A Star In Porn - Shawmila (sm...

Od just_cabeYo

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Camila is a star. Shawn the new boy on the block who's creating a huge buzz. When these two get together will... Více

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14 (End)


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Od just_cabeYo


Shawn Mendes was nervous more nervous than he's been in awhile. Him and Camila were slowly becoming something and he was about to spend a night celebrating with her best friend/ex-girlfriend/manager who come to find out was still in love with him.

He didn't know what he was supposed to do. Sure, him and Camila fooled around a couple of times, but they were not official and he did not want to get his hopes up if this was just a fling. In addition, Hailey was her best friend and not to mention her manager and he did not want to do anything to risk that.

He may have loved Hailey in high school, but they were no longer teenagers. He was a grown man and though he still loved the blonde, he loved her like a sister not a lover.

If he was to be honest with himself he never was in love with Hailey not even when they were teenagers.
Sure he cared for her at the time.

Hell, when he was a teen anybody could have showed interest in him and he would have probably been with them. But he was no longer a teenager, and most importantly he was no longer willing to be in a relationship with Hailey.

This is why he strategically sat in the backseat while Hailey drove them to the club. He wanted to get through this night as quickly as possible.

"The three musketeers back again!" Justin cheered. Did he also forget to mention that he strategically let it slip to Justin that they were going out and insisted that he join them. What? Avoiding someone's advances is a lot easier when theres another person around.

"You're an idiot Justin" Hailey smiled looking in the rearview mirror at Shawn. She silently moaned at the sight of the beautiful boy.

Shawn's torso was on full display in a white button up with a couple of the top buttons undone. He was wearing tight black jeans that hugged his in all the right places and his slight bulge was proudly on display, but with the size of his package unless the pants were really loose it was always on display. Needless to say Shawn looked H-O-T and the blonde couldn't wait till she was grinding up against that bulge in the club.

"Park here Hailey!" Justin yelled as the blonde slowly came to a stop. "God this line is long" he added as he got out the car checking out the hundreds of people that stood outside just waiting to get in.

SUGAR's wasn't your usual club in town. It was a high-class club with a strict dress code that specifically catered to people in the porn industry. Mainly because its owner Sugar Motta was the millionaire heiress of legendary film marker Antonio Motta. He was the Ariana Grande before Ariana Grande, but now he spent his time vacationing with his wife as his daughter squandered millions living the party life.

SUGAR's was the hottest place to be rather you were in the porn industry or not which would explain the long line of people desperately trying to get in. The club was notorious for its events and parties, but even more notorious for its clientele.

Hundreds of celebs from porn to Hollywood movies, and TV have stepped into SUGAR's leading to a lot of tabloid stories featuring the club. This is why the security at SUGAR's was so tight and if you were going to be in you had to know someone that knew Sugar and could vouch for you.

Luckily for them Hailey and Sugar shared the same hairstylist so they were always able to jump the line.

"What's up Braun?" Hailey happily yelled as the three walked towards the pink painted doors.

"Welcome Shawn, Hailey" The burly man said ignoring the loud protest of those waiting in line as he opened the door.

"And Justin" he scoffed rolling his eyes at the man's excitement. He had lost count how many times he had to carry the man out the club because he was to messed up to even walk straight. Hopefully tonight would not be one of those nights.

"Thank you Braun" Shawn smiled patting the man on the shoulder before making his way inside the club. His hand immediately shielding his eyes as he tried to get used to the bright strobe lights flashing throughout the building.

"Alright ladies it's time for the Justinasuarus to get to work" the father of one said quickly leaving them to go hit on some poor unsuspecting girl.

"Wait Justin!" Shawn yelled out sighing as he ignored him and continued to walk away. The whole point of him being here was to act as a buffer between him and Hailey that's the only reason he was invited.

"Come on Shawn let's dance" Hailey smiled grabbing the Canadian's hand and dragging him to the large dance floor before he could put up a protest. Sugar's was known to house some of the best DJ's and whoever was up had the club jumping.

