Justice legal system academy'...

By ace_detective

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Danganronpa x Ace attorney crossover *ON HIATUS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE * Follow the ace attorney cast as they... More

Prologue : The despairing encounter
Prologue : Welcome to the academy of Justice
Prologue: Rules, Rules, Rules
Chapter 1: Introducing the Ultimates!
Chapter 2: Where there are teams
Chapter 3: Secrets and insecurities
Chapter 4: And the threats begin
Chapter 5 : Let's share secrets
Chspter 6: One Crazy Morning
Chapter 7: Ladies and gentelmen I introduce.....
Chapter 9: Drastic measures
Chapter 10: A confession?
Chapter 11: Let the investigation begin
Chapter 12 : Pre-Trial Prep
Chapter 13 : The First Trial's Suspect
Chapter 14: The 15 minutes is all we need
Chapter 15 : Vote now?
Chapter 16: And the Killer is ...........
Chapter 17: Our final goodbyes
Chapter 18: A liar's Spirit Seminar
Chapter 19: Apologies are meaningful
Chapter 20 : Who could have guessed?
Chapter 21 : Searching for our happiness
Chapter 22 : The letter of despair
Chapter 23 : The letter of hope
Chapter 24 : My big announcement
Chapter 25 : The Power 3
Chapter 26: Drinks, Discussion and better music.
Chapter 27: The Final Dance
Chapter 28: The Punishment of being careless
chapter 29: Shall we investigate?
Chapter 30 : Here once again
Chapter 31 : The proper time for accusations
Chapter 32: What Side Are You On?!
Chapter 33: Prepare Your Defense
Chapter 34 : Wait....... What?
Chapter 35: Therein Lies The True Saboteur
Chapter 36: You've grown so much stronger Maya Fey

Chapter 8: Babysitting the sick

81 5 0
By ace_detective

*Mia's POV*

I quietly entered Maya's room, she was bundled up in her blankets like a burrito. I sat by her bed. "Hey Maya how are you feeling." I asked her, I got a couple of grunts and movement coming from the bed. She sat up looking rather annoyed.

" Sis? everything hurts! And I'm cold! And I miss Franzy." She yelled at me, I felt her forehead. "Maya you're burning up! I need you to lie down." I changed the cold cloth on her head and sat down in a chair beside her bed. "How's everyone else holding up, I know there are others like me in the same conditions ? I heard this was a part of some twisted motive."

Maya asked me. I sighed, I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell her. " Miles, Athena, Apollo and Godot are in the same position as you. I won't sugar coat it. It's bad, I don't even know everyone's crush. So it would be hard to help prevent disasters." Maya flopped back onto her back. "I knew it, we're all doomed! Destined to die here all alone." I rolled my eyes.

"Now you're just being dramatic." Maya sat up again and the cloth on her forehead flopped onto the bed. "You don't know everyone's crush?" I shook my head. "Well you clearly know mine since you constantly tease me about it. Who else do you know about?" Maya questioned me.

"Well I know about Miles', I mean come on seriously? It's been more than 7 years at this point it's not just a rivalry." She used quotation marks.

" But other than that I'm a sitting duck." Maya placed a hand under her chin to say that she was thinking. "Stop that, you're supposed to be resting! Get some sleep and we'll talk later." Maya nodded.

"Hey sis?" I looked up from my arm. "Mmm?" She stared at me. "You'll stay with me right?" I could see her eyes getting heavy. "Always." She fell into a peaceful sleep with that thought in mind.







*Phoenix's POV*

I was still waiting for Prosecutor Godot to wake up, he seemed to just sleep the hours away. I was thinking about everything that was going on, my dream, Mia's arm and Miles.

"Will you shut up!" I stopped thinking and looked up at the bed and Godot sat there staring at me. "Huh? Oh sorry I must have been thinking out loud. Do you really sleep with your visor on?" I asked him.

"Can't take the chance that someone will recognize me without these goggles." I nodded and whispered a quiet I see.

"Now it's my turn Trite, let me ask you a question. If you're so worried about the Chief Prosecutor, why not go check on him?" I sighed.

"It's complicated, It's not that I don't want to go check on him, it's the fact that I can't, not after the rule Mia set down." He looked at me.

"Bullshit, It's not like you HAVE to follow the rules, they don't tie you to the ground. If you're REALLY that worried over him that desire would have taken over you already."

I looked at him, He was right the rules weren't the law. The only laws around here were those of Magmakuma's. Maybe I should check on him. "I would but there in lies a problem." He scoffed.

