Bittersweet Revenge (FINISHED)

By theanxiousk

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She is out to make the person who made her father suffer pay and she's not alone in making that person suffer. More

Bittersweet Revenge
The Visitor (Chapter 1)
Franc Sebastian (Chapter 2)
The Heartbreaking News (Chapter 3)
The Master Plan (Chapter 4)
Three Years of Waiting (Chapter 5 part 1)
Drunk and Violent (Chapter 5 part 2)
"New" Friendship (Chapter 6)
Workaholic (Chapter 7)
Casanova (Chapter 8)
Emptiness (Chapter 9)
Turned Down (Chapter 10)
Revelation (Chapter 11)
Wrath (Chapter 12)
Taking Care of Her (Chapter 13)
Out of Town (Chapter 14)
Silence (Chapter 15)
The Big Reveal (Chapter 16)
The Painful Truth (Chapter 17)
A Day Together (Chapter 18)
The End of the Deal (Chapter 19)
The Wedding Proposal (Chapter 20)
Meeting Again (Chapter 21)
Taking the Bullet (Chapter 22)
Unforgettable Visits (Chapter 23)
Blame (Chapter 25)
The Confession (Chapter 26)
The Last Kiss (Chapter 27)
The True Meaning of Happiness (Chapter 28)

Painful Revelations (Chapter 24)

228 3 0
By theanxiousk

After a few days, Martin was able to get out of the hospital.

“I’ll be back early this evening. There’s food in the fridge just heat it in the microwave okay?” Angel said.

“Angel, I’ll be fine on my own. Don’t worry too much. The wound is in located near my shoulder not my legs so I can walk perfectly fine. Okay?” Martin said.

“Okay. Take care. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Angel leaves. Later that afternoon, Martin decided to visit Venus and Henry in their house.

“Henry!” Martin immediately said as Henry opens the door.

“Martin what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be resting?” Henry said.

“Visiting you of course. I’m okay Henry. Don’t worry about me. Venus is right. You worry too much.”

“Is it me really that you are visiting?”

“Of course.”

Martin then heard a voice inside the house saying, “Henry who was that?”

Martin knew it was Venus.

“It’s me.” Martin said.

“If that’s really the case then come in Martin.” Henry said.

They then went to the kitchen where Venus was baking a cake.

“You bake?” Martin immediately said as he saw Venus cooking.

“Yes and I also cook Mr. Herrera. I rarely do it but I know how to. By the way, what are you doing here? You should be resting right now in your own home.” Venus said.

“I just wanted to visit Henry.”

“I see.”

“Uhm. If you want you can also stay for dinner so that you can taste Ms. Venus’ cake and also the pasta and chicken that I will be cooking. I bet you already miss my cooking.” Henry said.

“Well actually yes, I miss your cooking Henry.” Martin said.

“Then join us for dinner.” Henry said.

“Is Venus okay with it?” Martin said.

“Of course Mr. Herrera. Why wouldn’t I be not okay with that?” Venus said.

“Then okay. I will join you guys for dinner.” Martin said.

“You should call Angel too so that she can also have dinner here too.” Henry said.

“No need. She is busy in the restaurant because of what happened to me so let her prioritize her restaurant even just for this day.”


Dinner was ready and the three; Venus, Martin and Henry were about to eat when suddenly Venus got a call from the office saying there’s been an emergency in one of the hotels of the company.

“Where are you going?” Henry said.

“There’s been an emergency in one of the hotels. I need to go.” Venus said.

“But you still haven’t had dinner. Make someone else go to that hotel of yours.” Henry said.

“I’m okay. I’m still not hungry and you know me Henry, I am very hands on when it comes to my work.” Venus said.

“I can come with you if you want.” Martin said.

“No need Mr. Herrera. Angel would kill me if something bad happens to you again. Sorry but I’ll go ahead. I’ll take the car.”

Venus then leaves leaving Martin and Henry alone.

“Seems like it's just the two of us who will be having dinner tonight,” Henry said.

“It’s okay Henry. I’m still here to eat what you had cooked. And don’t worry too much about Venus. She can take care of herself. She’s strong and brave. ” Martin said.

“Are those the reasons why you fell in love with Venus?” Henry said.

“How did you know...” Martin said.

“Martin, you’re the kind of the person that is not very difficult to read. The way you look at Venus and what you just did the other way, those are dead giveaways. And actually I’m not the only who knows. Venus knows.”

“She does?”

“I don’t know exactly how she knew but she somewhat knows that you like her. But the bigger question is that does Angel know?”

“Of course no. I don't want her to know.”


It was already late when Martin was able to get back to their house. Angel was sitting in the sofa waiting for Martin.

“Where have you been?”Angel said.

“Uhm. I went to visit Henry.” Martin said.

“You could have told me where you where or even just texted me.”

“I’m sorry. I lost track of time.”

“Is he the only one that you visited? Or should I say is he really the one you visited?”

“Angel, what’s with all the questions?”

 “I’m sick and tired Martin.”

“Of what?”

“Tell me Martin. Do you love me?”

 “Yes of course. Why do you ask that?”

“You know I am not the jealous type of a girlfriend but if you really love me then why do keep mentioning Venus name whenever you’re sleeping? Why are you always concerned of her? Why did you risk your own life for her? Why did you go to her house and stay there for a long time today?”

Martin didn’t speak for almost a minute.

“I love you Angel but..”

“You also love Venus?”

“Angel, I..”

“Even from the start, I knew. If you didn’t tell me back then that you were Martin when I knew you as Franc, I would say that you liked Venus. I’m not blind Martin, the way you look at her is the way you used to look at me. Did you just ask me to marry you because you felt guilty? Were you afraid to hurt my feelings?  Or is it because for you it was the safest choice?”

“Angel, it’s not that. I love you but..”

“You love Venus more now. Martin, I don’t really know what to do anymore. I want to be married to the one that I love. I want to fight for the one I love but what will I do if that person whom I love wants to marry me but loves someone else more than me. Huh Martin? What will I do?”

“Angel, I.. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I tried to fight my feelings for Venus because I wanted us to be together. You and I, we have waited for a long long time to be together. And honestly, I agreed to that deal with Venus because of you.”

“But things change. Am I right Martin? Feelings change. I know you didn’t mean to hurt me but you already did. It is as if don’t know you anymore Martin.  It is as if Venus made you into this person I no longer knew.”

“That’s not true Angel. I’m still the same old Martin. I finally had money but this is still the same old Martin.

“Martin, as clichéd as this may sound, I think fate is already making us realize that we are not meant for each other. Back then, we were really in love but my father didn’t approve of us so he tried everything to separate us. Back then, we were really in love, but Mr. Tan had you locked up in jail to separate us. And now, when there’s no more Mr. Tan or my father to separate us, there’s should be no more problem right? But fate is just cruel to us. It made you meet Venus and fall in love with her.”

 Martin then hugs Angel.

“What do you really want Martin? Tell me please.”

“Honestly Angel, I don’t know.”

“You can’t make a decision on your own? If that’s the case, then I’ll be the one to make the decision for you.”

Angel then took of the engagement ring given by Martin then placed it on top of Martin's palm.

“I'm setting you free.”

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