just fluff(lou and debbie)

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Hey y'all, i hope you like this! Have a great day!


Lou was playing with her daughter. Daughter I know, never expected that.

3 years after the heist, Lou and Debbie decided to get married. It took time for both of them to admit their feeling for eachother. Who knew they would actually settle in and have a family? But they did it. Now they're 2 years married with a little Jayla Ocean-Miller. Jayla was truly unexpected. One night they were lying down in bed and Debbie just asked her if Lou ever thought of having kids. Then 9 months after that they had Jayla a little blondie with blue eyes. She looked just like Lou, even if Debbie was the one who carried her.

"Honey what are you doing?" Debbie asked Lou who was with their 10 months old daughter.

"We're just playing honey. Why?" Lou replied lifting her daughter and stood up.

"Did you change her already? We need to meet with Tammy in an hour."

"I did, look at her. She smells and looks wonderful. So I deserve a kissy" Lou said holding the baby in front of Debbie and making a kissy face. The baby giggled looking at Debbie.

"Mama did great today baby." Debbie said and held the baby in her arms. "Do you think we should give her a kissy?" She asked her daughter who looked at her and babbled.

"She agrees with me honey."

"I don't think so."

"Yes she does."

"Maybe later."

"Oh come on, just one kissy?" Lou used her puppy eyes on Debbie. Debbie just shook her head with a smile and gave Lou a chaste kiss. Cause how can she refuse the puppy eyes?


They drove to Tammy's house wich was thirty minutes away from their own home. The car ride was silent, Jayla was asleep in her seat, Debbie is awake looking at the window and Lou was driving.

"Honey we're here." Lou said stopping and turning the car off. She looked at her wife and smiled.

"I'm gonna go get the stroller, you can get Jayla."

Lou nodded getting out of the car and went in the back seat to get her daughter, she was careful not to wake her up. But when she unbuckled her belt, her eyes fluttered open. "C'mere you little cute pumpkin." Lou said placing her on her arms kissing her cheeks.

"Lou come on." Debbie said smacking Lou's arm softly.

"Wait a sec." She closed the car door and walked towards Debbie kissing her cheek and knocked on Tammy's front door. Not long Tammy opened the door.

"Hey guys! Come in!" She greeted them with a hug. "Is this Jayla already?" She quickly noticed Jayla in Lou's arm. She gave the baby a kiss on the cheek and guide the couple in the living room, where everyone was waiting. In the couch sat Nine ball, Constance, Daphne. In the couch across them sat Rose and Amita.

"Hey guys!" Lou said wich made all of them turn their head. They all greeted eachother.

"Look at this little baby." Rose said playing with the baby in Lou's lap who was now sitting on the couch.

"How are you guys?" Daphne asked Lou.

"Awful, this little shit wakes up at the middle of the night and I need to carry her until she falls asleep again." Lou said dramatically earning a laugh from her mates.

"Lou stop swearing infront of the baby." Debbie smacked her arm softly.

"C'mere little missy." Tammy said snatching the baby from Lou's hands. She sat beside Lou playing with the baby. Lou stood up walking towards the kitchen. Debbie followed behind her.

one shots cuz i was bored (Loubbie And Candy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें