Diplomat High

By KohesiveTerror

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Looks like you're a new student at Diplomat High, y/n. To be able to graduate, you're placed on the Yearbook... More

Chapter 1 - First Day
Chapter 2 - Barry's Interview
Chapter 3 - Bernie's Interview
Chapter 4 - Emmanuel's Interview
Chapter 5 - Hillary's Interview
Chapter 6 - Joe's Interview
Chapter 7 - Justin's Interview
Chapter 8 - Kamala's Interview
Chapter 9 - Jong-un's Interview
Chapter 10 - Vladimir's Interview
Chapter 11 - JFK's Interview
Chapter 12 - Meeting up with Barack
Chapter 14 - Meeting up with Emmanuel
Chapter 15 - Meeting up with Hillary
Chapter 16 - Meeting up with Joe
Chapter 17 - Meeting up with Justin
Chapter 18 - Meeting up with Kamala
Chapter 19 - Meeting up with Jong-un
Chapter 20 - Meeting up with Vladimir
Chapter 21 - The Decision
!! Author Note !!
Chapter 22.1 - Homecoming with Barack
Chapter 22.2 - Homecoming with Bernie
Chapter 22.3 - Homecoming with Emmanuel
Chapter 22.4 - Homecoming with Hillary

Chapter 13 - Meeting up with Bernie

82 3 1
By KohesiveTerror

You're not even sure how you make it through the rest of the day without being an incoherent and heart strung mess. Every few minutes you flip out of reality into your dazed mind, and you have to stop yourself from running into doors and other students. What had you done to deserve all this?

You had to stop thinking about it, because frankly all this think was making you sick. It especially doesn't help when Lincoln decides to slide next to on your way to your last class. "What's going on with you? Are you doing drugs? I wouldn't care, because the War on Drugs is racist and all, but I'd just like to know, because we're friends and all."

"No, I'm not on drugs," you assure, but you almost think that's what this feeling is. "It's just... Barack asked me out to Homecoming."

He sighs. "Another one bites the dust, hm? Can't say I'm surprised. Like Black people during the crack epidemic."

You narrow your eyes at him. "And what is that supposed to mean?"

"Y'know, Black people are always greatly affected by any detrimental phenomenon in society, nothing more. It's just that it's in their nature."

"I'm leaving." You're really not in the mood for this today.

"What? Did I say something?"

"Bye, Lincoln."

"You should know very well my bestest friend was Black! Fredrick Douglas, look him up, loser! I can't be racist if that happened! And I knew Karl Marx, dummy!"

His insults quickly fade into the background as you march to class. After failing what seems like your third test this week, you head to the library, hoping to get maybe a cry out or something.

You're supposed to be heading home, but you don't feel like dragging the dredge of failure along with you. You lay your head on the table like you're playing heads up seven up, and you wish you could go back to those simpler times, but not in a traditionalist way of course.


Your head snaps up, and you see Bernie gazing at you in concern. You quickly pull on a smile. "Oh, hi, you."

"Is that supposed to be convincing?" he remarks.

"Yes? Maybe? No." You groan. "I'm just having a hard time lately."

"I'm sorry about that. I'm glad I ran into you, I guess. Would finishing that interview make it better?"

"You know what? Actually, it would. Thanks."

"Anytime." He glanced around as the library began clearing out. "They're doing a cleaning through the school pretty soon, so we should probably get out of here."

"And go where?"

He gives a mischievous smile. "I know a place."

You're a little curious as to what that means, but you're too sluggish to even care really. You just needed to get that interview done already. You nod. "Alright, after you."

You walk alongside him out of the building. "So how've you been?" Bernie asks.

"You take a guess based on the condition you saw me in."

"So just peachy?"

"Yep, most definitely." You sigh. "But how are you?"

"Alright, I had a track meet the other day. I came in second for the mile, could've been better. I wasn't at my best, but I got what I got." He shrugs.

"Well that's phenomenal to me. Better than anything I've ever done."

"You've just gotta believe in yourself."

"Trying here, but it's easier to say it than do it."

He pushes the outside door open for you as you walk out. It's still as breezy as it was earlier, and you shiver a little. Bernie tilts his head to the side at you. "You're cold?"

You shrug. "A bit, it's fine."

But he doesn't seem to think it's fine, because he swiftly pulls off his letterman and places it around you shoulders. Your face feels like it's overheating. "Um, thanks."

"No problem. The spot's just around here."

"What exactly is this spot?"

He stops in front of a barbed fence with a padlocked gate. "Oh, just access to the roof."

"The roof? Are you serious? Is that allowed?"

"If you have to ask, probably not." He grins. "But only if you want to. I just hate reserving the best view for myself."

You gaze up at the the top of the school as a smile spreads across your face. "Sure, I'm in."

He nods and reaches for the padlocked. He pulls something out of his pocket and sticks it into the keyhole, jiggles it around a bit, and it clicks open. You gape at him. "Should I even ask how you know how to do that?"

"You might be happier not knowing."

He opens the door as you step into the area and notice a ladder that leads to the top. "Up here?"

"Yep. I'll go first."

