Rollercoaster (Sequel to "So...

By RoseFarihaHarvestar

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[ COMPLETED BOOK!] (The next part to So We Meet Again?) Bianca leaves Bradford after meeting up with Zayn and... More

Author's note and Acknowlegements
Chapter 1~ Regrets, Mistakes, they're Memories Made.
Chapter 2~ Speechless.
Chapter 3~ Big Steps to Little Things.
Chapter 4~ Live While We Are Young... for Now!
Chapter 5~ Countdown.
Chapter 6~ For the Better or for the Worst.
Chapter 7~ Remembering my Summer Love.
Chapter 8~ To Wave a Farewell.
Chapter 9~ The Warm Welcome turns Ugly.
Chapter 10~ Double Faces.
Chapter 11~ Tortured.
Chapter 12~ Scars of Pain and the Unexpected.
Chapter 13~ Wedding Woes.
Chapter 14~Surprises and Much more.
Chapter 16~Give me Love.
Additional Chapter to Chapter 16~ Give me Love (Zayn's P.O.V)
Chapter 17~ Good News and Bad News.
Chapter18~ Missing Pieces.
Chapter 19~ Shocked!
Chapter 20~ Related.
Chapter 21~ The B-M Plan.
Chapter 22~ The B-M Plan Continues.
Chapter 23~ The Gathering.
Chapter 24~ Finding Her.
Chapter 25~ The Truth to it All.
Chapter 26~ The Murder's Wife.
Chapter 27~ Forget the Past, Spend the Present, and Live for the Future.
Chapter 28~ Meeting Her.
Chapter 29~ Beautiful Disaster.
Author's note!
Chapter 30~For Every Action There is a Reaction!
Chapter 31~ One Weeks Time.
Chapter 32~ London.
Chapter 33~ Bradford and Memories.
Author's Note!
Chapter 34~ New Lives, Recollected.
Author's Note
Chapter 35~ Rollercoaster

Chapter 15~ Hazel eyes.

4.1K 75 34
By RoseFarihaHarvestar

I got the call from Aleesha last night and the latest she can get me to England was on Saturday. That would be 3 days from now. I had to start packing but I had to make sure that no one knew about my escape. Maybe she has a plan, possibly. I'll call her. I dialed her number. It rung and someone picked it up. 

"Hello?" Aleesha said. 

"Hey, Aleesha. How am I going to get out of the house with a luggage? People are going to get very suspicious," I whispered. 

"No shit Sherlock! I have an idea. On Friday, when Mom, your dad and Zain are out , you call me and when I pull over to your place, you put your luggage in the taxi and I take it with me. Then when it's near your flight time, I'll be waiting at the nearness supermarket and from there we go to the airport, alright?" she explained. 

I figured that was the most dumbest idea either but it might be worth it.

"You sure, it'll work?" I asked dumbfounded. 

"YES! If they ask, just stay that you need to get something from the supermarket," she said annoyed. 

"Ok, thanks bye. See ya," I told her. 

"Bye!" CLICK! 

This mean that I don't have much time to pack if she's coming tomorrow. I pulled my luggage out but everything hurts whenever tried to pick or pull something up. I pulled my sleeves to see my scars. They were deep cute that have harden and browned. I sat at the edge of my and touched them for a good moment. I wish these scars will disappear along with all my pain and distress. The only medication that can revive me from my pain and all these scars is Zayn. I know he would because I only want someone to give me love, compassion and knows that I'm worthy to be human.   I shook my head from my head in the clouds and get back to packing. 

It wasn't until 7:00pm when everybody was out. Mia went to the wedding cake store for finishing touches, dad went somewhere I didn't know and I haven't seen Zain anywhere in the house or garage. So I was in the safe side. I called Aleesha that the coast was clear. She came in about 30 minutes or less. I saw a taxi outside in the driveway. I think that was my cue to get my baggage out the door and into the car. That's what I did---------actually not really. I pushed my luggage down the stairs which landed near the front door. I rushed downstairs, met up with Aleesha. I quivered because it was really cold and frigid outside. 

"It's sure nice to see the old house again," she said leaning on the trunk of the taxi. I chuckled under my breath but didn't say anything. 

"Well, I have to go, see you tomorrow at around 1:00pm in tomorrow, since your flight is at 3:00pm." she confirmed as she stepped into the taxi. I nodded and waved her goodbye. I hurried back inside. Suddenly, after all these days, I felt nauseous. There was a lump stuck in my throat and in need to throw up. I rushed upstairs to my personal bathroom and threw up. After 15 minutes of puking, I went down to the kitchen for saltine crackers as the doctor prescribed me to.  I felt good after eating a couple or so of them. I began to feel sleepy. I decided to hit the hay early tonight. 

I wonder if the baby is Zain or Zayn's. I hope it's Zayn's. I would probably die if it was Zain. I didn't even want to hold his baby in me. I think I should do a fertility test in England just to be sure. With that thought in mind I drift fast asleep. 

It was almost 1:00pm. I was ready to go outside. The problem was Mia and Dad were in the living room watching television. I had to find away to get out of the house without being asked where I'm going. Then an idea popped in my mind. I crept downstairs trying not to make any creaks or cracks as I walked into the kitchen. I have to try to find a devise to make an excuse for my escape to the supermarket. I opened the fridge to see what I can dump and get at the supermarket.

Milk! Yes, milk! I dumped milk down the drain and washed the sink so that I won't leave any  evidence of my felony. I left the kitchen courageously with the carton in my hand. I started to whistle in a happy tune. 

