Just My Type (H.S.)

By XOnly_angel28X

205 4 2

When an aspiring drummer gets the opportunity to tour with upcoming new successful band One Direction will sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7

Chapter 6

13 0 0
By XOnly_angel28X

Who knew picking out an outfit could be so bloody frustrating! Ugh! see this is why I hardly ever try to impress anyone with my outfit choices because it's never mattered before but this? This matters, I'm picking out an outfit for an album release party for Christ sake! I just have no idea what to go for I've been sat on the floor in front of my wardrobe for the past 30 minutes just chucking clothes around trying to find something to wear, I don't want to look too over dressed but I don't want to look like I put in absolutely no effort at all

As I pull out more clothes I come across a little black dress, it has thin straps, a v-neck style shaped top and it flows from the waist down it's completely plain it has no lace or decorative materials on it I'm not sure what this dress is from but I may as well try it on seeing as I'm completely stumped

I slip the dress on over my underwear and zip up the back off the dress, I stand in front of my mirror examining the dress on my body it's a lot shorter than I was anticipating but I like it the dress stops above my mid thigh and luckily it doesn't show too much cleavage I like it a lot I'm going to wear this finally! I've found something that's not too boring yet it's not too dressy I'm happy with my decision

Now that the hard parts over now I just have to decide what I'm gonna do with my hair and makeup, I decide for my hair that I'm going to curl it, I dig through my draws in my vanity in search of my curling wand, I soon find it and plug it in to let it heat up, I place it on my vanity and start sectioning my hair i feel quite nervous for this evening it's only a few hours away and I feel like I could throw up, like I have no idea what it's like going to a album release party I don't know who's gonna be there or what the agenda is I just hope to god I'm dressed appropriately that would be extremely embarrassing

I start curling my hair section by section until I'm on the last section when my phone starts to ring, I search for my phone quickly so I don't miss the call I soon find it on my bed and see that the calls from Natalie I haven't spoken to her in a while she's got a lot of catching up to do

I quickly answer the call "hello?

"Hey Liza!" She says cheerily

"Nat hey how are you? We haven't spoken in a while" it's so nice to hear her voice it's like we're back at home just having a chat on a school night or something

"I'm good I'm good, I'm sorry if I kind of fell of the face of the earth it's just that after freshers week and jumping straight into school it's just been hectic but I'm really enjoying it but I missed you so I thought I'd give you a call" she says happily she sounds happy which I like it doesn't sound like she's faking it one bit she genuinely sounds happy

"It's okay Nat, I understand you must be up to your eyes in work but I'm glad your happy and having fun" I reassure her

"So what have you been up to lately anything interesting? How's the band doing?" She asks

Shit should I tell her right now? Or maybe like over a Skype call so she can see my face? Yeah I think that's best

"Uh hey Nat are you able to jump on Skype so I can tell you?" I ask warily

"Umm yeah sure" she answers confused

"Okay cool I'll give you a call on there"

"Alright see you in a second" she says still very confused

I hang up the phone and run to my laptop and bring it over to my vanity so I can finish my hair I click on the Skype app and select Natalies name, her face soon pops up on my screen

"Hey so what's this- oh my god your hair looks gorgeous like that! Wait why are you curling your hair? Are you going on a date? Oh my god your going on a date! There's a boy! Who is he?" She rambles

"Nat" I say trying to get her attention

"Nat" I say it again but louder but she's still going for fucks sake

"NATALIE" I shout ha that got her attention

"Jesus Liza no need to shout" she laughs

"Would you let me talk? Please?" I ask

"Yes yes go on" she waves me off with her hand sassily, cheeky

I take a deep breath

"I'm not going on a date, there's no boy" I say well I mean there is a boy but I literally met him two days ago so like that's gonna happen

"Oh well that's disappointing" she huffs

I give her a look as if to say "really?" She holds her hands up in surrender "sorry sorry continue" she waves me off again

"There's something big that's happened recently and I haven't told you about it" I say giving a shy smile

"What do you mean? Are you pregnant?"

