The New Beta(Liam Dunbar Fanf...

By Teenwolfmccallpack

146K 1.9K 469

Alyssa McCall is Scott McCall's little sister. You know, the True Alpha who is always running into trouble? W... More

The Dark Moon(pt.1)
The Dark Moon(pt.2)
The Benefactor(pt.1)
The Benefactor(pt.2)
Another Day(bonus chapter pt.1)
Authors Note :(
Stuck In Between(bonus chapter pt.1)
Stuck In Between(bonus chapter pt.2)
Stuck In Between(bonus chapter pt.3)
Pain and Forgiveness(bonus chapter)
Author's Note
A Bit of Love
~I'm Alive Guys~

Another Day(bonus chapter pt.2)

6.9K 91 26
By Teenwolfmccallpack

I told her everything that had happened the past night and this morning. I explained how I just felt something snap inside my head, causing me to shift... Like an immense burst of anger that came out of nowhere.

"I don't know what caused it, I-," I trailed off as I heard a familiar voice whisper my name; a voice I haven't heard in a while, that instantly put me on edge because she was supposed to be dead. That's right, it was Allison's voice.

"How could you Alyssa?," I heard her whisper/hiss. "How could you let me die? WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE ME?"

I flinched. "I-I'm sorry." I jerked my head around the room, trying to find where Allison was at.

"Al, what are you talking about? What are you sorry for?," I heard Stiles ask, but I wasn't listening. I had centered all of my attention on Allison's voice that had surrounded me.

"You will PAY!," she screeched in my ear as splitting pain shot through my whole body, causing me to scream and fall off the couch, curling myself into a ball. It felt like I was being stabbed by thousands of knives throughout my whole body. It disappeared after a moment, but then just as soon as it left, it came back twice as hard, causing me to give off another ear-splitting scream that quickly turned into loud whimpers, the pain being to much for me to scream.

"Alyssa what's wrong?," I heard Scott's voice echo.

"Lyss, talk to us," Liam's voice echoed a moment later, but I whimpered louder in response.

"Allison," I whispered, slowly blacking out as I thought I saw her standing in front of me, an emotionless look plasted on her face and a knife in her hands that was covered in blood.

I wonder what was is those energy drinks...
I felt like there were multiple knives stabbing me everywhere, and a choking amount of fear, horror, and sadness washed over me, even though I know it wasn't mine. It had to be Alyssa's feelings and pain. I don't know how, but it is; I just know it.

To top it off, I watched as Alyssa passed out, freaking me out even more. I immediately rushed over to see what was wrong before Lydia pushed me back.

"Don't," she warned me, but looked at Scott and Stiles to, letting them know to back up. "I've got this. She's not dead, but I need to figure out what's wrong." She walked over to where Alyssa was lying and crouched next to her. She grabbed Alyssa's wrist gently and held 2 fingers up to the spot where you can feel a persons pulse. "Her pulse is starting to get faint," she rushed out in a panic. "I think she had to of been poisoned or something. We need to take her to Deaton, now!"

Scott nodded numbly, still staring at his sister as he began walking towards her. It was then I realized he was going to carry her I stopped him. "No, let me do it please," I begged.

He stared at me for a moment before he shook his head. "No, she is my sister and could be dying. I've got it. Now go home Liam."

I growled, feeling my anger building up, my claws and fangs both growing. I'm pretty sure my eyes were glowing gold as well. "No, Scott. You don't understand. I NEED to carry her, to hold her and make sure she is safe and that she won't die. I don't know why or how, but I have this pull towards her and I feel like I need to protect her." And to always have her with me. That I want to make her laugh and smile, and never want to see her upset. I want to kiss her and hold her all the time; to love her even though we are only 15, I thought. I had finally voiced my feelings about Alyssa, though not all of them because I still don't get along with Scott or Stiles to well and they don't need to know all of it. Like the fact that I have an undeniable pull, a connection, to her.

"Guys, just shut up," Stiles butted in. "She could be dying. Scott, just let the kid carry her. It's not like it will do any harm to her." Scott glared slightly at him, then sighed and nodded. I crouched down as Lydia stood, and gently slid my right arm under Alyssa's legs, and my left around her shoulders, pleasant tingles running through me like they do every time we touch. Gosh, I sound like a girl. I slowly stood, clutching my girlfriend in my arms. I took a deep breath, inhaling her amazing scent of wild strawberries, marshmallows, and chocolate.

