Oneshots of whatever (Fluff m...

Par I_have_all_the_feels

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Oneshots of whatever the heckity I want, MHA, AOT, and anything I find interesting, give me requests, they ar... Plus

Eyes Blue.
SpEcIaL cOoKiEs
Ooooh no, I think I'm catchin feelings
A/N (Sorryyyyyy)
mY mOtHeR wIlL hEaR aBoUt ThIs
Alrighty guys A/N
*laughs evilly*

Shopping pt.2

110 2 4
Par I_have_all_the_feels

A/N: This one was supposed to be short, just the reactions and Bakugou being revealed and an alternative ending to the reveal, one is a bit angsty and one is not but it ended up being long as fuck, so enjoy and sorry it took so long.


Ochako was getting ready to go for a run, wearing a blank tank top and pink shorts. She slipped on her raggedy old shoes and sighed in disappointment, wishing she had a new pair.

"Well, I'm ready to go!" She pumped her fist in the air before quickly exiting her room and almost tripping over something.

"Ow-hey!" She searched for what had tripped her and gasped in surprise when her eyes laid upon the exact shoes she'd stared at when walking in the mall, those were expensive shoes.

"A-Are these...meant for me?" She looked around and saw the other various little gifts next to peoples doors and grinned. "The gift giver has given again! Heck yeah!!" 

Quickly she switched out her shoes and groaned in pleasure at the feeling of brand new shoes on her feet. "Nothing like a new pair of shoes to put you in a good mood!" And then she was off, jogging through the park and keeping to the strict schedule Bakugou had suggested to keep her body in shape. "Best regimen for your dumbass quirk, you have a fuckton of potential, so use it." He had said.

So Ochako used it, and almost beat his ass two months later.


"Man, I'm hungry" Hakagure pouted as she sat up in bed, rustling the sheets.

She hummed and danced around her room a little in search of clothes before eventually pulling on a jacket.

"Wow, I really need to do the laundry" She laughed and opened her door.

Hakagure jumped back with a squeak when two hangars flew off her door handle.

"Oh, hey these are really pretty" She mumbled out before picking the matching out fits up and admiring them, it was exactly her style and size, looked really comfy and she couldn't wait to try them on.

So much so that she ran back into her room, picked out the pink crop top and green plaid skirt before bounding downstairs to eat some of the delicious leftovers on the stove.

"Mmmm" She hummed "So delicious! I wonder who made this!"

Bakugou gently smiled from the counter as she ate and spun around in her pretty clothes. 

Once she noticed him though, she gave a timid wave with a gloved hand and quickly left the room to eat with other people.

Bakugou sighed and continued washing everyone's dishes.


Momo hummed an american tune as she gracefully climbed the stairs, exhausted from today and wishing she had new tea blends to try.

Once she reached her dorm she was pleasantly surprised  at the boxes of tea in front of it.

"Oh." She reached down and picked them up "Well this is certainly a lovely gift, I hope I have clean tea cups."

Quickly she unlocked her dorm room and poured herself a cup of tea using the water contraption that came from the last gift giving extravaganza.

Once she brought the tea to her lips she smiled, it smelled amazing and she guessed it was maybe Australian. The thought left her as soon as she took a sip and her eyes blew wide, happy with the turn out.

"This is truly delicious, I hope to have the chance one day to thank whoever has gifted this to me."

She took another sip before sitting up straight quickly, realizing there was only one person she had ever told of wanting new tea samples, the same one person who she'd confided she wanted a water purifier to continue to make tea even without walking down to the common room.

Bakugou, she thought and took another sip while scolding herself for not realizing it earlier.

She'll have to thank him later, maybe in private, she wouldn't want to embarrass him after the kindness he's showed.


((Quick A/N: Jiro is gonna have they/them pronouns, I saw a headcanon and since I'm non binary, I thought what the heck and did it.))

Jiro had just broken a string on their guitar and they groaned because now they had to leave their room to go to the music shop and it was almost curfew so they might have to wait till tomorrow which would be the death of them.  Ugh. 

They shrugged and came to the conclusion that going without music was worse than any punishment Aizawa could hand out.

Once they put on their jacket they stepped outside the terrifying crinkle of plastic under their platform boots, Mineta walked past, winked at Jiro and made a titty grabbing motion before scampering off.

