The Club

By Spirit_5758

382 32 2

New school. New town. What could go wrong? Well, apparently a lot could go wrong when you're the new girl st... More

Twenty- Nine
Thirty- One
Thirty- Two
Thirty- Three
Thirty- Four
Thirty- Five
Thirty- Six
Thirty- Seven
Thirty- Eight
Thirty- Nine
Forty- One
Forty- Two
Forty- Three
Forty- Four


15 1 0
By Spirit_5758

I can't believe I'm doing this. This is probably the stupidest thing I've ever done. He's going to kill me. Snap my neck and bury me in the graveyard for the maggots to slowly eat away at my skin. This is the worse idea I thought of, but I didn't know how else to get him here. I mean he read and saw the message that I left on his desk this morning. It was simple. I just asked if he could meet me by the back doors before lunch. I don't know if he's going to come, but he did look at it before he crumbled it up. I have this horrible feeling like I shouldn't have asked him here. I thought pacing back and forth. Why would anyone ask someone so powerful and scary to meet them? This is just asking to die. I hate my stupidity but I need to talk to him.

I need answers.

I need to help my mom.

I need-

"Oh! What do we have here?"

I flinch as I recognize that voice as I stop pacing and look over to see Finn. I felt cold and fear seep throughout my body as he has a creepy-ass smile on his face. This month isn't my month at all. I took a step back as he comes closer but I end up hitting a wall. I roll my eyes as to what are the odds of that happening. Finn stands in front of me as he traps me against the wall with a look like he wants to kill me.

"What do you want?" I ask trying to sound brave.

"You know what I want." Finn tells me narrowing his eyes at me.

"Yes. You want my blood for some weird reason." I tell him as I tried to keep my voice strong.

"What can I say? You're a new student in a school that wields black magic. What did you expect would happen?" Finn asks voice turning colder by the second.

"I-I don't know. Why do you want my blood though? There are other students here." I tell him feeling guilty that I threw in the other students.

"True. But they aren't you." Finn tells me frowning.

"What does that mean? I'm nobody special, just a new student that moved from Alabama." I tell him narrowing my eyes at him.

"Your right. You aren't anyone special, but if Grimshaw wants to protect you then you are special. You're special to him." Finn growls as he gets closer to me.

"I didn't ask for any of this. I didn't ask to come here. I didn't ask for Grimshaw's protection. So just leave me alone!" I growl as I tried to shove him away.

Finn grabs both of my wrists tightly making me wince as his eyes turned darker. I shivered as I felt his power radiating from him. I struggle to get out of his hold but he just squeezed harder. Finn stares at me like he's trying to find something in my eyes, before suddenly letting me go and turning with a wide smirk. I pull my wrists towards my chest and about to ask him what his deal was but he spoke up first.

"It looks like someone else decided to join us." Finn says sounding annoyed.

I look towards where he's looking and saw Grimshaw standing there with a dark cold look across his face. I felt his power as it felt stronger than usual, and it made me shudder from the power. It made me feel uneasy, but it also made Finn back off as he quickly sidesteps Grimshaw before running down the hall. I watch him leave before looking over at Grimshaw who looks like he's trying to calm himself down. It's definitely not a good time to talk to him now. I thought afraid of what he will do to me. This didn't go as I planned but he will surely be pissed at me.

"What did he say to you?" He asks coldly.

"I-I uh just reminding me that he's still after my blood." I tell him afraid that he's going to snap and kill me.

"Anything else?" He asks coldly as he crosses his arms.

"Your right. You aren't anyone special, but if Grimshaw wants to protect you then you are special. You're special to him."

Finn's words come back to me but I shook my head telling him that Finn didn't say anything else. I don't need to make Grimshaw angry because Finn told me a lie which I believed. I mean I don't believe it, but I don't need him thinking that I do. He will kill me for sure, and I'm not ready to die just yet.

"What did you want to talk about?" Grimshaw asks sounding bored.

"I-I uh it's not important. We don't have to talk at all." I tell him not wanting to be here anymore.

Grimshaw looks over at me before his eyes flashed darker. I gulp as I look away as I don't know if he's annoyed or pissed that I told him to never mind. This was a stupid idea. I never should've done this in the first place. I flinch when I suddenly felt him in front of me. I back away from him but he trapped me against the wall like Finn did but unlike Finn, he wasn't staring at me with coldness and hatred. He was staring at me with that dark look in his eyes which I couldn't understand what that meant.

