Chapter 11: The Unlucky Coincidence

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Inosuke's mother made a racket about them sleeping in the same bed, but she also secretly took pictures of the two.

Who would believe that his violent 'beastly' son had a soft spot for his girlfriend?

Fortunately, Kotoha's lecture woke them up on time for the volunteer activity they had scheduled during the weekend. Inosuke was currently seated beside Aoi in a bus, watching as the sun rose over the horizon.

They took the earliest bus which meant that it was empty. He glanced at Aoi while his eyes darted back and forth from the driver's seat.

He couldn't forget the feel of her soft lips against his when they had their first kiss last night. Each time he tried to kiss her when she was using her phone to proofread the film analysis, the driver would watch him from the mirror.

Damn, as a high school boy, it seemed absurd to need privacy.

"If you ever stop working, I swear I'll die out of shock," Inosuke commented as he nudged Aoi's shoulder to ask her for attention.

"I need to correct these grammatical mistakes, Inosuke. Zenitsu's and yours are all over the place! At least Tanjiro seems to be doing fine. I heard Kanao is helping him," she replied.

Inosuke crossed his arms over his chest. "Even if I put in the effort, you're still gonna correct me anyway."

"Oh, suddenly it's my fault?"

"You make me insecure, so a bit, yeah."

Aoi responded with a smile. Inosuke was an honest person and he would never be scared to confront his true feelings. It's only that sometimes he thought that he couldn't change himself for the better and stick to his present state.

The boy proceeded to look outside the window, watching the people moving out and about to work. His eyes were getting droopy as he woke up quite early.

"Tell me why we're doing this again. I'm sleepy," Inosuke disturbed Aoi again.

"Because I need my profile to look perfect for college applications and you, Inosuke"—she leaned in to whisper—"need to fix your reputation."

Inosuke took the opportunity to give her a peck on the lips. Aoi's ears grew hot, but she couldn't explode in the bus. "Why you—!"

Cutting her off, Inosuke tried to wade of her annoyance by asking, "Why are we going outside of town though? Do we really need to go somewhere that far?"

"If we go somewhere that's near to our school, people that know us—"

"Might see. I know. I just kind of wish we don't have to keep us a secret," Inosuke finished her sentence. Honestly, would it be that bad for people to find out?

"Me too, Inosuke. I feel shackled by society just thinking about it."

Aoi was guilty to have dragged Inosuke with her. She wanted to bring Inosuke to learn how helping and volunteering could be fulfilling.

Cocking his head onto her shoulder, Inosuke let his eyes close and drifted to a nap. He could've sworn he felt her warm lips on his forehead.

This was some married-couples shit, but he liked it.

He liked it too much that he could basically feel dandelions around him making Inosuke feel all fuwa fuwa and happy. He would never admit to liking it though.

When they arrived at the bus stop, Aoi and Inosuke walked for five minutes before they saw the old folks home's signboard.

Kaminari Senior Care.

Beauty and the Beast: Kimetsu High Edition! (InoAoi // Inosuke x Aoi)Where stories live. Discover now