"Natalie!" I screech

She bursts out laughing "I'm only joking" she snickers

"I've been given this huge job opportunity to work with some very famous people" I say slowly

"Okay could you just get to the point? The suspense is killing me" she says sarcastically

I roll my eye at her and sigh

"Alright I'll just spit it out" I clear my throat "I'm working as One Directions new drummer" I spit out I don't look at her straight away but when I hear no response I lift my eyes to the screen to just see her sat there in shock

"Y-you w-what?" she sputters out

"I'm working as the new drummer for One Direction" I say again but more clearly I'm not sure why I'm so nervous to tell her I just don't know what her reactions gonna be and that's what's killing me not knowing, Natalies always been the type of person to give her straight full honest opinion no matter the circumstances what she thinks will be put it for people to know and if they don't like it she couldn't care, so maybe I'm afraid she'll tell me I'm making a mistake I don't know

"No. Fucking. Way." She says breathes out in shock

"Yep" is the only thing I can say right now I just wish she'd just tell me what she thinks

The next thing I hear is her screaming and squealing not the reaction I was expecting at all but I'll take it better than the lecture I thought she'd give me

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, shut the fuck up! Are you joking? Are you serious?" She asks excitedly

"Yeah I am" I say seriously but with a smile etched on my face

And she screams again, what the hell is wrong with her? Has she become a fan girl over our time apart?

"This is amazing! Your gonna be working with One Direction! FREAKING ONE DIRECTION LIZA! That's insane! I'm so happy for you! But also extremely jealous" she laughs

I giggle at her hyper active behaviour "thanks Nat, I didn't know you were a fan of them" I say raising a brow at her

She begins to blush and averts her eyes "yeah I've recently got into them, one of the girls who lives on the same floor as me loves them too so we've bonded over that" she smiles weakly

"Aw thats sounds really great Nat!" I say giving a wide smile

"Anyway enough about me, tell me more about this! Have you met them yet? When are doing your first show?" She's very over excited about this although I can't really blame her I mean if I was to hear that Natalie had met someone like Paul McCartney I think I would cry

"Slow down" I giggle "I'll answer all you questions but please one at a time"

"Sorry I'm just really excited" she beams

"I can tell" I laugh

"Just tell me the story of how it happened, I wanna know everything!" She bounces up and down on her bed in excitement

"It basically started with the band and I getting an opportunity to play live at Libertine" I explain

"Shut up! That's like one of the most exclusive night clubs in London!" She says shocked

"I know it was crazy" I chuckle "anyway we went and played the show it went amazingly and after the show Alex told me someone wanted to talk to me, obviously being me I was very nervous and felt like I was gonna shit myself but that's besides the point" I continue she laughs at my last statement

I then proceeded to curl my hair while I continued telling her the story of how Jon had told me who he was and what he did and then when he asked me to join the band with me then asking for some time to think, and then me deciding to take the job after discussing with the band what they think about me taking the job I even told her about mine and Oscars little spat of indifferences too which she scoffed at saying that it was my decision to make and he shouldn't have a say, I reassured her that we talked it out and that he apologised for his actions

"So you called this guy Jon and told him you were going to take the job?" Asking in case she missed anything

I nod my head "yep" wrapping a piece of hair around the barrel

"Well what happened after that!?" She asks growing impatient I chuckle at her impatience

"He told me that I should attend a rehearsal just to have a trial run before we went any further" I explain removing my hair from the barrel and holding the piece of hair in my palm just to give it some hold

"So your telling me you've met One Direction already?" She asks I can't tell whether she's happy because I've met them or annoyed because I hadn't told her yet

"Mmhmm" I nod continuing to grab the last of piece of hair and wrapping it around the barrel

"Oh my fucking god! Bitch! I'm so jealous of you!" She whines but I only laugh in response

"Quit your whining one day if your lucky I'll introduce you too then" I say smugly I only say this too get her reaction but in all honesty I would actually love for her to meet them I think they'd all love her

"Really!? Your not just saying it right? You are being serious" she says worriedly

