The Vampire Chronicles -- End...

By Talon07

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Prologue: Endless
Ch.1: Arrival
Ch. 2: Crescent University
Ch. 3: Deja Vu
Ch. 4: Well Along Came an Angel. Well, Sort of...
Ch. 5: I Won't Tell If You Won't
Ch. 6: Timeless Love
Ch. 7: The Valhahns
Ch. 8: The Valhahns (part 2)
Ch. 9: Where It All Began
Ch. 10: The Enemy of My Enemy Is Unfortunately My Friend
Ch. 11: Butterfly Effect
Ch. 12: Blood Feud-Magnus
Ch. 13: Blood Feud-Magnus (Part 2)
Ch. 14: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust...

Ch. 15: Dance With the Devil of The Night

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By Talon07

Editor Note: So this is the last chapter! However, the second book will begin to be posted in May/June. He has yet to decide if it will be a trilogy or a four book series. Please recommend and vote!


Salem POV

We descended to the bottom of the great tree, nothing but darkness, and down pouring rain welcomed us. My vampire instincts cried out that there was a greater danger in this pit of despair that we so carelessly tossed ourselves in. Orion and I took the lead as we silently made our way deeper into the abyss as Anastasia and Artemis cover our backs. Without the slightest warning, all of my senses reached their peak as I instinctively arched into a feral crouch. Even Orion naturally crouched with his teeth bear. What the witches could not see, we saw with perfect clarity. Of all the hellish nightmares that awaited us on this desolate land of demons, we had uncovered the ancient demon menace that had overcome us before. Magnus, now laid upon the tattered bark and roots of the massive tree, lifeless. His jaw literally hanging from the last tendon of his face, his body had been impaled by countless wood that must have buried into him as he rocketed through the forest, even bits of stone had found their way into his waxed skin. I stood there astonished, in disbelief of what my eyes witnessed. Was Magnus truly dead?

Orion snarled viciously at the sight of our arch-nemesis. His thoughts were very clear to me as he too wondered whether the demon monstrosity was indeed dead. Neither of us felt his heart pulsating. 

Is he really dead, Salem? What the hell happened to him?” Orion questioned.

“That is exactly what I’d like to know as well, Orion. But I have a hunch.” I whisper.

Artemis and Anastasia stationed themselves to each Orion and my side as they strain to see into the darkness.

“What is it that you’ve discovered?” Artemis asks, peering into the black shade.

“Our instincts had been correct all this time. We’ve discovered the body of Magnus. Mutilated and lifeless. Whether he is truly dead or not, I do not know.” I say reluctantly. Something just did not sit right with this situation.

“What on earth could have been strong enough to devastate an ancient such as Magnus?” Anastasia pondered.

That theory was quite evident as my lips formed my father’s name, but was instead answered by the now resurrecting king of demons.

“Corvenus...” Choked the words from the torn jaw of Magnus, that now began to regenerate at an accelerate rate, his limbs and open flesh wounds healing almost instantaneously, and rose to his feet, walking towards the pale moon light. His tailored suit torn in many ribbons was now discarded. All that remained were his pants, his upper body revealed unforgiving scars only the likes of which a thousand years worth of struggle could tell. So the demon king could be injured it seemed. He took hold of his head as he snapped his neck this way and that, relocating the now healed jaw back in its place, and set his violet gaze upon the one person he’d thought he was rid of forever: me.

His eyes widened with great surprise and rage, but a devilish smile welcomed me all the same.

“My, my, my... You are just as resilient as your old man, little Salem. I was more than positive that there was no escape for you no matter what your father, the wolves, or any other supernatural could ever hope to achieve in rescuing you. How are you possibly alive!?” Magnus demanded with an outrage.

Despite the fear that began to spread throughout my body, I could not help but smile at his disappointment.

“Answer me you insignificant worm. How did you escape?” Magnus ordered again. His barking order resulted in bold laughter on Anastasia’s part.

“You honestly thought you had it all in your hands didn’t you, Magnus? The ancient demon of legends himself, trampled and utterly defeated by a mere human girl.” Anastasia laughed.

“Blasphemy...” Magnus uttered.

“We’d already taken such a plot into consideration by one such as yourself, Magnus. This is why we, The Sisters of Fate, have involved ourselves in this war to vanquish you from this world forever. With the aid of a human, we have not only crushed your hopes in stealing this vampire prince’s life, but we have also sealed your doom on this day.” Artemis ensures.