"Let's go," Scott muttered, walking towards the door. "And make sure you don't hit her head when walking out, or getting in the jeep." I growled at him again, wanting to punch him for saying that. I would never hurt her! Maybe someone else, but not her. The though of even harming a single hair on her head repulsed me.

Wait, what?

Normally that kind of thing wouldn't bother me, especially if my anger would get the best of me. Yea, I would feel guilty after it, but I used to get in a lot of fights and beat the crap out of the person I was fighting against.

"C'mon, Liam," Lydia called out, pulling me out of my thoughts, an making me realize I was indeed staring at Alyssa. "We need to hurry, and staring at her won't get us to Deaton's any faster."

"Sorry," I mumbled, quickly walking out of the door and heading over to Stiles' crappy, blue jeep. I hopped into the backseat, Alyssa still clutched against my chest, and Lydia got in beside me. Scott jumped into the passenger seat, Stiles into the drivers' seat, and we were off. I nuzzled my face into her neck, breathing deeply, trying to calm myself down.

The first minute of the car ride was silent, no one wanting to say anything.

Suddenly Alyssa started gasping for breaths, small whimpers emitting from her. I jerked my head up, and it was then I noticed that the veins in her neck and arms had darkened to a navy blue and were bulging out.

"Uh, Scott," I asked, staring with wide eyes as I still held her close, concern evident in my voice. "W-What's going on?"

He looked back to us an sucked in a sharp breath when he noticed his sister's condition. "Stiles hurry up!," Scott demanded.

"What, why-," Stiles started asking, trying to look at Alyssa, but Scott cut him off.

"Please just hurry!"

Alyssa kept gasping for breath as we sped down the road and reached Deaton's in record time, maybe a little bit faster than when I needed the wolfsbane removed from my body just last night.

"C'mon lets go," Scott rushed, both him and Stiles jumping out of the car the moment we parked, Stiles ripping the keys from the ignition. I clambered out of the backseat after Lydia, careful not to hit Alyssa's head on the car. We all rushed inside, calling out for Deaton. He stepped out a moment later, a surprised, but worried look on his face.

His eyes searched the group until they landed on me holding Alyssa.

"Come," he told us, stepping into the same room he works on animals and us werewolves. "We need to get her on the table so I can see what's wrong." He reached to grab her from me, and to everyone's surprise, I growled at him, baring my teeth in warning so he wouldn't take her from me. He flinched back before a look of realization and understanding crossed his face, confusing us all. "Liam," he calmly spoke, spreading his hands out, palms spread, like you would to let an animal know you're not a threat. "I'm gonna need you to set Alyssa down on the table. You can stay next to her, but I need to look at her."

As he said this Alyssa gasps started getting deeper and quicker, letting us know we were running out of time. I quickly, but gently, set Alyssa on the metal table, but instead of letting her go, I gripped her right hand.

"It's wolfsbane," Deaton concluded, looking at her veins. "By the looks of it, she had consumed a lot of it. We need it out of her blood system before it kills her. I need Lydia and Stiles to try and hold Liam back. Scott, grab her right forearm." I watched as Scott grabbed her arm, and felt Lydia and Stiles grab my arms without questioning Deaton. I instantly snapped at them, not wanting to leave my girlfriend's side.

"Liam, you need to let go of her hand and slide back," Lydia told me in a gentle but firm voice. "Unless you want her to die, you need to back up." I quickly did as she said, both her and Stiles gripping my arms tighter.

"Ready Scott?," Deaton asked. Scott nodded and both of them griped Alyssa's arms, the snapping of her bone echoing, blood oozing out of her arms. She shot up screaming, and I felt her pain shoot up my forearms, though I imagine it was only a fraction of what she was feeling. Like I said, I don't know how I knew it was hers, but it was. I flinched slightly, before snarling and seeing red, wanting to kill the people hurting Alyssa. I struggled against Stiles and Lydia's grip, breaking free. Deaton looked up and saw that my fangs and claws were out, my teeth bared and preparing to kill them both.

"Scott," Deaton warned. "Use you're alpha powers and get him to shift back, I can get the remaining wolfsbane out of her system."

I lunged forward not even a second after Deaton had stopped speaking, the moment Scott roared. I'm guessing it was supposed to make me shift back, but I was too mad for it to affect me, the rage from seeing the girl I love-I'm pretty sure I love her- being hurt too strong. I went to claw Scott's face, but he grabbed my hand just in time, then gripped onto my other one just in case. He backed me up and slammed me into a wall as I continued to struggle, snarling viciously.