Angered Jiro looked underneath their foot to find guitar strings, the perfect size for their guitar, drumsticks and a purple and black aux cord.

Jiro grinned before picking it up, whispering a "Hell yeah!" under their breath and turning to go back to the safety of their dorm room, before a loud angry voice called out to them.

"OI. Worm ears!"

Jiro sighed, they really didn't want to deal with Bakugou's attitude today "What Bakugou?"

"You like it? Your nasty fucking strings look about ready to fuckin snap."

Jiro was taken back and stared at Bakugou for a second before stammering out confirmation on their joy of the thoughtful gift.

"Good." Bakugou pulled an almost smile that Jiro had never seen, before turning back into an almost scowl "What the fuck do you want hah?!"

"Nothing!" They scrambled back into their room to lace up the guitar that they just remembered a certain explosive blonde got them for their birthday.


Yuga was sliding gently through the hallways, trying to get back to his dorm after making out and cuddling with Shinsou all day when Monoma stopped him and started nagging him on how stupid his quirk was and how ugly Yuga was. Even went so far as to point out a healing pimple Yuga had thought he hid fairly well.

Aoyama sparkled sadly as Monoma laughed and called him an insecure little baby. Yuga thought absently to himself that he wished he hadn't run out of makeup, he'd feel more able to drag this hoe if he was more himself.

"Monoma." Bakugou's voice sent shivers up Yugas spine.

Said hoe immediately shut up and looked at the other blonde standing behind Yuga.

"Well well, look at this, all the blondes in one  hallway, we should start a club, oui?" Ayoama nervously laughed out.

"Monoma, if you were making fun of Sparkles I'm gonna fucking kick your ass."

Monoma gave Bakugou a look of disdain and turned on one heel.

"YEAH THATS FUCKIN RIGHT LITTLE BITCH!!" Bakugou screamed, being sure to lean away from the sparkly blonde "RUN AND CRY TO YOUR OTHER LITTLE BITCHES BOO HOO HOE!"

Yuga almost collapsed in his fit of giggles as Bakugou continued to yell insults at Monoma's turned back.

When the blonde turned to look at the sparkly male with a satisfied grin Yugas heart almost melted.

"Thank you Bakugou! I don't think I would have been able to do that, I ran out of makeup this morning and just haven't been feeling myself." 

Blonde spikes bounced in acknowledgment before Yuga wrapped his arms around the other blonde in a tight embrace, running off to relax in his own room.

Yuga came out of his room the next day to go to the bathroom after sleeping in far too much and wishing he could buy the expensive makeup online with his low budget.

When he saw the bag from Sephora Aoyama quite literally screamed like a school girl and rushed his prizes inside to moisturize and play dress up, oblivious to the fact that Bakugou was the only one he told he'd run out of makeup.


"The fair beauty of a sunset outlives any other beauty sure to plague my mind. Unfortunately the night is where I bestow upon a living style, therefore I am comfortable with my revelry in the dark." Tokoyami mutters out as he shuts his curtains, hoping to block away any piece of the sun that he can before going out to get dinner and escaping back to the comfort of his room.

When the bird man stepped out of his room he tripped over something on the floor and landed chin up into a pair of strong arms.

"Oi, shitty bird, be more careful."

Said birds eyes widened comically as he scrambled back, not wanting to upset the explosive blonde in front of him, missing the flash of sadness in red eyes.

"O-Oh dear. My sincerest apologies Bakugou, I had no intentions of bumping into your quite explosive self on this fine evening."

The blonde shoves his hands into his pockets and turns away with a "Tch. Whatever."

Tokoyami lets out a relieved breath before picking up the things he tripped over with a gasp. Some of his favorite authors wrote these books, he was ecstatic.

So ecstatic that he opened one up and gasped again, signed. The book was signed. He checked the other two and grinned as wide as he could with his beak. This was awesome! 

Tokoyami frowned at the realization that still nobody knew who the mysterious gift giver was. He wanted to thank whoever it was properly.


Punch. Punch punch. Punch. Punch punch.


"Aw man." Ojiro pouted just a bit, another pair of sparring gloves were broken and he was sure this time he was out. 

