one shots cuz i was bored (Lo...

By jqxqxqx

7.8K 206 43

It's just some stories that pops up in my head, i dunno if you'll like it but if you do, please do tell. It's... More

Living together(Cate and sandy)
just fluff(lou and debbie)
third party (cate and sandy)
Beach getaway (1) (lou and debbie)
Illicit affair (2)
illicit affairs (3)
beach getaway (2)

illicit affairs (1)

772 18 1
By jqxqxqx

This chapter is for Taylor Swift:)

I know Illicit affairs wasn't made yet at 2018, but it's just a perfect song for this story.

Cate's POV

It's been months since I last saw her face. Her captivating brown orbs, that glows when the sunshine hits it. Her lips, god how she missed those perfectly kissable lips. Her body that that is perfectly shaped, every curve and every inch is perfect.

I miss her very much. I miss every detail of her, I miss her kiss, her scent, her warmth, everything.

I'm holding a hand, but not hers. I'm laying down with a body but not hers. I'm kissing someone but hot her, and the scent, the scent that lingers all around the room is hers, yet she's not here.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." Andrew said as he got out of bed naked. I sat up covering me bare chest with the sheets and gave hin a small smile and nodded. He disappeared into the bathroom doors and I heard the sound of the shower running.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and opened it, I checked my messages but there weren't any. I opened my photo's and scrolled through it until I found our pictures together.

"Sandy... I miss you." I whispered as I looked at the photo. The photo was me standing beside her my right arm on her shoulder, and she had both her arms on my waist and her head against my shoulder.


"Come on, let's take a picture." Sandra said as she handed Akwafina my phone. We were standing across the Met in a scene where, Debbie first showed Lou where they were gonna do Debbies plan.

"This better be quick." I said and stood beside Sandra, putting my hand across her shoulder, and she wrapped her hand around my waist and leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Okay, ready? Say cheese." Akwafina snapped a few photos and handed the phone back to Sandra.

"Thank you Nora." I thanked her, she then was called by one of the staff.

"Okay guys that was a great shot." The director said and gave us a few minutes break before we go to the next location.


I smiled at the memory, it was still very vivid in my mind. It's one of my most treasured memory.

Next week we'll start our press tour for Ocean's 8, and today we have a meeting for the final schedules. I got off the bed and put on a robe, and went downstairs.


"What time will you be home?" I asked Andrew who was fixing his suit in front of the mirror.

"I'm not sure yet. I'll call you if I can't come home early." He answered and faced me.

"Okay, I have a meeting today too, but I won't stay out late."

He nodded and smiled. He gave me kiss and said goodbye before he went to his meeting. I also fixed myself before I went to my own meeting.

Driving to the venue of the meeting was calm and silent, the radio on the car was turned on and was playing a song by Taylor Swift. I don't know much about her, I've seen her once on a red carpet but we didn't converse.

"Leave the perfume on the shelf, that you picked out just for him. So you leave no trace behind, like you dont even exist. Take the words for what they are, by dwindling my curial heights. A drug that only worked, the first few hundred times."

This song was giving me some sort of deja vu, because I had that before, Illicit affair, and I would give anything to do it again.

"And that's the thing about illicit affairs and clandestined meetings and longing stares. They show their truth one single time and they lie and they lie and they lie, a million little times.

And you wanna scream don't call me kid, don't call me baby look at this god forsaken mess that you made me. You showed me color you know I can't see with anyone else.

Don't call me kid don't call me baby look at this idiotic fool that you made me, you taught me secret language I can't speak with anyone else.

And you know damn well, for you I would ruin myself a million little times."

It broke me how a music can be so hurtful and true. It described all of my sentiments, it's scary how a song can reveal all of my secrets.

"Hold yourself together Catherine." I whispered to myself. I reached the building and pulled up in front of it, parking my car.