The lights were low as the pink, purple, and light blue strobe lights flashed around the club perfectly in tune with the heavy bass of the DJ's mix. Sugar really did go all out with the whole sugar idea. Even the club smelt like candy, which had to cost a lot of money since there, were hundreds of people dancing, sweating, and making out depending on where you were, and Hailey was determined to be one of those people by the end of the night.

The blonde smiled pushing him way through the crowd of gyrating bodies before finding an open spot on the floor. She turned around and wrapped her arms around Shawn's neck and began to move her hips to the beat.

"H-h-Hailey" Shawn stuttered as the hazel-eyed girl turned around and began to grind her ass against him. The Canadian didn't know what he should do, usually he would happily be dancing against the blonde, but ever since that ill-fated phone call and now realizing that the baby momma still had feelings for him, he didn't want to risk it.

"Shawn" Hailey moaned grinding her ass against the Canadian's crotch. She was going to make it her goal that by the end the night she would be turned the other way with a naked Shawn beneath her.

The boy didn't know what to do or where to even put his hands. He didn't want to give the blonde the wrong idea as far as he was concerned there was no way him and the blonde would be getting back together.

Too much time and drama has happened between them. He was no longer that naïve high school in love with the idea of being in love. He had his heart broken once by the blonde and he wasn't about to go back to that.

Hailey was just a friend. In fact, she was her best friend the girl who could come too for anything regardless of what time it was and he did not want to risk that by having sex with her. So with that in mind he slowly pulled away from the dancing girl.

"I'm going to go get us some drinks!" He yelled over the music. If he could he would have headed home, but that would have just made things more awkward and he was sure Hailey would just find an excuse to follow him.

"Okay" the blonde nodded turning around and wrapping her arms around the boy's neck.

"Can you get me a cherry sour" she seductively whispered in the boy's ear.

"Alright" the Canadian nodded shrugging out of the blonds hold. It was quite obvious Hailey was pulling out all the stops to get him to bed. He smiled softly before heading towards the bar pushing and squeezing through the hordes of horny and desperate people in the club.

Sure he liked to go out and have a good time and possibly end up taking some girl home to spend the next couple of hours with, but tonight he really wasn't in the mood to do any of that.

With Hailey being clingy and everything that happened with him and Camila still fresh in his mind he kind of just wanted to chill. Especially now that he was working with the one and only Ariana Grande in a role that could jump start his career.


"Come on Camila cheer up!" Ariana yelled at her brunette counterpart. They were at one of the hottest clubs in the city surrounded by beautiful people, plenty of alcohol and even drugs if you were into that kind of thing.

"I'm just not in the mood Ari" the brunette sighed ignoring the advances of some guy next to her. She shook her head watching some fake blonde grind against the director as another girl was sucking on the girl's neck like some fish.

Camila sure has come a long way from being the shy conservative teen from Miami. Now she was one of the city's biggest players who had a revolving door of sexual partners and was not shy to admit it.

"Yeah Mila pucker up" Dinah said walking towards them with a bottle of champagne in her hands. Tonight was supposed to be about them letting loose and usually Camila was the queen of doing so.

Usually the brunette would be drunk right now, possibly topless giving some lucky fan the lap dance of the year. If there was one thing all three of them were good at outside their careers was letting loose and having a good time.

Its why they always had a plethora of people falling them around when they went out and why they never had to pay for a single thing not even the damage that was done to a place after they left it.

Their presence meant thousands for whatever club, bar, or even restaurant they visited. They knew how to bring a party and keep it going until the wee hours of the morning or until the cops had no choice, but to show up and shut it down.

"I'm going to go get something to drink" Camila sighed before getting up and heading towards the bar. She's wasn't even sure they heard her since Ariana was now making out with the brunette and Dinah and one of her buddies were off to do god knows what.

