountain. A dark voice echoed along the walls, surrounding us,

"Who enters my domain?" It asked. I turned around, looking for whoever had spoken, and saw a greenish pale spirit before us. It seemed to be a king, made of decaying flesh stretched upon his aunty bones. Legolas took a step closer to me. Aragorn stood up straighter,

"One who will have your allegiance." He spoke loudly, his voice echoing around us,

"The dead, do not suffer the living to pass." The king declared,

"You will suffer me!" Aragorn declared in defiance. A shrill cackle rang out around us, not just one voice, but many. I turned to see more spirits appearing before us all. Decaying, nothing but raw flesh and pale bone,

"The way is shut." The king growled, "It was made by those who are dead. And the dead keep it." More spirits appeared, and advanced closer to us, "The way is shut. Now you must die!" I grasped Legolas' hand, tightly holding on to it. My eyes darted around the closed off area, we had no way to escape. I desperately searched for a way to get at least Legolas out, even if I had to throw him myself. No where to go. I strung an arrow into my bow, and shot it. It went right through the kings head, but did not affect him. I blocked Legolas with my body, but could feel his frustration at me,

"I summon you to fulfill your oath." Aragorn stood his ground proudly. The king walked towards him,

"None but the king of Gondor may command me." Aragorn rose his sword, showing it to the king. The king swung his sword at him, but Aragorn blocked it with his own. Surprise flickered through his dead face, "That line was broken!" he cried out,

"It has been remade." Aragorn lifted his sword to the kings neck, and shoved him backwards. He looked at all of the pale, vastly faces that surrounded us, "Fight for us, and regain your honor. What say you?" All of the spirits remained silent, "what say you?" Aragorn asked again. 

Gimli scoffed, "Ah! You waste your time, Aragorn. They had no honor in life, they have none now in death." 

Aragorn ignored him, "I am Isildur's heir. Fight for me... and I will hold your oaths fulfilled." Still, silence, "What say you?" Aragorn cried out to them, angered. The king cackled, yet again. The spirits slowly began to disappear, "You have my word!" Aragorn called out, desperately, "Fight, and I will release you from this living death!" He continued to call out for them. Dread and hopelessness filled me. I lowered my eyes in sorrow,

"Stand you traitors," Gimli tried. They all disappeared. The walls around us began to shake, the walls caving in. I frantically looked for an escape route, and spotted one, just as skulls appeared at our feet,

"This way!" I cried out. Grasping his hand, I pulled Legolas behind me as I scampered across the stone floors, avoiding the avalanche of skulls that cascaded down, towards us. The four of us ran into another passageway, sprinting for our lives. Eventually, we reached the outdoors, panting and sweating from the running. Before us, many ships sailed along the river. Villages burned around us. I saw as Aragorn knelt down in shame and sadness. I knelt beside him, putting a hand on his shoulder, although knowing that it would not console him. But then a vile wind flew out of the cave behind us. Aragorn turned his head, along with the rest of us. The king walked out of the stone,

"We fight!" He declared. 


As we stood on the edge of the river, I felt Legolas come beside me. We watched the ships preparing for war. Once the ships were close enough, Aragorn spoke loudly to them, "You may go no further." Everyone on the ships looked at us. Most of them laughing at what they thought was foolishness, "You will not enter Gondor." Aragorn kept his face stoic, not appearing ruffled as they laughed at us, 

"Who are you to deny us passage?" A man asked. I turned to Aragorn, who looked at Legolas and said quietly, 

"Legolas, fire a warning shot past the bosun's ear."

He pulled out his bow and arrow, and prepared to shoot, when Gimli whispered, "Mind your aim!" and as he shot the arrow, Gimli had slightly moved the bow with his axe. The arrow shot one of the pirates, killing him. I looked down at Gimli, frustrated. He raised his brows and scrambled to say something, "That's it! Right! We warned you. Prepare to be boarded." The pirates began to sail past us, laughing, unaware of their near deaths. The spirits attacked. Killing every pirate on the ships. 


We stood on the ship, sailing as fast as we could. I stood on the edge, looking out into the dark waters. A cool breeze ruffled my hair. I let my thoughts roam. I began to think of what would happen if we survived the battle. If the ring was destroyed. I would return to Mirkwood, and continue to serve my king. But what of Legolas and I. Would his father accept me? The king had always been kind to me, ever since I caught his attention. He was almost like a father to me.


