It Was Accidentally on Purpos...

By sleepingpup

562K 11.5K 2.1K

where one ambivelent girl trusts one cheeky boy who ends up being exactly who she thought he was when they fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 *LAST ONE*
Authors Note :)

Chapter 11

12.6K 290 55
By sleepingpup

***HARRY POV*** 

As I walked back into the club, I felt so alone. Even with the huge amount of people in that room, there was only one person I wanted to be with at the time and that person just left.

I walked over to were Tiffani and I were sitting at the bar before she left. 

"What happened to your date lad?" asked the bar tender.

I looked up at him squinting my eyes from the bright lights.

"She had to go." I told him sadly. It wasnt the full truth but it was most of it. Plus what did he care? 

He leaned closer and poured me a shot.

"On the house, you look like you need it." He gave me a wink then walked to the other side of the bar.

I picked up the shot glass and swallowed it all at once. I squeezed my eyes shut and bite my lip from the bitter taste. 

Then i felt a strong grip on my shoulder. It was Liam.

"Hey." He said taking a seat next to me. 

"Hey Liam." I said softly. 

There was a pause between our conversation. I wasnt really quite sure what to tell him.  He finally decided to speak up.

"You wanna talk about what just happened?" He asked while sipping a glass of water. I shook my head in dispair. 

"I dont even know myself, Li." I told him honestly. "If I tolf you the truth you'd probably think I was crazy." 

He took a moment to think. Then he shrugged. "I already think that Haz, now tell me what really happened."


I woke up to the sound of my TV playing the News, and groaded at the announcment being said.

"One Directions London tour starting in 2 weeks! Who's excited?" Yelled a loud reporter standing in front of a swamp of girls. They all screamed and waved their hands at the TV. Holding up stupid posters like "I love you 1D!" or "Harry, gimme some of your gravy!"

What ever that was supposed to mean.

Then I groaned even louder remembering my plans for today. I had recieved an email from 1D managment saying back up singers had a meeting today at 9am sharp. I hated waking up early. But I got up anyways ang got ready. I hoped in the shower and scrubbed my hair roughly. I  could feel the hot air around me, wrapping me into a warm blanket. I loved that feeling. It was almost like it was a warm veil protecting you from the outside. 

I turned off the water pressure and hopped out, quickly wrapping myself in nothing but a towel. I got ready, not trying to look my best because this whole thing was a waste of my time. I wouldnt mind singing, as long as I wasnt singing for Harry or his bandmates. How am I supposed to show up there today? I know hes going to try to explain himself for last night, and since I HAVE to stay at the studio today, he wont let me leave until I listen. 

I blame my luck. 

Once I got to the studio (I guess thats what you call it?) There were signs pointing in all directions.

"Dancers this way." "Extras this way." "Niall's food court this was..."

But no paper for singers. I walked around some halls looking around to see if I could find it but it was no where! 

I thought I heard someone call my name so I turned around. No one was there. Then out of no where someone was standing in front of me. I bump in to him and we both waddle backwards awkwardly. 

"Sorry." I murmered under my voice. "Didnt see-"

I looked up and met his green eyes. The dimples on his face werent were they usually were. In fact he looked like he hadnt slept all night, with the bags under his eyes. But his hair was still a hot mess. This time he obviously put 0 effort into it this morning.

"Hi Tiffani." He said flashing me a semi smile.

"Hey Harry." I wrapped my arm arouund my other arm and rocked back and forth. 

We looked at eachother a few times, but we didnt say anything. I was expecting him to start explaining himself about last night, but he wasnt. He wouldnt meet my eyes when I looked at him but I could tell that he wanted to from twitching his neck up once in a while. I broke the ice.

"Do you know where the singers catergory room is?" I asked. He looked up and this time our eyes did meet. They looked sad, really, really sad. 

"You're in the wrong building that's why." he said. "I'll walk you there."

"No, it's okay. Just tell me how to get there." I managed to say rather fast. But he was already leading me to it.

"It's comlicated." he decided to say. "Just follow me." 

So I guess I had no option. I walked at his side but at a distance. Neither of us spoke until his phone rang and he picked up.

"I'll be there in 5 minutes." he said softly into the phone. He mumbled a few other things too then hung up. 

I was kinda gratfully Harry helped me get to this room, because I was completly lost. So many twists and turns I dont know where I'd be if he wasnt here. Once we got to the main exit, Harry stopped. 

"I know you probably don't want to talk about last night," he started to say. I crossed my arms and scuffed.

"Yeah, I really don't." I said to him. But he just rand his fingers through his hair.

"Good, because I'll be doing all the talking." he said with a pleading smile. 

But I didnt want to hear it. I knew what he was going to say already and I didnt have time for it. I gave him a chance, and he blew it. End of conversation.

"No Harry, I have a meeting to go to. I dont have time to hear about this." I walked past him but he grabbed my arm and turned me around. He looked in my eyes, they looked so sad. He bit his lip and switched his glance from the ground to my nose. Then looked back up slowly in my eyes.

"Please." He said sweetly. I could tell he put all his willpower into that word because I felt overcome with emotions. I wanted to give him a big hug and wrap my arms around him. Make him feel happy again. Let him talk and listen to his every word.

