Ch. 5: I Won't Tell If You Won't

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Editor Note: Here's another chapter edited for the new year! Enjoy!


Was I dead? I didn't know for sure. Was being warm a part of death? I thought it was the exact opposite. Maybe in death, a person is able to imagine whatever they feel is a rightful death to them in order to pass on easier. So I guess for me, all I wanted was to be warm. How simplistic... But then I began to hear a voice, two in fact. A male and female voice, where the female’s was bubbly and blissfully laughing hysterically while the male's voice, smooth as ice and gentle as a breeze, chuckled quietly along with her. 

Could it be? My eyes began to open slowly as I found myself shrouded in blankets in my own bed. Peeking through the sheets, hearing the high winds outside the window, two thoughts sprung to my mind. How did I get here and how were Salem and I alive? I could have sworn he had been shot, yet there he stood leaning against my dorm chair a few feet from my bed chuckling at one of Alibeth's comments. I was so confused. None of this made sense. I was sure we were dead.

"What is going on?" I spoke in a low whisper only a mouse would be able to hear. Salem's ear twitched and somehow managed to catch the sound of my voice and turned slightly my way, peering through where I was peeking in my cocoon of blankets and smiled at me. 

"Seems like you've come to at last. You had us worried there." He admitted.

I jumped slightly and hid myself deeper under the blankets. He let out a quiet chuckle as I was then pounced upon by Alibeth while being hit by a pillow repeatedly. 

"You. Are. In. So. Much. Trouble!" Each word was connected with a hard blow from the pillow, which really didn't bother me much to my surprise. 

"You were gone for so long I was just about to call a search party and hunt you down." She said as her voice became higher with each word. I'd hoped it was safe to poke my head out and try to give an explanation, but I was gravely mistaken. Being hit yet again, I retreated back in my cocoon. 

"I don't even remember getting here. It's all his fault..." I whimpered. I was bold enough to expose my hand and pointed an accusing finger towards Salem and then let it slip back within my castle before being struck. 

"I could have sworn he was sho-" Before I could finish the last word of my sentence, Salem interrupted. 

"It's alright, Alibeth. She's still a bit confused. Perhaps I'll explain it to her while you attend to your needs, remember?" I peeked through the blanket again to see Alibeth's face light up in shock and delight all at once. 

"Oh! I'd almost forgotten. Thanks! I'll be right back. I have to go sign someone in to come up here. He's a good friend of mine. Will you still be here, Salem?" She asked looking at him bashfully. 

"I can't leave until you sign me out. I'm as good as stuck here. I'll keep her company while you get your friend." He assured her smiling his perfect smile at her as she returned it with her own blushing. 

"Alright then... Well you two behave. I'll be back shortly." With that, she hopped off of me and gracefully skipped out the door closing it behind her. The moment she left was the instant I sprung out from my cocoon of blankets and flung a pillow towards Salem. He instinctively caught it without turning to me and placed it between his chest and the chair he leaned against. 

"Thanks. I was quite uncomfortable." He said sarcastically. 

"It was meant to hit you not make you comfortable..." I glowered. My eyes narrowed at him and he then turned to meet my glare and simply gave a playful smile. 

"Well I see you are in good health. I'm glad-" 

I had cut him off before he could change the subject.

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