Vanished Into Thin Air

By BeeHappySisi123

603 0 3

When Sammantha's family moves to a clique little town. Not is all that it seems. After finding a ghost who li... More

Vanished Into Thin Air
Vanished Into Thin Air, Chapter 3
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 4
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 5
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 6
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 7
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 8
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 9
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 10
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 11

Vanished Into Thin Air, Chapter 2

92 0 0
By BeeHappySisi123

The Clueless Ghost

"Is that you?" I asked him, I wondered how he got this picture, and why he was in it.

"Yes, this is me. This picture was of me in my mother's favorite place, her meadow. We found it when we moved down here; we would go there every Sunday. I look so... so....happy." He said, I looked at his face and it appeared like he was in a far away place, remembering that moment. I sat next to him on my bed, he slowly looked up at me and tears began to fill his see-though green eyes. I started at the sad ghost, he looked like he was real, but why was he here, was he looking for his mother here or, maybe someone to remind him of his mother. Did I remind him of his mother? I looked at him again; as I did a tear rolled off of his cheek and hit my pants. He stared at the small mark that was left on my pant from his tear, and then he looked strong and confident. "My name is David Antown, I lived here since I was 16 years old, this was my house before your father moved in, I need you to help me find out how I got like this I don't even know how I got like this. One morning I woke up and I looked in the mirror and I was see-though and my parents where died. I need to know how I got like this." His voice was shaky like he was about to burst into tears any minute.

 "My name is Samantha Colden, but I like to be called Sam. I moved forced to move here, to tell you the truth I never even wanted to come here. But Mom wanted to be closer to Dad, so I had to come because I'm not a legal adult yet. I well help you to find out what happened to you and your parents, but first I need you to find my text books."

 "Thank you for being willing to help me, and your text books are over there." He pointed to the corner near the door, and there they where perfectly stacked. "I like your room. Did you just move from England or something?"

 "No, I moved here from Florida, but I did live in England until I was six then we moved to Florida. So you're basically a clueless ghost?"

 "I see, well I also could not help but notice that you where attending Localville High School. Well, I was thinking the school is not to far from here and I was wondering if you would like to walk with me. And yes I am a clueless ghost." He flashed me a gorgeous smile.

 "Um," I was stunted by how perfect he looked, but I was soon remembering the fact that he was a ghost. "I would love to walk with you but you're a ghost. You can't go to school all transparent." Again he smiled at me.

"All right I'll be waiting on your door step in the doorstep in the morning waiting for you." He said, and then chuckled to himself. I fell back on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Me, and Jamie always use to do this at sleep over. We would just lay there silent and stare at the ceiling. He soon fell back on my bed too, and then I began to cry a little. "What's wrong?" He voice was worried. Was he worried that I was sad? Why would he care? I just a person that agreed to help him, I was like the dorky study guide that was helping the most popular guy in the school.

"It's nothing," I assured him. "I just miss my best friend that's all."

"Oh, I'm sorry if it makes you feel better all of my friends are died." I laugh then realized it was true; all of his friends had to be died if he was up in the attic all this time.

 "I'm sorry; it must be hard not to have anyone to talk too." I told him, and then I imagined that Jamie was died, and how sad I would be if that happened.

 "Well," He said his voice sounded a little happier than before. "I don't have any one to talk to, if you don't count yourself."

 "Oh, well that's true you can always talk to me, and I most likely will have a ton of free time on my hands"

"Why do you say that?"

"I'm not always the most popular girl at my school, last year in the yearbook for the juniors' awards section I was voted the best wall flower in the sophomore class."

 "Every one is popular in Localville." He said there was a little bitterness in his voice. "So, tell me how did you end up like this, or describe the first time you saw your self."

 "Ok, well I woke up thinking it was going to be like any other day, nothing special, nothing new. I got ready for the day then went down stairs to get breakfast. Mother would always wake up early to fix me and Father the best breakfast in the world, every morning it was different, she called it her early day surprise. When I got there, no one was in the kitchen, so guess that Mother was sick and Father had to be at work early. So, I got an apple from the fruit bowl, and began to look for my mother. I looked her bedroom, she was not there. I check the living room, she was not there either. That only left one place that she could be, her favorite room in the whole house. We changed the attic to make Mother a favorite things room, it had a sewing machine, a hammock, and the walls where painted with picture of Europe, just like your room. I went up there; 'She had to be up there' is what I thought I raced up the stair. The room was empty. I went out side to see if Father got the newspaper; it was still on the lawn. I picked it up. The headline read 'Localville couple leaves on trip to Africa' this made since, because Mother and Father where missionaries, maybe that had to go to Africa. I read the article about my parents then there where a sentence that changed my life. 'The plane was hijacked and the couple was killed.' It read, I ran in the house and locked myself in my room. But, when in my room I noticed that my refection in the mirror was seeing-though. I looked down at my hand and saw all the way to the floor. I went up to Mother favorite things room and stayed there."

 "So how did you know that I was coming?"

 "Well when your father bought the house he started putting boxes in the attic, many boxes. Then he started to take those boxes and empty them. Soon, he began to unpack things in my old room. I went down there and saw your room, there where pictures every where. Then, you came for Christmas. I remember the emption on your face when you saw snow, then you ran out side in pajamas and your mother yelled at you to get a jacket on, but yet you still ran up and down the street singing 'Jiggle Bells'." I blushed, at the thought he knew that I did that, it had to be one of my most embarrassing moments of my life and he, the beautiful ghost, saw me do it. He lay on his side and stared at my face. "Why are you blushing?" There was a bet of sarcasm in his voice. I rolled around on the bed until my face was covered by my polka-dotted blanket. "Oh my!" He exclaimed. Was there something on my butt or the back of my shirt I was not aware of?

