The Outsiders Preferences

By Russianbueller13

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Just as the title says... More

The Outsiders Preferences
How You Met
How He Asks You Out
First Kiss
First Fight
The Walk of Shame ;)
Celebrity He's Jealous of
The Socs Get You
When You're Drunk
You Wear His Clothes
I'm Pregnant...
A Baby Makes Three
He and Your Child Fight
First I Love You
Author's Note
He and Your Child Make Up
A Soc Hits on You
He Hits You
Picking Up the Pieces (He Hits You Pt. 2)
Your Dating Another Member of the Gang
Slipping Away
When He's Sick
Single Mom
What He Calls You
When You're on Your Period
Uptown Girl
Sk8tr Boi
Single Dad
Getting Caught ;)
You're One of the Gang's Sister
King of Wishful Thinking
When He Cheats...
When He Cheats (Part 2)
Another Boy is Your Ex
Your Song
Face Down
His Tears
A1 Dad Moment
Lips of an Angel
Move Along
Coming Home
Marry Me

How You Make Up

18.1K 261 123
By Russianbueller13


The final bell rung for the school year as you put down your pencil. You turned in your last test. You should have felt happy about being done for the year but in all honesty you had felt right since you and Pony had fought. You hadn't seen him around much. The closest you'd been to him was during your English 'final and than you'd left as soon as the class was over. On one hand you were so angry at Pony for what he'd said but on the other you missed him more than you'd ever missed anyone. You just didn't feel whole without him.

You were cleaning out your locker when you felt someone tap your shoulder.


"Yeah?" You responded not turning around. You didn't think you could look at Pony right now. Not without bursting into tears at least.  You heard him sigh.

"Can you look at me, please? I have something I really need to say." You closed your eyes and slowly turned around. He took your hand gently and started to rub the back of it gently with his thumb. "I... I don't really know what to say to make this better but I'm sorry. I was stressed and I... I took it out on  you. I shouldn't have."

"You called me a whore, Pony," you said pulling your hand away from his.

"I have never regretted anything more. (Y/N), you have to understand that this had been the worst week of my life and I know that it's because I haven't had you by my side. I'm so sorry for everything I said But (Y/N) I can't be without you. I love you too much to even try."

"You love me?" You said cutting him off. He'd been staring at the ground the whole time he'd been talking but when you spoke his head shot up in surprise.

"More than anything in the world," He said with finality. You couldn't fight the grin that spread across your face. 

"I love you too," You said before pulling him into you. You covered his mouth with yours. He didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around you. When you two pulled apart Pony was panting  slightly but smiling widely.

"Am I forgiven?" He asked tenatively.

"Yes," you said lauging, "But you ever say something like that to me again and it won't be pretty.".

It'd been a few days since you'd talked to Dallas. You knew he'd stopped by the house a few times and that he had called. You'd been using Keith as a buffer between the two of you. He'd managed to keep Dallas away from you. Keith was actually pretty pissed at Dally for hurting you. Which he had as much as you hated to admit it. You despised that you actually kind of loved him. You knew better than that. It was about one in the morning and you were laying in bed trying to fall asleep. You'd been trying to read to get your mindo off of Dally. You heard a tapping on you window that distracted you.

"(Y/N)!" A voice shouted. You got up to investigate and were surprised at who you saw standing out in the cold. "(Y/N)! Open the window! Dammit!"

"What the fuck do you want?!" You snapped as you slid the window open. Dally stood there for a second scuffing the ground with his boot. "Dallas I'm not going to stand here with my window open all night."

"Dammit, (Y/N). I don't know what I'm supposed to say, okay? I've never done this before," He said.

"Done what, Dally?" You asked starting to get confused.

"I've never had to apologize  to a girl before, okay?" He snapped. He stopped himself though and huffed out a sigh. "Look, yeah I fucked Jane when we were going. But it shouldn't matter!"

"You think that it shouldn't matter that you cheated on me?" You said incrediously.

