Glee Pregnancy Pact - One-Sho...

By CassidyMcKee19

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Do you ever wonder what happened after the last chapter in Glee Pregnancy Pact: The Beginning of an Everlasti... More

4th of July Celebration
First Day Back
Shelby's Idea
You Are My Sunshine
The Return of Jesse St. James
Birthday Surprise
You're Invited!
Baby Gender Reveal
Shopping Adventures

Accidental Wedding

239 8 7
By CassidyMcKee19

Rachel was preparing for the party when Finn walked downstairs, holding Jason. "I'm just about to go drop him at my mom's; I thought you'd want to say bye."

"Of course!" Rachel got to her feet and reached for her and Finn's 10-month-old. "Mommy loves you, baby," she cooed, tracing Jason's face with her fingernail as she always did, which Jason loved. 

Jason giggled, and Rachel kissed the top of his head. "You be good for your Mimi," she said. "Thanks for taking him, Finn."

"Of course, babe," Finn replied, kissing Rachel on the lips as he took Jason back. "I'll be back to help with the party."

Rachel smiled. "Got it."


15 minutes later, Finn was back and was helping to put glasses of water out. They had decided they didn't want to drink at the party because they had to be responsible since becoming parents. However... that all flew out the window the minute Puck arrived at the party.

Quinn and Puck were the second couple to arrive, the first being Kurt and Blaine. No one knew yet if Blaine was a friend or what Kurt thought of him, but they could tell Kurt liked Blaine. Puck walked over to the table holding water glasses, and he frowned.

"Only water, Berry?" he said, picking up a glass. "I thought you said this was going to be a party?"

"Yes, I did, but now that we are responsible parents, we need to act like it," Rachel said, nodding. Finn placed a hand on the small of Rachel's back as he agreed with her.

More people arrived at Rachel's, and what Puck had said was quickly forgotten. However, Puck started to get restless when everyone was there.

"Rachel, this isn't fun at all," he complained. "Please let me break into your dads' liquor cabinet. Please."

Quinn glared at her fiance. "Noah Puckerman, don't you even think about it."

"Please?" Puck said. Everyone was staring at Rachel and Puck. "Look, we need to loosen up. I don't think we've had one night where we don't have our kids with us."

Rachel sighed. It wasn't her best decision, but she didn't want anyone getting mad. "Fine. One bottle, Noah, and if I see you getting another one, I'll kick you out."

"Hell, yeah!" Puck pumped his fist despite a scorching glare from Quinn. "Just a little bit, Q."

Quinn rolled her eyes. "Fine. But don't complain when you wake up with a headache tomorrow from drinking too much."


Half an hour later, Puck had drunk two glasses despite what he had said about only drinking a little, and Quinn was sitting on his lap to prevent him from getting any more. Kitty and Jake had drunk way too much, and Rachel could tell they were highly intoxicated. Artie had already thrown up on the couch, and he was still looking very green, so Rachel just hoped he didn't throw up again. She quickly hid the bottles so no one would get any more alcohol; they most certainly didn't need it as they were going to school tomorrow. 

She saw Santana, still holding onto her glass, half-full of alcohol as she chatted with Sebastian. She watched closely as Sebastian switched his glass full of water with hers and sipped from her glass. Rachel's eyebrows furrowed.

Finn came up from behind her and wrapped his arms around her. He was one of the only ones who hadn't been drinking, and she was glad for that. "Hey, babe," he said.

"Hi," Rachel said, focusing on Santana.

"What are you thinking?" Finn asked and followed her gaze to Santana. 

"Santana didn't drink anything," Rachel noted.

"Okay, and?" Finn asked.

"No... I'm just wondering." Rachel shook her head, but then Santana stood up.

"Aye! Rachel!" she yelled, pointing at the tiny brunette.

"Yes?" Rachel said, confused.

"Why are you looking at me?" Santana asked.

"You're not drinking," Rachel responded. By now, everyone was watching Santana and Rachel's exchange.

"Yeah. So?" Santana said. 

"Never mind." Rachel shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm pregnant again," Santana revealed, a slight smile appearing.

"Oh, my gosh, San!" Quinn rushed over to the Latina, hugging her.

"And you said you wouldn't get pregnant again so soon," Rachel laughed.

"Well, stuff happens, Berry," Santana smirked, glancing at Sebastian.

"Congrats, Santana," Marley said shyly.

"Thanks, Marley," Santana smiled at the brunette.

"That's so awesome, San; the boys are going to be really close in age then," Brittany remarked.

"Isn't it awesome, Kitty?" Tina said, turning to her side, but realized Kitty and Jake weren't there. "Guys, where did they go?"

"Uh oh," Kurt muttered. Blaine ran up the stairs and then came back down.

"Guys," the gel-haired boy said quickly. "They're walking, and it looks like they're heading for the front door."

