Scarlet Spider Male reader X...

By AnthonyDobbs1

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In this story you are the son of Natasha Romanoff a.k.a Black Widow & James 'Bucky' Barnes a.k.a the Winter S... More

Character Bio/Information on Y/N (Updated)
Chapter 1: Captain America Winter Soldier Prologue
Chapter 2: Washington D.C
Chapter 3: Resuce Mission
Chapter 4: Captain America Museum
Chapter 5: The Man With The Metal Arm
Chapter 6: The Death of Nick Fury
Chapter 7: Meeting With Pierce
Chapter 8: Escaping S.H.I.E.L.D
Chapter 9: Fugitives
Chapter 10: Y/N's Father
Chapter 11: Getting Some Answers
Chapter 12: Help From A Friend
Chapter 13: Jasper Sitwell
Chapter 14: Learning The Truth
Chapter 15: Old Memories
Chapter 16: An Overdue Talk
Chapter 17: The Price Of Freedom
Chapter 18: Taking Down HYDRA
Chapter 19: Father Vs. Son
Chapter 20: The Truth Is...
Chapter 21: Uncovering The Past
Chapter 22: Avengers Age of Ultron Prologue
Chapter 23: Finding The Scepter
Chapter 24: A Strange Connection
Chapter 25: Party Time
Chapter 26: We'll Lose
Chapter 27: Mind Games
Chapter 28: The Safe House
Chapter 29: The Plan
Chapter 30: Dealing With Ultron
Chapter 31: The Vision
Chapter 32: The Battle Begins
Chapter 33: The Battle of Sokovia
Chapter 34: Avengers...
Chapter 35: Captain America Civil War Prologue
Chapter 36: Lagos
Chapter 37: The Sokovia Accords
Chapter 38: Team Debate
Chapter 39: Finding The Soldier
Chapter 40: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 41: The Escape
Chapter 42: Bringing The Team Together
Chapter 43: The Devil of Hell's Kitchen & The Spider of Queens
Chapter 44: Team Cap Vs. Team Iron-Man
Chapter 45: The Raft
Chapter 46: Getting Backup
Chapter 47: Father & Son Team Up
Chapter 48: Going To Wakanda
Chapter 49: Avengers Infinity War Prologue
Chapter 51: Attack On New York
Chapter 52: Going Home
Chapter 53: Only Two
Chapter 54: The Battle of Wakanda
Chapter 55: The Snap
Chapter 56: The Aftermath
Chapter 57: Finding Thanos
Chapter 58: Avengers Endgame Prologue
Chapter 59: Living A Normal Life
Chapter 60: A Second Chance
Chapter 61: Prepping For The Mission
Chapter 62: Whatever It Takes
Chapter 63: New York 2012
Chapter 64: Asgard 2013
Chapter 65: Morag 2014
Chapter 66: New Jersey 1970
Chapter 67: Vormir 2014
Chapter 68: Everyone Comes Home
Chapter 69: Thanos Is Back
Chapter 70: Avengers... Assemble!
Chapter 71: I am The Scarlet Spider
Chapter 72: Healing In Wakanda
Chapter 73: Waking up
Chapter 74: Returning The Stones
Chapter 75: Epilogue
Chapter 76: Passing The Mantle (Alternative Ending)
Chapter 77: The Death of The Scarlet Spider (Alternative Ending 2.0)

Chapter 50: Something's Coming

3.6K 53 4
By AnthonyDobbs1

(Edinburgh, Scotland. April, 2018. Y/N's age: 20)

Y/N's P.O.V

I wake up in a cold sweat and my head is in pain as my spider sense has been hurting me for the past few days.

I woke up from a nightmare, one I've been having since the spider sense pains started. I keeping seeing the same purple figure I saw in the vision I had three years ago.

But in this dream he snaps his fingers and a blinding white light appears.

When I close my eyes for a moment and see it again.

I open my eyes again hoping I'd stop seeing that.

After that I look over to the other side of the bed as see that Wanda is still asleep, which makes me happy as it's good that one of us can get some sleep.

I lean over and move some of her hair out of her face as she is trying to blow it out of her face in her sleep. I then lean down and kiss her cheek.

I then get out of bed and put on shorts and a t-shirt. I go into the bathroom and splash some water on my face to cool me down.

After that I head back into our room and open the curtains and see that it's still raining outside.

My spider sense then goes off again.

Y/N: Ahh! What the hell is happening to me?

Wanda: Are you okay babe?

I look over and see Wanda is awake and sitting up in bed.

Y/N: Sorta.

She gets up and comes over to me.

I cringe in pain as my spider sense is going off again.

Wanda puts her hands on my face.

Wanda: Is it Peter? Is he in trouble?

I shake my head.

Y/N: No, it's not Peter. I called him when this started happening and he's all good, it's something else. I just can't shake this feeling that I have right now, Something's coming Wanda, I just don't know what.

I grab one of her hands and put it on my forehead.

Y/N: Tell me what you feel?

Wanda uses her powers to look inside my head to see what's wrong.

She then smiles at me.

Wanda: I just feel you babe.

I smile at this, especially as thanks to help from mum Wanda barely has a Sokovian accent now, mum helped with her and Pietro with this so they could blend in more. And because it made me feel more loved than ever.

(A/N: Now I'm not sure if this is something Natasha did with Wanda but I heard that this did happen during their time on the run. So I added it in as I thought it made sense.)

I then put my hands on her face and kiss her.