Ojiro sighed and threw his gloves in the trash before opening his door to grab something to eat and maybe say hi to Denki. Denki was nice. Ojiro thought Denki was a great friend, but he thought everyone was a great friend. 

"Maybe not Bakugou, he seems a little too mean." Ojiro muttered before shaking his head and reminding himself that, much like the rest of his gossiping classmates he doesn't even know Bakugou and can't make assumptions like that.

He opened the door and was shocked at the perfect timing for the gift giver to strike again. Sitting right in front of his door lay multiple pairs of the exact type of gloves he used, all in some of his favorite colors. Ojiro blinked and noticed the blanket rolled up next to them. Monkey print. Hilarious. But also really nice, his tail gets cold all the time.

So the kind boy grinned and took all of his stuff inside before going down stairs to take the mysterious left overs that always landed in the fridge and to talk to some of the other people about the amazing gifts they got. 

Ojiro smiled brightly when Denki came into the common room and asked what he got to have Denki reply:

"Wait, the gifter has given again?"

Yeses and yeahs were uttered throughout the whole room before Denki was bolting to his room to see what he got, tripping around corners and sliding into a massive fall before launching himself up and continuing to run in a horrifying manner.


"O-oh, yeah I'm sorry." Koda looked at his feet again as Monoma went on a rant about how incompetent he was for running into the 1C boy.

"Yo. What the fuck is going on here?" That was Sero, Koda liked Sero's calming presence, thought it was a very relaxed kind of confidence that Koda always wished he could have.

"Nothing that concerns you, plain bitch." Sero flinched at that but stood his ground.

"Leave Koda alone Monoma, seriously, you're being a little bitch."

Monoma rolled his boring, dead eyes. "Yeah right, like you can do anything to me, and your 'friends' won't either, I bet they've already forgotten about you, you boring-"

"Stop it!" Koda jumped in, forgetting about his fear of confrontation and letting himself tell Monoma off. "Sero is a more interesting person than you will ever be Monoma! And when we graduate and he becomes a pro hero, and you work as his receptionist, who will  be the forgotten one?"

Sero grinned and pat Koda on the back as Monoma opened and closed his mouth like a fish.

"Damn right!" Sero cheered as Monoma walked away. "You really showed him Koda! That was awesome dude!"

Koda blushed and looked down while muttering a thank you and shuffling his feet.

Sero's smile faltered. "Okay, I get this might not be the best time but like do you not like me or something?"

Koda's eyes widened and he was quick to deny it and ask what made the strong confident boy feel like that.

Sero chuckled "It's stupid really, but you just get all quiet and stuff whenever I'm around, and you never look me in the eyes."

Koda stammered out another apology and told him that's not what it was.

"Well what is it then? You gotta tell me so that I can make it better yeah?"

Koda blushed bright red and hid his face in his hands while shaking his head, he knew Sero and Kirishima were dating, and he didn't want to mess anything up.

"Oh." Sero said in a gasp like way "Oh. I get it."

Sero gently touched Koda's shoulder "It's all right dude, I get it. Having a crush on someone who's dating someone else sucks. I'm sorry man."

Koda waved his hand it front of his face and shook his head. "I-It's fine! Not your fault! I don't hold any malice towards Kirishima either so please don't worry!"

Sero laughed and wrapped an arm around Koda's shoulder in a friendly way. 

"I know Koda, you're too nice for something like that."

Koda smiled softly and thanked him again and again for showing up when he did while walking to his dorm room.

Once he got there he gasped and picked up the books that were left at his doorstep, grinning wider than he ever has before.

He opened one and saw some American animals on the first page with an explanation of their communication style.

Koda thanked Sero one more time before running to feed Bun-Bun, named by Tamaki, who was supposed to be coming over tomorrow, and sit down on his bed to read his new books, thankful to Sero for not being bitter or spiteful.

It was a good day.

(If you guys couldn't tell, I like Koda. Oh and FYI, he ends up with Tamaki later that year. Koda doesn't stay hung up on one guy. Just wanted to assure you of the happy ending.)


Sato knew. Of course he knew that whenever Katsuki left the dorms all day they always ended up with gifts and trinkets. He knew. So when Katsuki left he was excited to see what the smaller blonde bought.

