Save The Broken

By ItsPhoenix2213

50.4K 1.2K 324

Nezu made a group chat with pro heroes so they can communicate with each other easier. One thing that he made... More

More Info
Chapter 1 - Unknown User
Chapter 2 - Food Porn
Chapter 4 - Surprise Shortie!!?
Chapter 5 - Protect and Attack
Chapter 6 - Shopping Spree
Chapter 7 - New Comer
Chapter 8 - Date
Chapter 9 - Danger
Chapter 10 - Reincarnation
Chapter 11 - You Want To Play
Chapter 12 - Cockblocker!!?
Chapter 13 - Many Years...
Chapter 14 - No Way
Chapter 16 - Izu
Chapter 16 - Save The Broken
Thank You

Chapter 3 - Somewhat Comfortable Confession

5.1K 127 38
By ItsPhoenix2213

Green Bean: hehe oh right I did some more modeling for school again I got corner by the girls in the school at lunch T~T


ChickenNuggets4Life: More cute pictures

Green Bean: mmm..hush let me send them kay

Green Bean sent several images

Some user saved images

SleepDeprived: Izuku you look adorable in that maid outfit

18+: look how sexy he looks in the suits

ChickenNuggets4Life: That AOT cosplay look fit for you

RatGod: Izuku, where did you get those scars?

Green Bean: I...I don't want to talk about it, sir...

RatGod: . . .

RatGod has gone Offline

Sirenhead: are we not talking about the crazy eyes he has in two of the pictures

FireBall: I'm only creeped out by those two. I'm kinda proud of other picture-making looks handsome young men while I'm only worried where did you get those scars.

Green Bean: I don't want talk about it plz

SleepDeprived: okay if you want to

Green Bean: yeah have to go bye

Green Bean has gone Offline

SleepDeprived: something is wrong I know it but I can't pinpoint it. . .

Sirenhead: yeah I hope things are okay

FireBall: I have to do some working paper then go train Shoto and then sent Touya on his parole

ChickenNuggets4Life: Ohhh~ I'll pick him up to go together on our parole

As the text went on Izuku had muted the chat as he cried softly as he looked down at the fresh scars that were inflicted on him a few hours ago. He was still in pain because he had a mental breakdown. "Today was a wonderful day..." He mumbles to himself as sniffles start to form in his eyes. "I can't wait for tomorrow." He choked out as he burst crying out in pain as he's back on the wall as he buckled his knee close to his chest as he cried.

Once he was done crying he reapplied his badges. He just took care of his wounds for the night. He heard his doorbell ring. He wasn't expecting any packages for his blades that he planned to order new ones that night with more badges. Izuku peed through the peephole and saw no one who puzzled him a bit. He thought maybe it's a short person so he backed away and unlocked the door but only left the door chain on. He peeps out from the crack open to see a white animal figure that could look like a mouse or something else. Instantly he knew that it was the principal of U.A. who looked like that he was nervous or worried by the vibe he was giving him off. "Um, this is Midoriya's resident." I hum and nodded, "Yes Mr. Nezu...would you like to come in?" Nezu nodded his head with a smile. "That would be delightful young Midoriya." Izuku unlocked the door and opened the door wider for him to enter.

The mouse bear or mouse creature enters the apartment. "Would you like some tea and a snack?" Nezu nodded his head and smiled. "Yes Izuku, that would be fine. I'll sit on the couch to wait." Izuku hummed calmly as he went to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Nezu quietly looks around the apartment. He smells blood and senses a noticeable bloodstain on the sink which has to continue to look to see a bloody razor blade under the clothes. He took a picture of it with his phone and then shortly went back to the living room and sat on the couch and got comfortable. He saves the picture in the case field that he plans to build on the child abuse of Midoriya.

Izuku comes back with a plate of crumpets and green tea on the coffee table. "I hope you like the tea." Izuku gave him a weak smile as he sat down. Nezu took a sip of his tea and his eyes glowed brightly then smiled softly and enjoyed the tea. "This was delicious Izu." He places his cup on the coffee table and Izuku just smiles and nods as he still wonders what he is doing here. "Izuku, may I ask a few questions?" "Of course Mr. Nezu." Midoriya took a bite of crumpets.

"Where did you get your scars?" Midoriya is frozen up by that question knowing he doesn't want to talk about his wounds. "I- um. . ." "Izuku you can tell me. I wouldn't tell anyone if you want to." Izuku let out a sigh and started telling everything that he was mentally and physically at home and school. Nezu had a sad look and anger look on his plain face. He could barely see the green bean that he knew only for a few days that he was this broken. Nezu knew that he had to do something he already had a strong bond with him no matter what he wanted to protect him no matter what like his own. "Izuku do you ever want to get out of this mess?" Izuku just nodded his head as the teasers kept falling down. "More than anything." Nezu with a soft smile, "I would like to help you get out of this. I want you to be my son. I don't know if we just met but you were really important to me." Izuku jump off his chair and tackled Nezu as tears burst out more on him. "P-Please t-take me out please..." He stutters and mumbles as Nezu patted him to calm him down. "Yes now, how long will your mother be gone?" "T-Three weeks." Nezu hums before asking that he come to UA to get examined by Recovery Girl on those wounds tomorrow which Izuku agrees to. He is willing to miss a day of school but it wouldn't affect him because his IQ is a bit higher than Nezu. Izuku looked at the time and saw how late it was. "Would you like to stay over the night and we should head to U.A. together." Izukeu gave him his signature smile that brightened up the room. 'Who could ever want to hurt this green bean', Nezu thought as he nodded his head which led Izuku to smile even more with joy. "Oh did you have anything to eat? I have leftovers from the ramen that I made?" Nezu's eyes light up with joy. "Yes please, I would love to enjoy some food Izu." Izuku walks over to the kitchen and makes him a bowl. Once he came back with a warm bowl of ramen on the table. "Woah it looks so good in person." Nezu looks at his bowl drooling over it before blowing on it to cool it down a bit so he can take a bite of his ramen. After taking the first bite his eyes change to a heart shape with enjoyment. "THIS IS THE BEST RAMEN I EVER HAVE IZU!?" Izuku had his eyes become teary, he was always told that his food was disgusting from who eats it. "R-Really?" "Yes, you could become a chief and own your own restaurant." Izuku felt his face become hotter. "W-Well I always want to have a cafe to myself once I graduate from a hero high school." Nezu looked at him in shock. "You want to be a hero and cafe owner?" Midoriya laughs softly, "Yes I do my quirk is useful because I have this fire and sting quirk. I call my fireside quirk phoenix because it's the basic everything that the mythical creature can do which includes flying. Well, this string quirk is something that I can send out visible strings that I can make that is unbreakable from the many trial and error that I made on all my ability. While I have a high IQ level which helps me but my mental state would affect me. Hehe...I think that I was useless from having these quirks." Nezu looks dumbfounded with the information he was getting from Izuku. He needs to give him a test on his IQ level.

The two talk and watch a couple of movies together to get to know each other better. They both fall asleep on a couch with Nezu lying on top of Izuku which snuggles with him. For the first time, he finally had a peaceful sleep in 10 years, the feeling of being safe around someone that he can be able to sleep peacefully. 

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