Chapter 6: The Pretending Game

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While the members of the student society were bringing them around the school for an orientation tour, Inosuke stayed at the back of the group, casually humming a song as he rested his head on the both of his palms.

Surprisingly, the so-called 'delinquents' of Kimetsu City that were enrolled to the school were not really problematic and stubborn.

The Kamado siblings, Tanjiro and Nezuko were especially nice towards Inosuke. He was quite convinced that he would have friends.

Based on his knowledge, Aoi was the vice president, but it seemed like the president was absent. If he was there, Aoi wouldn't be tiring herself out by filling in his place. As usual.

He couldn't care less to know where the gym, main hall or lab was. During the respective periods, he could just follow the crowd and find the venue anyway, so he spent his time staring at Aoi each time his girl had to brief the others.

Inosuke had the sudden urge to tease her throughout the whole first day.

Earlier, he was despondent and a little offended to realize that Aoi pretended to not know him.

As time passed, the devil on his shoulder was gaining more dominance. If Aoi was acting hostile towards him, he could backfire her intentions.

The green-eyed boy smirked openly, not hiding his reckless plans from the crowd.

As they passed by the science lab, Yushiro, a boy with green hair which reminded Inosuke of cabbages, stopped by the door to peek inside. He was spying around, looking for Tamayo-sensei. That boy had his head up in the clouds, but Tamayo-sensei waved to him from the inside, judging by Yushiro's suddenly red cheeks.

Annoyed and overwhelmed by the amount of human interaction around him, Inosuke decided to unbutton his uniform.

He had thrown away his blazer somewhere on the road, and it was probably picked up by a random passerby.

As his hands unclasped each button, his eyes followed Aoi as her hair swayed with each step. He never liked school uniforms if he had to be honest.

It was a hassle to put on the same uniform everyday. It felt like he was following what society wanted and he, out of all people, hated society to the core of his heart.

If it wasn't for society, his mother would've never married that jerk of a father. The fact that Inosuke still had his father's surname irritated him.

The crowd stopped walking and Inosuke read the little metal sign that was pasted adjacent to the double doors.


Aoi was about to bring them inside. She was in charge of introducing the new students to the teachers, especially the prinicipal.

Unfortunately, the secretary informed that Mr. Ubuyashiki was still absent from the school due to his sudden condition.

She sighed and stepped out of the staff room, her eyes reflexively locked with Inosuke's as she faced him. Her eyes widened in shock to see him without his shirt buttoned properly. He had such a toned body, but Aoi shook her head before her mind wandered further.

Closing her eyes to calm herself, Aoi chided, "Please button up your shirt. You look like a street gangster. This is not the way students of Kimetsu High should behave."

Her nagging voice only made it bolder for Inosuke to continue teasing her. He replied, "Well, I've always wanted to be a gangster, so I guess I can tick off one box in my checklist."

Beauty and the Beast: Kimetsu High Edition! (InoAoi // Inosuke x Aoi)Where stories live. Discover now