"We don't have to talk huh?" Grimshaw asks still staring at me before continuing, "Then what did you had in mind if you didn't want to talk?"

I flush a deep red as I didn't realize how that came out. I covered my face as this is embarrassing and awkward. This guy is dangerous and hates me but now he thinks I'm coming onto him. That's just wonderful! My life can't possibly get any worse, can it? I mean I'm already the outcast of this school and now I just embarrassed myself.

"I-I didn't mean-uh I didn't-" I stammered badly.

I didn't want to look up as he didn't say anything, and he didn't move away from me. I can still feel his power and it frightens me. He can destroy me in seconds but he's not, which makes me wonder maybe he's just waiting for the perfect timing. Do I dare to take a peek? I wonder as I feel very awkward just standing there. He's not moving or saying anything, and it's making me think that he's planning my death right now.

I'm going to do it.

I'm going to glance up at him.

I might die, but I need to know what he's doing.

I glance up at him and he's still staring at me which made me flush a darker red. The corner of his lips tugged upwards but quickly went back to a frown. I glance towards the hallway wanting to leave but flinch when he steps closer to me trapping me even more. I glance up at him seeing him closer to my face, and my face feels so hot that I think I'm a tomato now.

"So? What did you have in mind?" He asks again deadly calm.

Why is he so damn calm! I'm freaking out with him being this close and he's so damn calm. I open my mouth to say something, anything I don't even care what it is but then the bell rang. Oh! Sweet Buffalos! I thought as I shove him away quickly before running down the hallway. I tried to calm my fast-beating heart as I tried to make my red face go away. This didn't go as I planned at all as it got all messed up. First Finn and then me with my poor choice of wording. Why am I so stupid! I hate this school!


The next day I felt so embarrassed. I sat next to Grimshaw in English class this morning and I can feel him staring at me throughout the whole class. I felt like he was gonna pounce on me or something. I didn't dare look over at him but it was hard as I felt his stare on me throughout the whole day. English, lunch, and even in gym class. I'm sitting on the bleachers in the gym and he's staring at me still.

I can feel Finn staring at me as well but luckily he didn't approach me today. I'm so sick of this school, and so afraid of attending here any longer. I need to get out of here but how can I? I need to call my mom. I thought as I wonder how she's feeling. I just called her yesterday but I'm worried about her now. I need to know if she's okay. When today is over with I will give her a quick call, and hopefully, she's feeling better. I hate it when my mom is sick and I'm not there to take care of her. I hope she's okay.

"Well, you sure made an impression on him."

I jump from hearing a voice next to me, and I look over and saw Grimshaw's friend that I meant the last time. I never caught his name, but he came over here by himself which I am grateful for. I don't think I will be able to handle it if he came over as well.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I asked afraid of the answer.

"Are you blind as well as deaf? New girl, Grim is amused by you. I don't know what you did or said but he's amused by you now." He said sounding like he's against it.

"I-I don't know either." I tell him looking down at my hands.

"He's protecting you but that's not enough. You somehow managed to get the baddest and the most powerful guy to be amused by you." He tells me shaking his head.

"I don't know what to tell you. I'm not trying to get on his good side. I didn't even want to attend here." I tell him letting out a sigh.

He glances over at me before letting out a sigh as well, "Even if that is your intentions or not, you're on his good side. Kind of. You might have him protecting you and him being amused by you, but that doesn't mean you're still out of danger."

"I've been in danger the moment I stepped into this damn school." I nearly growled at him.

"Just a heads up new girl, the closer you are to Grim the more danger you will be. Being close with him doesn't stop people from coming after you, they will just be more determined to get you." He warns as he stands up and walks away.

I watch him as I felt fear seep into me, but no matter what I wasn't planning on getting close to Grimshaw. Why would I when he hates me? I might've amused him once but it doesn't mean it will happen again. He will go back to his cold self and things will go back semi-normal again. I can't count Grimshaw to protect me, especially if it's just going to put me in more danger. I don't want his protection anyway, and I still don't want to be in this school. This school should never have existed, and I wished it didn't.

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