-5 years after the death of Emerin's parents.-

I walked out of the training grounds. My bow and blades covered in as much dirt as I was. I had woken up before the sun, and had been training until it had risen. I would be joining the rest of the Guard within the hour. My bow had grown rickety from countless hours of use, and my blades were blunt, parts of them broken from hard impact. I jogged towards my small quarters that were on the edge of the grounds. Since my parents had died, I had been staying in the quarters where most of the Guard stayed. My room was awfully small, but I had never minded. Before I reached my destination, I heard someone call out to me,

"You there!" I heard a deep, commanding voice. I turned my head, and realized that it was the king who stood merely a few yards away from me. I dropped down to my knee, and bowed my head deeply,

"My lord!" I said,

"What is your name, young one?" He asked me, nearing,

"Emerin." I stated as I rose. His face grew solemn,

"I knew your parents, Emerin. They were brave and noble fighters. More honorable than any others that I had ever met." He smiled lightly with pity,

"Thank you, my lord. I wish to be like them." I spoke quietly. The king raised a brow,

"I have seen you training. Your weapons are near destruction. Such a dedicated warrior as you deserves to have greater weapons. I would appreciate it if you would permit me to oversee your training and education."

I was awestruck, "My king! It would... It would be an honor! Thank you!" I smiled widely,

"Come now! Let us find you weapons that are suitable for a soon to be legendary warrior."


I followed the king throughout the large palace. I felt out of place, in my dirty clothes, and messy hair. The king led me into the weapons chamber. I looked at the beautifully crafted weapons that surrounded me with wide eyes. I could not find words. I felt the kings stare on me,

"Pick what you wish to keep for yourself. I will return soon." And with that, I was left alone. As I grazed my fingers along the sharp edges of a sword that had caught my eye, I lifted it into my hand. As I examined it, I felt a presence. I quickly turned around, sword in hand. A young elf, seeming to be my age, stood before me. My eyes widened at the blonde hair, that was almost white. A mirror image of the king who had just recently stood before me,

"I'm sorry! I did not know that anyone was in here." He stuttered,

"It's alright, I was just... waiting here." I muttered, and quickly put the sword away,

"For whom are you waiting for?" He asked me,

"The king told me to wait here. He should be back soon." I looked at the door, hoping for the king to return,

"You're waiting for my father? Very well." He began to walk away, but stopped, "The sword that you were looking at. It's a very powerful weapon. It is the best in this room. Try it." and with that, he left. A short while later, the king returned, with a bow and quiver in his hand,

"This should suit you. It's a strong bow. Take it, and follow me." He handed me the bow and quiver. I grabbed them and followed the king throughout the castle. I noticed someone scampering away. It was the boy from earlier. The prince. Was he following us? The king stopped in a large room, with nothing in it but targets, "Shoot." He ordered. I picked up an arrow from the quiver, and strung it onto the bow. I aimed, and shot at the furthest target. Bullseye, "Good. Again. Aim at the next target." I shot the target that he motioned towards. Dead center. I noticed the king nod in approval, "Practice here for another hour. I will soon return, and then we will move on to hand to hand combat. Continue." He waved a hand and left.


After we had gone through shooting, combat, and sword practice, the king handed me a book,

"This book should teach you of war strategy. I see great potential in you, young one. You will be training with the guard for the rest of the week. I will collect you to go through our lessons when I see fit. You may go now." And that was the start of my training with the king.

~Flashback over~

I had learned much from the king. I never knew why he decided to take me under his wing, but I would always be grateful for it. I felt someone approach me. I turned to find Aragorn,

"Aragorn. You should be resting. You have a great battle ahead of you." I smiled. Aragorn gave me a lazy smile,

"If you say so, my lady. Should you not also be resting, Emerin?" His smile turned coy,

"I am well rested, unlike yourself. I notice the nightmares that plague your mind. Do not think your sadness is hidden from your friends." I put a hand on his shoulder, "We will fight with you until the end, mellon. We will prevail. Sauron will not lay waste to our lands. Men will live to see tomorrows sun." Aragorn looked at me gratefully,

"I appreciate your friendship. I hope that you live to see a grand life. Perhaps one with Legolas." He said playfully,

"I would hope so. I wish a grand life for you as well. Perhaps one with a certain Lady Arwen." I chuckled. I worried for her. I knew how the elleth's life was tied to the fate of the ring, and hoped for Aragorn sake that she survived. Aragorn gave me a sad smile,

"I shall rest as you have suggested to me. Thank you for your ever wise words." He joked, and stood up. He gave my a pat on the shoulder and left,

