Beauty and the Beast: Kimetsu...

By author9999

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"I'm glad we have a role model such as you, Kanzaki-san. We need to establish an example of a good student... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: The First Meeting
Chapter 2: The Only Friend
Chapter 3: The Unspoken Feelings
Chapter 4: The Real Confession
Chapter 5: The New Student
Chapter 6: The Pretending Game
Chapter 7: The Fake Fight
Chapter 8: The Antagonist Appears
Chapter 9: The Abandoned Child
Chapter 10: The First Kiss
Chapter 11: The Unlucky Coincidence

Chapter 12: The Big Lie

3.9K 189 255
By author9999

Upon finding out that Aoi spent time with Inosuke and his friends at the old folks home, Kanao felt a little abandoned by her best friend, which caused her mood to gloom the whole day.

She didn't respond to any of Aoi's remarks, kept her head tilted to the ground and was in a daze in class, but not even once Aoi actually detected that she wasn't in the right mind.

It wasn't the first time Kanao noticed it.

In fact, she had tried to ignore this for so long because she was scared.

Of losing her best friend.

As the students of 3-A walked together to the chemistry lab, Kanao stayed at the back of the crowd, not wanting to mingle around, secretly wanting Aoi to notice that she was missing. However, Aoi didn't turn her head back at all.

Aoi changed. She was different.

She had always been the kind of girl who'd be strict to all the students, especially the guys. She wouldn't entertain them when they slack off and ask for her help later.

The girls adored Aoi. Kanao adored her too.

But as Aoi strolled in the hall, her face plastered with a sincere smile as she conversed with Tanjiro, Kanao's heart ached with jealousy. Tanjiro was a kind-hearted person, and it wasn't his fault if Aoi wanted him as her best friend.

Not Kanao who couldn't even come up with a full sentence.

Occasionally, Inosuke would put his arm around Tanjiro's shoulders and Zenitsu would do the same thing. Inosuke pushed him away and acted possessive around Tanjiro though.

A little part of Kanao suspected that Inosuke too wanted to be close to Aoi.

During recess, after Shinazugawa-sensei adjourned the class, Kanao didn't even manage to stack up her books before seeing the three boys surrounding Aoi and inviting her to join them for lunch. If Aoi wasn't laughing when Zenitsu cracked a joke, Kanao wouldn't feel this sad.

She had to make sure.

Aoi turned her head to Kanao and waved her hand, gesturing her to join them. It wouldn't be wrong for Kanao to be a little selfish, would she?

"Aoi," she whispered, pulling Aoi's hand and stopping her friend in her tracks.

"Kanao? Is something the matter?" she asked genuinely, lines creasing her forehead in worry.

"Can we have lunch together?"

"Of course we're having lunch together. Inosuke, Zenitsu and Tanjiro are waiting for us—"

"But I want just your company," Kanao cut her off, which left Aoi silent and awestruck. Kanao couldn't think, so she let her words flow without hesitating. "Is it wrong for me to wish for our lunchtime to be like the past?"

"Like the past?" Aoi repeated.

Kanao was testing the water. If she chose the boys, it meant that Kanao wasn't that important to her anymore.

Aoi, please. Choose me.

The vice president stole a glance at the boys, who were looking at her with questions marks all over their faces, except for Inosuke who seemed a little irritated. Then, she turned her eyesight to Kanao. She was holding her hand real tight.

Aoi smiled and answered, "Sure, I sometimes miss our sessions too. Something must be weighing your mind, right? So tell me all about it."

Surprised, Kanao angled her head up and felt tears welling up. "Really?"

"The bench? It'll be hard for us to have a private conversation if we eat in the cafeteria."

"O-oh, right!" Kanao exclaimed, a tad too excited. Before Aoi could inform the boys that she had other lunch plans, Inosuke stomped towards the two of them, his nose fuming.

"Oi, you two are disrespecting my stomach! Hurry up or I'll cause trouble the whole day. Especially to you, Aoi," Inosuke warned, crossing his arms over his chest, muscles twitching in anger.

"Shut up," Aoi replied, rolling her eyes.

Aoi walked up to the other two boys, followed by Kanao and Inosuke. "I'm sorry, guys. The plan's changed. Kanao is not feeling well and I'm gonna have lunch privately with her."

She turned to Inosuke and reminded, "Remember, Inosuke, wash your hands if you touch your food when you eat."

