Chapter 5: The New Student

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The last bell of Kimetsu High rang throughout the whole school and students sprouted out into the hallway from each doors, all disciplined into two arranged lines.

The lockers for male students were placed on the left side of the wall, and for the female students, the other.

The lockers were painted with blue for the former and pink for the latter, not to promote toxic masculinity, but to easily separate the relations between male and female students.

Kimetsu High was supposed to portray best scoring students with the utmost focus and discpline towards studying and excellence.

Seemingly bland without any creativity, the lockers had no decorations—simply names and a few scratches that would be painted over the next weekend most probably.

Aoi slung her blue denim bag across her shoulders and waited for her best friend, who happened to be her classmate, to finish packing her stuff. Kanao was always a silent person, but she had stayed loyal to Aoi to the point of the joining her as the secretary of the student council.

The members of the student council were selected based on votes. Although Kanao was quite an exceptional student, the others suspected that she was mostly chosen because of her beauty. Her dark purple eyes that would look deep into one's soul, plus her cute shy personality had most often attracted the attention of both guys and girls.

The twin-tailed girl received a message based on the sudden vibration inside her bag. She fished her smartphone and it turned to be a reminder.

[2.30 pm] Reminder: Meeting with the teachers at 3.00 pm. You need to be there in 20 minutes or you'll be late.

"We should grab some snacks from the store before going to the meeting. I suspect that it'll be longer than we normally expect. I hope there's not much people at the store. I'd hate to line up and waste our time," Aoi commented as she helped Kanao to put her writing tools in the pencil case.

"Oh. That's a great idea," Kanao replied, almost implying that she was nonchalant with the suggestion, but Aoi knew she was actually hungry.

The students adored Aoi for helping the others whenever it was possible, but an itty bitty feeling in her heart wanted Kanao to hurry up.

In her mind, she had a lot of things to complete before going to the meeting. As the vice president of the student council, she first needed to make sure the president, Tokito, would be there.

Tokito always seemed like an absent-minded person and he would have fun just watching the clouds passing by. Everyone insisted that he would become a good leader based on his marks during the last year's final exam, but only Aoi knew how much effort she had to put just to assist him in completing his presidential duties.

She had tried once complaining to her parents, but they brushed her off by saying that most men acted that way. She had no choice but to pretend that everything was fine and it was simply her task to keep Tokito in check.

Plus, Tokito had often spaced out during meetings. Aoi was the one tasked with quering and asking questions during the meeting. Although it was her job, sometimes she just hoped she could slack of like the president.

Then, she would have to take notes during the meeting, even though Kanao was technically the secretary because she would have to proofread her minute just in case she had missed a detail.

Usually, their monthly meetings wouldn't involve the teachers. They would only have meetings with their society's supervisors once per semester, usually during the first week. To be suddenly summoned by the principal himself, Kagaya Ubuyashiki meant that the teachers wanted to inform something important to them.

Beauty and the Beast: Kimetsu High Edition! (InoAoi // Inosuke x Aoi)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin