Never Forget (Male Reader X M...

By La_Flame20

62.6K 1.3K 153

what do you do when those you trust let you down? what do you do when those you love get hurt because you did... More

It's Beautiful, Isn't It?
Bring It On, Fate, 'Cause I'm Ready
It's My Turn to Win
Trust Me, It's Not As Bad As It Looks
Not Today. Nice Try Though
Back To School
Sorry for the delay
I'm sorry, But I Have To Know.
She's Too Good At This
Yay, Dinner With The Enemy
That Was Easy
Not Strong Enough, Sweetie
Round 1, Start
All Good Things...
Reset to Status Quo
And So It Begins

And So It Begins

3.8K 100 7
By La_Flame20

Dad had an arm around me as he helped me up the stairs. I flinched when i felt the pain from my dislocated arm flash through me. Dad chuckled softly and pulled me up causing even more pain.

He laughed hard when I glared daggers at him. It's been a while since he beat me this badly and even after saying he'll go easy on me. I've been beaten worse though, in a tournament in China, from some prick with a axe to grind and no concern for the rules. It didn't matter in the end. I still won.

Dad left me leaning on the wall while he opened the door. I studied him silently,  noticing that despite his clear win he hadn't once on the drive home, sung his victory song. He seemed distracted, occupied with his thoughts. I smirked to myself, knowing this was a once in a lifetime chance I wasn't going to pass up

I punched with my working arm, taking advantage of the fact that I was injured and he wouldn't see it coming.
His fist slammed into my gut before I knew it. I slumped over black webs already clouding my vision.

"Yeah. Did you forget last summer? It didn't work then, did it." He said as he squatted next to me. My entire body quickly began to shut down as the pain travelled everywhere.
I shook my head, feeling too miserable to talk. He sighed before lifting me to stand.

"Let's get you cleaned up. Then off to bed." His voice seemed far away as I passed out in his arms.

When I came to, I was already cleaned bandaged and in bed. Dad was almost to the door when I spoke. "When are you leaving?" he turned back with a wistful smile.

"How did you know?

"When you didn't start singing, I suspected but when you knocked me out, that... That was a dead giveaway."

"I'm that obvious?"

"A little."

"I'll be gone by the time you wake up." He sighed before walking back to sit next to me. "I'm sorry I can't be here with you."

"It's okay. I'll be fine."

"I know you will. It's just..." He wanted to say something but shook his head. "Don't loose sight of what you're fighting for."

Dad got up again stretching his back slowly, popping bones back in place. "I would love to help but this is your fight and I know you can do it without my help. But if you do need it, you know where to find me."

"Sure, Dad."

"And be careful."

"Got it."

"And eat well"

"Sure Dad." I shook my head as we laughed at ourselves. I was really going to miss him. He must have read my mind because he leaned over to tussle my hair.

"I'll be back in about six months or so."

"Thanks Dad. For everything." I said as He walked to the door. He nodded and closed the door slowly behind him as I turned out the lights. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.


I blinked a few times trying to understand what just happened. I was now standing on the roof where Juleka and I had our anniversary date. Everything looked as it did that day. I scratched my head in thought.

"Hey y/n."

I turned around sharply to see Juleka sitting on the edge of the roof looking at me with a curious smile on her lips.

Juleka? I whispered confused as to what was was going on. Her smile broadened and her legs swung back and forth in a gleeful manner. She was clearly happy to see me. I studied her from head to toe doubting reality at this point. She looked like herself but something seemed off, like she was someone else. I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Quite the view. It has a rather unique appeal that most don't appreciate." She jumped down landing gracefully right in front of me. "but I am loving it."

She purred as she placed her head against me. Her mannerisms were much more confident and  almost seductive. And when she began running her hands up and down my face, I couldn't resist and I hugged her too. She was here she was fine. But I still couldn't shake the strange feeling.

She tilted her head to look at me with a puzzled look. "What's wrong, Y/n? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"It's nothing I'm just so happy to see you."

I could see the light brighten in her eyes and I smiled feeling at peace being here with her. "You're fine. You're fine." I mumbling into her hair with my eyes closed. Her giggle vibrated through my chest as we stood hugging each other.

"Why wouldn't I be fine." Her question caught me off guard as I didn't know how to respond. A tapping sound called our attention.

"Because you got hurt really bad. And he let it happen."

Hawkmoth had suddenly appeared out of nowhere walking up to us with his cane tapping along. The mere sight of him enraged me more than I thought it would.
I pushed Juleka behind me and ran at him fist raised but he backhanded me and when I stumbled, he knocked me aside with his cane.

I spat out the blood in my mouth as I stood up but while I was down he had grabbed juleka by the back of her neck holding her off the ground ignoring her attempts to get free. He dragged her closer to the edge, taunting me daring me to do something.