"No problems big enough if it's for the person you love, so figure it out yourself Trite. Just whatever you do, leave me alone."

He turned around and he wasn't facing me anymore. "You always give me good advice, it must be from the coffee. One last question.... You seem normal to me, how is that possible?" He groaned in frustration. 'What's that supposed to mean Trite?" I shook my head. "The disease affects everyone differently with some kind of emotion but you seem as normal as ever." I told him.

"It must have not kicked in yet. Now leave I don't need you to babysit me." I left his room as he requested and made my way through the halls.







*Phoenix's POV*

I stood anxiously outside Miles' door debating on whether or not to go inside. The door opened, I quickly hid behind a pillar. I silently observed as I watched as Franziska walked out of the room and headed to the dining hall. From there I let out the breath I didn't know that I was holding. After I made a quick check to see if anyone was watching I entered the room.

It was ferly dark inside and it was hard to see so it wasn't too surprising when I hit my toe on something. "Ouch Godamn it." I gasped, oh shit I said that out loud. If Miles was sleeping he certainly wasn't anymore. "Franziska? Didn't you just leave?" He sounded very confused and tired.

"Yeah sorry no she left to go to the dining hall and I am most certainly not her." I told him. "Wright? Wh-What are you doing here. You can't be here." I stepped closer to him. "I know but I was worried about you and decided that you're more important than some silly rules." I put my hand on his shoulder but he soon crossed the room to get away from me. "Miles? Did I do something to hurt you? I don't understand, why are you avoiding me."

I moved closer and this time he didn't move. "It's like I told you, you can't be here. If Franziska were to find out then I-" I stopped him. "Miles you're burning up!" I placed my hand to his forehead. I could feel him sweating. "And beside Franziska won't be back for a while-."

It all happened too quickly one minute I was checking on Miles to make sure he didn't faint and the next I'm pinned to a wall with no way of escaping. "Miles What?" He didn't move and he wasn't looking at me in the eyes. "Well if I didn't know any better I'd say someone's being a bit unprofessional." I said poking his chest. Before Miles could even respond the door opened and in walked Franziska. She looked around the room and spotted us.


'She does not sound happy.' I thought to myself. "It's about time you returned Franziska." Miles said moving back to his bed. "Don't think you're getting out of this one brother. And You! Just what exactly did you think you would accomplish by breaking our one simple rule!"

I booked it for the door. "Okay, okay I'm leaving." I told her. I exited the room and closed the door behind me. I smiled before heading back to my own room seeing as Godot didn't want to be disturbed.

*Franziska's POV*

"I can't believe that foolishly foolish fool decided to break the rules by coming in here." I set the tea beside my brother's bed and moved to the chair beside it. "And you! What did you think would actually happen had I not entered the room when I did!" I yelled at him.

"Then I'd imagine my secret would be out in the open wouldn't it?" I glared at him. "Be glad that I don't have my whip. Why didn't you kick his foolish butt out of here in the first place that would have saved a lot more!" "Don't you think I tried?" He set the cup down on the table. "That's true, Phoenix Wright is a stubborn man." I got up from the chair and wandered to the blinds.

"You know... one way or another that foolish secret of yours won't be much of a secret anymore if we stay here." I told him. "Are you suggesting I kill someone to hide my secret?" He asked me. "But of course not that would be utterly foolish. I'm just preparing you in case Magmakuma wants to use it against you."

I left my spot and headed for the door. "You should get some rest while you can. I'll check up on you later." I left the room and locked the door this time so that no one could get in.






*Angel's POV*

I entered the room with the kid they assigned me too. The room was rather bright for a sick person but I decided to roll with it. "You shouldn't be up." I told the young woman in the room with me. She looked at me. "You must be Ms. Starr, the cough up queen right?" I looked at her, she couldn't have known that name. "Yes that's right but I don't go by that name anymore." She nodded and patted the seat beside her. I raised my eyebrow.

"Aren't you sick?" Physically she looked fine but I knew she still had a fever. "Yes but I wanted to talk with you. See I don't really know a lot about you and I figured getting to know you is a great way to pass time." I took a seat next to her and we began to chat about simple things. "One question." She asked me.

"Yes, what is it?" She sighed. "How did you meet officer Marshall?" She really wants to know that? "Oh Jake. Hmm that's a tough one. We officially met at an important investigation we shared together. We made quite the team." She gasped. "You were a detective Ms Starr?" I nodded. "Yes that's where the name cough up queen comes from. It truly was the time of my life before I was fired from my job by a bunch of prosecutors." Athena shook her head.