Instead of listening to her excuse, Inosuke only got mad. "What? Why can't Hanao just join us? Is she sick of seeing our faces or something—"

Tanjiro cupped Inosuke's mouth, smiled and said, "We understand, Aoi. Kanao, I hope you'll feel better. We'll be making our way to the cafeteria."

While his hand was still covering Inosuke's mouth, he and Zenitsu dragged the blue-tipped-haired boy while he thrashed around, demanding to be released. Inosuke never once at lunch without Aoi with him.

Who was going to remind him to wipe his mouth with his handkerchief or drink enough water after eating?

Inosuke realised that him being dependant on her was not because he wasn't capable, but because he just wanted her attention.

Gosh, he had turned into a spoiled brat. That sudden revelation made him calm and accept the situation.

Once they settled on the beige bench right beside the roofed walkway connecting the classes to the cafeteria, Aoi opened her lunchbox and popped the homemade takoyaki into her mouth.

It was so good!

Kanao picked up her chopsticks, but she didn't eat. As Aoi swallowed her food, she touched Kanao's shoulder and asked, "Are you okay? You're quiet today, but you're like that all the time, so I had no idea something's bothering you, Kanao."

Avoiding Aoi's eyes, Kanao dismissed her friend. "I-it's nothing."

Aoi's eyebrows slanted in frustration. She pinched Kanao's shoulder and made her squeal in surprise.

"Oh, come on. You made sure the boys aren't here with us and you think I'm gonna believe you when you said it's nothing?" Aoi nagged, putting her lunchbox on the bench and placing her fists on her hips like her usual self.

Kanao glanced at the cafeteria, saw Inosuke, Zenitsu and Tanjiro laughing too loud that it was making the lunch ladies vexed, and muttered, "The boys."

"What about them?"

Kanao wished that she was as expressive as the boys. She didn't anticipate herself feeling this insecure when it came to their friendship. "Do you enjoy their company that much?"

Aoi had to use some seconds just to think. She had been trying so hard to show that the boys wouldn't be in her favour. But she spent a lot of time with them and it was way weird to say that she didn't care about them at all.

The corners of her lips turning up, Aoi admitted, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I do. I was annoyed with them at first, but they're fun to be around, despite giving me more burden."

"I was afraid you'd say that," Kanao stated, her voice barely audible.

"What do you mean, Kanao?"

Instead of answering, Kanao took a deep breath, closed her eyes and decided to take a leap of faith. "What about my company?"

"Yours? Of course. You're my best friend. You were there for me since the beginning." Aoi was confused to hear such a question. Why would Kanao ever doubt that Aoi thoroughly enjoyed all moments with her presence?

"Hey, Kanao. What's going on? Are you thinking that I don't enjoy being friends with you anymore that the boys hang out with us all the time?"



Aoi guessed right on her first try. She just couldn't accept that Kanao doubted her like this. "The boys hang out with us. Me and you. It means that as much as they like me, they like you too, Kanao. Don't you see that?"

All of a sudden, Kanao stood up. "No, you're wrong."

Aoi had never seen her this assertive. Something must've really struck her chord. "Perhaps it stands for Tanjiro and Zenitsu, but Inosuke likes you. Didn't you see that he was mad when I wanted to whisk you away? He's gonna do everything to take you away from me."

Well, he is my boyfriend.

Anxious and guilty, Aoi wondered if she should just tell the truth. She could trust Kanao with her secret and nobody else would find out.

Aoi opened her mouth to speak. She was going to be honest. Somehow, her instincts kicked in and...

She lied again. "It's not going to happen, if I don't allow it, Kanao."

In a way, Aoi had expected her to sound more compassionate and sympathetic towards Kanao, but her words sounded mean. She did care about Kanao, but she really wished her friend didn't doubt and add more to her problems.

Kanao fiddled with her fingers. "I'm sorry. It's just that it's really hard for me to make friends and you're all I had..."

Feeling bad, Aoi had to be careful with her words. Although she needed to comfort Kanao, she didn't wanna say that it was fine for her to be possessive. Kanao couldn't depend on Aoi all the time too.

Holding both of Kanao's shoulders, Aoi made sure she was looking into her eyes. "Yes, but Kanao, you have to let other people love you too. I'm here for you, but if there are others who wish to know you and be around you, you gotta let them in."