He still ended up talking with Momo right after they left training grounds, they weren't training together but they caught up with each other afterwards and stood in the common room.

"Last time, the giver brought me a water machine! I would have made one myself but Aizawa-sensei made it very clear we weren't to use our quirks for such trivial things."

Sato gave Momo a confused look, did no one else have it figured out that the blonde was the gift giver? Was it really so hard to figure out? Oh well, if Bakugou didn't want them to know then his lips were sealed.

"I got an autograph from Gordon Ramsay, truly an amazing chef!"

Momo agreed before retiring to her room and a few minutes after Sato decided he should go back to his as well only to be greeted by the cooking supplies and reservation receipt for Hell's Kitchen. He smiled widely.

"Thank you, Bakugou." He whispered before walking into his room.


Todoroki's father is a dick.

He told him he could not have any sort of sexual relations with a male.

So what was he supposed to do, just tell Denki "Oh sorry, we can't fuck anymore because my father said so."

No. Denki is the best thing that's ever happened to him and he refuses to let his father get in the way of that.

"I love you." Todoroki whispered into soft blonde hair as they lay in bed wrapped in each others warmth, naked bodies pressed together gently.

Denki's head snapped up to stare at the half and half male.

"You what?"

Todoroki opened his eyes to stare at the smaller blonde.

"I love you."

A grin broke out against the pale skin of Denki's face and he pecked Todoroki's lips before uttering the words Todoroki had never heard before.

"I love you too, Shoto."

A few tears trail down his face as he hid his eyes in Denki's shoulder.

Hours later and he was walking  back to his dorm with a very small smile on his face.

The presents in front of the door puzzled him and when he picked up the soba he immediately dropped it again and almost screamed like a little girl.

There it was. His worst enemy. A tea kettle.

He shot ice at it and then kicked the ice block, far, far away. He'd ask Uraraka to send it to space soon.

He picked the pack of soba back up and was going to open his door when the sound of rough cackling had him turning around to come face to face with a laughing Bakugou.

Todoroki was floored. He had never seen Bakugou laugh a genuine, non hateful laugh. It was actually really pretty.

"You- You fuckin froze it and then-" Bakugou dissolved into another fit of laughter. "Then you just fuckin kicked it like it was the devil spawn." He kept laughing and laughing until he was leaning on the wall and taking deep labored breaths in between giggles.

"So you think I am funny? We are friends." Todoroki lifted his chin up and opened his door while staring at Bakugou's attempt to deny it through his laughter.

Todoroki just ignored it, he knew Bakugou was his friend and he had soba to eat.

Midoriya (Deku):

"Okay All Might! I promise to try harder next time!" Deku waved as he left the training grounds alone and exhausted.

"I wonder what kind of food is left over, normally it's something traditional but there are almost always brand new dishes in the fridge, I'm sure what I might want to eat. Why are there so many dishes anyways? And who makes them? It could be Hagakure, she's good at sneaking around, no, she told me she's a horrible cook. Maybe Momo but I doubt she's ever cooked for herself. Kacchan is really good at cooking but I know he'd never share something like that with his classmates. Hmmm." He continued to mutter about food as he made his way into the common room and then the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Delicious as always! I really do wonder who made this!" Deku spoke after eating a bite.

"I did." Deku froze, spoon halfway to his mouth as he slowly turned to look at the explosive blonde grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge.

Deku gulped. Maybe he wasn't supposed to eat this. Or maybe he was and the soup was poisoned, maybe this was the day Kacchan decided to kill him.

Kacchans face scrunched up in anger. "I didn't fucking poison it Deku. It's Inko's recipe, I saw you training and thought you'd want some. Fuckin sorry for caring you trick ass bitch."

Deku's eyes widened, he hadn't meant to say that out loud!

"I-I'm sorry Kacchan! It's just not usual for you to c-care for other people so much!"

Kacchan took a step back as if he'd been burned.

"I think Katsuki is plenty nice if you'd look close enough." Shoji had decided to speak up. "And he's genuinely trying Midoriya, you don't even know half of what he's done for you."

Deku looked down and apologized again but Kacchan had already run off to his dorm.