The brunette ignored the many men and women trying to get her attention or grab her as she made her way downstairs and to the bar. Sure there was a separate bar in the V.I.P section, but the bartender was a creep and she really wasn't sure he wouldn't try to roofie her drink.

"Excuse me" she muttered pushing her way through the hundreds of bodies. Sugar Motta was one of her oldest friends and although she wasn't the sharpest crayon in the box she knew how to keep people drinking and partying.

It is why she had no problem becoming a secret partner in the club with the brunette and her father. This happened to be quite the lucrative deal because Sugars brought in thousands of dollars every week and pretty much paid for itself and more on a Saturday.

People loved to get drunk and apparently they liked to do it in a club that smelt like bubble gum and sex and were willing to drop thousands just to spend a couple of hours drinking and dancing.

She made her way to the bar pushing herself to the front which was quite easy after people finally notice who she was and were happy to let her through.

"Hey Mila!" Sugar yelled greeting her old friend and business partner. As usually, she was dressed up in a designer pink halter-top and skirt that barely covered up her parts. Although she was quite short the six inch heels she wore helped her out a bit.

Sugar was your typically spoiled only child with a dad that would buy her anything in the world. And although she made millions off this club she still used her daddy's money to many peoples confusion.

She never had to work a day in her life and seeing as her Dad took care of the financial concerns of the club and hired managers to run it in his absence she had even less to do now.

"Hey Sugar" Camila smiled reaching over the bar to hug her friend/partner. "Can I get a tequila sunrise" she ordered watching the energetic brunette nod before making her way to the rows of bottles.

Although Sugar may not know a lot about running a business she sure knew had to make one hell of a drink. Thanks in part to the many parties and years she spent drinking in high school and her brief semester in college.

Sugar was like an alcohol savant when it came to making drinks. Right off the bat she knew what would taste good with what and would often be behind the bars mixing drinks and coming up with new concoction's to add to their menu.

"Excuse me can I get a rum and coke and a cherry sour" Camila heard a familiar voice yell beside her. Her body shivered remembering the last time she heard that voice.

Hell her body grew wet remembering the things that voice last did to her. Her eyes closed as scenes from set, to the shower, to the hours they spent in that motel doing glorious things to each other ran through her mind.

Shawn was quickly becoming something to her that she wasn't ready to admit to yet. There was something about the boy that got her so hot and bothered. His smell, his touch, just looking at the young actor was enough to set her body on fire.

"What's a place like this doing in a boy like you" the brunette cheekily said turning to face the familiar face giggling softly as a look of surprise passed the Canadian's face.

"I could ask you the same thing" Shawn replied standing a few inches away from the girl that he's pretty sure he's growing obsessed with. "Damn" he whistled taking the time to fully check the brunette out.

She stood a few inches taller than him, thanks to the sleek black heels she was wearing matching the sheer mini black dress she was rocking. Her breast were practically spilling out of her top as every curve and shape she had were on full display. God all Shawn wanted to do was wrap his lips around the brunette's soft breast and caress them as he buried himself in the hot depths of the brunette.

"Fuck you look good" the Canadian groaned not even hiding the fact that his dick was pushing itself against his zipper begging to be released. No women ever had the ability to get him so hard so fast. But just one look at Camila had him up and ready to go.

"Mm" Camila hummed a cocky smirked across her face. She took the initiative and pushed herself against the Canadian's chiseled body one hand wrapped around his lithe waist as another one gripped onto the large bulge in the man's slacks.

"Jesus Mila" Shawn hissed, his hands gripping on the taller brunette's hips as the woman's hands stroked his crotch. He had always had to get his pants tailored due to his crotch and right now, it felt like his pants were two sizes too small thanks to the brunette's ministrations.

"I've missed you" Camila whispered her lips brushing against the boy's ear. Her talented tongue traced the outer shell of his ear before sucking the sweet spot behind his ear causing the boy's knees to buckle.