"You do speak wise words. Wiser than most." I heard a soft voice beside me. I looked at the pale blue eyes that bore into mine. Legolas raised a hand, and gently stroked my cheek. The touch sent chills down my spine. It was all I could do to not shiver. I closed my eyes and smiled. Before my eyes could open, I felt his soft, warm lips brush my forehead. His lips remained brushing my forehead as he whispered, his warm breath touching my flesh, "I love you, more than I love the leafs of green that blow in the wind in the forests we call our home. More than the immortal life that which I have been graced with. More than the blood that my heart pumps into my body. More than my own life." I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at him. Before he could continue, I raised a finger to his lips, gently pressed to them, and spoke as quietly as he,

"My love for you stretches further out than the seas to the Undying lands. It lives stronger than the Valar whom created our very being. The air that fills my lungs as I breathe cannot keep me alive if I am parted from you. My heart will forever be yours. I love you, Legolas, more than any being has loved anything." A tear fell down his cheek. I removed my finger from his lips to brush it away. I stood straighter up, raising myself with my toes to reach him. I pressed my lips to his. At first, his lips remained still, melting into the kiss. Then, they began to move. Our mouths moved in unison, and our tongues entertained with one and other. His one hand grasped the back of my neck, while the other wrapped around my back, pulling my closer to him. My arms grasped the sides of his beautiful face. My breath began to turn heavy from the lack of air caused by my mouth not being able to part from his. Legolas noticed this and pulled away for a moment, panting. His voice was low and rough as spoke my name, "Emerin," I could not stop the shiver that went through my entire body. He pressed his lips back to mine, and in between the kisses, I spoke into his mouth, "Yes?" He gently pulled away, his forehead pressed against mine, "I never want to part from you, melleth nin." And with that, his lips crashed against mine. Rough yet gentle. My heart pounded in my chest. I lowered my one hand to press it against his chest, and felt his heart pounding as well. Legolas yet again parted from me, and his eyes darted around. Before I knew what was happening, he wrapped his arms around me, and lifted me up. He carried me to a cabin in the ship, and closed the door behind us, "Our time is little, and I do not wish for someone to take even a moment from us," He whispered. I was soon pressed up against a wall, and his lips were back on mine. He placed one hand on the wall behind me, and the other wrapped around my back. He continued to kiss me, and I him. I felt myself melt at his touch. My hand found itself in his golden hair, pulling him closer to me. My hand then fell to the back of his neck. He began to kiss me neck, going lower and lower, until he reached my collar bone. He continued to pepper kisses along that bone and I bit my lip to suppress any sort of sound that should try and escape it. I grasped both his arms with my own, and turned us around so that it was him who was now pressed up against the wooden wall. He smirked at me, right before I kissed him again. I began to move my lips to the edge of his jaw, and began to kiss along that general area. I then began to kiss just below his ear. He grasped my head and moved it so that our lips were reunited. I heard footsteps coming nearby, and quickly pulled away. Just as we separated, there was a knock on the door,

"We're nearly there. Come out you two. This isn't the time for that sort of thing." Gimli's voice rang out,

"Coming Gimli!" I called out and ran my fingers through my hair, straightening it out. Legolas did the same, and looked at me with sorrow. I could tell what he was thinking, "Don't look so sad. When the battle is over, and we come out triumphant, we will have more time." I didn't dare voice the thoughts in my head that wondered if there would be more time. Legolas nodded his head, and we exited.


There was grumbling from the orcs on the shore. They complained as they gathered near the ship, "Come on, you sea rats! Get off your ships!"

At that, Aragorn leaped off the boat. Legolas, Gimli and I followed. I grinned at the surprise on their faces. As we stalked towards the orcs, Gimli grumbled, "There's plenty for the three of us! May the best Dwarf win!" I drew my bow, and as we ran, I felt the spirit army appear behind us. I shot my bow multiple times, killing four orcs already. As we neared the army, I unsheathed my sword, and began to slice through the orcs. 10... 11... 12. I counted each kill, and could hear Legolas and Gimli counting out loud. I was on the vast battlefield, killing orcs, when I noticed a large Oliphant near Aragorn and Legolas,

"Legolas!" Aragorn called out to him. I continued to fight. I watched with one eye as Legolas clambered up onto the large creature. He shot down the people who rode the beast, counting each kill. I continued to bring down orcs while watching Legolas bring down the large beast. I pulled my focus from him, and continued to slice through the creatures. 60... 61... 62... 