Magnus lowers his head, yet that sinister smile still remained on his face. Suddenly, he erupted in a fit of hysteria, his laughter echoing throughout the dark forest. It sent waves of icy chills even through my own lifeless cold body. Slowly he raised his head and began applauding slowly.

“If there’s one thing that I hate more than the vampires in this world, more than even the filth of humans, is defiance. You honestly believe you can stop me with a mere human? Do you dare insult me with such peevishness!? I am Magnus! King of all demons! A reaper! You cannot begin to fathom the depths of my power... So let me show you why I am revered as the strongest among all ancients.” Magnus encloses.

His body then emitted a frightening dark aura that began to spread as a thick field of mist would, stretching out towards us all as we slowly began to back away from it. I could hear the shouts of Victoria and Alibeth from above as well as Orion’s pack. They must see the dire situation clearly from above. I didn’t know what power Magnus was using, only that I did not want the mist to touch any of us. As I began to turn back and yell for everyone to fall back and retreat to the top, I narrowly escaped the jaws of Orion, who’d nearly taken my head off in a single bite. I was in complete disarray .

“Are you mad, Orion!? What the hell are you thinking? I’m your ally!” I burst as he attempts a second assault for me. With his focus and resolve clear from the thoughts I boldly decided to read, he was indeed aiming for a death blow with each attack. I avoided him yet again, as the two witches were left in confusion, trying to decipher whether to aid me or run.

“Stop this at once, Orion! What has gotten into you?” Anastasia yelled out, but to no avail.

“I have a hunch that this mist affects the senses along with rationality and does not require us to come in physical contact with it. Orion must have been the first to be infected since his nose is sharper than ours. Magnus must have him under his control. We have to clear the mist, Ana!” Artemis relayed.

“Do what you must! I’ll try to tame Orion back into his senses. Be careful of the mist and Magnus!” I yell out, before barely escaping another attempt at my head. I found myself cornered against the giant roots of the tree as Orion closed in on his prey. I held my hands out to try and sooth him.

“Orion listen to me. You are being controlled by Magnus. Fight him. I know you can resist. I know somewhere in your heart, you do not wish to harm me. Please... I don’t want to hurt you, Orion.” I pleaded.

My request was only answered by the massive wolf launching himself towards me, jaws and claws extended, as he was about to pounce on his target, only to find himself knocked down towards the ground with sheer force and an incredible gust of wind blowing the mist afar back towards Magnus. After recovering from the shock, I took notice of several bodies now standing in front of me, shielding me.

My father, Corvenus Valhahn; Alpha of the Werewolves, Lawliet Taurent; the high queen, Trinity Valhahn, who quickly apprehended me in her protective arms; and my siblings, Chelisa and Atreau Valhahn, now all facing the demon menace.

Magnus looked on towards his newly arrived foes with a disgusted look.

“Curse that intolerable human and witch.” He says sourly.

“If not for Victoria’s bravery in shouting her thoughts out to me and the quick wind spell of Alibeth, you would most certainly have claimed my son’s life along with his own friend. How piteous and perceptive. Even with a thousand years passing, you haven’t changed one bit.” Corvenus insults, shaking his head in pity.

I relieved myself from Trinity’s protection and made my way towards my father’s side when I was apprehended by Victoria’s hands, those which I could not deny. Her eyes said it all to me, she did not wish for me to go. This time, it was her turn to enter the battle. My entire core began to shake, but was quickly subdued by a look from Trinity, whose eyes yearned for me to understand and let it be. With a heavy sigh, I conceded. She kissed me for what I hoped was not the last time, and I watched her walk away as she disconnected herself from the protection of our family and into the personification of death itself. As she left, I could have sworn her scent was a bit off. I couldn’t place my thoughts as to why this was suddenly an interest, and so I watched...

Victoria’s POV

God forbid if anything were to happen to Salem. I lost him once and I would not lose him again. That mysterious mist that exuded from Magnus’s body was the cause of Orion turning on Salem. The pack from above instantly began to stir as the mist poured out into the open and warned Alibeth and I of the danger the mist carried. They weren’t affected by the mist from such a distance, but they could smell the poison within it. Unfortunately, Orion had taken the full affect. Alibeth quickly prepared a spell to control the elements and used a powerful wind spell to launch a strong gust towards Magnus to blow away the mist. 