Her eyes widened in surprise. She had never expected that Aoi would thrust her with honestly. As much as she'd like to brush it off, Aoi was right.

"I'm just afraid you'd choose them over me."

Oh, God. Aoi felt so bad for Kanao.

She drew her best friend into a hug as she said, "Kanao, no matter what, I'm always your best friend. I'll be there for you, regardless of the number of friends I have."

Kanao lost her parents. She had so much trouble communicating with people. Aoi had to remember that Kanao was trying her best and she feared losing someone who was close to her.

As Aoi retracted herself away, Kanao had one last wish. "Can you promise me one thing?"

Aoi's heart was racing in her chest. She hadn't even heard Kanao's request, but she felt so anxious. Her gut was screaming all over her as if she was getting caught in an inescapable net. "A-anything to elevate you from your doubts, Kanao."

Kanao took a deep breath. "Promise me that you won't ever keep secrets that I don't know about."

Just when Aoi had become overly conscious of her actions towards the boys, afraid if she might offend Kanao, the student council was summoned for a sudden meeting with the teachers. She was exhausted and lethargic, but her duties were more important for her student profile.

"You're doing this to secure a scholarship in the future!" Aoi reminded herself, shouting in the form of a quiet whisper.

The four mainboard members of the student council were doing work in their operating room, excluding Tokito who spent his time looking at the glaze on his doughnut. Shinobu-sensei turned the doorknob and allowed herself in.

"The meeting is starting in fifteen. I'm just checking if everyone's here," she announced, but before anyone could answer, the teacher took a look at Aoi and continued, "Especially our beloved vice president. You've been doing great these past few weeks."

"I'm sure it's due to your guidance, Shinobu-sensei. Thank you for the compliment. I will always try to do my best," Aoi replied.

She hid a sigh. The compliment from the society's advisor meant nothing. Aoi was working too hard, her grades needed more attention, her family was playing with her mind and the newest one, Kanao was another problem she had to manage.

Sometimes, she wanted to stop time and take a stroll with Inosuke.


Perhaps with a few of his rough impatient kisses.

She'd rather spend time with him than perfecting her student profile.

But this was reality and following her desires could affect her future. Thinking about her boyfriend, Aoi noticed that Kanao was watching her.

Thankfully, Shinobu-sensei was still around to distract her. Tomioka-sensei passed by the room, saw Shinobu-sensei and stopped abruptly in his tracks. He didn't say anything. He just waited for the teacher to get her things done.

Aoi saw the little blush that adorned Shinobu-sensei's fair cheeks, and the teacher quickly said, "Remember, come to the meeting room at least five minutes earlier. I'm going to prepare one juice box for each of you."

They nodded and Shinobu-sensei exited the room.

Inosuke told Aoi that the two teachers actually had something between them. They weren't just kissing or hooking up, Inosuke actually saw Tomioka-sensei doing way more than that.

She couldn't guess how different a person could be from the person they loved. She couldn't assume since everyone believed that Inosuke was this beast of a student when in reality, he was the sweetest towards Aoi.

In the meeting, the principal was chairing. It had been so long since Aoi had seen him able to speak with his voice audible till the end of the long table.

He was flipping pages from a folder prepared by his wife. The other teachers waited patiently for his announcement.

"I've been informed that the initiative with our five new students is going quite well. My wife has prepared me with weekly reports of their performance, and I have to say I'm impressed. Good job, teachers and of course, my fellow student council members."

The teachers clapped for the four students, but the counsellor, Kibutsuji-sensei had a face that caused the hair behind Aoi's neck to stand up.

That's unsual. Kibutsuji-sensei never joins our meeting. Why is he here?

Aoi had so many thoughts in her mind that she never realised it before. Kibutsuji-sensei never concerned herself with students, except for the problematic ones. Him being here sent her chills.

If he was targeting Inosuke or the other boys, this could mean disaster.

Waiting for their president to thank the principal, the mood turned awkward when Tokito seemed busy reading the ingredients of his juice box.

Shinobu-sensei sent Aoi an emergency look and the vice president frantically stood up to fill in Tokito's place. "That's the second compliment we've gotten today, Ubuyashiki-sensei. I can't express how much I'm honoured to hear such words from you. Thank you. We will continue doing our very best."