"No," He said sounding frustrated. "I mean it shouldn't matter to me! I can't eat. I can't sleep. I can't even smoke a god damn cigarette without thinking about those stupid smoke rings you blow. I've cheated before and its never been like this. Its not supposed to hurt when you break up with me and yet here I am standing in the middle of the night trying... trying to say I'm sorry. "

"What am I going to with you?" You said shaking your head. You were fighting a smile though. "Alright. Come on inside."

"Really?" He asked sounding surprised. When you nodded he scrambled through the window. You wrapped arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. 

"You've got a lot of making up to do," You said pulling him down for another kiss.

It was freeezing outside. Winter had officially started. You'd barrowed your mom's car to drive to school because it was too cold to walk today. You'd been avoiding Darry as much as you could. School had just ended and you were driving home. You were about half way home when you saw Pony walking home. He was shivering and you could see his breath. You pulled over.

"Pony, why don't I give you a ride home?" You called out as you rolled down the passenger window. You opened the door and let him slide in. You started to drive in silence.

"Darry apologized, you know," Pony said. You glanced over at him with a questioning look. "The day after you guys fought. He apologized for missing my birthday and being drunk."

"Good. You didn't deserve to deal with that," You said. You were glad that Darry had apologized but you didn't really want to talk about Darry. 

"He wants to apoologize to you too. He's just too scared to actually talk to you. He thinks that you hate him," Pony said. You pulled up to the Curtis house. Darry's truck was in the drive way. 

"I don't hate him,"  you said. 

"So will you come inside? Just for a little bit," Pony pleaded. With a sigh you turned off your car and got out. Pony walked into the house first. Darry was sitting in the living room. You were scared to walk in but you were glad when you did. The moment Darry saw you he was up and crushing you in a hug. You didn't hesitate to hug back.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you and I should have never have et you leave. That was so stupid. You mean so much to me," Darry was mumbling into your hair as he held you impossibly close. 

"It's okay.  I forgive you. I'm not mad anymore. We're good," You said even though your voice was a bit muffled with your head buried in his chest. Finally he pulled away and smiled down at you. He leaned in and kiss you gently. Right than you knew everything was perfect.


Soda was bent over his car trying to remove the gas cap but it just wouldn't come off. He was swearing and muttering to himself. Just as he was about to give up on the whole thing and yell for Steve when he stood up and saw Tom standing by the enterance to the garage. He looked nervous when Soda finally acknowledged him.

"What the fuck do you want?" Soda hissed. He wiped his hands over and started towards the soc. His blood wasw starting to boil just looking at his madras jacket and clean hair. Ever since his fight with you he'd been in a terrible mood. He was snapping at everyone and breaking more things than actually fixing them.

"I wanted to talk to you about (Y/N)," Tom said.

"What about her? Come to rub it in my face that she left me for you?" Soda was so close to snapping.

"What? No. I have a girlfriend," Tom said sounding confused."No, I came here to ask what the hell is wrong with you? (Y/N) is not some girl that you throw away because you don't like her hanging out with other guys. Hell, she's not the kind of girl you throw away period."

"You think that I don't know that? You,honestly, think that I don't realize how stupid I was to fight with her like that? Because I am well aware of how much of an idiot I was!"

"Than why don't you tell her that?! She's been miserable all week. I've never seen that girl so depressed and its all on you. All you have to do is apologize to her. It's not that hard." Tom's words stopped Soda cold. It didn't take him long to start moving again though. Before he really thought about it he was running out of the DX and towards your house. He'd taken the time though to throw his rag at Tom and yell at Steve that he was going. When your house came into view he sped up until he was full out sprinting. You were laying in your backyard with a book. No one was home and you were taking advantage of that. You were melancholy as you stared at the words not really reading them. You heard the sound of someone running and you sat up. At that moment you saw Soda burst through the gate to your backyard. He was out of breath and you could tell that he hadn't been sleeping by the bags under his eyes. You two froze than and stared at each other. Soda bit his lip as he looked at you. You offered him a tenative smile, almost scared that he would turn around and leave. But instead he made his way slowly over to where you were sitting.

"I think I made a mistake," He said after a moment.

"Me too," You said.

"I understand now that Tom is just your friend. I also realize that you are allowed to be friends with anyone you want. I can't stop you nor do I have the right to."