I continued snapping at him until a light voice shook me out my vicious state.

"Liam?," I heard a soft and weak, but beautiful, voice whisper; I felt myself calm down hearing it. I shifted back to normal and looked over Scott's shoulder to see Alyssa leaning against Stiles' chest, bandages wrapped tightly around both of her forearms. Her eyelids were starting to close from tiredness, due to blood loss from trying to remove the wolfsbane. The thought made my anger boil again, and I wanted to rip apart the person who poisoned her. "Liam?," she whispered again while rubbing her eye with her right knuckles, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I pushed Scott off of me, and walked over to her. "Yea, Lyss?"

She just spread her arms wide open in response. I quickly reacted, wrapping my muscular arms around her waist as hers wrapped around the back of my neck. I stuffed my face into the crook of her neck, breathing her amazing scent of wild strawberries, marshmallows, and chocolate in deeply, and enjoying the feeling of her in my arms, spreading amazing tingles throughout my whole body.

"Not to interrupt," Lydia drawled out. "But we need to figure out how Al got poisoned with wolfsbane."

"She's right," Deaton told us. "Have any of you noticed anything strange lately? Something that could of held a large amount of wolfsbane?"

"No-," Stiles suddenly cut off. "Wait! I think I know what it was!"

"Then why don't you tell us dear Stiles," Alyssa mumbled sarcastically in a fake British accent, turning herself in my arms to where her back was against my chest. "I would like to know where the poison that almost killed me was located."

"I think it was the energy drinks I gave you," Stiles informed her. "They had just appeared in my car yesterday afternoon, but I thought I had bought them and forgot about it since I drink so many, along with taking adderall, to stay awake during the night. The thing is though, I now know I didn't buy them."

"That could be it," Deaton replied with a thoughtful expression on his face. "Are the cans still here?"

"They should be," Alyssa mumbled, rubbing her eyes again and yawning. "Maybe on the medical table?"

Deaton walked over an scanned the table filled with the medical supplies before grabbing 4 cans off of it.

"You drank 4 energy drinks?," I questioned her in shock.

She lightly nodded her head, turning and looking up at me. "I was trying to stay awake to keep watch over you but I had already drunk them all by about 2 in the morning."

I nodded against the back of her head when she looked forward again, as we all went silent again, watching as Deaton pulled out 4 long q-tips, one for each can. He suck one of them into the first can, checking all over the sides. After a minute, he pulled it out, the end covered in a sticky looking, purple powder. He did the same with the other three cans, getting the same result every time. Deaton looked back at us with a grim look on his face after aligning the q-tips in front of their cans.

"Well it's definitely wolfsbane," he informed us. "And by the amount of residue still left in the cans, quite a bit was put in there. An assassin was most likely the one to do this, re-sealing the can after dumping wolfsbane into it, obviously hoping it would kill one of you. Luckily though, you had emptied some of it out of your body, Alyssa, when you had thrown up, and the rest was removed by Scott and I. We need to watch out for these assassins, they can be very clever."

Alyssa just nodded, a yawn escaping her lips.

"Oh, and one more thing," Deaton said quickly, causing me to tighten my arms around Alyssa. "Don't worry, it's nothing bad. I just wanted to ask Liam and Alyssa a few questions. Is that ok?"

"Sure, I don't see why not," I replied, then looked down at Alyssa. "Is it ok with you, Lyss?"

"Yea, sure," she mumbled, exhaustion clear in her voice.

"Ok, good," Deaton nodded. "Now let's start with the questions. Do you both feel tingles when you touch, like a powerful connection between you 2?"

"Yes," Alyssa and I answered simultaneously.

"Do you feel like killing whoever hurt Liam, Alyssa? I know Liam feels this way, we witnessed it moments earlier," Deaton added.

"Yea," she mumbled.

"Do you feel each other's pain or emotion when it's strong in the other?"

"I know I did," I informed him. "It just started today."

"I'm pretty sure it was your anger I felt earlier, Liam," Alyssa looked up at me. "I wasn't anywhere near mad when I woke up with crushing pain in my arms, but after a moment I felt anger rush through me, and I knew it wasn't my own."

"Ok, there is a little more to it, but you both are experiencing the signs of those who are soul mates, mates for short," Deaton told us. "It occurs as rarely as becoming a true alpha does, and similarly, just occurs for werewolves, whether bitten or born. But in your case, for 2 bitten werewolves. You were paired together by fate, and the touch of another will repulse you. You will have the urge to always be around each other, to protect one another as we have seen. It is almost inevitable that you will end up together unless you reject each other, which could be extremely detrimental and deadly, but I don't foresee that happening."