At that time, I knew the only chance we stood against Magnus was to call upon Corvenus. Salem was in no situation to distract himself from reading Orion’s thoughts to anticipate his attacks and the older sisters were left surprised with no plan of what to do. All I could think of was to call upon every member of the Valhahn clan and my thoughts, my prayers, had been answered with swift justice. Before Orion could go for a killing blow, Lawliet quickly apprehended Orion, knocking him senseless into the ground with his jaw locked atop of Orion’s neck. It all happened so quickly. In the blink of an eye, the entire royal family appeared before us all. 

Trinity locked her beloved son in her arms, piercing Magnus with a spiteful glare as Atreau and Chelisa stood side by side from her. They both seemed to have recovered from their injuries from the last battle. Then stood the man that was pouring nothing but the purest and most devastating presence among us all, Corvenus. I had never seen him in this demeanor. He was not the civil, elegant vampire lord I had been introduced to in the beginning. This man had the look of a killer, I dare say he was not even a man at this moment, but a killing machine. This was the true nature of an ancient vampire that has been crossed for the last time. 

Yet with all of my friends and soon to be family surrounding me, I already knew that this battle was still in Magnus’s favor. None of them, not even Corvenus, would be able to break through that impenetrable barrier once activated. I then took the small vile of potion from my pocket and drunk it all, not allowing a single drop to be wasted. I only hoped that my plan would work and that my backup would suffice if I failed my mission. Otherwise, only death awaited me in failure. I pointed towards the direction of the Valhahn family at the wolves and they understood completely, allowing me and Alibeth to climb aboard and ride down beside them. Salem of course wanted this opportunity to fight at his father’s side and put an end to this war, but even so, I couldn’t afford for either of them to be hurt. I took hold of his hand and spoke with my mind as calmly as I could.

No, Salem. It’s time I do what I was destined to do and stop Magnus myself. You’ve all done your part. Now it’s my turn to prove my worth and take my place as a Valhahn.” I say, locking my gaze with his in a serious demeanor.

Salem’s eyes widened at the sudden realization that the time had finally come and tightened his own grip slightly. “Don’t do this, Victoria. Please. I’m begging you. We are more than enough to put an end to Magnus’s life now that we’ve assembled. You do not have to endanger yourself any longer. Please reconsider.” Salem pleaded.

I shook my head in disagreement, smiling as best I could. “Don’t make this harder on me than it already is, Salem. I’m the only one who can do this. We all know this. Just trust me.” I gently kissed his soft lips and forced myself to turn from him and walked the path where darkness awaited me. As I passed Corvenus, his thoughts reached my mind for just a few moments to give words of encouragement.

I will admit that this was a plan I was unaware of, but rest assured that we will all die protecting you, my child. We will wait patiently unless you show the slightest sign of distress. And also know that you have made me proud to call you my daughter-in-law.” For that brief moment, Corvenus granted me his beautiful smile. I returned the gesture and then continued my way towards Magnus, who stood there as a male model would, posing with his hands in his pockets, smiling innocently, but there was no innocence in that eerie row of razor teeth that welcomed me.

“This is just too rich. This has to be the most entertaining piece of work I have ever witnessed in all my existence. The mighty Corvenus cannot best me, his coven is too cowardly to leave their precious prince’s side, and to top it off, they offer me a human sacrifice. It’s so funny, I can hardly find it in myself to laugh. There’s not a single being alive that can possibly pass through my barrier. The only reason why you succeeded, Corvenus, was merely because I wished to test your strength. I must say, you still have a very cruel left swing, but even that was not worth the challenge. I am above you all. I am a god! You and your pathetic race of insignificant humans will be the first I wipe out when I cleanse this world. So come! Come to me. Hit me with the hardest blow your puny, frail, mortal body can muster. I don’t need a barrier to protect myself from the likes of your kind.” He gloats.

I impishly make my way to him, using all of whatever my ability was to suppress my true intentions. Afraid he would see through it and slaughter me on the spot, keeping all of my thoughts aside. This plan had to succeed without flaw. And so I sheepishly reached for Magnus, grasping his cheeks and stared into the violet eyes of the devil himself.