"I think it's a perfectly fine concern to have, Bakugou is a bitch!" Uraraka argued.

"Right, and that's why he spent hours coming up with the perfect training regimen for you to succeed, because he's a bitch." Everyone startled at the sound of their teachers gruff and sleepless voice. "That's why he came to me specifically asking about your current training plan and a more extensive overview of your quirk. I'm sure that because he's a bitch he never discriminated against you because you were a woman but instead treated you just like any other opponent as he should have. My apologies Ms. Uraraka but Bakugou has done a lot more for you than you have for him."

Uraraka was silent. The rest of class was thinking about it.

"That's pretty true kero." Tsuyu spoke up "Bakugou is loud and harsh but he gets a lot of stuff done for us, I've seen him up late at night doing the dishes kero and we're always bashing him for being loud but he's really not all that mean kero."

Everyone let that soak in and Deku finished his meal before excusing himself only to find a limited edition All Might poster that he knew only thirty copies ever existed and a Deku plush. He didn't even know there were Deku plushies but seeing one of his own helped him understand that people already saw him as a hero. 

The tears fell freely after he hung the poster up and set the plush down right next to it.


Another pair of running shoes in the trash. Iida can't go running without accidentally powering on his quirk, which a pair of shoes could only handle so many times.

He sighed and threw on some other pair of shoes before walking outside to enjoy a day on the beach.

He breathed in the salty air as he waited for his girlfriend to get there.

A force knocked straight into him and almost tripped him, Iida caught himself at the last second.

"HEY BABY!!" Mei shouted right in his ear.

"Hello my love." the blunette wrapped his arms around the smaller pink haired girl.

"How's my favorite baby doing today?" Mei interlaced their hands as they walked down the shore to gather anything her metal detector beeped at.

"I've been fine, another pair of running shoes have been lost."

Mei hummed and squeezed his hand, focused on her task of fixing up the metal detector.

"That screw, right there? Thanks. I'm sorry, you know I could try to make you some babies that won't fall apart?"

"I'll take my chances with buying a new pair every month, thanks though." Iida knew Mei's babies had a tendency to explode and that wasn't something he needed in his life. Ever.

They spent the rest of the day walking the beach and unearthing shiny metals and Mei insisted on taking with her.

When they parted ways after a kiss Iida left smiling, only to frown at overhearing Tsu talking about Bakugou and the amount of things he does for the class. When Midoriya left Iida entered but quickly excused himself, the atmosphere in that room made him very uncomfortable.

Looking down at the pair of shoes he was glad he tossed his old ones out, these were meant specifically for fast moving quirks so they could withstand the speed Iida ran at and were in his signature colors.

He sighed happily as he tried them on and twisted his feet in the mirror. They looked awesome and he was excited to be able to run in a pair of shoes for more than a month.


Tsu left after Iida did, tired from her speech but was pleased to find her pride flag had been switched out, Mina would be super happy the next time she came to spend the night.

She unlocked the door and stepped over the doormat to get to her- wait.

Doormat? Tsu knew for a fact she never bought a doormat so she went over to investigate.

When she looked down her dark mood immediately brightened, it had little frogs on it! 

She grinned and ran gentle fingers over one of the little frogs, he bristles scratching her fingertips and traced the letters, happy that her dorm looked a little more welcoming now.

"You like it huh?" Her head turned to look at a tall, lanky figure, Sero. 

"I bet you whoever got that for you put a shit ton of thought into it. Probably because he's not a bitch and he cares more than anyone."

Tsu blinked and stared at him before he sighed, muttered a nevermind and left.

(Mineta screamed and cried like a little baby and the girls from 1-A laughed at him, he was a pouty little bitch but I personally don't like Mineta so it's hard to write about him.)

Denki Kaminari:

Denki was freaking the fuck out when he slid like a baseball player right in front of his dorm amd admired his brand new skateboard with sparkling eyes and ghosting fingers. This one looked custom built, made to withstand Kaminari's inherent need to perform tricks all the time, a reason why all his past boards are currently broken. He squished the plushies cheek and felt the chains, loving the sensory stimulation all three items brought him.

 "Kaminari, those gifts are perfect for you. Didn't you just break your other one? And you know how I love to feel those chains when you-"

Denki flushed bright red as a group of girls passed and he threw the plush at Shoto who caught it and stared down at it fondly.