Rachel rolled her eyes as she quickly jogged up the stairs, and everyone followed. "Kitty! Jake!" she yelled down the hall as she ran for the front door. She threw open the front door and saw a cab pull up by the curb.

"Heyy, Rachel!" Kitty slurred, grinning as she held onto Jake's arm. 

"What are you two doing?" Rachel asked.

Kitty stepped into the cab before answering. "Well, Jake and I are getting married, of course!"


Rachel yelled at Finn as the cab doors shut, "Finn, get my keys! Now!"

"Got it!" Finn called back, dashing inside and returning a moment later. He tossed the keys to Rachel, and miraculously, she caught them.

"Quinn, Santana, Britt, come with me," Rachel instructed. "Oh, Puck, you too. The rest of you, stay here, and Finn, make sure Artie doesn't throw up on the couch again. We'll call if we need backup."

The cab screeched out of sight as Rachel got in her car, buckling her seat belt and switching on the ignition in a flash. Santana got in the front, and Brittany, Quinn, and Puck got in the back together.

"Everyone buckled?" Rachel asked as she put the car in drive. The girls and Puck nodded.

Rachel pulled out of the driveway with a wave to Finn and the others and then sped until she caught up to the cab driving Kitty and Jake to apparently get married. The brunette's car was trailing the cab until the cab sped out of sight when Rachel got caught at a red light.

"Shoot!" Rachel cursed, banging her hand on the steering wheel. "Where are they going?"

"A church?" Brittany suggested.

"No. No, the churches that we have are way too far away." Rachel shook her head.

"Damn it, they've gotta be going to the Lima Courthouse," Santana said. "You can get married there really quickly, and it's not too far away."

Rachel started speeding as soon as the red light turned green but made sure not to caught by radar. She quickly turned the car into the parking lot of the Lima Courthouse after ten minutes. 

Everyone piled out of the car, Quinn helping Puck out. The group of five raced to the front door and rushed in, where they looked everywhere for Kitty and Jake until they found them standing in a small room, giggling and looking at a minister.

"Kitty! The hell do you think you're doing?" Santana asked, storming over to them.

"We're getting married," Kitty said, flashing a ring she now wore. It was cheap-looking, but it was a ring.

"No, no, guys, think about this," Puck said, walking over to Jake. "You're drunk; you can't get married like this."

"Actually, they already are," the minister said, getting involved with the conversation. "They were just about to kiss."

"That reminds me," Jake said, grabbing Kitty by the waist and dipping her into a kiss. "Now you're my wife."

Kitty's small grin blossomed into a full-on smile as she kissed Jake.

Puck smacked his hand to his forehead. "They'll regret this in the morning," he said, shaking his head.

"Okay, Kitty, let's go," Rachel said, grabbing the blonde.

"What? Why?" Kitty whined as Rachel dragged her away from Jake.

"Puck and Jake are going to have a man-to-man talk, Kitty," Quinn said sweetly as they walked away from Jake and Puck. Quinn walked back to talk to Puck as the other girls escorted Kitty to the car.

"Puck," Quinn said, whispering in her fiance's ear. "Please, try not to punch your brother."

Puck snorted. "I'll try."

Quinn walked away, running to catch up with the other girls. Puck stayed behind to talk to Jake.

"Dude," Puck said, crossing his arms. "What kind of stupid idea was it to get married when you're drunk?"

Jake shrugged. "Don't know," he slurred.

"I'm gonna beat your ass if you hurt Kitty, you know that," Puck continued. "When you wake up in the morning tomorrow and figure out what you've done, that'll be punishment enough. I sort of feel bad for you. Not really though."

"I love Kitty," Jake murmured. 

"I don't doubt that," Puck said. "But getting married when you're drunk? Not a good idea."

Jake rolled his eyes. "Can we go home? I'm tired."

"Of course you are," Puck growled. "Let's go; we can get a cab."


The next day...

Kitty woke up with a pounding headache and sat up. She immediately felt a wave of dizziness and pressed her hand to her forehead. It was then that she noticed the ring on her finger. Kitty's eyes widened and she shook Jake awake.

"Kit, don't do that," Jake moaned, then noticed the look Kitty had on her face.

"Jake, what did we do last night?" Kitty asked, showing him the ring on her finger. Jake looked down at his own hand and spotted his ring.

"Oh, God. Let me text Puck." Jake did so, and within a few minutes, Puck had answered him.

"What did he say?" Kitty asked, peering over Jake's shoulder. Jake showed her, his face paling.

You idiot, you both got drunk and got married. Congrats, we tried to stop you. Live a nice and long happy life together, and you owe me, dude.


I gotta say, I had fun writing this chapter! What are your thoughts on this chapter? Thanks for reading, and please vote and comment if you liked it!

If no one told you they appreciated you today, remember I do.


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