A bond makes us like each other? Really? I thought it was more than that...

"So you're saying that we like each other because of a bond?," Alyssa questioned, echoing my previous thoughts, somewhat confused and annoyed. "Because I'm pretty sure that's not why I like him."

"No, I'm not saying that at all," Deaton explained. "You both began to like each other before Liam was bitten, correct?"

"Well, yea," Alyssa replied. "But-"

"It helped establish the connection," he told her. "You balance each other out, and liked each other previously, helping create the bond. The bond causes your love for each other to be so much stronger than the normal relationship, and is everlasting."

"Basically they were a perfect combination, thus creating some bond that binds them together for eternity?," Stiles butted in, somewhat sarcastic.

"I don't like this," Scott shook his head. "I don't like this one bit! She's my baby sister!"

"Shut up Scott, it doesn't matter whether you like it or not," she mumbled, yawning. "And I'm not a baby..."

She trailed off, her breathing soft, signifying she fell asleep, her back pressed against me and her head turned to where her face was pressed into the crook of my neck.

Oh how I just wanted to press her against the table- I need to stop thinking about that. I don't need my arousal being noticed.

Wait, what about her blood loss?

"Is she going to be ok?," I rushed out, hugging her tighter to me. "She lost a lot of blood and-"

"She will be fine," Deaton reassured. "Her body just needs rest and her supernatural healing will restore the blood quickly. It will take less than a day"

"Good," I breathed out, then kissed the top of her head.

"Well I should probably take her home," Scott told us, reaching to grab Alyssa, but I stopped him with a growl to which he glared at me for. "I get that you 2 are soul mates, or whatever, but that doesn't mean you growl at me for trying to take her home."

I growled again in response, my eyes glowing gold.

"Scott, keep in mind what I said," Deaton warned. "Because of their bond, they will naturally be more protective of one another. And also add to the fact that someone tried to kill her, making Liam more on edge."

"Not to mention you and Deaton both crushed her forearms," Lydia added, and I growled at the last part. "Even if it was to help her, he felt and saw her in pain."

"Ugh!," Scott shouted. "I need to get her home before our mother flips though."

"I can come with you guys, but leave after she gets in her bed," I suggested.

"No-," Scott started to argue, but Stiles butted in.

"Just let the kid do it," he told Scott, slapping him on the chest with the back of his hand. "I doubt you'll be able to take her from him without him trying to rip your hand off, so this is the best offer you've got."

"Fine," Scott mumbled. "Go get in the jeep."

I did as he said after saying goodbye to Deaton, not wanting to argue anymore.

The car ride was silent until Lydia broke the ice, only talking to me.

"I think you are good for her. A perfect combination in an imperfect world," she whispered. "But if you hurt her, I will rip your balls out and shove them down your throat because she is a sister to me."

I nodded quickly. "I promise I will try not to hurt her. I can't promise I won't make mistakes with her, but I will do my best not to."

She nodded, seemingly satisfied with my response. A moment later we were at the McCall's house. I said a quick goodbye to Lydia and Stiles before heading inside, cradling Alyssa closer to me. Her and Scott's mom walked over to the door a moment later.

"Where have you and your sister been?," Mrs. McCall asked. "It's 11:30 and you know how worried I get when you get home pretty late without calling me."

It's 11:30 already?

"I'm sorry mom, we were just at the vet clinic with Deaton, but we're home now," Scott replied.

"It's fine, and hello Liam," she turned to me. "How are you?"

"I'm fine," I told her. "Just came in to carry Alyssa to her room because she fell asleep."

"Well, thank you," she smiled, then turned back to Scott. "I'm going to bed, goodnight, love you."

"Night mom, love you too," Scott responded. "Take her upstairs to her room. I'm going to bed, and don't try anything because I will know if you do."

He's not gonna watch me like a wolf stalking its prey? Pun intended.
How unexpected, but oh well...

"Got it," I replied, following him up the stairs, then turned into Al's room as he kept going till he reached his. I walked over to Alyssa's bed, and gently set her down, pulling the covers on her. I sat down next to her bed, not wanting to leave just yet, and held one of her hands in mine. I laid my head on the edge of the mattress, closing my eyes and falling into a dreamless sleep with one thought drifting into my head right before:

I hope Scott doesn't kill me in the morning...

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