third party (cate and sandy)

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Hey, ill prolly make two parts of this. N e ways, enjoy!!


Cate was walking towards her car. She just finnished grocery shopping and was now walking to her car with many a cart full of goods. She places her groceries inside her car and drove to her and Sandra's house.

Her and Sandra have been together for almost 2 years now. They're living together, with Sandra's two kids. Cate's children is sometimes with them too since Cate and Andrew shared custody with the kids when they got their divorce.

Pulling up to their garage, she put the car in park and turned off the engine.
She went inside the house using her own keys to get in.

"Honey, I'm home!" Her voice echoed through the big house. The house was empty since the kids were at school. "Honey? Sandra?" She called again when she got no answer. She got no answer again so she went upstairs to their room.

When she reached their door, she heard noises, moan like sounds. Her eyebrows furrowed, she reached for the doorknob and opened the door slowly. When the door was fully open, she was surprised with what she saw. Sandra, her lover, and Sarah, her bestfriend, was in the bed, naked. Sandra was lying on her back on the bed and Sarah in between her legs.

As tears fell down from her eyes to her cheek, she stood there by the door, silently. She felt her heart being crushed into tiny little pieces. She had a bad feeling at her stomach wich made her feel like she wanted to puke. She felt dizzy, her body begins to feel weak, her knees were shaking. Her left hand left her side and covered her mouth to let out a sob, while her right hand still on the doorknob. She couldn't bare the scene anymore, she turned around and walked away slamming the door shut behind her.

Sandra and Sarah's head shot up when they heard the door shut loudly. Sandra quickly pushed Sarah away harshly, grabbing her robe to cover her bare body. She ran downstairs to see who the person was and found Cate, at their living room, sitting on their couch. With a cold expression. Sandra quickly approached Cate, kneeling in front of her.

"Cate, baby, it's not what you think it is." Sandra sobbed, taking Cate's hands in hers. Cate offered her a deathly and confused glare.

"'It's not what you think it is?!'" She asked her voice furious, she quickly snatched her hands away from Sandra and stood up from the couch.
"You were naked, in my bed. And you're telling me "it's not what i think it is?"" Cate was trying to be as calm sa possible, but failed.

"J-just... let me explain. Please." Sandra was desperate, she didn't want Cate to leave her. When she finished her sentence Sarah was at now with them, fully clothed and ready to leave. She had a smirk on her face.

"Leave please." Cate said barely audible. Sarah nodded, awkwardly walking to the front door and left. "Explain now." Cate said when the front door closed.

"I-i..." Sandra started but she ran out of words.

"Bullshit Annette!" Cate exclaimed.

"No! No, please... I had no choice okay, I had no choice." Sandra begged, her sobs were uncontrollable that it made it hard to utter words. "Remember when I went to Sarah's party?" She asked Cate and Cate nodded. "You couldn't come because you were with Andrew and the kids. I got really drunk at that party, because I was so upset you couldn't come and it was our first anniversary. The next morning after the party. I woke up in Sarah's guest room, and I couldn't remember anything the night before. But Sarah made me believe that we slept together." She stopped and took a deep breath. Cate looked at her still emotion less.

"Did something really happened between you two that night?" Cate asked calmly avoiding Sandra's gaze.

"I-i don't know." She answered truthfully.

"Then why didn't you tell me?! Because now you can be sure as hell that you two slept together!" Cate's voice was loud, full of anger, sadness and dissapointment.

"I was going to tell you, but then you were so busy with the divorce and the kids and everything so I didn't want to add more problems to on your shoulder."

"That was almost a year ago Sandra, why did you do it again then?"

"Because she said if I didn't she would tell you about what happened to us that night." She whispered through sobs again. "And I didn't want her to do that because we were finally happy and peaceful. I was afraid you'd leave me if she would tell you, so I slept with her. But now I messed it up, I should've told you."

"Yeah, you should've told me, instead you chose to be secretive and that's the one thing you shouldn't do in a relationship."

"I'm sorry, Cate, I'm sorry." She pleaded to Cate, but it was of no use to Cate.

"I love you Annette, well, I loved you." Cate said after awhile of silence between the two of them. She knew it was a lie, but she can't be with Sandra anymore, evrytime she sees Sandra it's like adding salt to the wound.

"No, no, no, please no. I love you." Sandra walked towards Cate who was standing by the door frame of their living room and hugged her tightly. She repeated the words "No" and "i love you" on Cate's neck as she hugged her tightly. Cate kept her hands to her sides, not dared to touch Sandra.

"I, ah, can stay at the my apartment in Manhattan. I'll pack my bags tonight." Cate wiped her tears, as she inhaled Sandra's shampoo from her hair. She knew it will be hard to leave Sandra, she loved the woman with all of her. After a minute of hugging Sandra released Cate. She looked through the blue eyes that was once filled with love, now empty, and it was all her fault.

"Please, Cate, give me another chance. Please, what I did was a mistake and I regret it with all of me. I despise myself as much as you despise me right now. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. Please, let's try again." She looked at the blonde again, everything she said was sincere. She never wanted to loose Cate. "I don't wanna loose you." Her voice broke, she was holding Cate's hands that was cold. She expected Cate to walk away from her but to her surprise the blonde caressed her cheeks.

"I don't despise you. But I can't give you another chance, just not now. I need time, we both do. And if we're really destined for eachother, we'll find our way back to eachother, but until then we need to be apart from eachother." Cate spoke with such sincerity, her gaze was now soft as it looked into Sandra's.

Sandra couldn't answer, she just broke into another group of cries. Cate kissed ger cheek before she went upstairs. Sandra was left in the living room, filled with regret and sadness. She felt like a part of her was taken away. She curled on the couch and cried once more.

one shots cuz i was bored (Loubbie And Candy)Where stories live. Discover now