"Yes I'm serious" i say rolling my eyes I remove the wand from my hair and set it down on the mat and turning off the power

And she screams...... again I've never heard her scream so much it's kinda annoying

"Thank you thank you thank you I love you so much your the bestest best friend ever!" She shouts excitement spread across her features she's crazy but I love her

"I love you too, but Nat bestest isn't a word" I snicker I fluff my hair to give it some volume

She rolls her eyes at me "yeah yeah whatever I'm just excited leave me be" she has the biggest grin on her face i miss her so much and if I was too have the opportunity to make her happy by me getting her to meet the boys even if it was just once I'd do it, she means so much too me she was always there for me and I could never thank her enough

"But the still doesn't explain why your getting dressed up.....where are you going?" She asks curiously

"The boys asked me too go to their album release party" I say casually

She gasps loudly "your going to the album release party for Take Me Home?"

"Yeah I am"

"Your so lucky!" She squeals "imagine all the celebs your going to meet, your gonna be mingling with so many famous faces I wish I was you right now it's like god chose you" she rambles

"Nat I love you and all and I appreciate the encouragement but could you kinda shut up about the part where I have to meet a bunch of new people? I'm already really nervous" I smile wearily

"Sorry Liza you know what I'm like but I'm sure you'll be great they will all love you, every single person you meet tonight is going to love you" she encourages if it was just that bloody simple I'm not as confident as her, Natalies always been the confident out-spoken one while I'm the awkward shy one but that's what this whole things about stepping out of my comfort zone and putting myself out there to be more confident I want to be more confident I want to try new things I've been stuck inside my own shell for too long and this is the time to crawl out of it and put myself out there

"I really hope so Nat" I sigh she gives me a sympathetic smile

"Well I'll let you finish getting ready, but I'll speak to you soon okay?"

"Yeah sure I'll speak to you soon Nat" I wave at the camera

"Bye Liza! Love you" she blows a kiss too the camera

"I love you too!" I call out before the call cuts off

That was not what I had expected like at all I had no idea she had become a fan of the boys that's so ironic but amazing at the same time

I quickly check the time and shit it's 6:30 okay I have half an hour to do my make up that's okay I'm sure I'll be ready in time I just need to shift my arse

I apply a light layer of foundation since my skin has been quite clear recently which I'm pleased about, I then apply some concealer under my eyes and over any blemishes I have. I dust some powered around my face to set the foundation. And concealer, I continue on to them filling in my eyebrows with a pencil I have quite naturally thick bushy eyebrows anyway that I love but I still like to fill in any gaps that I have with the pencil, I apply my bronzer and blush, then adding a thick layer of mascara to my lashes and finishing off the look with a some lip gloss

I look at the finished look in my vanity mirror feeling quite pleased with the outcome I've never been one to plaster my face in make up I only usually wear it if I'm doing a gig or I'm going somewhere nice and tonight is one of those nights

I stand from my chair and walk back too my wardrobe picking out some simple open-toed heels, I quickly check the time again and it's just turning 7 I grab my clutch quickly tossing everything inside that I think I'll need and I make my way towards my door

I make my way down the stairs and out too the front of the building when I step out side the air is cold on my skin I should've worn a jacket or something considering it's fricking November and I'm in a little black dress I wouldn't have expected any less from me though

A black Range Rover pulls up in front of me and I hear a door open and close on the other side of the car, a man walks around to where I'm standing on the pavement

"Hey there, you must be Eliza I'm Paul I work with the boys, I'm here to pick you up for the album release party" he smiles reaching out his hand for me to shake it

I return the gesture "Hi Paul it's lovely to meet you" I give him a shy smile

"Likewise" he smiles "right let's get you too that party" he claps his hands together and approaches the car door opening it for me to climb in once I'm seated in the car he closes the door behinds me and climbs into the drivers seat

The car journey is filled with small talk with Paul just asking me questions about how I started drumming and how I got the job offer from Jon, Paul seems like a really nice guy so I'm trying my best not to show the fact that I'm literally shitting myself about this party