Although they haven't spent much time with each other it was still enough for the very observant brunette to find the spots that would have Shawn moaning and possibly cumming if he tried hard enough.

"Mila" Shawn growled, his hands gripping the brunette tightly as the she continued to stoker his dick.

"Here's your drink!" Sugar yelled interrupting the two and pulling them out of their sex induced haze. Either Sugar was too oblivious to notice what was going on or she simply did not care because she placed the drink near the brunette and quickly strutted away.

"Thanks" the brunette shrugged at the questioning gaze of Shawn. She had stopped trying to figure out the rich brunette out a long time ago.

"Are you here with someone?" Shawn yelled using the loud music as an excuse to still be pressed against the brunette's full body. That and he was sporting a huge boner that he was sure the many strobe lights were not going to cover up.

"Ariana and Dinah, but I would rather be here with you" the brunette responded.

"Me too" Shawn a happy grin spreading across his face. "I mean I'm happy you would rather be with me then them...not that there bad...I just-" he rambled before being stopped by the brunette sweet lips brushing against his.

"I know what you mean" the brunette whispered against the boy's lips. "Let's dance," she added grabbing the boy's hand and making her way to the packed dance floor.

Shawn happily followed completely forgetting about the drinks he was supposed to be getting for Hailey. In fact, he completely forgets about the girl in general, as the one girl he was completely taken by the one pulling him to the dance floor.

Camila smiled as Pony by Ginuwine began to pump through the club heightening the already sexually charged environment. People began to rush to the dance floor with their partners, their hookups for their night, or whoever they could get ahold of.

Shawn smiled softly as his brunette partner turned around and began to grind against him. The loud bass matching the moves of the tall girl as she backed her ass up against his dick causing the Canadian to let out a loud groan as he grew hard as a rock.

Camila smirked feeling her partners hard bulge press against her ass. The place was filled with gyrating bodies and the brunette could've sworn that the place smelt sweeter then before as she teased the Canadian.

"Fuck Mila" Shawn whimpered in the brunette's ear. Not to be outdone he grabbed the girl's hips not leaving an inch of space between them before slipping his hands slowly up the brunette's dress moaning loudly as his finger were met with her wet heat.

"Right there Shawn" the brune groaned, her head thrown back against the Canadian's shoulder as the boy's fingers circled around her hard clit.
She didn't know if anyone could see them and she didn't care. The music was blasting, and she could practically feel the bass inside her.

"How's that feel babe?" the Canadian whispered laughing darkly as he buried three fingers inside the brunette causing her to gasp as she gripped the back of his head to stop herself from falling. "I want you to do something for me babe"

"I'll do anything Shawn," Camila whimpered.

"Anything?" Shawn teased, his other hand teasing the brunette's taut nipples. God he would do anything to have them in his mouth.

"A-anything" the brune moaned as the Canadian littered her neck with kisses.

"I want you to fuck yourself on my hand" the boy ordered.

"W-what?" the brown eyed girl whimpered growing wetter at the thought. She was sure that she was dripping right now and if they continue to do what they were doing there was going to be a puddle of her essence on the floor soon.

"I. Want. You. To. Fuck. Yourself." The Shawn hotly whispered thrusting her fingers with every word causing the brunette to cry out in pleasure. Lucky no one heard her or if they did didn't seem to notice considering they probably weren't the only people getting it in on the floor. "Go on babe fuck yourself on my fingers and I promise you when you're done I'll fuck you so hard at the end. I spread those pretty tan thighs and fill you up so good with my dick. Don't you want that babe?" He questioned.

"Oh god yes" Camila whimpered as the Canadian's fingers slowly moved inside her. "You promise?"

"I promise" the Canadian nodded. "But I want you to show all these people around us what a slut you are. I want them to watch as you ride my hand. I want them to see you make yourself cum against me babe"

"Oh god Shawn yes!" the latina yelled working herself against the boy's three fingers buried inside her. Of course, it was nothing compared to the man's dick, or tongue, but it was good enough to have her cumming.

