I Am Not My Skin [ UNDER EDIT...

By CallMeMrsSparrow

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Words are powerful. If you turn a blind eye then you are just as guilty as the one who commits the crime. Dre... More

My Pride.
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Between The Shades.
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
I Had A Dream.
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
The Rains Have Fallen.
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
You Are My Queen!
Author's note.

Chapter 9:

360 15 9
By CallMeMrsSparrow

"Well, well, looky here it seems like miss high and mighty has been doing her rounds. Watch out boys, or she will fuck you all. I hear nurses give out good pussy. Can I give you a pointer, thread lightly sweetheart and as for you Adams, I have something special in store for you. McGregor, take this piece of trash in, she was assaulting an officer and that is punishment by law. And as for your little black friend, he will soon join you and you both can rot together."

I turned pale and soon after I realized what I had done, it wasn't the right thing to do at the moment but I just couldn't take it. He prides himself in always insulting others and I had no idea why he was walking with his head held high always, it was so disgusting. Is it amusing to find joy in the pain of others? To make another human feel less, where is my freedom and where is my justice? Don't I deserve it, is it safe to say that I am just in this life, there is no space for me?

It made me thought long and hard as I stood there with fear, of all the things we see on the television lately. Maya and Sam constantly asking my parents when it will end, or if it will. It hit home when Sam came crying the other day, my mother tried to explain how "different" we were from everyone else, and that it's okay to be. I was out of my realm and out of my comfort zone. If I go to jail who would look after Jamal now? Who would see to it that he doesn't go to prison based on false charges? Dear Lord, let there be a miracle. Or I just might kill someone who actually deserves it.

All was silent and nothing but a big blur. Officer McGregor was ready to strap the handcuffs on my wrists, I felt like a prisoner, so alone and afraid. My heart was racing and I felt injustice would be done, where is the justice for Mrs. Brown and Jamal? This man ordering them to throw me in a cell was the same man who kicked and killed Mrs. Brown, why wasn't he the one being taken away in cuffs?

He was so free and lived his life, without a care for what he had done, how does he sleep at night? Does his wife know what her husband does on a daily basis? And mostly, does his children look up to him as a man in uniform who can take advantage of those less fortunate? Is this our new normal? I shiver at just that thought alone. The toxicity his children were being poisoned with.

"Let her go, she has a fair chance, and if I am not mistaken the young lady has accused you of murder, Officer." When I turned around I never thought I'd see his face or hear his voice ever again, it was Carter, my ex boyfriend. I forgot that he was a lawyer now, even before we started dating in high school, law was the only thing he ever really talked about. It frustrated me and I felt so left out, sure he was passionate but too passionate. It became the only thing he kept his focus on and I supported his dream fully, but in the end it was also what drove us apart and if I may add, he still look as dashing as when he did the first day I saw him.

He had me with that bright and beautiful smile of his.

"It seems like you're constantly on my balls, huh Smith, and if I can recall it was our dearest lovely nurse lady over here who came in and accused me of murder and slapped me. And we both know what that can mean for your dear friend over here, right Smith?" I could give two cents about what he said. Yes, I did all that and with reason, it was funny and not surprising that they all came to his rescue except for Johnny.

They all defended him but where was that same defense when he continued to beat Jamal in one of the jail cells? Why didn't they speak up then? I could laugh in their faces at their stupid statements. So it's fair to beat a man half-dead and say that he deserved it, to beat an old lady to death and say that she was in the wrong for protecting her grandson from danger? It is true, we have terrorists living among us and they are the ones we trust most. The ones we put our faith into, and the ones we seek protection from.

"And we both know that you are not as clean and innocent as you try to be Sergeant Connor. But then again a black man doesn't know everything he claims he does, let's just say a 'certain' file suddenly disappeared due to lack of evidence. How do you think the courts will react if ever it were to appear out of the blue, my fellow man of the law?" I felt such a weird vibe coming from these two, did they know each other on a personal level and if so, what certain file and evidence was Carter referring to? But one thing I was sure of, these two were cut from the same cloth.

He sighed, and by now I was so used to his cold and creepy stares that it didn't matter anymore. "All right. But remember, if you ever fucking do that again you won't be so lucky, your ass will rot in here for as long as I breathe and walk on this shitty ground." And yet again, I could care less. My only mission I set out to be was to get justice for Mrs. Brown and Jamal, even if it means that I will have to pay with my freedom, then so be it.

"Threats aren't being taken lightly now Serg. why be mean to the lovely young lady when you can smile, and enjoy the rest of your day?" And so he had left, phew! I tried to keep composure this entire time and it was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. I felt bad for Johnny because I dragged him into this mess and judging by the way they spoke to him, I sensed that he wasn't being treated with fairness around here. Maybe he wasn't as bad as I thought, and maybe he was right when he said in the end the bad guy always wins.

"So, you're hitting it big time now Mr. Lawyer, and once again thank you for saving my skin back there. And to think that I would have spent the night here and judging by our dear friend, the rest of my life in jail." I tried to brush it off with my plain old lame jokes, hey, I tried.

"Ha! Your jokes are still as stale as they were back when we were dating, and I can see that certain things just never changes." Whatever, at least Johnny faked a laugh, and now I feel like flicking his forehead or punching him for always calling me out on my so-called "stale jokes" .

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