Magnus had truly belittled me as far as he could and with that insult, I boldly kissed him ardently, spewing every bit of the potion in his mouth as he tried to intake all he could from me. This demon was utterly a disgusting beast of lust, if not grotesque in his manner of demeaning to all life itself. I felt an unbearable grip lock onto me and I knew I was trapped in Magnus’s clutches for good. My plan had failed. I would die right here. I know he intends to kill me in the most gruesome way imaginable to push Salem past the edge of his sanity. He’d devour my tongue for such a bold move, rip my back apart from his grip or skewer his claws deep into my chest as my intestines hung from me. So many possibilities in dying. I was at this demon king’s mercy.

The grip became even tighter and the world around me swirled, already barely recognizable from the darkness I enclosed myself in as I closed my eyes. I felt so cold. If this was so, I must be dead already, in which case, I would be thankful that my death was painless. Perhaps death is literally a state of mind we only place ourselves in and the fear of death only grows with the thought of pain as an unwelcoming sensation. The coldness I found myself in then brushed itself on my forehead, and I found a pair of cold lips sending waves of chills throughout my body. My eyes flash open to see Salem caging me in his protective arms, furthest away from Magnus and in the center of the group. I was in complete confusion. I looked around to find Orion, now being released from the jaws of his Alpha, looking just as disorientated as I was. Alibeth and her sisters were chanting something incoherent to me, Chelisa and Atreau along with other members of the wolf pack were now scattering as they fended off other demons that tried to defend their king and were slaughtered in seconds. Trinity stood at her husband’s side as they both watched Magnus writhe in pain on the ground, his body twisting in odd angles and positions. The potion was taking full affect on him and this put a smile on my face. I had finally played a role in this war. I exacted my vengeance on Magnus for attempting to take what was most important to me in my life.

Magnus then forced himself as hard as he could to regain composure, struggling to his knees and leering my way. “What... What did you... you human... You poisoned me...” Was all he could muster as he doubled over in agony, cringing from the unbearable results of the potion.

This type of aftermath was not foreseen even by Corvenus and he sought for answers, looking to the witches with questionable and astonished eyes.

“Now you see why we are called the Sisters of Fate, Magnus. A high and mighty ancient demon king you were always known for in the legends. It was always apparent that you saw yourself as the supreme ruler of all life. You belittled any and all life that did not revolve around yourself. Reaper demons were always a proud and arrogant race. 

“The power to kill in one touch, the ability to cross between life and death, your kind were indeed a force to not be underestimated. But when you became what you are today, you gained a higher power even the witches could not fathom to touch and no other being should gain, the power to control the Seven Deadly Sins. You used that poor wolf Orion as your puppet and seized his most vulnerable sin, which I believed to be Wrath. A perfect choice considering that werewolves and vampires have a long history of bitterness towards one another. Such power should not exist in this world.” Anastasia lectured.

“Our dearest sister saw the weakness to your tremendous power the night you kidnapped Salem. Your barrier would have been the death of us all along with that troublesome ability to control sin.” Artemis pointed out.

“Corvenus asked me to create a spell to protect him and his allies from your powers and I figured our magic wouldn’t be enough. But a potion would definitely be the key role in defeating you. You’re powerful, but you’re not immortal as the vampires. You age just like any other living creature of this world or the next. 

“Therefore, I hatched a plan that only my sisters and I could create. We created a potion that would not only render your powers useless, but accelerate your aging to its limit. I’m sure you are feeling the effects of getting old as we speak, except it is happening far too fast for your body to adapt. A potion like this has never been achieved. It was meant solely for you. I hope you like it, you fucking bastard.” Alibeth finished.

Magnus’s expression was unreadable, his face buried in the dirt as he did everything he could to resist the damage happening to his body, but all was effortless as he writhed in his deserving agony.

Salem then allowed himself to be wretched away from me as he left me within the shield of Trinity and took to his father’s side.

Corvenus looked to his son and nodded once.

“As prince of the Valhahn clan, and as my son, I grant you the honor in slaying your perpetrator. In the name of the Valhahn clan and for the sake of protecting both the human and supernatural world, as your king and father, I command this. Kill him.” Corvenus orders with forceful authority.

It was as if Salem’s entire persona had shifted to that of a soldier receiving orders from his general. His resolve was unquestionable. He then stared at his target with an icy expression.

“You need not tell me what is to be done, father. I will kill this lowly creature for his own personal atonement. It is not hatred I feel for Magnus, but pity.” Salem says as he made his way towards Magnus.