Before Aoi could take her seat again, the principal replied, "Kanzaki-san, you're a diligent student. I'm proud of you. You've even managed to bring Hashibira-kun to do volunteer work with you. That's impressive."

Oh, no.

She intended to keep it a secret between her, the boys, Nezuko, the principal and his secretary. She didn't expect that Ubuyashiki-sensei would announce this in a meeting. Shinobu-sensei's head snapped to her and Kanae-sensei looked disturbed too.

"Actually, it was Agatsuma-san's residence. His grandfather lives there, so the boys decided to volunteer there. They don't know how to liaise the documents from the old folks home to the school. Kamado-kun reached out to me and planned the trip together."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, Ubuyashiki-sensei. They did a great job too."

As the principal nodded, Aoi sat down and only then she realised she had been holding her breath. The number of looks she received from all the teachers, Kanao's sharp gaze and the lies that she had to tell overwhelmed her.

She was grateful to sit down. She leaned against the leather chair and closed her eyes. For only a minute, she tuned out the principal's voice.

"...and that's why I want Aoi Kanzaki to lead this intensive training."

Upon Yushiro's tap of her shoulder, Aoi snapped from her reverie and only managed to hear the last sentence of the principal. Intensive training? Lead? What?

She straightened her body and asked, "I'm afraid I'm not convinced with what I've heard. Can I request for the announcement to be repeated?"

Shinazugawa-sensei clicked his tongue, but Himejima-sensei silenced him by whispering, "Namu."

The mathematics teacher grew more irritated, but he didn't want people to get mad at him.

The principal smiled. "As all of you are well aware, we are only two weeks from the finals. Since we raised the difficulty of the past tests, our students are struggling. Kibutsuji-sensei here proposed that we should have a camp for underachieving students. Although the teachers will put their utmost work into making this camp a success, I'll be needing help from the students too. I hope that Aoi Kanzaki can lead this task. I think you are the most qualified for the role."

Aoi wanted to scream. What about Tokito? He was the president.

This would just add to her plate. She didn't want this.

Screw her student profile, she just needed a break.

And yet her mouth moved by itself. "If the finals are due in two weeks, when will the intensive training be held?"

"This weekend."

She almost spitted, but Aoi managed to swallow her surprise down. On top of having more burden on her shoulders, she'd have to get everything done in four days. She wondered if Ubuyashiki-sensei had no common sense.

"Of course, the other student council members shall help you. You're their leader, so let them do the work. I trust you, Kanzaki-san," the principal added, just enough guilt trip her.

"I'm honoured for the trust you put in me, Ubuyashiki-sensei. I won't let you down," she answered. Damn, she could not stop herself from being dishonest.

A big fat liar would always be a big fat liar.

If she'd go to jail for lying, she'd probably be executed by now.

Aoi was confused, tired and completely disappointed in herself.

After the meeting, the student council members returned to the operating room and Aoi hoped she could discuss with them about delegating the tasks. However, once she took a seat on the couch, Tokito stood by the bookshelf and watched the ants crawling from the floor to one of the books.

"Tokito-kun, are you joining the discussion?" Aoi queried, her voice a little loud than usual as Tokito was always distracted.

Surprisingly, he answered the question this time. "I'm not joining. It's a camp for seniors after all. I don't have anything to do with it."

"B-but, you're our president."

"Based on the votes. It's not my own decision," he brushed Aoi off and picked up a crumb to give it to the ants.

Aoi took a deep breath. She was not going to waste her time asking Tokito to join if the only useful thing that would come out of his mouth was silence.

When she turned her head to the other two members, Yushiro was already picking up his bag, which made Aoi ask, "Eh, where are you going, Yushiro-san?"


"Can you join the discussion first before going home? I promise it'll be for only a few minutes," Aoi persuaded, hoping that Yushiro wouldn't ditch her.

"Why? This is all your fault for working so hard to help our teachers. Don't you see that they're just using us now?"

"It's our responsibility. We're representing the students—"

"Well, maybe I wanna quit!"

Silence glazed over the room. Aoi was stunned by Yushiro's words and he himself was shocked too. Yushiro's eyes were bulging, his anger rising up to his ears.

Seeing Aoi's face, he wouldn't be able to accept himself hurting a friend, so he sat down.

"Just so you know, I'm mad because all the things going on are causing me to have less time to join Tamayo-sensei's tuition classes. Promise me this will be quick."