We pull up to a club after at least 20 minutes of driving with a lot of bad traffic although I'm not sure what part of London we're in yet since I haven't seen the name of the club, Paul gets out of the car and comes around and opens the door for me, he holds out his hand to help me step down so I don't break a bone cause knowing me I would I can be quite clumsy sometimes

When I look up I see the name of the club, Club 49 ah I know where we are we're in SoHo not far from Libertine actually I've never been here before but I've heard from the guys it's actually alright in there, Paul walks me to the doors and he tells the bouncer his name and my name and he lets us in, as soon as we enter the club I can hear the music pounding through out the building the vibrations running through the floor and up through my body, I'm not really sure what I was expecting when they said it was an album release party but I'm pretty excited

Paul and I make our way through into the main area of the club, it's dark with a lot of different coloured lights coming from different places, there's a bar along the right hand side of the wall and there's a lot of booths along the walls with normal tables scattered across the club I can also see a dance floor in the far left with a small stage on the back wall behind the dance floor the room is filled with faces that I can't see since it's quite dark

"I just saw one of the boys by the bar do you want me to take you over to them?" He asks loudly over the music

I nod "please that would be great" I shout back

Paul guides me over to the bar and I a see blonde boy standing with his back facing us Niall

Paul taps him on the shoulder and he whips his head around to look at us he looks at me and a bit wide smile spreads across his face

"Eliza!" He exclaims he steps forward and wraps me in a hear hug

"Hi Niall" I smile when he pulls back from the death grip of a hug he had just given me

"We were waiting for you too show up so we could get the party started!" He say excitedly

"I mean Niall the party already looks like it's in full swing" I laugh I motion around the room with my hand showing all the people drinking laughing and having a good time

"No I meant with the group! We've all been waiting we didn't want to start drinking and dancing without you" he states with a wide grin on his face

"Oh really?" I asked confused why would they wait for me?

"Of course your our friend and we don't start partying until everyone's arrived" he nods his head

"Oh well I guess we should start then don't you think?" I ask with a smile

"Yes! I knew I liked you Eliza your gonna be a lot of fun I can tell" he throws his arm over my shoulder and turns us to face the bar

He orders a tray of vodka shots and then he turns to look at me "we'll come back to get some proper drinks later but for now we're doing shots"

I laugh "yeah I can see that considering the huge tray that's coming our way"

"Do you like doing shots?" He asks as the bartender approaches and places a very large tray on the counter full of shots I couldn't even count them if I tried

"Yeah I don't mind them" I nod my head

"Awesome, let's get this tray over to our table then" he removes his arm from my shoulder and lifts the tray in front of his chest "follow me"

Niall soon starts walking through the crowded club he must be a magician because he hasn't spilt one shot yet and its quite crowded

We soon make it too a round table  in the corner of the club i recognise the faces of the rest of the boys however there's a few other faces I don't recognise there's quite a large group of people sitting here

I notice Liam on the end of the booth where there is a girl with beautiful brown curly hair with a stunning darker complexion next to him then next to her is Zayn and he's sitting next to a beautiful blonde with bright blue eyes who I seem to recognise but I'm not sure where from next to them is Louis and another brunette girl who looks incredibly kind and finally it's Harry and a girl who has brunette hair her and Harry look kind of similar but she's beautiful nether the less 

Niall sets the tray down on the table and shouts "Look who's here!" This gains the attention of the whole table I blush as I notice the them all staring at me I give a small wave and take a seat on the end of the booth next to Liam

"Eliza! So good to see you" Liam says over the music

"It's good to see you too Liam" I give him a smile he turns to the female next to him and puts his arm around her shoulder to gain her attention he then turns back to me

"This is my girlfriend Danielle" he says with a warm smile she gives me a smile and waves

"Hi Elisa it's so nice to finally meet you, all the boys have been gushing about how incredible you are" she smiles

"Oh really?" I ask giving a shy smile

"Oh god yes they won't shut up about you especially Louis and Harry constantly nattering about how talented you are" she gushes