Soon enough, the spirits had killed many of the orcs that had posed a threat. I looked at the bloodied field. My muscles ached from exhaustion. I lowered my sword, and looked around. Legolas looked at me from a few yards away, smiling widely. I began to walk towards him. Aragorn and Gimli were speaking with each other, a little further from us. As I let my muscles loosen, something caught my eye. A dying orc, with a morgue shaft raised in his shaking arms. A dying orc that Legolas hadn't noticed. A dying orc that was aiming right at him. My eyes widened as I sprinted towards Legolas, "Legolas! Legolas, move!" I screamed, my voice raw. He furrowed his brows. He turned to where I was looking, where the orc had it's bow raised. I pulled out my bow and shot as I ran toward Legolas. The arrow hit it's mark, but before the orc could drop dead, his own arrow released. As I collided my Legolas, pushing him out of the way, I felt a searing pain in my lower abdomen. I collapsed beside Legolas, clutching the arrow that was embedded in my flesh. Legolas sat up, pulling me onto his lap. He reached for the arrow that stuck out of me. It burned. It felt so raw and terrible. I bit in a shrill scream as Legolas grasped the arrow, barely moving it,

"I need to pull it out," His voice cracked. He avoided my gaze. As he began to pull, I could not bite back the guttural scream that came out of me. Legolas flinched at the sound, and his eyes met mine at last, "Emerin-"

"Pull... it... out!" I gasped in between each word. I noticed Aragorn, Gimli, and Gandalf rushing towards us, "Please," I begged. Tears were streaming down my face. Legolas went to pull it out fast, put the arrow Ould not budge. It clung to the flesh inside me. I screamed again. I screamed so loud. I sobbed as the sound left my lips. I cried as the words came out of me, "I love you." It would be the last time I said those words, I told myself before everything went black.

Legolas POV~

Emerin lay on me, screaming in pain as I tried to pull out the arrow. The sound, so raw and shrill, made tears pour down my face, "I love you..." She managed to whisper, before her eyes fluttered closed. I looked up at Gandalf who stood in front of me,

"Mithrandir! Please, help! Please!" I begged, my voice breaking. Aragorn ran to my side, and gently moved my hand away from the arrow in Emerin,

"I'll do it." He said. I nodded once and closed my eyes. I heard her flesh tear as he ripped the arrow out of her. I opened my eyes to see Aragorn throw the arrow away. I tore a piece of cloth from my tunic and pressed it to her wound, "It was poisoned. Quick, we need Athelas!" Aragorn spoke to Gandalf, "Legolas, take her to the healer. We have no time to waste." I scooped up her limp body and ran with all of my speed towards the city.

Once I was inside the gates of the palace,  I ran to where the royal healers were, "Quickly! She has poison running through her veins." I cried out to one of the healers. She removed Emerin from my arms with the help of two others, and they rushed her into another room. I followed them in, but one of them stopped me,

"It's best you wait outside. We'll do what we can." The woman had pity in her eyes as she also rushed in. I sent a silent plea to the Valar, begging for them to save her. I should have been the one in her place, I realized. If she died, it would be because of me. I sat down, and was left to my thoughts.


Emerin POV~

My eyes shot open. My hand reached for where the arrow had been. Pain. Pain shot through my body as my hand gingerly touched the wound that had been dressed so thoroughly. I grunted in pain, and heard feet shuffling. A young mortal woman came to my side, "Careful there, darling. You barely made it out. We don't need the wound opening." I smiled at her gratefully, "Your friends will be here shortly. I'll go fetch them." She quickly walked away. I sat up and winced at the pain. I was in a small cot in a little room. As I took in my surroundings, I heard a loud voice booming from another room, 

"Where?" footsteps approached my room, and the door swung open. Legolas ran towards me, "Emerin!" He cried out. He embraced my gently, avoiding my wound carefully. He gingerly placed a kiss on my mouth, "I love you." He said as tears fell from his eyes. Behind him, Aragorn, Gimli, Pippin, Merry and Gandalf walked in. Pippins voice rang out,


"Are you alright?" Asked Merry,

"Lassie!" Gimli ran to my side, grinning widely, "Seems even death can't get to ya! Good to see you."

"Emerin," Aragorn smiled. I heard Gandalf chuckle as they all surrounded me.


I know this was a really long chapter. I wanted to make it nice and exciting for you guys. I hope that you all liked it, because this took me a while. I hope you're excited for the next chapter! Let me know if you guys enjoyed having the chapter being longer. Please don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and FOLLOW!!!

Thank you guys so, so much. You guys are the best,

-Jackie :)

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