"Just like that baby" Shawn moaned watching the brunette intently as she worked herself against his fingers. He didn't want to miss a thing and couldn't help but smile cockily as the brunette's breaths grew shorter and his hand was drenched in her essence.

He took a quick look around to make sure no one was video tapping them and to his surprised no one seemed to notice especially since from what he can tell there were many people in the same position and some that were far past that.

"Your so wet babe" the Canadian moaned in the brunette's ear, his thumb circling around her hard clit.

"All for you" she groaned riding his fingers as The Weeknd's Gone played throughout the club. God this was one of the hottest things she is ever done in her life and considering she was a porn star that was saying a lot.

Something about Shawn just made her want to unleash every naughty thing she is ever dreamed about doing. For fuck sakes, here she was riding the Canadian's fingers in the middle of her club surrounded by hundreds of gyrating bodies.

"Oh god" Camila gasped as Shawn curved his fingers hitting her g-spot. She was furiously rocked her hips as she got closer and closer to cumming. She roughly fucked herself against the boy, her hands reaching up and digging in his long dark tresses as she was brought closer to the edge.

"Just like that" Shawn purred whispering naughty bits of Spanish in the brunette's ear. "Come on baby cum for me" he urged, his free hand roughly gripping the latina breast as he sucked on her neck happy when he was met with the brune's climax.

"Fuck" Camila groaned her legs growing weak as she came in the middle of the club.

"I got ya babe," Shawn promised holding on tightly to her partner as she rode out her orgasm. No one seemed to notice the two and if they did they probably were in the same position that the Canadian was in.

"Thank you" Camila whimpered once she finally got enough feeling back in her legs. She shivered as the boy slowly pulled his fingers out of her pussy.

She turned around only to be moan softly as the boy seductively licked her off his fingers. All she could do was grab onto the Canadian's and crash her lips against him, both of them moaning at the taste of her on each other's lips.

They stood in the middle of the dance floor hotly kissing each other their tongues locked in a passionate duel. Hands were roaming everywhere and if they had not been putting on a show before they sure were now.

"I need you inside of me," Camila gasped pulling away from Shawn's enticing lips. She could happily spend hours kissing the white boy but right now all she wanted was to be filled with his hard dick.

"Who you telling" Shawn replied gesturing down to his crotch which was practically sticking out. His dick was painfully hard and if he didn't relieve it soon, he was sure he was going to pass out due to lack all of his blood heading to one direction.

"Not here" Camila muttered before grabbing onto the boy's shirt and quickly making her way through the crowd. She hurriedly pushed people out the way as she made her way to the back of the club.

The good thing about being owner of a club rather she was a silent partner or not was her office. This was definitely going to come in handy cause now she could fuck Shawn to her hearts content and not worry about violating any heath codes.

"Hurry babe" Shawn urged grinding his girth in the latina's backside as the girl desperately tried to open the office. When she finally got it opened they stumbled through the door arms wrapped around each other as their lips attacked one another. "Baby we have to lock the door," he mumbled against her partner's lips

"Shit" Camila grumbled. "Take your clothes off" she ordered practically running to the door and locking it.

"Leave your heels on" the Canadian replied. He wanted nothing more to have the brunette spread out with her heels in the air as he pounded every inch inside her.

"I love when you're bossy" Camila smirked slipping out of her dress revealing every inch of milky cream skin to the boy.

"God your gorgeous" Shawn moaned his eyes trailing along the brune slim body. Both of them stood naked as can be molesting each other with their eyes.

"Shouldn't I be doing that?" the brown-eyed girl questioned as her counterpart slowly stroked his dick. Copious amounts of precum lubricating his movements.