"That's terrible." I sighed. "Enough chat you should get some rest, I will be here while you sleep to make sure you won't get attacked." Athena closed the curtains to cover up the iron plates. "I guess it's best huh? Tomorrow is another day." Athena laid down and I shut the lights off allowing her to sleep.






*Jake's POV*

I didn't particularly like babysitting but I didn't have a choice. "Why won't you let me out of the room? All I want to do is talk to Prosecutor Gavin." I shook my head. "Nice try Pardner, but even I see the way you look at him. And there's not a chance I'm letting you leave the room."

I had been assigned to guard Apollo Justice. I had been told the kid didn't make a fuss at all but ever since the disease he's been a troublesome one. "You can't keep me here." He sounded aggravated. "You can't get past me anyway. I don't know how you think that talking to your crush is going to make you feel better, I did explain to you what would happen right?"

He rolled his eyes. " Let me speak with Klavier or so help me god, I will walk out of this room myself." I laughed. "How cute, It's nice to see what you'll do for love. After all, I'm the same, but I'm afraid I can't let you."

He got up and walked over to the door, before he could open it I pulled my gun on him. "Turn around slowly Pardner." He turned around with his hands up in the air. However he had a smirk on his face. "Oh you can shoot me all you want but before you do let me advise you real quick. If you shoot me and I die everyone will know you're the one who did it and then you will be punished. Now I don't know about me but I'm pretty sure I would try and avoid punishment. So are you going to shoot me or not."

I stood there, gun pointed to his chest. This kid was smart, if I shot him then everyone would know it was me, there would be no point to it. Before I could decide the monitor went off.

"All non sick participants please make your way back to the dining hall. I have a little gift for you!" The monitor shut off and I lowered my gun. "Thought so." The kid said, he moved away from the door and sat back down on his bed.

"Oh and don't worry I don't plan on leaving my room. I'd rather not get punished." I scoffed and closed the door behind me.







*Phoenix's POV*

After the announcement was made we all headed to the dinning hall and sat around the large table. Soon Magmakuma popped out of absolutely nowhere. "Good afternoon participants!" No one answered him. "Why are we here? And what is this surprise you mentioned." Iris asked him.

"I'm SO glad you asked Miss Hawthorne! I thought I'd be generous enough to tell you one of the sick participants' traits." He laughed and pulled out his power point. "You see Participant Athena Cykes's trait is that she gets SUPER shy around her crush." He giggled.

"That would explain the lack of change I noticed when I looked after her." Angel motioned. Magmakuma left and we all began eating.

"You know just because he's gone doesn't mean we can't discuss other possible traits for participants." Mia said out loud. " I agree with you Ms. Fey, we most certainly should." Franziska agreed. "Well for starters Maya has become much more whiny and bratty since the disease. Clearly annoying to put up with." Mia rolled her eyes at the thought.

"Well my foolish brother seems a bit too bold for even himself." I shook at the memory of what happened just a few hours ago. "Well we know Athena's trait, but the only difference for Godot is he seems more grumpier? If that even is possible." I said, shrugging.

"About Mr. Justice........" Jake started.

"The kids got some guts, truly a lawyer if you ask me. Even when held at gunpoint he is cool and calm as a feather."

Everyone stopped what they were doing. "You fool ! You held him at gunpoint?" Franziska yelled.

"You said keep him in the room no matter the cost!"

Jake yelled back. Time seemed to slow down or speed up. I couldn't tell, either way all I saw was a purple blur fly past me pinning Jake to a wall with a knife at his throat. Angel sprang into action pulling her gun on the person who attacked her boyfriend.

"Drop the knife Klavier." She spoke in a cold tone. "How about you drop your gun, pal." Gumshoe pointed his gun at her. "Okay everybody, chill the F out please. We don't need to kill anyone Klavier." Klavier didn't move.

"You had no right to pull a gun on Apollo." he said coldly, his icy stare burned holes into Jake.

"I did my job, he wouldn't quit trying to leave to see you." The intensity in the room was killing me. "Klavier please put the knife down." I said again, this time he listened.

"Next time you decide to pull a gun on Apollo Justice you can expect that I won't hesitate to kill you."

He started to move towards the door. "Where are you going?" Mia asked him. "I'm going to see Apollo and none of you can stop me." With that final statement he left the room. None of us could do anything to stop him, we just stood there like a bunch of idiots. 


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