I took a step forward and he took one back. I wanted nothing more than to bash his face in but with Juleka in his clutches, I didn't want to try anything.

"Let her go. Now" I demanded in a low growl.

Hawkmoth just laughed again. "Poor choice of words." he said as he tightened his grip.

Juleka eyes widened and she tried desperately to get free and when she looked at me with a pleading look, I snapped. I punched Hawkmoth away faster than I had ever moved before. He let go with a grunt of pain and I caught Juleka as she fell. She held onto my arm as I lifted her back up.

"Are you okay?" I checked her neck for any bruises but there were none.

"Yeah. Just shook up. That's all." she said with a million dollar smile. I smiled back trying to calm my nerves.
She gasped suddenly and screamed a warning. I pushed her away as I felt something strike the side of my head. I had turned my back to the villain. A rookie mistake I was paying for.

Hawkmoth began beating me with his cane targeting the parts I wasn't guarding. For an older guy, his hits were doing a lot of damage and he was faster than I expected. Juleka jumped on his back punching his head as hard as she could screaming at him to leave me alone. He knocked her down and stomped her back. I was bleeding all over and was feeling dizzy as I stood up to see him hit her.

My hands and neck felt hot for some reason and I could hear and see sparks flying around me.

"GET AWAY FROM HER, YOU SON OF A BITCH" I roared in a voice not my own. He turned but I was suddenly in front of him, fist already connecting with his jaw. A strange current ran through me when the force threw him off the roof.

I looked down at my hands to see f/c electricity running around them. That's new. I shook my hands when the energy faded away.

I run to check on Juleka to see she was      fine except for the busted lip and bleeding nose. I was so distracted I didn't notice hawkmoth had climbed back up. When I did it was too late as he stabbed me with a knife. I fell face forward the sound of his laugh and juleka's cries ringing in my ears. He flipped me over onto my back with a kick and stepped on my chest.

"And you failed. Again." He said, leaning over me.
"I think I'll keep her here longer. You're punishment for getting in my way. Or until I get the miraculous. And this time you won't interfere."

My eyes slowly closed as he brought his blade down again.


I woke up with a start, panting as I frantically looked around my room. My heart was pounding so hard in my chest, it hurt. My mind was racing trying to understand what just happened. I had had nightmares before but this one felt so real. The pain of being stabbed, the rage when hawkmoth showed up and the fear of losing juleka when he had her dangling over the edge, the happy feeling of holding her once again. All felt so real.

But what really struck me was the powers I had somehow manifested. I flexed my fingers trying to see if anything happened. Energy gathered in my palms as I stared on in amazing.
"Wow" I said out loud feeling the energy grow. Growing faster than I could handle

"Wait. Stop. Stop." It suddenly compressed and I knew what came next

"Uh oh"

Electricity exploded from them scattering the furniture and throwing me off the bed. As I tried to rub a bump on my forehead, hawkmoth's last word came to me.

He has her that's why she hasn't woken up. But I get the miraculous he would definitely try to bargain.
The electricity sparked all around me my eyes glowed brightly as a plan was suddenly forming. "when I get him, oh, he'll wish he was never born."

Hawkmoth sighed loudly, dissatisfaction written on his face. His assistant, Natalie stood at the ready with a glass of wine. "Did it work?" She asked.

He gulped down the drink in one go and handed her the glass before answering.

"Not sure. I can't feel the energy anymore. He's a lot stronger than I had thought he would be. His love for the girl makes him vulnerable. But also strengthens him."

"So did you find anything about him?"

"No. His mind is well guarded. I couldn't get much out of it." Hawkmoth slumped in his favorite chair. For a month he had searched for the energy that had teased him repeatedly. It had suddenly stabilized just yesterday, long enough for him to track it to a teenager he recognized as one of Adrian's bestfriends. And also the only non hero to stop him.

"What about planting the idea?" She asked, referring to her plan to plant the desire to get the miraculous. The boy was a genius from what their research showed and having him as an Ally would be very beneficial.

"That's the part I'm not sure of. If it works, getting the miraculous would be much easier. If it doesn't, I doubt he would let us in his head again."

"He can resist the miraculous power? How is that possible."

"I don't know. He is such a mystery." hawkmoth rubbed the bridge of his nose, his decision to stay up late leaving him exhausted. "That's all for now, Natalie. I need a moment to myself."

"Of course sir." She nodded and turned to leave.

"One more thing Natalie"


"He's friends with Adrian isn't he?"

"Yes he is." she smiled, catching on to his meaning. "Would you like me to invite him over."

"No. It'll be a bit strange. Let Adrian do that for us."

"Of course. Rest well."

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