dreambur ||hybrid AU||

By coolielover

53.7K 1.7K 1.1K

In a world of humans people with special abilities live in hiding as they are hunted and experimented on. Ye... More

22 (final)


2.7K 90 105
By coolielover


Dream seems a lot more comfortable today he told me more about his time with humans and how what happened to him scares him. I am amazed that he can hide that fact. He doesn't give any hints to it bothering him.  We continue to walk around the shop picking up food, drinks, sauces, herbs and surgery treats. We also bumped into puffy who was also buying food for their new house so we ended up talking a bit. We said our goodbyes  and continued to shop. We finished getting and while i paid dream went to find drista.

"I swear i will stab you with a fork if you don't put me down dream" i heard to small American say.

"Stab me with a fork and i won't let you have any of my cooking" Dream said and she immediately  shut up.I finished of paying and we left carrying all the food back to the room.

we got back and put everything away and just watch TV. which was very boring.

"So you two thinking of joining any clubs" I ask trying to do something that not as boring.

"Is there a gaming club" Drista asked i nodded and waited for dream to say something but he didn't. I turned to where he was sitting to see him listening to music while drawing something but i didn't see what.  I poked him making him jump a bit. I smile apologetically as he took out one of his ear phones.

"Sorry about that" I said.

"It's fine, Did you need something" he asked tilting his head slightly.

"I was wondering if you were going to join any clubs." i replied.

"No. clubs aren't really my thing." he said moving his hand. I saw his drawing. It was a dragon, the detail in it was amazing.

"Your really good at drawing. You could do well in the art club" I said he looked at me for a second before quickly turning away.

"T-Thanks i guess" he mumbled. I swear i saw him blush but it could just be my imagination. meh.

"So you saw his drawings. that's shocking he doesn't let many people see them." The smaller, younger female version of dream commented. With that i ended up talking to her for a while.

The time passed drista went to play video games, dream continued to draw his ear twitching every now and then..... not that i was watching. I just watched TV since the first week before classes start is usually very boring.

~2 hours later~

"DREAM IM HUNGER MAKE SOME FOOD PLEASE" The only girl in the whole room yelled from her bedroom. I glanced at dream who was glaring at her bedroom door. To say the least if glares could kill she would be 6 ft under by now.

"You hungry to, because i could start dinner" he said looking at me.

"I guess i could have something to eat." i hummed. He left the living room and went to the kitchen to make whatever he was planning on. I didn't bother him instead i left him to it and went to my own room to work on a new song.

~1 hour later~ (sorry for the time skips)

"Foods done" a voice called. I stood up put my guitar down and walked to the kitchen were there was some food out on plates and smelled amazing. I started eating and the flavor of the food was amazing it was sweet but not too sweat and the same with the salt. (i don't know they were eating, use your imagination and pick)

"where did you learn to cook" I asked.

"Mom taught me when she found us again. cooking isn't that hard i don't know why people can't cook." He said also eating.

We finished eating and dream went to the sofa while i washed up. the little person had ran back to her room.

"I have a question. What type of lesson will there be when they start" dream asked. I was confused for a second but then realized he probably hasn't been to school in a few years.

"There are the normal ones such as English, math, science, RE and history. then there are the less normal ones like fighting , magic for those who have it, translation, and enchantment usage and how it works. stuff like that. We should be getting the class schedule either the day before everything starts or tomorrow." I replied as i put the last plate away and joined him on the sofa.

"I have a question for you. Are you sterling in here or are you still uncomfortable" i asked looking him dead in the eyes. His green eyes reminded me of crystals, i could get lost in them.

"Yeah i guess, I just don't really like meeting new people. " he said breaking the eye contact and leaning his head on the back of the sofa.



Sorry this part is shorter then my normal ones but..... motivation not found.

Hope your enjoying the story so far.

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