I watched Salem as he flashed instantaneously in front of Magnus, his hand raised that would deliver the finishing blow on his long since foe. However what was seen was another set of hands impaling the love of my life as I saw his body fell lifeless to the ground, drenching in his own blood as the demon king stood mighty with an undying urge to live. He’d pushed past his limits despite the harsh effects of the potion coursing through him and impaled Salem in his chest cavity so swiftly, no one was prepared for such a reaction. 

So many things happened all too fast to keep track. Trinity was no longer at my side. Instead, I witnessed the beautiful queen transform into a feral beast as she buried her fangs into the neck of Magnus, pinning him against the great mother tree. Corvenus phantomed to his fallen son as he brought him to me and laid Salem’s lifeless body in front of me and disappearing for what I knew was going to be Magnus’s demise leaving a dire message that only I was capable of doing.

“Feed him... Save my son.” He says, disappearing for Magnus, who fought himself free of the queen’s rage just to find the king toppling over him and burying his fangs into his artery.

I was now ensnared by the relentless grip of true fear. I had nothing to cut myself with to give Salem the life he so desperately needed and I did the only thing possible I could do. I lifted his head gently, unhinged his jaw as far as I could and forced my neck upon his mouth as I tightened shut his bottom jaw and pressed with all my force, allowing his fangs to penetrate deep into my flesh. The pain was instantaneous and immediately. I could feel the flow of my life enter his body. Something else began to happen. I felt a burning sensation begin to spread from the bite wound and course throughout my body. 

As I was beginning to release Salem and trying to relieve myself from this unbearable pain, I found myself in Salem’s clutches as he buried his fangs deeper into my neck, clinging to what little life he had and taking as much as he could from me. I tried to fight him, thrashed as hard as I could to resist him, called out for Alibeth and Orion, instinctively I screamed for help. Salem was trying to kill me. He wasn’t just satisfying his thirst, he was literally trying to kill me, taking more than what I could possibly give. 

My body was scorching beyond anything I’d ever felt in my life. But no one came for me. My eyes flash open to see two ancient vampires staring down upon me, blood dripping from both sets of jaws with wolves now howling in the midst. The witches, one of whom I called my best friend, only stood to witness. No one was helping me. I felt betrayed. I guess I would become a human sacrifice. What happened to the promise to love Salem beyond forever? To be a part of his family and embrace a world I knew I was destined to join? Was I merely a pawn? Why would Salem cast me aside? 

Everything around me became so dark, the heat only skyrocketing to unparalleled heights of agony, but my body was still. Nothing was moving. I was trapped in this shell to be consumed in flames forever. I wanted to cry out so badly for Salem, anyone, to just get it over with and kill me now. Do not leave me in the hellish fire to suffer. I was sorry for ever being so bold as to believe I would ever be a part of their world. It was a foolish dream. Just end my agony!!

Everything from the outside world was gone. All that was left was the fire, that seemed to begin settling itself, if only slightly. I distracted myself for what seemed like days, months, possibly years... Rekindling old memories of my parents, how they always sheltered me. They always wanted the best for me. Setting off for college was the first time I’d ever ventured out as an independent individual. 

Dreaming of individuals and events that have not come to pass and suffer deja vu the next day. None of it made sense. I recalled Salem stating that I may have the All Seeing Eyesof some sort, whatever that may be. It didn’t matter to someone who was dead. As the flames began to die down, I assumed that I was finally being released from my torment, pitied by God for such ignorance, and granted to enter his eternal kingdom at long last. 

Yet I could not help but miss what I would leave behind, who I was leaving behind. A vampire he was, my angel he would forever be. Despite my unfortunate death, I at least was able to save him from his untimely demise. I proved my worth as a lover, a friend, and at least died human knowing that without the aid of supernatural gifts I was able to conquer an ancient demon. If that’s not proving to be badass, I don’t know what is. Eat your heart out, Salem. I told you I would protect you. 

It’s getting much colder now, like I’m buried in a blanket of snow. The sensation is welcoming compared to the hell I endured earlier. There was however other sensational feelings. For one thing, I was hearing cars passing by on a highway at a far distance yet they seemed so close and the sounds of nearby footsteps accompanied by familiar voices echoing through my ears. My sense of smell most definitely picked up something very sweet like honeydew, and other odd spices I was unsure of. I could not move my body as I would love to, so I still assumed it was just some delusion of my mind, trying desperately to ease myself as my soul prepared to journey from my body. The most noticeable of my new sensations was the fire I’d thought I was rid of, now centered itself firmly in my throat.