"Where are you going?" dad spoke up after all these years. I gulped. I froze in one place  I slightly turned my head towards him. I gestured the carton. 

"I'm going to get milk from the supermarket, ok. Bye," I hurriedly said. I ran and ran as fast as I could. My heart panted faster and faster as I ran for my life. I approached to our local supermarket. I called Aleesha as soon as I arrived at the agreed location. It rang. 

"Bianca, I can see you, come towards the black taxi like limousine," she instructed me. 

"OK," I said as hung up. I saw the taxi amidst in front of me. I jogged to the car. Aleesha saw me and opened the door for me. I hopped in and we drove away in a flash. I breathed in and out frantically. 

"Water?" She asked. I looked at her. She wore this nice coat and had red lipstick. I think she wore foundation. 

"Yes, please."

She handed me a bottle and I gulped it down in one breath. I breathed heavily. Aleesha landed a hand on my shoulder. 

"Here's your ticket," she handed it to me, "do you have your passport?"

I nodded and showed it to her. 

"Is it valid?"

"Yes, it is Aleesha," I told her.

"Good, by the way this ticket takes you all the way to Heathrow, and after if you show this same ticket to the front desk for Manchester porter,they'll guide you to the next plane to Manchester. You'll land in Manchester harbour then you'll hitch a bus ride to Bradford," She explained. As she handed me two more tickets for each transportation. I placed all the tickets that were given to me in my passport and plopped in my purse sealed. I rested my head against the back of the taxi seat. I felt my belly. I think I already had a baby bump. A small bump though. This is going to be a long ride, I whispered to myself. 

We arrived at Pearson International Airport. Aleesha told the cab driver to wait for her while she escorts me inside. Aleesha carried my luggage. I clutched my bag to my chest. We arrived at my boarding station. 

"Here we are, Bianca," she told me while she handed me my luggage. I gazed upon the glory of the portal which will be the gate way to my new life. If I go past security then my adventure begins. I lunged at Aleesha. I hugged her tight. 

"Bianca, I love you," She remarked. 

"Me, too!  Thank you so much! You have saved me from what could be my never ending tragedy," I mumbled. 

I let go of her. I grabbed my baggage and sighed heavily. Here I go I whispered to myself. I waved goodbye and I never looked back once. 

I checked through security. I knew after this I was on my way out of this country. I sat in the waiting room ready to be boarded on the plane. I twirled my hair around my finger multiply times. What if Zain finds me and murders me? I hope not. then my life would be destroyed and not to mention the baby's life. I touched my bump. A tear fell from my eyes. 

"Flight 4359 Biritish airways is now open. Please have your passport and ticket ready to be boarded," a hostess annouced on the sound system. I got my things together and went. 

I took my seat and heard the engine roar. It ran down the runway and I was airborne. 

I landed in Heathrow airport around 8:10pm. I went to the counter where it read: "Manchester Porter." I asked the receptionist when the next plane was. She told me the next plane is in about 10 minutes. She let me in through the gate. I sat in my seat in the chic porter airline. Again, I heard the engine roar for the last time. I cringed on my arm rest as it lifted off in the foggy evening night. 

An hour later, I landed in Manchester Porter airport. I  felt nauseous again. UH-OH! Not again! I had gastric juice building up in my esophagus. I needed a trash can, like now! I spotted one near a station. I ran to it and threw up.I took out a tissue packet that I carried with me all the time whenever I'm travelling. I wiped my mouth and gargled with water that I carried from the plane. Funny thing is that I found the bus station that headed for Bradford. It came in about 5 minutes to board up new passengers. 

I hasitly got on and finally I could relax with ease. Now, I had to sit in one place for 6 hours. 

I arrived in Bradford around 2:00am in the morning. Apparently, it was snowing really hard. It was a blizzard out here. There was no one on the streets not even a taxi or bus was near by. 

 I had no options but to start walking to the Malik's fortress. I walked kilometres after kilometres with the blizzard and my luggage in hand I decided to sit down on a near by bus bench. I kind of didn't like the atmosphere because the smell of weed tingling my noise. I scrunched it but my nose was frozen solid to even scrunch it. How am I ever going to get to Zayn's place if I'm walking at snail's pace?

Out of the blue, a gang of guys were walking my way.I tried to get up but my luggage wheel got stuck at the edge the curb of a piece of ice. As they approached me I felt uncomfortable. They all ganged around me. One of them whistled at me. 

"Hey there beautiful, what's a chick like you doing here in the middle of the night?" the person asked. I gulped and whimpered. They all smelt of weed, and alcohol. 

"How about I show you were my place is. I'll take you home," the other said. They all snickered. One of them grabbed my arm and I started to scream for help. 

"SHUT UP HOE!" One shouted. 

"HEY JERKS! LEAVE THE GIRL ALONE!" A mysterious voice from the dark bellowed. The guys all searched for the voice but no one was there. The guy approached them bulked up and looking tough. They all got scared and scrammed. Among all the snow which blurred my vision I saw a familiar face. I took a glimpse at that mysterious person. He had hazel eyes. 


Hey guys hoped you enjoyed that accidental cliffhanger. It wasn't suppose to end there. I had to go to tutor and ppl wanted an update so I was like alrite here you go! Hoped u enjoyed it! Plze vote comment and red plze? I wonder who this mysterious person was> guesses anyone? ;)

Thanks for all your support. Love y'all very much!

Luv~ The author :) 

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