Walking towards the doors of the big building I noticed a very familiar brunette standing inside of the building at the lobby. I quickly went inside to check if it was her. Walking past the doors I looked around and there she was, in all of her glory, as perfect as the day I lost her. I feel my heart beat fastened and my palms sweating a little as I walk towards her talking to a group of people.

"Blanchett, you're here! I missed you." Sarah Paulson called walking towards me and engulfed me in a hug.

"Missed you too Paulson." I said and hugged her back. After the hug we went to the group of people talking and greeted them. "Hello everyone." I said as we approached the group.

"Cate, hi!" Anne said as she gave me a hug.

I also greeted Helena and Mindy with a hug. Sandra gave me small smile and approached me.

"Hi." She said, before giving me a hug.

"Hey." I said and hugged her back, I noticed there was a man standing beside her. "Hi, Cate Blanchett. I suppose we havent met in person before." I extended my hand to the man, wich he accepted.

"Yes we haven't, Bryan Randall, please to meet you."

"Likewise." I gave him a small smile.

"Well, I have to go now. I'll see you later." He said and looked at me then Sandra.

"Okay, I'll see you later." Sandra replied to him and he gave her a kiss on the lips. He looked at me and smiled before he left.

I continued to talk to my co workers as we walk to the meeting hall. As soon as we arrived at the hall the meeting started. Everyone agreed to the schedules and everything was discussed thoroughly.

After the meeting everyone agreed to go to a party in a bar. I wasn't really in a mood to party, but I couldn't decline since I haven't seen them in a long time.

"Okay, so 8 P.M.?" Nora asked.

"Yep, everyone should be there." Sarah said pointing on each of us. "I'll text everyone the address."

"I don't want to be a party pooper, but I feel like I can't go tonight. I'm going back to London tomorrow, to see the kids." I said in a disappointed tone.

"Oh, come on Cate, we haven't seen eachother in a long time." Helena said as she placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, and you always declined to our parties before." Mindy chimed.

"Okay fine, I'm gonna go but I won't stay long." I sighed defeated.


Sandra's POV

After everyone went home, I was left at the parking lot waiting for Bryan. I checked my watch and it said 2p.m. Then I received a message from him,
"Babe, can't pick you up. I going to NY for a client. I'm sorry, love you." I scoffed reading the text.

"Hey." I heard someone call, I turned around and it was Cate, inside of her car.

"Hi." I replied.

"Do you need a ride?"

"Oh, no. I'm just gonna call a cab."

"Why? Where's Bryan?"

"He's flying to New York right now, so he can't pick me up."

"Oh, then I'll drop you off."

"It's fine, I don't wanna bother you or interfere with your plans today."

"I don't have any plans today, so please let me drive you home. It's safer than a cab." She smiled genuinely and unlocked her car door.

"Okay, if you insist." I replied and sighed as I get in the car.

"Great, so where are you staying?" She asked and started driving the car.

"Uhm, the same house." I said and smiled, she nodded and smiled.

The car ride was silent, I can't really tell if it's awkward or not. Just this car ride brings back so much memories, all the car rides and secret moments and conversations. Her scent was lingering inside the car, inhaling the scent makes me nostalgic, I felt a tear escaping my eyes but I quickly held it in. I looked at the window not taking my eyes off it, just watching the other cars pass by. I'm scared that if I look the other way, if I look at her face it would comeback, I'm scared that if I look at her I would fall for her again, and end up getting hurt for the second time. Not long enough, we were pulling up infront of my house.

"We're here." She said, wich pulled out of my thoughts.

"Oh, uhm, thank you again." I said taking off my seat belt.

"Pleasure's all mine."

I glanced at her and smiled softly before opening the door. I got out of the car and closed the door after. I stood at my drive way and she rolled her window down.

"I'm going now, goodbye Annette."

"Bye, drive safely Catherine."

She drove away slowly and I watched her car disappears from afar.


Yel-oo, i know this is longer, that's bcos i didn't know how to end it.

I will make a part two of this. This was suppose to be a story but i was too lazy to do it so I'll just do it here.

Do you like the chapters longer or shorter??? :>>


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