"What is it?" I asked and quickly sat up and faced him. He motioned toward the clock. I looked at it, then I was in shock it was all ready six o' clock.

 "Well, I should be getting back up to the attic." He said and then with a chuckle he said "See you in the morning." Next thing I knew I was standing in the room alone. I turned on my purple laptop and sat on the end of my bed. I logged onto my e-mail and thanked God that Jaime didn't write me anything yet. I typed up a quick letter before she got mad at me for not writing to her. Dear Jaime, My first day back has been very uneventful. My dad put my text book in the creepy old attic, and I had to get them. Oh, and that's not the worst part my parent can't keep there hands off each other since we got here, it's so gross. The only thing good about this day it that my room is awesome it has a beanie that looks over a garden. I wish you could see it; it has to be the best bedroom in history. Also another good thing that happened today is I meet a guy that goes to Localville High (no joke that the name of the high school) and he is going to walk me to school in the morning. Hope your first day back in high school is great. Wish you where here. Your best friend, Sam I hit the 'Send' button just before Mom called me down for dinner. At the dinner table Mom and Dad where staring at each other, it was very awkward no one was talking and I was the only one eating. After finishing my food, I informed my love sick parents that I was going to take a walk; they didn't even say anything they just kept staring at each other. I put on my fur coat that I never used in Florida and grabbed that map of Localville that Dad had put on the in-table in the living room. I walked to the nearest park in the center of town, it only took me ten minutes and I live on the end of town. I studied the area around the park; the school was on the left town hall on the right, the church in front of the park and the small grocery store in the back of the park. It was like the perfect small town, I pictured the morning I walked into the hallway, then before I can even take ten steps I would be greeted by the Localville head cheerleader, everyone will have a smile on there face and be so happy that I moved to Localville. Great my life has now turned in a 'Brady Bunch' marathon. I sat down on the ruby red swing, the whole park sparked in the moon there was not one piece of trash on the ground, and everything looked brand new. I sat there staring up at the stars, and then I hear a sound that was like someone was running toward me or something. Then that someone grab my shoulders. I gasp, so the perfect small town had a convict that came out at night.

 "Hello." The handsome voice greeted me. I turned around to see that it was David standing there with a smile on his face like he was going to laugh in my face any moment.

 "God, David you scared my half to death. I thought you where like a scalper or something!" I yelled at him, and then he started laughing.

" should have seen your face." He laugh so hard fell on the ground; I got off the swing, bent down on the ground and flicked him on his forehead. "

That's what you get for scaring me." I snapped back up and sat on the swing. In a blink of an eye he was standing in front of me.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He's expression on his face was soft and gently, but there was a hint of a smile at the corners of his mouth. I did not wish to even look at him I twisted the swing so that I was looking away from his face. But, he had different plans; he untwisted the chains of the swing that gave me a sudden jerk. I almost fell out of the swing, his hidden smile made it self noticeable. I anger rushed over me, I stood up and sat on a bench, and I even kicked my feet up so that he could not sit next to me. He gently removed my feet, but I quickly kicked them back up. "You're very stubborn aren't you?" He asked staring at my feet trying to find a way to make that space empty so he could sit next to me and try to make me understand that it was just too funny not to laugh. I nodded, try not to say a word, I wanted him to think I was to mad to even utter a simply 'yes'. "I can see what you are trying to do and it's not working. Really Sam I probable old enough to be your great-great-grandparent's father and went to High school I know the entire book of tricks teenager play to make people think they are mad at them."

 "But I am mad at you." I whispered hoping he would not here, but he did. I could hear him sigh, as he tried to get my attention.

 "I told you I'm sorry. I saw the letter you wrote to Jamie and I was thinking you should meet me out side the house so that if your parent asks you who I am then you can say that you meet me at the park."

 "That would be a good idea but my parents are having a love feast in the house right now. I even walked in on them making out, I mean tongue in the others mouth making out it was so gross."

"Well think of it this way, if you have not seen your husband for about a year would you like to have some only time with him?"

 "Ya, I guess so but they were making out in the living room, I thought we had bedrooms as that we can do stuff that would normal gross a person out."

 "Well, maybe they forgot that you where there. I remember when ever it was my parents' anniversary they would give me money to purges items the whole day out side of the house. I enjoyed that very much, because I could do what I wanted to do and I had money to do it."

 "I guess your right. Are you always right?"

 "Pretty much." He said with a smile. I couldn't help but smile back; it looked like I was going to have at least one friend this school year, even though he was a ghost.

 "Well, I guess we should probable head back." I got up off the bench, and started walking back to the place that I was now suppose to call home. I fallowed me all the way home like a shadow. I go stood on the doorstep and looked at him, he was some far away place, his perfect land. I knew everyone had a land that they could always run away to if life gets to hard and many of the perfect lands would not have me in them, but for some unknown reason I longed to part of his perfect land. "Well, bye." I turned to open the door when he caught my hand. I looked at him confused about what he was wanted.

 "I'll see you in the morning." I he said, and then with a chuckle he vanished into thin air.

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