After we pull away Wanda grabs my hand.

Wanda: Come on, let's go out for a walk, that might make you feel better.

I nod.

Y/N: Yeah, okay.

(Thirty minutes later)

After walking around for a bit we finally stop outside a restaurant.

Wanda: I love being here with you, but we both know it's time to head back to the other's.

Y/N: Yeah, about that.

Wanda: What is it?

Y/N: Well, I was thinking what if we didn't go back right away? Like what if we stayed here for a bit longer, just the two of us?

She smiles.

Wanda: Y/N, I'd love nothing more that to do that, but you know we can't. We made a promise.

Y/N: Yeah I know, I know we did. I just... I just want to spend as much quality time with you as possible. I just want to stay here with you for two more days, three tops.

I breathe in.

Y/N: Look, Wanda, for the past two years you and I have been spending these small amounts of quality time together to see if we could continue to make this work. And I think it has.

She and I both chuckle at this.

Wanda: Yeah, it works.

I smile.

Y/N: And I'm not trying to be selfish. I'm really not. I just want to be like this with you as long as I possible can.

I hold her hands in mine.

Y/N: Because when I'm with you like this, I feel like the best version of myself.

She laughs.

Y/N: (Smiling) Sorry, I know it sounds cheesey, but it's true.

Wanda: Sorry baby, I'm not laughing at you, it's just that's the sweetest and most adorable thing anyone has ever said to me.

She puts her hands on my face.

Wanda: But right now we need to get back to the other's. Don't worry though. Once we go back after a few weeks we can come back here for longer. I promise.

I nod.

Y/N: Yeah, okay.

She smiles and looks confused by something behind me. I turn to see Vision standing there.

Vision: Sorry to interrupt.

Y/N: Vis, what are you doing here? What's going on?

Vision: I need your help.

Vision goes one to tell us that he's been have trouble with mind stone and that it's warning him of something, in a smiliar way that my spider sense has been doing it.

I then tell the two about the dreams I've been having of the purple figure snapping his fingers.

Vision: Y/N do you see anything else in these dreams?

I shake my head.

Y/N: Nah, I always wake up after the blinding light.

Vision starts thinking then Wanda starts talking.

Wanda: We should get you two back to the other's and let them know about this.

Vis and I nod and as we're about to walk off we see a news report of aliens attacking New York and that Tony Stark is missing.

Wanda: What are they?

Vision: They're what the stone was warning me about.

Y/N: And my spider sense.

Before we could talk anymore Vision gets stabbed in the back.

Vision: Ahhhhh!

Vis then gets dropped to the floor.

Before Wanda and I can do anything the two aliens attack us and send us into a store window.

We get up and see the aliens trying to pull the mind stone out of Vision's head.

I shot them with my webs to pin them down.

Y/N: Wanda, we've gotta get Vis outta here.

She nods and uses her powers to grab him and fly off and over some buildings. I web zip and follow them and when I land I see the two hiding.

Wanda is stitching up Vision's wounds.

I look to her.

Y/N: Ya know. I'm starting to think we shoulda stayed in bed.

She smiles.

Vis then moves us out of the way and attacks the male alien.

I see that Vis is up on the roof I go to help him whilst Wanda dealing with the other alien.

After I knocking the alien away Vision uses the stone to shot a beam of energy at him.

He manages to block it with his staff and send it back and Vis and I.

As we're getting beaten Wanda shows up and takes him down.

Wanda then takes off and we go off balance and go flying down into the train station, but manages to create a force field around us to protect from the fall.

We get up and help Vision and lean him up against the railing.

Vision: You both have to leave, now.

Y/N: No, we're not leaving you. That's not what we do remember?

The two aliens then show up behind.

I look to Wanda.

Y/N: You keep Vis safe, I'll deal with these two.

I tighten my web shooters and get ready for the fight.

I then notice one of the aliens see something.

Once the train goes past we see a figure standing there.

The female alien throws her staff at the figure, but they catch it.

The figure moves into the light and I see that it's Cap standing there. I smile at this.

Sam then comes flying in and takes the female alien out.

Steve then throws the staff to mum, who I see running towards us.

Mum fights then stabs the other alien and knocks him down.

The staff flies out of mum's hand and before mum gets hit I jump and roll in there and grab the staff on the floor and block her attack.

After teaming up with mum to take her down Cap comes in kicks her to the ground.

Sam, mum, Steve and I go over to them. Sam has his Uzi's pointed at 'em.

Female alien: Get up.

Male alien: I can't.

Natasha: We don't want to kill you, but we will.

Female alien: You'll never get the chance again.

She activates a beam that sucks the two up into a space ship and takes the staff I was holding with them.

After the ship flies off we got to check on Vis.

Sam: Can you stand?

Sam and Wanda help Vis to his feet.

Vision: Thank you Captain.

Steve nods.

Steve: Let's get you back to the jet.

We all head back to the quinjet. Once we get back there Wanda and I have a reunion with Pietro, who stayed behind to keep the quinjet running.

Sam then goes to the pilot's seat and takes off.

Natasha: Alright you two, I thought we had an agreement. Stay close, check in when you can and don't take any chances.

Wanda: Sorry, we just wanted more time.

Y/N: Look mum, this is my fault. Don't blame Wanda. I'm the one who made the call to stay for longer and not check in.

Mum shakes her head and sits down.

Sam: Where to Cap?

Steve: Home.

Sam then flies us back to the Avengers compound in Upstate New York.

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