"Hell yeah!" Once the girls moved on Denki started, "I love them, I can't believe the gift giver is so spot on everytime!"

Shoto smiles and sits next to Denki on the floor, plush still in hand.

The blonde male grinned and pressed a kiss to Shoto's head. "Anything new with you baby boy?"

Shoto smiled softly, which is practically beaming for Denki's normally stone faced boyfriend. "Bakugou and I are finally friends! He thinks I am funny, his laugh was genuine. I had never heard that before, there was no malice or anger, it was simply very pure."

The blonde grinned wide and threw himself into Shoto, "Thats great babe! I cant believe you got him to laugh, me and Mina and Sero and Kirishima always have these bets on who can get him to laugh and none of us ever win!" he grinned wider and threw his arms around the half and half boy.

They both smiled at each other before Todoroki announced his discomfort and they took Denki's things and went inside to cuddle and watch frozen.

Kirishima: (Slight nsfw warning at the beginning, tread careful please) 

"That's super manly bro!" Kirishima had to wear a hat at training today because his roots were showing again but he still praised everyone in his class for doing great, this particular phrase directed at Sato who was practicing with Momo today.

"Mi amorrrr," Sero whispered in Kirishima's ear, "come now, we mustn't stay for too long, There's a bed in my dorm begging to be warmed." Kirishima could just hear the sinister smiles and a shiver went down his spine.

Eijirou swallowed hard and turned to walk with Sero to spend the next few hours tied up and begging for release. 

Once they had both finished multiple times Eijirou was exhausted but got up to put his shirt on anyways and sneak out the door after leaving a kiss on Seros head.

Walking back to his room he noticed a couple little things placed here and there, so he hurried to his door to gasp in glee at the crocs.

"OH MY GOD!! And hair dye?? THIS IS SO AWESOME!!" He giggled and went through the other stuff, immediately ripped open the pack of gummy bears and went inside to switch out his shirt before plopping on his bed.  

"This was a great day." He fell asleep with a smile on his face, hugging his new plush close.


After Mina got back from her little run and stopped at her bestie Asui's room to check out all her new stuff she stopped at her door and threw a hand over her mouth to start crying.

Her dorm room door was all decked out in band stickers and musical stickers, rhinestones and animal print. It was so perfect all she could do for a while ws stand there, stare at it and cry joyously.

When she finally glanced down to find the outfit and clothes Mina gathered the outfit ito her arms and ran to Tsu's door to bang on it and scream: "HOE COME OUT HERE AND LOOK WHAT I GOT!"

She spent forever showing off and dancing to songs in Tsu's room.

~~Dinner time~~

"Bakugou, what did you get from the 'giver'?" Todoroki asked politely while everyone was forced to eat as a class by Aizawa.

"Oh, uh nothin."

Everyone stared at Bakugou as he ate the curry he made for everyone in peace. "What?"

"Oh my god, even the giver thinks you're too mean for presents Bakugou!" Uraraka laughed, which caused a cascade of laughter from a few students who agree that Bakugou is too mean.

Bakugou stared down at his food with scrunched up eyebrows and set his spoon back down.

"Yeah, guess so." He mumbled, Shoji touched his hand gently under the table and linked their pinkies together.

"Haha! The nicest person on campus can't even find something for the bitch boy of UA!" Mineta laughed and taunted quietly, not letting Mr. Aizawa hear, but Bakugou could and he clenched his hands into fists while blinking back tears.

Everyone who knew shot dirty looks towards the people laughing and poking fun at Bakugou.

"Yeah! I mean he's so messed up they had to chain him to a pedestal! Obviously no one's going to want to encourage that kind of behavior." Mineta whispered again, just wanting to terrorize Bakugou a little further.

"H-hey guys, thats a little-"

"Don't bother Deku." Bakugou stood up and wiped tears from his face as Aizawa starred in concern.

"Bakugou-?" His teacher tried to ask.

The flaxen blonde boy looked up to make eye contact with everyone, not bothering to wipe the tears anymore.