"Of course. Thank you for considering, Yushiro-san."

And Aoi kept it for only ten minutes. After discussing the brief matters with Yushiro and Kanao, Aoi realised that none were excited or even willing to lend her a hand. She decided that she would avoid more conflict by doing more work on her own.

She told them to go home and excused herself by saying that she was waiting for her mother to pick her up.

"You're lying," Kanao stated when they were left alone in the room.

"Kanao, please. Leave me alone," Aoi muttered.

"But I'm your friend," she insisted.

"Which is the reason why I don't want you to see me vulnerable like this," Aoi continued, but before Kanao could give her a hug, Kanae-sensei knocked on the door and informed Kanao that they were going home.

Shinobu-sensei was getting the car warmed up. Aoi waved her away and plopped her butt down, typing the itineraries of the programme until the sun was already setting.

She knew her mother would be waiting for her when she got back. The sky was already dark and she had no energy left, so she slammed the front door and ran up the stairs. Her mother chased her, but she banged her bedroom door in her mother's face.

"You're such a disobedient child! You came back home late and refuse to give me your flimsy excuses! Stay in your room and starve yourself!" her mother shouted.

"It's not as if you're going to listen anyway!" Aoi backtalked. For the first time.

"Don't come looking for me when you regret the words you said!" Aoi's mother stomped down the stairs and made sure that there was no food left in the kitchen. She emptied the fridge and moved its content into the master bedroom.

Aoi jumped onto her bed. She buried her face into the sheets and hugged her bolster. She looked at her own reflection in the window.

And she cried.

Tears streamed down her face and she sobbed real hard, the whole room echoing and crying with her. Her breathing became difficult and she could hardly feel alive.

She wished for everything to stop.

Just stop.


Just when she felt that life had no more purpose, a message moved into her inbox and her phone made a sound to indicate a notification. She didn't want to stretch her hand and pick it up, but the name on the screen made her jump.


Though salty tears invaded her mouth and her face was flushed with red, just reading a text from Inosuke made bubbles of laughter pop up from her mouth.

Although Aoi told Inosuke to use uppercase and lowercase letters grammatically, he still insisted that people would pay his messages more attention if he sounded as if he was screaming through his texts.

She missed him so much. She wanted to see him.

Me: Come here.

Inomata <3: HUH??? IS THIS AOI???

Me: Just do it!


Me: ...
Can't you leave the pizza only for a short while?

Inosuke wasn't replying anymore, so Aoi thought that he probably had enough of her too. She slumped into her pillow, but she had no more tears. Her eyes felt heavy and she wanted to slip into unconsciousness.

All of a sudden, she heard her balcony door open and her body jolted up in surprise, seeing Inosuke bathed in moonlight. He was beautiful.

She had so much things to say to him about her feelings, but his face decorated with bread crumbs and pizza sauce made her want to tease him. She scolded, "You took so freaking long!"

He was shocked to hear Aoi's irritated voice, so he crossed his arms over his chest and mumbled, his mouth still full, "This better be good or I'm going back to my pizza—"

Quickly, Aoi rolled of her bed and slipped her hands under Inosuke's arms, pulling him into a tight hug. She buried her head into his chest, sniffing in his smell, a mix of detergent and his natural scent. She could confuse this feeling with paradise.

Inosuke was astonished that he swallowed without chewing. He froze at first, but he returned the hug by wrapping around her head, pulling Aoi closer. He too had missed her warmth.

Aoi sniffled, and only then Inosuke realised that her eyes were red earlier as if she had just...cried.

He stroked her hair and asked hesitatingly, "Did...something happen? Did I miss anything?"

Aoi shook her head. "No. I just miss you. A lot."

Inosuke knew she was lying. There was nothing she could hide from him. Angry, he pulled her away, held her by her shoulders and looked into her blue eyes—now red and streaked with tears. "Tell me whom I need to murder."

Aoi thought he was joking. "What? Inosuke, this is no laughing matter—"

"Anyone who hurts you deserve to die," he hissed, his face serious and vexed. His eyebrows slanted and he no longer looked pretty, but nefarious and menacing. "My reputation is already bad anyway, so I don't mind being labelled as a criminal."

He was too serious that Aoi couldn't help but laugh. "If you're a criminal, you're gonna be banned from marriage. How are we going to be married then?"