"I heard my name?" Louis calls from the other side of the table he has his arm around the brunette girl while he looks between me and Danielle

"Oh I was just telling Eliza about how you and Harry won't shut up about her and how amazingly talented she is at playing the drums" she gestures towards me

"Well I won't deny that because it's true she's extremely talented I don't see anything wrong in me praising our newest band member" Louis comments confidently

"I'm sure she is I just can't wait to witness it myself" Danielle smiles

I can soon feel the heat crawl up my face as they continue to talk about my drumming this soon gains Harry's attention he looks at me from across the table and sends me a wink and a small wave this action causing me to blush even more he soon notices and this only boasts his ego as he has a smug smirk on his face 

Niall soon breaks the conversation by shouting "who's ready for shots!?"

"ME!" Louis shouts causing everyone to laugh at his enthusiasm

We all grab a shot each and Niall counts us down from three soon reaching one and we all tip our heads back taking the shot I feel the burn of alcohol hit the back of my throat causing me to cough slightly the first shot is always the hardest

"You okay Eliza?" Niall asks sat directly opposite me on the end of the booth next to Harry

"Yeah I'm good the first one always just makes me cough" I smile laughing slightly

"I'm the same" the girl next to Harry laughs " I'm Gemma by the way, this dorks better older sister" she points to Harry with her thumb

"Hey!" He says in mock defence

"What? It's true I'm the better Styles sibling" she shrugs

I laugh " it's nice to meet you Gemma I'm Eliza"

"Oh I know who you are this moron won't shut up about you just the same as the rest of the boys" she rolls her eyes jokingly

"Seems as though they can't get enough of me" I joke back I see a blush creep along Harry's cheeks

"It would appear that way I can't really blame them though you are incredibly beautiful" she smiles

Now it's my turn to blush "thank you" I say shyly

Suddenly the music quietens down and everyone turns towards the stage so I follow suit

My eyes nearly bulge out of my head when I notice the man that is walking towards the centre of the stage holy shit it's Simon Cowell I'm gonna be honest that man scares the shit out of me I just find him quite intimidating but I can't really say much since I've never formally met the guy

He brings a microphone up to his lips "Good evening everyone, I hope your all having a lovely time I just thought I'd come up here and say a quick few words" he clears his throat "I just wanted to say how incredibly proud I am of those five boys sat over there they all work extremely hard and I couldn't ask for anything more from them, they continue to strive everyday with their incredible talents and kind hearts, those boys are some of the best artists I've worked with so boys thank you for all your hard work and achievements thus far and congratulations on the new album, here's to the future" he raises his champagne glass and everyone cheers and claps "and now boys would you like to come up here and say a few words?"

The boys all soon start standing up and I realise I'm going to have to move so i quickly stand letting Liam and the others out they all quickly walk towards the stage and I take my seat again next to Danielle

Liam takes the mic and starts to speak "Hello everyone, we just wanted to say a quick thank you too everyone that's supported us this far into our journey your support has meant the world to us and we're extremely excited to see what the future holds for us as a band, we also wanted to say a quick thank you to Simon who is the one that even gave us the opportunity to even have a music career in the first place so thank you Simon for this amazing opportunity and here's to the new album we hope you love it just as much as we do" again everyone starts cheering and clapping and the boys make their way back over to our table i stand up to let Liam and Zayn through and I sit back down however I notice a shadow over me I turn my head and notice Harry standing above

"Come to the bar with me?" He asks

I hesitate before saying "Uh sure"

He extends his hand out for me to take too which I do and he leads me back through the crowd towards the bar once we approach the bar he places his hand on the small of my back as he stands next to me the feeling of his hand on my back gives me a sense of warmth and comfort the feeling of being protected in another's arms

"What would you like?" He also

"Umm I'll just have a vodka and lemonade please" I say with a small smile

"Awww come on be a little more adventurous than that" he says cheekily

"Excuse you mr fancy pants but I quite like it simple and by having a vodka and lemonade I'm keeping it simple" I reply sassily too which he laughs