I was so thirsty... No amount of water would be able to quench a thirst such as this. The very thought of water was even revolting at that moment and even sodas and other beverages. Then my thoughts transfer over to Salem. I found the thought of him extremely soothing. I remembered when we’d reached a climax at his family’s estate, he had me against the corridor, floating from what I could recall, and kissed me so passionately. As soon as I tried to take him, he’d escaped me as he did before on campus that morning, biting the edge of his finger as blood streamed down... Blood. I vividly remember that crimson stream flowing from him. It looked so delicious... Wait, what? What the hell is wrong with me? Blood is the last thing I want. What I want are Salem’s lips gently kissing mine. His cold lips moving in unison with my warm pair of lips.

It was then that my sense of touch scorched past anything I’d felt. This was not a painful sensation, but sensual. I couldn’t make sense of what was happening or cared. I knew the kiss that was being given to me at this moment anywhere. My body, without my own warning or control, locked its arms firmly around my beloved as I kissed back with more force than intended, overwhelming him and I found myself launching atop of him and off of a bed I found myself in as we were bound to the floor. I quickly lifted myself from him, looking to and fro at all angles like an animal placed in a new habitat. I found a pair of hands now reaching out towards me and I seized them with a speed that frightened me, pinning them to the ground as a feral snarl erupting from my throat, staring into the crimson eyes of this flawless young man before me who did not resist me or even flinch. He merely smiled back and spoke calmly.

“I see kissing you was a very sad mistake. Welcome home, my love. Do you remember me?” This radiant young man asked.

I slowly lowered my head towards his neck, admiring his beautiful brown skin, his ebony black hair covering most of his left eye. I rested my forehead gently on his, absorbing these new uncontrollable urges. I smelled blood from him, could see it in the veins of his neck. He was intoxicating to me and irresistible. I wanted him, and so I took him. I bit into his neck and instead of distress, I receive pleasure as he, encloses his arms around me, urging me to bite deeper. As I fed from him, I felt so much life pouring from him into me. Then flashes of memories began to play in my head. A lot was hazy at first, afterwards sharpening as I continued feeding. These memories were connected to my own, linked together from a past life I must have lived as a frail human girl. I learned that her name was Victoria Elizabeth, a transfer student from across the ocean. She discovered the vampire, Salem Valhahn, fell in love with him, and was accepted into his world. She met his family. Corvenus Valhahn, king of their clan and Trinity Valhahn whom adores me as her beloved daughter and all the love a mother could give. Chelisa Valhahn, who at first despised her, now is like a sister. Atreau Valhahn, the childish boy who always has a smile on his face and their precious human sibling and youngest of them all, Amyria Valhahn, who has a special gift to share her thoughts and dreams. The memories brought about a gothic looking girl named Alibeth Raven, who was Victoria’s roommate and craziest best friend. Orion Taurent, a werewolf with unwavering loyalty for his friends. I remember it all now with perfect clarity. These were my human memories.

I released my grip from the one I called my beloved, now in a state of guilt and disarray as I covered my mouth staring at him with wide eyes. Blood now dripped from the edges of my lips, trailing off the sides of my hand. My lover’s wound healed instantly without so much of a scar. He now looked at me with an expression of satisfaction.

“You remember me now?” He asked again.

I nodded my headed several times. “Everything. I remember everything.” I revealed.

Salem slowly raised his hand and took hold of my own, forcing them down to reveal my bloody mess of a mouth, and inched forward licking the leftovers so tenderly and slow. He was sending so many desirable waves in me that was shaking my entire quintessence.

“You shouldn’t waste blood so easily, my love. I’ll have to teach you how to eat properly.” He teased, giving off that bright smile I remembered so vividly. Then the nightmarish memories poured in. Magnus, the war, and my last memory of Salem killing me. I flinched away.

“You took my life.” I pointed out.

“No, Victoria. I gave you life. In saving my life, I have granted you another.”

“It burned,” I recalled, my arms folding around myself. “It burned so badly. I wanted to die.” I admitted in shame.

“We all want to when we transform. That’s only the worst part in being reborn into immortality...” He hinted.

“I’m a vampire now? Like you?” I asked in disbelief, touching my face. Nothing felt different about me except the senses.