He blushed. If they were married, it meant that Inosuke could kiss her every day. Inosuke could see her everyday. Inosuke could kill those who hurt her. If she wanted to marry him, Aoi must've really loved him and he couldn't imagine someone wanting to live her whole life with him—

"Inosuke, is it fine if I rant to you for a little bit?" Aoi whispered, tugging on the sleeve of his shirt.

She looked too cute for Inosuke to even resist. "Why are you even asking for permission? I'm your boyfriend, not your teacher, so use me all you want!"

Aoi chuckled. "You know, if you say that to the girls in our school, you're gonna get reported."

"That's not gonna happen as I don't care about them," he replied and rolled his eyes.

She told him the truth. Everything that had been bothering her. The extra tasks she was given, her problems with Kanao, the growing affection she felt towards the boys, the pressure of telling lies, and wanting to satisfy everyone all the time.

"I knew it! That's why I told you many times that if you're too considerate, people are gonna be stepping all over you, Aoi! This is why I suffer seeing you work so hard!" Inosuke exhorted, turning himself away from Aoi and facing the balcony.

He didn't want Aoi to think that he was mad at her. He was just frustrated with everyone else.

"I know I'm a people pleaser. It's bad," Aoi mumbled.

"You can be nice, but you can't be nice all the time! Even that airheaded Katano is possessive over you and always pulling you from us."

Aoi's mood changed. Inosuke meant well, but she wasn't going to let him just slander over Kanao like that just because of her narrative. "Look, Kanao has a reason to be afraid of losing a friend."

"Oh, you're on her side now?"

Hitting her forehead with the ball of her palm, Aoi sighed and said, "God, Inosuke. Please don't make me choose between her or you."

Inosuke hit his forehead on the glass. "That's just plain stupid. I know you're gonna choose me anyway, so asking that is just pathetic and desperation at its core."


The silence was making Inosuke suspicious. "Don't tell me she asked you to choose over herself or us."

"No, she didn't...can we stop talking about her?" Aoi wasn't in the right mind to discuss her issues with Kanao. "I do care about Kanao, but I'm so exhausted with the student council. Tokito is useless and I can't fathom why the students voted for him because he's cute and he does well in sports!"

Inosuke laughed lightly and turned to her again. He placed a finger under Aoi's chin and tilted her head up. "I think we both lived long enough to know that people are dumb and they make poor life choices."

"I'm one of those people then. I regret even thinking that I'm capable to do more than average," Aoi whispered, disappointment clear in the tone of her voice.

Not wanting her to overthink in a while, Inosuke leaned closer to her and planted a kiss on her lips. He drew himself in and despite Aoi's initial reluctance, she accepted the kiss and pulled his shirt.

When she wanted more, Inosuke retreated. "Is your mind a little cleared now?"

Shameless, Aoi replied, "No, it's still blurry. Maybe I need a few more—"

Not needing more explanation, Inosuke placed his hands on her jaw and continued the kiss. The room felt hot and the walls closed around them. There was no one, but the two of them in this world. Lips kissing and hands touching.

In the heat of the moment, Inosuke parted away and teased, "Not enough?!"

He eventually couldn't get enough of her and Aoi had to take charge. "Inosuke! I need to breathe!"

Their breaths steadied and Inosuke used the opportunity to comfort Aoi. "Aoi, I know for a fact that you're hardworking and you put pride in your work. No matter how much you hate your responsibilities, you will strive to do your best as usual. You're a perfectionist, which is the opposite of me, but that's why I adore you in the first place."

"Now I'm embarrassed..."

He held her hands. "You have no idea how much is the urge for me to jump into Tokito's room right now and hit him with my bare hands, but I also know you won't approve of me doing that."

Again, Inosuke made her laugh!

"I appreciate the thought though. I'm going insane for thinking that it's cute," she said as she displayed him a teasing smile.

When he was about to leave, he stepped onto the balcony, turned around and announced, "So, I'm going to find another way to ease your burden. I might be small trouble, but there's nothing you can't handle!"

He jumped.

"Inosuke, you're not going to break the rules, are you?!" Aoi screamed, not caring if her mother had heard.

"Just watch me tomorrow and be surprised!" he replied as he disappeared into the shadows and finally into his house.

You have reached the end of this chapter. Thank you for reading and do not forget to vote!

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