The Club

By Spirit_5758

392 32 2

New school. New town. What could go wrong? Well, apparently a lot could go wrong when you're the new girl st... More

Twenty- Nine
Thirty- One
Thirty- Two
Thirty- Three
Thirty- Four
Thirty- Five
Thirty- Six
Thirty- Seven
Thirty- Eight
Thirty- Nine
Forty- One
Forty- Two
Forty- Three
Forty- Four


12 1 0
By Spirit_5758

Classes are finally over with and we didn't have a club meeting today. So I got to go straight to my dorm room. I've been looking forward to calling my mother all day. I'm so worried about her. I couldn't stop thinking about how she sounded yesterday. I shook my head as I rushed towards my room trying to get there as fast as I can so I can call my mom. I'm so worried about her. I thought as I turned the corner and stop dead in my tracks. I blink a couple of times wondering if I'm just seeing things but no he's still there. Why is he standing outside of my room! Wait, how does he even know that's my room to begin with? I turn around to leave as I don't want to talk to him again, especially not after that awkward encounter we had. I still turn red just thinking about it. It's so embarrassing.

I jump when I felt a strong hand on my shoulder pulling me back. I nearly yelp from shock, but he covers my mouth before pulling me back and into a room. I thrashed around as this is it! I'm going to die! He's going to kill me! I'm gonna die before finding out if my mom is okay. I scratched at his arm as he closes the door and I'm tossed onto a bed. A bed? I thought confused. I look around and realized I'm in my room. Oh. Wait what! How did he get a key for my room! I still have mine so how did he unlock my door? I'm so confused! Is this some sort of weird dark magic that he can do by unlocking people's doors? How does he even know this is my dorm room? Is he following me around now? I mean I think he is since I keep seeing him wherever I am, but why follow me? I'm nobody special, just a simple Alabama girl.

"Speak." He commands as he crosses his arms.

"Huh?" I ask confused as I didn't understand why he's now treating me like a dog.

He rolls his eyes before stepping up closer to me, "You said you wanted to talk before, so talk now that nobody can interrupt."

"Oh!" I realized but then became afraid of the questions I wanted to ask him, "W-we don't have to talk. I changed my mind about us talking, so you can leave."

Grimshaw narrows his eyes as he steps closer to me making me scoot back away from him on the bed. Which was a bit difficult with the sheets and blanket kept getting in my way. He stops at the end of my bed as I sat at the head of the bed feeling terrified at what he will do. Is he going to murder me in my room? I thought terrified. That's honestly horrible to think of, but I guess an upside I'll die on my bed. Of course, I still don't want to die here or anywhere soon. I still haven't called my mom and checked up on her to see how she's doing. I'm so worried about her, and right now I'm worried about myself. I'm still not quite sure what this guy is capable of, and I'm afraid to find out.

"What did Finn say to you?" He growled.

"What? No-nothing!" I stammered.

"Then why don't you want to talk now all of a sudden?" He growls his eyes darkening.

"I-I-well it's just that-" I stammered which made him interrupt me, "It's just what?"

"Itwillmakeyoumad!" I yell quickly.

He blinks at me and I'm not sure if he caught it but then he lets out a sigh before sitting down at the edge of the bed. I watch his every move as I feel my heart pounding against my chest. I'm not sure if he can hear it or not, but it makes me afraid that he could hear it. This is the most terrifying thing that has ever happened to me, and I'm sure there's more to come. That's pretty terrifying just thinking about that. I've been warned to stay away from him and he keeps popping up everywhere I go. Almost like daisies, except more horrifying.

"I'm not gonna get mad, so talk." He says looking over at me.

This is coming from a guy who got angry because I wouldn't talk in the first place. I thought letting out a sigh. I don't think he's going to leave anytime soon though, so I might have to just ask him my questions. Hope that I don't die. Hope that I get a chance to call my mom. Just have to hope I guess. I don't even know where to start first though. Which question would be the best question to start with? I guess asking him if he knows everyone in town would be a great start. That can't hurt, right? He can't be angry with that question? I let out a sigh as I'm avoiding them and I can't anymore, especially since he's now in my room. I don't want him to stay in here any longer than he already has been. I just have to get this over with and ask.

"Um, you uh know everyone in town right?" I ask hesitantly.

Grimshaw stares at me for a moment a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips, before he quickly looks away shaking his head, "That was it? You're big scary question that you were afraid to ask me?"

"I-uh-" I try to say but couldn't find the right words to say but he interrupted me anyway, "The answer is yes and no."

I felt happy but disappointed because I don't know if he knows Mr. Dubuik then. Should I ask him? I wonder then mentally smack myself as that was the main question I wanted to ask him anyway. What if they do know each other but are enemies and it just pisses him off? Oh, God! Should I bother asking him the rest of my questions? I mean, if I want him out of my room I guess I have to. I've never had this much trouble asking a question to someone before, but it is now. It would've been easier if I wasn't in this predicament that I am in.

"You have more questions? That can't be the only one." He says looking at me seriously.

"I-well I do but I don't-" I start but he interrupted me again, "Spill it."

"Um, do you by any chance know a guy named Mr. Dubuik?" I ask nervously.

Grimshaw's eyes darken as he stares at me with cold eyes, and I felt a sudden chill run up my back. I knew I shouldn't have asked him that question! He stood up and just as quickly he left my room slamming my door, making me flinch from the loudness. The room shook and I felt an eerie chill that was left in my room. I've doomed myself. I thought feeling numb from fear. I felt like curling up into a ball and crying my eyes out, but I can't do that. There's something more important that I have to do than be afraid. I need to call my mother.

I have to see if she's alright.

I took my flip phone out of my bag before dialing her number, and it rang, rang, rang, before I just got the voicemail. I felt another chill run up my spine as I tried again to call her. Again. I got her voicemail which made me start to worry more about her and her health. This can't be good. No, don't think like that it could be nothing. She could just left her phone somewhere and forgot it, or forgot to charge it. I let out a sigh as I tried again.

And again..

And again..

And again..


She picked up.

Except it wasn't her.

"Who is this?" I ask feeling scared for my mother.

"Ah! You must be Lonnie, your mother was quite beautiful."

"Who is this?" I ask again trying to stay strong.

"I was someone your mother was close to. Well, we were close."

"What did you do to her?" I ask feeling my chest tighten.

"I only did what she asked, and now that it's been done. It's your turn, my dear Lonnie."

"Who are you! Where's my mother!" I yelled feeling tears streaming down my face.

"Don't worry, we will meet soon enough. I'm sure you already met with my son and I hope you are very close with him."

"What are you talking about? I'm not close with anyone?" I tell him trying to stop my tears.

"Oh? Well, that just makes things easier."

"Please just tell me where my mother is!" I plead with him.

"I think you already know what happened to her Lonnie."

I feel like I do but I don't want to believe it, "You bastard! Once I find out who you are I'm going to kill you!"

"Haha! Kill me? You can't kill me, Lonnie. I'm too powerful for you."

"Powerful? Wait, your Mr. Dubuik aren't you?" I ask realizing it.

"Perhaps. I'll see you real soon Lonnie."

"Wait-" I start but he already hung up making me feel scared and sad all at once.

He killed my mother.

Mr. Dubuik killed my mother.

He's after me as well.

I threw my phone at the end of my bed as I hugged my legs closer to myself. I cried into my knees as I just lost my last parent I had left. Why is he doing this? What did he mean that he only did what she asked? What did my mother do? What did she ask? How come I'm getting this feeling like my mom just sold our souls to the devil, and the devil is on his way to kill me.

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