"It's fine, because I'm just a monster. I obviously don't feel any pain. I'm unloving and unloved, I don't care, right?-" He reached up to unclasp his necklace and set it own on the table. "-Not even worthy of a single gift." He stormed off quickly to his room and Shoji stood tally to stare down the table in an anger they'd never seen on his face before.

"Now look what you ignorant people have done." He walked off to go comfort Katsuki and Sero stood up too to glare at Uraraka and Mineta especially before going to pick up the necklace.

"How dare you people, after everything he's done for you. Not only cooking you meals daily and leaving them in the fridge for you to eat as you please- yeah didn't know about that huh?- but also forming specialized routines and workout regimens specific to each of your quirks. Not to mention the thousands of dollars he spent on going out and buying you gifts today, just for you to put him down and make him feel worthless. You all-"

"-Should be ashamed of yourselves mes camarades de classe (my classmates)!" Yuga spoke out, sparkling proudly and standing tall with a face full of all his favorite products, making him really stand out as Aoyama Yuga. "He has come to our aid and defense many for times that we have even thanked him! Half of us would have been dead or expelled if it weren't for him! We owe Bakugou Katsuki more than we can comprehend." He huffed and went to go find Bakugou to apologize for his classmates actions.

Sero nods dumbstruck by the pure whirlwind that is Aoyama. "Y-Yeah! Exactly what he said." And with that he went to comfort Bakugou as well while Aizawa gave everyone harsh talking to's and let Momo, Sato, Jirou and finally Iida have their turns lecturing their classmates.

~~in the morning~~

Class 1-A came downstairs to dirty dishes, no breakfast and everyone pissed beyond belief at Uraraka and Mineta who both still stood firm in their beliefs of Bakugou being really mean.

Sero was telling Momo about how Bakugou wouldn't come out of his room when Mineta decided to chime in.

"Good riddance! I hate that Bakugou! He can stay locked up there forever for all I care!" He crossed his arms and turned away.

Sero reached out to start a fight but Kirishima held him back, no one held back and angry Todoroki though when he forze Mineta's mouth shut.

"Please don't talk about my friend that way." Denki whistled and smiled, albeit a bit brokenly.

"That was hot Shoto." Everyone enjoyed the little blushing display before going back to discussing how to get Bakugou to feel better.

Momo snapped her fingers and smiled wide. "I know! Why don't we all go out and get Bakugou gifts!"

Jirou sighed, "Babe, money isn't the answer to every problem-"

Momo shook her head. "No! BEcause of Uraraka-san and Mineta-kun He feels unworthy of gifts and love, so we should all be there to show him our thanks and show him how much he's worth to us!"

Shoji grinned under his mask. "That would be perfect, but we better find a way soon. If he goes another night in tears because of this I might commit a felony."

Koda pat his arm. "It's okay Shoji, we'll cheer him up. I'm sure Tamaki would like to help too."

Tokoyami, silent through most of this finally spoke up. "Todoroki,"

The half and half male turned to him, "Yes?"

"Do you still have your father's credit card?"

Denki grinned and Todoroki cracked a smile. "Get in losers, we're going shopping."

Mina, Toru and Hakure grinning to each other in glee.

~~this time skip was brought to you by it being 3:30 in the fucking morning.~~

Everyone except Mineta showed up at Bakugous door five hours later and let Shoji knock.

"Sho?" His voice sounded rough.

The massive man cleared his throat. "Yeah baby, it's me, I brought a couple people who really want to talk to you, can you do that for me?"

There was shuffling before the door opened and a drained, tear stained Bakugou poked his head out. 

"Hello. Did you guys get breakfast? I know I normally make it for you extras but-"

Surprising everyone it was Todoroki to wrap Bakugou in a hug first, the bag he held swinging around.

"We ate at the mall, thank you for worrying about us. I am truly sorry for ever making you believe that you were not worthy of my going all out. I won't make that same mistake again." Shoto closed his eyes and held his breath when Bakugou did something even more surprising and hugged back.

"Thank you Todoroki."

"Thank you Bakugou."

A/N: God I'm so tired, I have to be awake in two hours. For me it's 3:am when I'm publishing this, it's over 5k, the first half is edited the second half is not, thank you for reading, good night dearest readers, sorry for the wait, a lot of shit is going on in my life. <3 <3 please tell me what you thought of it :)

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