"I probably shouldn't have been so defensive about Tom. After Sandy I can see how it would be hard to trust someone again. The whole thing was a mistake," You said and held out your hand to him. When he grabbed it you tugged him down to the ground. He landed on his back and you curled up into his side with your head resting on his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly. "Can we just forget about the whole thing?"

"I'd do anything to get you back. Whatever you want,"Soda said. You smiled and sat up with a playful look in your eyes.

"Whatever I want?" You asked causing him to laugh.

"Anything, Princess," He said and you kissed him.

Steve woke up on the Curtis's couch feeling cold and miserable. He had a headache and his back was aching from the couch. This was not the way he wanted to wake up. He would have much perfered to be waking up in your bed with you held tightly to his chest. But he'd ruined that. He couldn't believe that he'd said those things and stormed out of there. There was a knocking on the door that had woken him up. Soda walked past him and looked pointedly at the door and looked at him. With a groan Steve pulled himself off the couch. He didn't expect you to be standing at the door though. You looked miserable and kind of desperate.

"I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't have led you on like that. It was unfair of me," You said as you stared at your feet. Steve tried to get you to look him in the eye but your eyes remained locked on the ground. "I didn't mean to be a prude."

"(Y/N)," Steve started. He let out a sigh before he pulled you into his arms. He rested his head on yours. "I can't believe that you think that you need to apologize to me about last night. I was so obviously in the wrong. You always have the right to say no to me. It was so completely unfair of me to treat you like that. My god you're perfect."

"You're not mad at me?" You asked. Steve pulled back but made sure you were still in his arms. He looked you in the eyes and smiled at you.

"If anything you should be the one that's mad at me. I should have never said anything like that to you. I'm so so sorry, (Y/N). I love you, so much."

"I love you too, Steve," You said as you rose on your tippy toes and pressed your lips to his.

The sun was setting when you returned to the lot. Johnny was sitting there staring at the ground. He heard your foot steps he looked up with a bit of fear in his eyes. You held up your hands in surrender. You sat across from him. You looked up at the sky for a second you sighed and looked back at Johnny.

"So I might be an idiot and I might have said some things I shouldn't have," you said biting your lip. "I'm really sorry."

Johnny smiled at you.

"Me too. I'm sorry," Johnny said and reached over to you. You crawled over to him and sat in his lap. You rested your head in the crook of his neck. He kissed the top of your head and rested his cheek on top of his head.

"You realize that our first fight was about something that literally had nothihng to do with us," You said and the both of you laughed.

Two was walking over to meet the gang in the lot when he heard the first cry. He paused and listened. It was the second cry that sent him running. He recognized that voice. The nearest alley way was dark and there was a group of guys standing in it.  He pulled his switch out and made as much noise as he could as he walked towards them.

"You fuckers might wanna leave now," He growled. They all turned and looked like they were ready for a fight. But when they saw the blade they all scattered. You were curled into a tight ball shaking. He reached for you but you hit his away.

"Don't fucking touch me," You hissed wiping at the tears that were streaming down your face. In the dark he could still see the bruise on your cheek. He knew it wasn't from those guys. That night had been a little blurry but he remembered swinging at you with heartwrenching guilt. Two sat carefully down beside you. He had his knees proped up and he was resting his head against the wall of the alley. "You are the last person in the world I ever expected to hit me. My dad hit me, these bitches at my last school hit me, those guys hit me but you I never expected to hit me."

"I've never regretted anything more in my life," Two said. You mirrored his position.

"You want to hear the kind of fucked up thing?" When Two didn't reply you continued. "That night after I left I almost came back to make sure that you were alright and that you'd gotten into bed okay. Even after everything I still wanted to check on you. That's how much I love you."

"You shouldn't even be talking to me. You should hate me so much that you can't even look at me. I know I would. I just need you to know, (Y/N), that I love you so much. If I could take that night back I would in a heartbeat. I've given up drinking. I just want you back. I can't say I'm sorry enough," Two said looking over at you. His eyes were sincere and you laughed a bit through your tears.

"Okay," You said after a minute. "Okay. I forgive you. I love you too." Two pulled you into his chest.

"I swear I'll never let you go again. I love you so much."

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