"I want you to suck it," the Canadian ordered ignoring the brunette's questions. He had no time for small talk he wanted the brunette right now. His dick was rock solid and his balls swollen with his seed and after watching the girl fuck herself on his hand he was minutes away from busting.

"Yes sir" Camila grinned cheekily slowly walking up the boy and falling to her knees. She didn't know where this bold Shawn was coming from but it was making her practically leak in excitement.

"Fuck" the boy moaned as Camila went straight for the kill swallowing his whole dick in one motion.
"Oh god" he muttered gripping onto the desk he was pressed against, as the latina hummed her throat muscles contracting around the thick meat buried inside her mouth.

Camila worked her mouth up and down the Canadian's long shaft sucking the precum that slowly pooled out of the tip before taking him back in her throat. She made sure to pay mind to the boy's swollen balls giving each one a firm sucking as her hand worked its way up and down his slick dick.

"Baby I'm about to blow" Shawn moaned as held himself against the desk. He was doing everything in his power to hold off his orgasm but nothing was working.

Not counting to ten, not doing math problems. Every time he thought he could hold out for another minute Camila would flick her tongue, deep throat his dick, or suck on his swollen balls putting him right back on the edge.

"Go ahead baby I promise I'll catch every drop" Camila poured taking him back in her throat. When the Canadian groaned signaling his release, Camila pulled away from his dick opened her mouth wide and let the boy nut all on her face.

"Jesus Christ" Shawn groaned watching as his seed jumped out of his tip and landed on the brunette's tongue and all over her face. He's came even more when Camila aimed his tip at her best making sure those were covered in his seed as well.

"Mm" Camila moaned wrapping her lips around Shawn's tip and pumping his balls for the last of his seed. "You always taste so good" she smiled once she was sure the young actor had nothing left to give.

"I can say the same for you," Shawn heaved desperately trying to catch his breath after receiving one of the best blowjobs of his life. "Damn girl" he grinned.

"Mm I can stay the same" Camila seductively winked swiping a finger across her chest gathering the man's seed and bringing it to her mouth. "Now I believe you're promised to fill me up," she added slowly getting off her knees. Thank god she took Sugars advice and went with carpet in her office or she would have been fucked literally and figureatley.

"Well I can't break a promise can I?" Shawn smirked quickly flipping them around. Without hesitation, she lifted the latina on top of the desk and spreading her thighs apart. "God you're so beautiful" he moaned his gaze trapped on the soft pink lips of the brunette's pussy drenched in want.

"Shawn" Camila begged leaning back against the desk her arms the only thing keep her up.

"Don't move" the actor ordered looking her in the eye. He kissed the brunette's lips once he was met with a nod before spreading her southern lips apart.

"Ah" Camila groaned watching the Canadian's every move. After all the teasing and fucking on the dance floor her pussy desperately need some relief.

"Look at you" Shawn said in awe his eyes almost glistening in amazement. He had always found the female body to be a beautiful thing, but now with Camila bare ass naked spread out across her desk, he was almost in his trance.

He knew then that if he had to spend the rest of his life doing just one thing in the world it would be fucking the lights out of the girl.

"Baby please" the brown-eyed girl begged moaning deep as she felt the Canadian's tips brush against her clit. That moan got louder when the boy began to trace her entrance with it.

"Don't move" Shawn demanded "Or I swear I will stop" he added meeting the latina's lustful gaze.

"Baby I want you inside" Camila begged her arms wrapping around her partners neck. "I need you inside" she added as the tip of Shawn's dick continued to tease her entrance.

"I know" Shawn cockily replied before slowly pushing his tip in.

"More baby please" Camila groaned her heels digging in the Canadian's lower back desperately trying to force the boy to go deeper but to no avail.

"Shush" Shawn growled his hands wrapping around the brune's waist stopping her from impaling herself on his dick. "I'm in charge"

"Well fuck me!" Camila demanded. She was desperate and ready to get fucked. They teased each other enough now she wanted the boy to fuck her so hard she wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow.