“And more beautiful than Trinity herself. A feat I thought impossible until you were reborn a vampire. Look at you.” He ordered, now guiding my face gently towards the mirrors that replaced the ceiling of his now recognizable room. My human eyes back then had overlooked such detail when I slept in his bedroom. I peered above myself to see this divine entity staring back at me with her vibrant silver eyes. Her hair was as golden as the bright sun that flowed down her back in waves and her skin was as pale as the purest snow. She radiated beauty from head to toe and was garbed in a silk ebony dress that hugged her stunning figure, complimented by high inch laced heels with an anklet on her right ankle symbolizing the Valhahn crest of their crimson cross. This person couldn’t possibly be me. She was too beautiful. Her beauty literally was too much to bear sight of and I turned away in disbelief only to be captured by Salem’s crimson gaze.

“You are more beautiful than I had ever imagined you to be.” He praises, caressing my cheek with the back of his hand.

“This is so much to take in. I can’t believe any of this,” I shook my head again in astonishment. “I just can’t wrap my mind around it. Is this real?” I ask, casting my now silver eyes upon Salem.

“As real as this...” He says, kissing me with so much energy and desire than what my human self had been used to. He completely overwhelmed me. There were too many questions I wanted answered and so much I had to be caught up to, but he was merciless. My God, I never knew he had withheld so much from me, the cheater.

That thought resulted in his trademark chuckle as he parted lips from me.

“I should behave... at least for now. I can finally give you every last bit of myself without fear in harming you. But that comes later, my love. It’s time the family sees you in your new vampire body. Come.” Which required me to remove myself from on top of him, I reluctantly did as he’d asked. 

He took my hand as he guided me carefully down the corridor towards the stairs. My new vampire senses flared all over. I could feel the presence of many. Not just within this household, but all around the entire estate, familiar and new. Salem beckoned me further as we reached the first floor and stepped outside where the sun shined brightly and everything was so much sharper in sight. I was being awaited upon by none other than the royal family themselves. Corvenus and Trinity stood side by side one another. Chelisa and Atreau both set their gaze upon me as Atreau let out his childish laughter and Chelisa covered her mouth in aw, stunned by my new beauty. Behind them, stood a pack of wolves. I recognized Orion and his Alpha, Lawliet. They were the only two who were in their human form. And the first person to come rushing my way was none other than my crazed best friend, Alibeth, who ensnared me in her hug. Her scent was quite tempting, at that moment I felt Salem’s grip tighten on me, reminding me to control my urges.

“Oh my God! I thought you were never going to wake up. Hot damn, you are one sexy ass vampire, Vicky! You could go off and be a porn star if you wanted. I’d definitely watch.” She said, biting her lips with her flirtatious smile she always gave. She succeeded in making me laugh. It was good seeing her back to the horny dog I knew her as.

“I’ve missed that flirty personality of yours, Ali.” I say, now hugging her back with my free arm.

“No offense, Ali. But I’m considering cheating on you for a blonde.” Orion whispers, though with these new vampire ears, I could hear him as if he were speaking right in front of me and giggled.

Salem then guided me towards Corvenus and Trinity. I naturally bowed my head in respect, but was rewarded by being embraced by both king and queen.

“If there is such a thing as angels, you are definitely the reincarnation of it, my child.” Corvenus complimented.

“To think my beauty would be rivaled by another. I could only see one as fit as you to play that role properly, my dear. Oh how beautiful you are. You are finally one of us. More importantly, you are a true Valhahn now.” Trinity says, kissing both sides of my cheeks.

Atreau and Chelisa both take their turn hugging and welcoming me into the family. 

“At last we can bond as sisters. Technically you’re the baby, so I’ll have to teach you proper manners in being a vampire.” Chelisa smiled, kissing my cheek and relinquishing me to Atreau.

“Somebody wants to say hello.” He says with a childish snicker.

Atreau then reveals Amyria behind him as she reaches for me and I willingly take her in my arms as she placed her warm little hands on my cheeks and spoke her thoughts.

Daddy told me that my big brother Salem was going to make you a vampire like him. You’re pretty.” Amyria smiled brightly as her emerald eyes met mine. This gorgeous mute girl was everything to me now. She represented purity in its richest form. I now understood why she is so precious to the family.

