The Way Home | ONC2021

By GandalfofspaceAnli

353 72 75

Based on ONC Prompt No. 7. The story is aimed at children below the age of ten. The Anderson family, more sp... More

Prompt and Interpretation
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 6

25 6 3
By GandalfofspaceAnli

"Aaaagggh! My Lady, have mercy." Gabe winces. He opens his eyes slowly, and immediately panicking, he looks around for a place to hide. After all, his surroundings were different from when he had lost consciousness.

His eyes come to rest on a pile of denim clothes in various shades of blue. He musters his strength, and with a silent prayer to The Lady, who he reported to every night at two minutes past twelve (human time), he starts crawling.

As Gabe begins his short crawl towards safety, two things instantly become clear to him. First, that he had panicked about his safety unnecessarily, for he was obviously in a wardrobe. If someone wanted to harm him, he would not be waking up on top of soft fluffy scarfs where he had found himself as soon as he had come to, and second, that his pouch was considerably lighter.
He stops midway and rampages through the contents of the pouch. The realization that Aristotle was indeed missing from his usual resting place both confuses and scares him. As it is, his 'nap' had left him feeling a little disoriented, so he thinks it best to recall the chronological order of the events that had transpired before his body had forced him to take it.
As usual, he makes a mental list.

1. The kids brought me to their room. By the way, where are they!?
2. The place on the younger child's bed was stinky.
I feel like it's an important fact and that I should know why it bothered me so much, but I can't remember it.
3. I need to know the time.
If I can't get to the portal by twelve tonight, I will be stuck here forever!
No. That's not an option.
Also, where is Aristotle!?

It is at this moment that he remembers that he had instructed the siblings to read the book. Was it possible that the kids had done that, he wonders; he peeks outside the wardrobe, which was left half-open.
He scans the room with keen eyes and immediately spots Aristotle on the older sibling's bed, fast asleep!

"Aristotle!" Gabe calls out to his companion angrily, waving his arms over his head. When the book continues to slumber, Gabe looks up and leaves an exasperated sigh. "My Lady, of all the companions you could have assigned to me, why did it have to be him?"

"ARISTOTLE!" Gabe raises his voice by an octave, startling his companion awake.

The book, or rather, the face on the book, opens its eyes. "Gabe, my friend, are you finally awake?"

"Yes!" Gabe replies, angry and irritated. "How could you think of taking a nap at a time like this!?"

"Gabe, could you stop speaking from where I can't see you and get your bottom here? Also, no need to yell. You need to keep your voice lowered to avoid calling attention to yourself." Aristotle advises.

Gabe huffs. "How inconsiderate of you!" he whispers. Aristotle hears it, for the fairy and their companion shared a deep bond. Their fates were tied together, you see. One of the perks of this arrangement was that Aristotle could always hear Gabe if he so wished. The volume of the voice did not matter.

Aristotle realizes his mistake as soon as he hears Gabe. "I am sorry. I guess I forgot that Zhandra had placed you in the cupboard."

Gabe sighs again. This time a little condescendingly. "I am in the wardrobe, Aristotle, not the cupboard." He corrects his companion before pressing on. "Where are the kids?"

"With their daddy."

"Ah," He nods slowly and retrieves a small pocket watch from the pouch; it is unique. It is square, and instead of time, it shows how the sky must look now if anyone were to walk out in the open and look up at it.
"Did the kids agree to help us?" He asks, wiping his brow with the back of his hand.

Aristotle nods before remembering that Gabe can't see him. "Yes, they seem determined. They might be able to help us get back home." He replies. "They both took the oath and completed the first task." He adds, sounding surprised and impressed.

Gabe purses his lips. He lowers his eyes. "This is all my fault. I am supposed to be watching over them, not putting them in danger."

"If they are smart, no harm will befall them." Aristotle offers, trying to reassure his companion and put him at ease. However, it has the opposite effect. Beads of sweat sprout on
Gabe's forehead, and his eyes widen. "What if they are not smart!? What if they get into trouble? If anything happens to them, how will I face their mother!? Oh, my Lady!" The tiny celestial being starts sobbing.

"Gabe, calm down. They have already set out on this journey. All we can do now is guide them." Aristotle answers objectively.

"I should never have asked them to..." Gabe starts in a tone that is filled with regret when Zhandra's voice reaches him. "Daddy, you don't need to help Alex brush his teeth today."

Aristotle's face disappears even as Gabe falls silent. He just about crawls behind the pile of denim clothes when the door is thrown open, and Mick walks in. "Zhan, is everything alright, sweetheart?"

Looking a little pale, the older sibling nods her head. "Daddy, tomorrow is the first day of summer vacation; can't we sleep a little later than usual?"

While the older is putting forth her request, the younger sibling's eyes dart over to first the bed and then his sister's wardrobe. He pouts, upset that he couldn't share their secret with their daddy.

Earlier, when Mick was heating their dinner, Zhandra had told Alex that if he were to mention Aristotle, Gabe, or the mission, to their father, losing the objects they loved most would mean nothing.

'Also, Gabe would not be able to tell his fairy friends how great you are if we can't send him home.' Alex recalls the words Zhandra had spoken at the end. It was these words that had driven the point home. And it was also this reason why the little boy now stood looking between his sister and his father as they tried to arrive on a mutually agreeable deal.