Then I shook my head. I let out a puff of hot air and checked my watch. I still had 30 minutes till the meeting started. I looked at Harry who was waiting for an answer. He had puppy eyes glintering and he looked nervous.  I knew I was going to regret this but maybe hearing his side of the story would change things?

Not that I cared or anything...

"Fine." I told him cautiously. "But make it quick."

A huge grin whipped over his face. 

"Thank you!" He said reaching out to give me a hug. His hands were about to go around my waist when he positioned them kindly around my shoulders. I didnt really hug him back I just stood there and waited for it to be over. When he pulled back he looked rather embarassed.

"Lets go to the food court." he suggested. "We can talk there."


The univers worked in funny ways. The whole night I was awake trying to think of ways to appologize to Tiffani for last night. But then my brain would go "Shes never going to listen to you." 

I couldnt sleep because I was scared to tell her. Tell her the truth. But I knew I had to. Even if she thought I was crazy, it was worth a shot. 

I was going to try my best to explain why I kissed that girl, thinking it was really her. But I'll reassure to her I only want to be her friend and I didnt know why that happened. I know she's going to be suspicious but at least she'll think I only like her as a friend. 

Which I knew was a big ass lie. 

I walked around the whole studio hoping I'd run into her, and just when I was loosing hope, there she was. I still couldnt believe she was going with us on tour. As our back up singer! This was like a gift from heaven or something. Usually, things that I want I never get. But for once I did. Well... sorta. 

When i brought up the topic about last night, I was terrified she'd dismiss the topic completly and not talk to me at all. But she didnt. In fact, when I grabbed her arm and asked her kindly, her gaze in my eyes went so deep I wanted to kiss her. There was this connection at that moment. Like we both new we wanted eachother yet something was in the way.

As we walked in to the food court I got Tiffani some mini York Chocolates, because apparently those were her favorite. Note that down mentally.

We walked over to a table in the back. No body else was here because in total, we were only 23 people, including instructors. So when rehersal time came along, everyone was dispersed around the studio we harldly ever saw eachother.

She sat infront of me and slowly ate her chocolates. I hadnt gotten to notice how beautiful she looked this morning. She was wearing casual sweat pants that were baggy at the top then tight at the ankles. And a tight white tank top. I cant imagine how cold she must be with that on. It should be snowing any time today. 

"You wanna start explaining?" She asked, snapping me out of my day dream.

I rubbed my forehead and took a deep breath. 

"Yeah, but Tif, you just gotta listen, okay? Please dont jump to conclusiosn, let me explain." I told her slowly so she'd understand. She nodded her head.

"At the dance when I got up," I started. "I wasnt really looking around, I had my eyes on my phone. Then all of a sudden I felt someone kissing me." I looked up at her and she had her elbows on the table and was resting her chin on her hands. Waiting for me to continue.

I took a shaky breath. "I only kissed her back TIf, because I thought it was you." I watched as her eyes moved down to the table and she flipped her hair around her shoulder.

"Okay..." she said nervously. "But, why did you let her kiss you? I mean, why did you think she was me?"

"I-I dont know." I said trying to remember what I wanted to say but my mind went blank. My eyes wandered desperatly around the room not sure how to answer her questions.

"Harry?" She asked worried from the opposite side of the table. "Answer my questions."

I started yanking at a curl hanging on the back of my head. "Because Tiffani, I wished I was kissing you. I know thats not the kind of thing a friend would tell a friend but thats what I wanted." I rested my head on my hand as I leaned over.

"I'm sorry if this is gonna ruin our friendship, but I had to get it out there. You dont have to like me back, in fact I would love if we could just be friends."

I felt a huge pressure ease off of me, although at the same time a huge loss. I just told Tiffani I liked her but only wanted to be her friend. That was a huge contridiction but that was the only way we could still, in some way, be together.

She shifter her body to the other side and twirled her hair. Finally she looked up.

"I guess we can try being friends." She said carefully. "But nothing more."

I nodded in agreement. A smile formed on my face from excitment. I could feel warm bubbles burst inside of me from content. Even though she said we wouldnt be more than friends, I was planning on working on that later when we got closer. 

I wanted to run outside and yell on the top of my lungs but I had to take Tiffani to her meeting. I stood up and she did the same.

"I guess I should take you to your meeting now, friend." I wanted to see how it would sound outloud.

She smiled and walked up to me. Much closer than before on our way here. We walked together till we got to her room. I looked at her one last time and got an idea.

"Give me your phone." I said jumping up and down. She started rumbling through her purse.

"What? Why?" She asked as she handed it to me. I scrolled down to "new contact" and punched in my number along with the boys. 

"Text me when you finish, the boys and I are going to a kareoke party at Ed Sheeran's tonight." She slipped her phone back in her purse then slowly turned her head to me.

"Did you just say... Ed Sheeran? I LOVE him!" She yelped with excitment. "We're going to his party? Oh my gosh, Harry!" 

She ran over and gave me a hug. I hugged her back but frowned a little. Why did she get all excited when she heard his name? I remembered when ever she used to hear my name and she would just frown. I just shook it off. Now we were friends and things could only get better from here. 

She said bye to me one last time then entered her room. I waved at her through the little window then headed to were the boys were waiting for me. 

There! Chapter 11 is up! Chapter 12 will either be up later today as well or tomorrow morning :) I have alot of free time so make sure to check up on it more often! thank you I love you all!!! <3
xx -Chloe 

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