“Not as pretty as you are.” I complimented back, kissing little Amyria on her forehead. She kissed me back in return and returned to her favorite brother’s arms again.

I now had serious questions that I made very clear in my thoughts to both Salem and Corvenus. All I received from both ends were to wait until the proper time of discussion. For now, enjoy the fruits of victory and savor the new life I’ll be living for eternity.

Lawliet approached me and stopped a few feet from me.

“It is because of you we all managed to escape with our lives. You have just been carved in history as the first human... Well beforehand, as the first mortal to thwart the ancient demon king. How do you feel?” He asks bashfully.

“Like the job isn’t finished.” I say disappointingly.

“I understand completely. Know this, you saved countless lives. We all played our part and have protected the balance of both worlds. We are now united and much stronger. All thanks to you. You even proved a human who has no supernatural power is capable of defeating a god.” He smirks winking at me. I’m sure if I could blush, I’d be doing it now, but I reward him with a gracious smile.

“Thank you. I hope we can all get along now. Since I’m a vampire now, I hope you’ll grant us more freedom and trust the Valhahns. We’re all fighting for the same cause.” I enlighten.

Lawliet nods his head in agreement. “Indeed we are, newborn. There are many things to be changed. I’m sure Corvenus would be more than happy to have council for a more fair agreement and seek a higher understanding of one other. We are after all brothers in arms now. I view the Valhahns a part of our pack now as much as I’m sure he values us as one of his own.” He says.

“You are correct, old friend. I’m happy to call you family. We will come to better terms for our clans.” Corvenus ensures. 

“We will be taking our leave now. Our coven must be informed of what’s happened and the Book of Shadows must be updated with its first human to ever vanquish an ancient demon.” Anastasia winks at me.

“History has indeed been made and from this day forward the Valhahns have the allegiance of the witches whenever we are needed for the proper cause. It was a pleasure to witness that even vampires are capable of having a soul.” Artemis compliments.

Anastasia and Artemis bid their goodbyes and then returned to their eastern territory with a transportation spell.

The Taurent pack made their way back to the northern mountains soon after and left us to ourselves. That was when I decided to ask.

“Alright everyone. Do not hold back on me. What happened to Magnus after I blacked out? All I recall was trying to save Salem’s life and Magnus being at the brink of death. Is he finally dead?” I asked in despair.

The entire family fell silent to my question. I looked to Chelisa and Atreau who fled my gaze, sought out Trinity who only shook her head, and Corvenus, who I thought would share the world’s secrets with me, only to be denied. So I looked to the one person who couldn’t possibly deny me and locked eyes with him.

“Salem, I want the truth. Is Magnus dead?” I asked again, desperate for the answer I wanted to hear.

Salem shook his head slowly and then placed his thumb and index finger over his temples as he usually did.

“With the last remnants of his power, he narrowly escaped Corvenus and Trinity’s clutches. He escaped into the plains of Limbo just as he did a thousand years ago. I doubt he’ll be at his full strength and will therefore wait for the right opportunity to strike back at us. We cannot touch him until he returns to the realm of the living.” Salem informs.

This does not please me one bit. We were not completely safe until that monster is dead. Yet he finds his way through a loophole we cannot cross and will collect his strength, waiting on the right opportunity to have his vengeance.

“Do not fret, beloved. We’ll be well prepared for him if he dares show his face again. He’d be a fool to try in his condition now. So let us enjoy our victory while it lasts. The last time I checked, you said you’d love me beyond forever. I’m still waiting for that to happen, Victoria Elizabeth Valhahn.” Salem says, embracing me.

“Did you just propose to me?” I asked anxiously.

“When we graduate college, and live another century together, I’ll ask for your hand in marriage. For now, enjoy living the life as a vampire and pretending to be what you sucked at to begin with.” He says chuckling, and was rewarded a much sturdier elbow to the gut.

I can never describe the feelings I have for Salem. Even an eternity with him isn’t going to be enough to fully define the love that I have for him. What I do know is this. Despite us coming from two different worlds and living in a different era, our love is genuine and unique. There is no greater love than the affection we have for one another. Finding the other half of ourselves is never an accomplishment we achieve in this lifetime. Sometimes you discover immeasurable love in the strangest times in your life. This has led me to believe that love is not only priceless, but time tells no lies. That despite the distance between our two worlds, love could transcend beyond the distance and bring us much closer. We were meant for each other...

The End

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