"I. Will. Do. What. I. Want. When. I. Want" Shawn growled matching each word with a hard thrust of his hips to the brunette's enjoyment. "Do you understand me?" He asked once pulling out so that just the tip was in.

"Yes" Camila whined. Although she was desperate for the Canadian she had to admit that his attitude was turning her on even more.

"Good" Shawn smiled bringing the brune in for a soft kiss. "Now just relax baby I'm going to take care of you and I promise you'll be more then satisfied when I'm done"

"Okay" Camila nodded pecking the actor lips before leaning back on her hands. She moaned feeling the Canadian slowly work his hips inside until every inch was buried deep.

She doesn't know how she was able to fit the boy in her pussy, but god was she happy she could.

"That's it baby relax" Shawn whispered grabbing the brunette's ass and slowly pushing in and out of her. He worked up his pace the brunette's gasp and moans spurring him along as he pushed herself deep inside her wet depth before pulling out.

"Right Shawn...Oh god right there" Camila moaned the tips of her heels buried in her partners back as the pace grew until all you heard in the room was the whispered curses and wet slaps of skin in the room.

"Spread your legs out baby" Shawn order slightly grimacing as the Latina's heels sharply digging into his back before spreading out in the air.

Both of them wished they were able to film what was going on in the room not for Ariana, but for their own personal keeps. Camila's long legs were spread out in a V with nothing but her red bottoms to keep her warm as Shawn's hard dicked pounded moved inside her. It was erotic, beautiful, and almost had a touch of violence to it with the way Shawn was going but neither of them cared because it was bringing them closer and closer to climaxing.

"Yes! Shawn!" Camila screamed her arms finally giving out as she fell back against the desk. Every time Shawn would shove his way inside, she would gasp before moaning as the boy quickly pulled out only to do it again.

The loud slapping of skin reverberated off the walls as their adjacent moans challenged each other for loudness. Both of them had lost all inhibitions as they mated like animals in heat. They were both in their own little world that held nothing but erotic pleasure. Each thrust was welcome; each gasped was challenged for another one. It was like they were trying to push each other as far as they could go and neither one of them looked like they were ready to stop.

It was no longer just a hook-up. It was something more. Something primal in them that lead to them on top of the desk fucking the daylights out of each other. It was something special that had them cumming again and again and again not bothering to stop.

They ignored their exhaustion, the tiredness in their bones. The ache in their legs. Shawn ignored the uncomfortable feeling of his knees slapping against the hard wood desk as he pounded inside the brunette.

Camila ignored the burning in her thighs as Shawn held her legs wide open as she roughly got fucked.
The only thing that existed right now was each other.

Not Ariana, not Hailey, not any of the people inside the club not even the club itself. The only thing that mattered right now was this and each other.

So though it might seem like what they were doing was just fucking, but they both knew there was more to it. There was something raw and special between them and it definitely was not just the dick that boy sported.

It was more than that and as they looked into each other's eyes the both realized that. They had something special and god they were going to have one hell of a time exploring it.


"Hey Justin!" Hailey yelled making her way towards the man. It was almost three o'clock and although the club was starting to clear out. The only people that remain were those who work at Sugars, those who gave up and were trying to leave with anybody and the drunks being carried out by friends or bouncers.

"What's up Hailey" Justin solemnly replied. Tonight wasn't a good night no matter what he did or said he wasn't able to get a girl to come home with him. He did manage to get a couple of numbers but nobody who just wanted to hook up.

"Have you seen Shawn?" the short haired blonde questioned. One minute the girl was headed to the bar the next she was gone. She had spent the whole night looking for him and had tried calling her countless amounts of times to no avail.

"I think he left, Hailey" Justin shrugged. He suspected that Shawn wasn't really in the mood to go out so he wouldn't be surprised if he snuck out of the back like he's done before.