You watch him as he climbs up, and when he reaches the top, he disappears for a moment before his head peaks out, and he smiles at you. "It's safe."

"I'm pretty sure that's subjective," you mutter. You grab onto the rungs and start climbing up the ladder. You make it to the last one, and it's especially greasy, causing your hand to slip from it.

You gasp, preparing yourself to hit the ground, but Bernie doesn't hesitate to quickly grab you and pull you up. "You okay?"

You nod slowly, catching you breath. God, you'd have to be less hopeless than this at some point. 

"Good, if something happened to you, I'd never forgive myself." He strolls over to the side of the building and peers over it. "I hope it was worth it for this."

You follow him over to the other side of the building and look out above all the buildings. It is a nice view, and it also makes you feel very small, like it's just you and Bernie on the entire planet. 

"What do you think?" he asks.

"It's perfect."

"Yeah, it is." But you notice his eyes are trained on you.

You clear your throat. "But, er, we should start this interview."

"Right, just in case the rain decides to throw a wrench in our plans."

You laugh. "Stop, you'll jinx it."

"Eh, I forge my own luck. But let's get started."

"Okay. What made you decide to run for president?"

"I want to be able to stand for people who have seen themselves misrepresented time and time again. I want everyone to be treated well and receive the equity and equal opportunities they deserve."

"How will you increase the awareness of the significance of your position to a wide range of students?"

"I just want to establish a good rapport with them and have them understand that what I want to do is to help everyone at this school collectively."

"What are important issues you'd like to address?"

"Fair treatment, of course, but I also want the issues of students to be taken seriously. Things like bullying, racism, homophobia, and sexual assault are not taken as seriously at this school as they should be."

"What is something that you're passionate about that is driving your campaign?"

"I guess, who I am. The backgrounds and differences of people like me inspires me to want to represent them, and it's what I hope to do."

You let out a breath and smile. "Perfect."

"I hope that improves your day a bit."

"You have no idea." You gaze around once again. "How'd you find this spot, anyway?"

"It took me a while, actually. I was wanting to dodge detentions, and I finally found out how to pick locks, and I saw the ladder and just made my way up here. I doubt that many people have attempted to reach this place like I have."

"Really? Then do you know any other secret spots?"

"Maybe I do. Maybe I don't." He grins. "I could show you them if you're willing."

"Maybe on another day. This here is already pushing the limits."

"Understood." He takes in a breath, knotting his hands together. "You're not so bad, y/n."

"Thanks, I don't get that much, believe it or not."

 "What an honor for me. But I... wanted to talk to you about something."

"Please don't tell me that you tricked me into coming up here, so you could shove me off. I've been through a lot, but I don't think I deserve that."

He gives a small laugh. "No, that's not it at all. It's--"

"Oi, who is up there?" a voice shouts.

You and Bernie exchange a panicked looked. Unlike you, however, his expression calms. "Stay calm, just follow me. Be ready to run," he says.

You nod. You're anxious about your running speed, but you'll just have to oblige. You hear the voice again. "No one is authorized to be out here. This is grounds for arrestation!"

You furrow your brow. Arrestation? You didn't want to be arrestated, wait no, arrestion. No, arest-- forget it, you get the point.  "In 3 seconds," Bernie murmurs.

"Don't make me get the real police on you blokes!"

Bernie slides his hands around your waist and lifts you down the ladder. Your feet hit the ground, and he quickly hops beside you. In front of you, you spot a very British looking man with spaghetti colored hair in a security office. By now, you're certain you're done for.

He points his baton at the two of you. "Students? Now you know very well this is grounds for expulsion."

Expulsion? You glance at Bernie, but he doesn't seem concerned. "It's just an accident."

"How is this an accident? Do I look stupid to you? Do you know who I am? Boris, the security guard, Johnson. "

"No, sir." Bernie gasps and points away from him. "Look, beans and toast!"

"Huh? Where?"

The two of you dash past the gate and the guard towards the parking lot. But as you run, Bernie's jacket blows off of your shoulders. You turn back to get it, but Boris grabs your arm. "Where do you think you're going, bruv?"

You try to pull away, but he's almost inhumanely strong. "Let go of them!" Bernie shouts.

"If it isn't Bernard 'Bernie' Sanders. I've been waiting for this day when I could finally kick you out of this school. It looks like I've got a two in one."

"Hell you do." Bernie picks up his jacket and throws it in Boris' face, and it's enough to distract him. He hurriedly pulls you away, and you sprint off towards the back of the school. The two of you don't stop until the school is just a blip in the distance.

He pauses to look at you as you catch your breath. "You're okay, y/n?"

"Yeah, I think I'm fine."

"I'm sorry for getting you into this mess. I should have been more careful."

"It's okay, Bernie. I'll be fine."

"Look, we don't have much time before he comes looking for us, and we have to split up, but I need to say this. I want you to go to Homecoming with me. I know this is such a rush, but I just want you to think about it."

You nod slowly, your breath catching in your throat. He rubs a hand down your arm. "I'll see you. Be safe."

He hurries off through a thicket of trees, and you're left staring after him.

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