MC's Viking Warriors- Viper #...

By ellusiveauthor

682K 29.6K 1.8K

Viper and Doretha alike have lost love in their lives. They stumble through the world, existing not living, a... More

The End


15.4K 678 32
By ellusiveauthor

Reluctantly, I pull myself away from my sleeping woman and my sleeping children. There's nothing I could want more than to get to stay at home with them and cook them breakfast, but my other family need their second back in the game. Responsibilities and all that.

I got the visit last night from Bear, telling me that there is a problem with the latest weapon drop and we have to ride in the morning. It's nothing to worry about so long as it's not Satan's Demons that are causing the problem, but Bear wouldn't tell me last night.

Something about not wanting to worry me, or more accurately not worry Dot because if I'm worried then her astute empathy skills would pick it up instantly and distress her. She's lost so many people in her life, and even though she found the ones that mattered again the scars are still there.

The clubhouse bar smell hits my nose like a punch in the face, I can't even imagine why I ever spent a night here... let alone took women in this filthy room. I guess it's different when you haven't met the one you care about, Bolt is still passed out on one of the tables with a short haired blonde on his lap.

All too gladly, I walk up the stairs of the clubhouse towards the office. I can hear three of the four prospects going at it with someone in their clubhouse rooms, they should be more worried about getting patched in to our club, but I guess they've got a lot of energy to burn off.

"Bror!" Bear calls as I open the door, both him and Mouse seem pleased to see me. I have been a little preoccupied and distant since I helped Doretha with her drinking, and the rest is history.

I nod to them but keep quiet, I'd rather be in bed with my Dot but here I am, duty calls.

"We've got a problem." Bear announces as soon as my ass touches the seat, so much for not wanting me to worry. "Satan's Demons have heard about the time and place of our latest drop."

"Shit." I curse, it's bad, it's very bad. Should the Demons get their hands on all those guns they could wipe us off the map and now I have a family to think about and protect, as do both my brothers here.

"Yeah, it's that fucking bad." Mouse agrees and we all look at the computer screen on Bear's desk. Hacker has expertly tapped into communications between their president and second. They're moving in on the shipment tonight, meaning we have to leave now to get the product out safely.

"I'm sorry to spring this on you straight away." Bear apologies as we all stand from the desk, checking the bullets in our guns as we go.

"It's fine, we're bikers, this is part of the job."

"We're taking the prospects with us, if they do well today we'll patch them in."


The yard where the shipment is waiting hones into view and we all slow to a stop. Swallowing hard, I stand beside Bear and look out at the four prospects standing before us. They have no club names yet, this could well be the day they earn their name.

Bear clears his throat and stands a bit taller, his posture dominating and powerful. "This is a simple op, get in and get out quickly and silently so hopefully the Demon's don't even realise we've hacked them."

We all nod and walk through the gate of the yard. Only Mouse knows the exact position of the shipment, we all take turns knowing information such as this because it makes you a target, an anonymous target. It also means that the chance of the person who knows the knowledge getting captured by a rival gang is slimmer. It's preservation of the gang.

Stones and dusk crunch under foot as we walk through the silence of the metal scrap yard, it's tense and I can't bring myself to take my gun off the catch. Something feels wrong.

It's only when we pass old Bill's office and his dog doesn't bark at our arrival that I know somethings wrong,

Holding up my hand, I halt all our movements.

"Something's wron-"

The first bullet wizzes past my head and misses, but it's close, too close. All three of us whip around and find the prospects standing with their guns drawn, and aiming for us.

We dive behind a rusted car, throwing out backs tightly against it as we pant and try to return fire. Looking around at my brothers, I can tell that this is as much of a surprise for them as it was for me.

From the increased sounds of gunfire, their back up has arrived.

"Fuck!" Roars Bear as he calls Bolt and our back up. This is bad, really fucking bad.

"They're on their way." Bear says, "but we're going to need to hold them off."

Nodding firmly, we move into a defensive, fighting stance and return fire. Unfortunately, we had the lousy planning of giving the majority of our gunpowder to the prospects to carry, we're seriously screwed.

Bear roars again and I look around to see him clutching at his arm, they got him. We continue to fire but the car is so shot full of holes it's providing little cover. With reluctance, I signal to them to move to a new car only a few meters away. Bear and Mouse run first with me providing cover. Then it's my turn as they protect me.

Dashing over the clearing I don't let my thoughts slow me down. That is until I think I've made it. Just as I take the last few steps, a bullet slams into my thigh.

I go down with a roar as another bullet hits my chest.

I maintain consciousness for just long enough to feel my body hit the dusty floor.

Hello my lovely readers,

I realise you probably all hate me right now but it will all be worth it xx

I will try to get the next update out tonight as I know how frustrating cliffhangers are but please please vote and comment because nothing motivates me more!

As always, thank you for reading my stories xx

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