"He would've still left a message" Hailey replied rolling her eyes at the man. She doesn't know what was with guys and their ability to not worry. Shawn had done this before but he at least always left a note.

"Hey Braun!" Justin yelled catching the attention of the large bounce. "Have you seen Shawn?" he asked.

"I saw him headed towards the back door a couple of hours ago" the man answered before making his way to the booths to wake up another past out patron.

"See Hailey I told ya he probably left early due to a headache or something" the father of one shrugged.
"Now let us get home I got work at 9" he added grabbing his jacket and headed towards the door.

Usually Hailey wouldn't have been so quick to leave, but Justin was her only ride and she had to get up early in the morning as well so she unhappily followed him out. Besides soon Sugar was probably going to forcefully kick people out and she did not want to end up thrown out on the street literally.

Now had she stayed and made her way to the back door, Braun was talking about he would have unknowingly passed by a familiar brunette's office and would have heard said brunette and the girl he was in love with going at it like rabbits.


*Hours later*

"Fuck right there babe I'm so close" Shawn moaned, his hand wrapped tight around the brunette's waist as Camila rode his dick. They had lost all sense of time hours ago as the traded orgasms after orgasm with each other.

Neither knew how much each other came, but telling by the smelling of the room, the stickiness of some of the furniture they were sure it had been more than a couple of hours.

Needless to say if Camila's office had not been christened before it sure as hell was now. There wasn't one spot that they haven't fucked on. Every inch of the room had been used from the desk, to the bay windows, to the walls, to the floor, and even to the door.

And yet they were still going at it to both of their shock. Every time they thought they were spent or tired Shawn would move or Camila would bend over and next thing you know they were back at it for a couple of more rounds.

The room reeked of sex and would probably take days and a team of maids to rid of it including some of the stains in the carpet. Hell Camila would probably end up just getting more carpet at the rate they were going.

"Fuck!" Both of them yelled as they came against each other. Their chest heaved rapidly as their spent bodies lagged in exhaustion.

"Fuck that was good" Shawn panted trying to catch his breath. His skin was sheened in sweat and although it was uncomfortable against the large leather chair he was in he didn't pay much mind to it especially since he had a sexy latina on top of him.

"I don't think I could go again" Camila wheezed her voice raspy due to all the screaming and cursing she had been doing. With the way they went she was probably going to have to invest into some tea and cough drops pretty soon. There was only so long she could walk around with a 'sore throat' before people got suspicious.

"Me either" Shawn nodded although he was still buried inside the brune. He was nowhere as hard as he was before, but he wasn't completely soft either. In fact after he hit puberty there was really never a point and time when he was ever soft. His dick was just too big and would always have some weight to it.

"I'm schleepy" Camila mumbled her face pressed into the Canadian's sweaty neck.

"Mm" Shawn agreed. They couldn't both sleep in the chair it was already becoming uncomfortable to just one of them. Therefore, with an extra reserve of strength neither knew she had Shawn picked up Camila and made his way to the couch.

"Oh god" the latina moaned the feel of the boy's dick moving inside her with every step. She smirked as she felt the large appendage grow inside her. "Shawn" she urged.

"Mm" the boy replied maneuvering the brune on the couch.

"Make love to me" Camila ordered staring into the vivid dark honey brown eyes of her partner.

"Love?" Shawn laughed confused. "I thought you were tired"

"I could say the same to you" Camila cheekily replied before slowly rolling her hips on the boy's hardening dick.

"Shut up" the boy said reaching down to gathering the brunette's lips in a soft kiss as their hips slowly rolled against one another.

They ended up spending the next ten minutes staring deep into each other's eyes as they brought each other to one last orgasm. Soft kisses being shared when the emotion go to be too much before they went back to their intense staring match.

And once they brought each other to the pleasurable cliff they spent the last couple of weeks visiting they kissed before falling asleep in each other arms. The sounds of their beating hearts lulling each other to sleep neither one caring about anything or anyone outside of the room.

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