Harry brings out the side of me that only close family and friends see, he brings out the fun sassy side in me that I wish would come out more but doesn't I don't know Harry very well but I feel comfortable around him to be myself without even realising it just like the day we met I just wish I had this kind of confidence in front of anyone

"Just this one time? For me? Have something different" he pleads with the classic puppy dog eyes that everyone does just to get their own way

I sigh "fine"

"Yes!" He does a little celebratory dance I laugh as he looks like a dad when he dances

"So what are you going to have?" He asks again

My eyes scan the menu board on the wall above the bar there's just so many options but a name soon catches my eye it's a cocktail called cherry bomb I do love a good cherry so why not give this a try?

"I'll have the cherry bomb" i turn my head to look at him he nods his head in agreement

"Sounds like a good choice" he smiles

He calls over a bartender and orders both of our drinks we didn't have to wait too long until the bartender returned with our drinks

"Right go on take a sip and then you can tell me that it's better than a plain vodka and lemonade" he says confidently

I roll my eyes at him "okay okay I'm taking a sip"

"Good because I need to hear you say the words "wow you were right this is much better than my boring vodka and lemonade" he says playfully

I scoff at his playfulness before taking a sip of the cocktail through the straw

"Holy fuck that's amazing" I exclaim

"I knew it!" Harry's laughs "now I can say I told you so" he chuckles "I told you so"

I roll my eyes and laugh at him "your sister was right you really are a moron" I snicker

"Now that was not very nice" he says as he pretends to be hurt

"Aww did I hurt your feelings?" give him a very fake pouty face

"Yes" he sighs dramatically "you've wounded me" he puts the back of his hand to his forehead to be even more dramatic

We both obviously couldn't fake it anymore as we both burst out in a fit of laughter

"Let's head back to the table with your amazing new favourite drink" he gives me a cheeky smile

"You know your acting as if you personally made the drink" I laugh "I'm the one that chose the drink and the bartender made it so what did you do exactly?" I ask raising a brow at him

"Well I'm the one that told you to stop being boring and to get a different drink so I technically initiated the whole thing meaning that the drink your holding in your hand" he points to the drink "is now your new favourite because of me your welcome" he takes a dramatic bow sending me wink once he stands tall again

"Your such a narcissist" I roll my eyes jokingly

"Tell me something I don't know" he sasses pretending to flip his hair over his shoulder

I shake my head smiling, he's a really fun guy to be around being on the road with these boys will definitely never be boring, there will never be a dull moment with them around

"Come on then their probably wondering where we are" he says

He grabs onto my hand again and leads me back through the crowd towards our table, once we reach the table he lets go of my hand and I make my way back to my seat and Niall stands up to let Harry back into his spot next to Gemma

We soon jump back into conversation I mainly talk to Liam, Danielle, Gemma, Harry and Niall with the other four randomly jumping in at times we also keep drinking and doing shots Niall constantly going up to get another round that boy never stops

"Hey Eliza" Danielle shouts with a slur in her voice

"Yeah?" I reply

"Let's go dance!" She says standing up she wobbles slightly

I giggle at her my head feeling very fuzzy but I don't mind it "yeah sure" I stand up from my seat and watch Danielle quite literally crawl over Liam not giving the poor boy a chance to move for her

Once she's standing on two feet in front of me she grabs my hand and pulls me into the sea of people that are dancing on the dance floor we find a small open spot and we start jumping around and swaying our hips to the music, this reminds me of when me and Sammy would dance like maniacs after our shows we'd always just let our hair down and get absolutely pissed but we loved it

Me and Danielle continue to dance and sing along to the music while trying not to laugh at each other's shitty dancing the others from our group slowly start coming over to us and joining our madness and soon enough we're all standing in a large circle just having the best time of our lives I know now that I can trust these people they've been nothing but kind to me and they've shown how much they love each other and I can't wait for what the future has in store for me and them

Hi my angels!

I hope your all well, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll see you in the next one

All the love

G <3

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