Mick shakes his head. The look of defeat apparent on his usually warm features, he says. "Fine. I understand that you want to start practicing for when you would start babysitting officially, but I can't agree to it just like that."

Zhandra frowns. "Won't me taking care of Alex leave you with more free time and teach me to be responsible?" She crosses her hands over her chest. "I don't see a downside to it." She says, sounding almost like a grown-up trying to negotiate a deal.

Mick shrugs and smiles at his daughter fondly. "When you put it that way, it seems like I am indeed getting the longer end of the stick." Without looking at Alex, he adds, "I mean, Zhan is making it sound like this offer will benefit me more than her."

"Oh." Alex bobs his head. Then, "Yes, daddy. I want Zhan to take care of me."

Mick quirks his brow. It was rare that both his children agreed on the same thing. Naturally, the man got suspicious. "Wait a minute. Why do I feel like you guys are hiding something from me?"

"Oh-O," Alex mutters and looks at the bed where Aristotle is lying out in the open, completely defenseless.

'Oh, my Lady! Gabe, do something!' Aristotle whispers in fairy frequency.

A moment later, Aristotle finds himself in Mick's hand, with his spine resting in the warm, soft palm of the man's large hand. Meanwhile, a multitude of emotions dances across Zhandra's countenance.

With the book in his hand, Mick turns to his son. "Alex, why were you looking at this book?" He asks before recalling what they had told him about helping someone tiny. 'Maybe Zhan is teaching Alex maths. And they want to surprise me.'

Alex glances at Zhandra, who has a deep frown on her face and is shaking her head. The tips of his lips turn down. Then, "Daddy, I was..."

Mick shakes his head. He places the book where he had found it. "You know what? I will not look a gift horse in the mouth." Alex blinks, feeling lost. He wonders why his daddy had started talking about horses suddenly in the middle of asking him about Aristotle.

While the clogs in Alex's mind are running, Mick turns to Zhandra. "As long as he goes to sleep without skipping his routine, you can do as you please." He pauses and narrows his eyes. "But only for tonight."
The kids' faces brighten up immediately. Both lunge forward. Zhandra wraps her arms around Mick's waist while Alex hugs his leg.
Mick laughs. "Enough. Enough. I won't bother you anymore." He ruffles their hair and kisses their foreheads. "Try not to stay up too late, alright?"

The duo nod, and as soon as Mick exits the room, Zhandra leaves an enormous sigh of relief. "That was close!" Then scrunching her nose, she wonders. "How come daddy didn't push us for answers?"

Alex shrugs, and both rush towards Aristotle.

"Welcome back, my lovelies!" The face appears on the book.

"How come daddy said nothing even when he saw you?" Zhandra wonders aloud.

"Because he didn't see Aristotle." Gabe's voice startles the kids.

"Gabe!" The children yelp.

Zhandra opens the wardrobe to find Gabe leaning against her denim pile. "You are finally awake!" She exclaims, picking him up gently.

"Yes, I am, my dear." Gabe beams, and as soon as she places him on the bed, he bows slightly. "Aristotle told me how you agreed to help us so willingly."

Zhandra nods her head. "We took the oath and everything."

"I have given Mr. Bighead away," Alex says proudly. Then looking at his sister, he continues. "Zhan gave the magic hole mommy's picture. She told me that maybe Mr. Bighead and the picture are with mommy now." He pauses. "Gabe, does mommy have Mr. Bighead?"

Gabe shakes his head. "I don't know, my boy. I will only know for sure if I can return home."

"Oh, yes." Alex frowns for a moment, but the sad look doesn't stick, for just then, Zhandra asks. "Aristotle, now that Gabe is awake, can he help us understand the tasks?"

It is the fairy who answers. "I am afraid not, my dear. Only those who have taken the oath must depicter the meaning behind the words.

"Oh," Zhandra mutters under her breath. Her face falls. What if I can't understand the words, she wonders. But before the negative thought can pull her down, she shakes her head and gives a curt nod. "I shouldn't think like that. Daddy says that we can achieve anything if we put our mind to it and heart in it."

"Humm." Aristotle hums. "The more I hear about your daddy, the more lovely he sounds." Then without another word, his face vanishes, and the book opens to reveal the next riddle that will give them a clue to the next task:

"Hurry now.
Time's running out.
Prepare to take a trip; roam around. Beyond blue skies, it awaits.
You won't want to return once you get the taste.
Stolen nectar hides a key.
You might have to fight for it if need be."

As soon as Zhandra finishes reading the words, Gabe's face clouds; his eyes widen in fear.

"Gabe, are you alright?" Alex asks, touching the celestial being's arm.
"Are you planning on taking a nap as you did earlier?"

Gabe schools his features before Zhandra can notice. Then smiling brightly, he declares. "You know, I was thinking, it's not so bad here in this realm. I think I can get used to staying here."

The words confuse Zhandra. She
blinks, and tilting her head just like Alex had done minutes ago, she asks, "Gabe, what are you saying? Why did-"

The book snaps shut and flies into Gabe's palm. "I have decided that I like it here. No need to help me find my way home." He says decisively.

{Chapter Word count: 2044;
Word count so far: 12544}

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