James Phelps love story

Bởi SpencerRiedfan24

13.6K 120 31

Based off my love for James Phelps and a dream I had. Wish he could be mine. Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 33

167 3 0
Bởi SpencerRiedfan24

(Hadaza's POV)
So I am four months pregnant now and my husband and I are packing up the car to take a two week vacation with our daughter and my in laws to Florida. We are driving down because one I don't like flying and two I don't know how well autumn will do on a plane when she is only a year and seven months. "You almost ready love?" I call to him as I'm packing last the last of autumns clothes. "I am. Cars all loaded except for the dipper bag and my beautiful wife and daughter." He says coming in and picks up autumn causing her to squeal and giggle. "Alright lets go." I say smiling and grab the dipper bag. James nods and carries her to the car as I lock up everything making sure we have what we need. I make my way to the car and rub my baby bump feeling the baby move and smile watching my husband putting our daughter in the car. "Want help love?" My husband asks me as he puts the dipper bag in. "No. I'm good." I say smiling small and get in. James gets in and starts driving to where we are going. I sit and look out the window and rub my baby bump gently and sit thinking. "You okay love?" James asks grabbing my hand. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just lost in thought." I say smiling at him gently. "Okay." He says driving. We drive for three hours then stop so we can stretch and change autumn and go to the bathroom before we switch drivers. Once we switch drivers we head back on the road and continue to our first hotel. Five hours later we arrive at our hotel in North Carolina and get into our room. James walks into our room with our sleeping daughter in his arms and gently lay her on the bed as I set our stuff on the other bed then set up her pack and play. "Let me do that love. You sit and rest." He says taking over for me. I let him and sit pulling my daughter gently onto my lap and hold her. My husband finishes setting up our daughters pack and play which I then lay her down in and cover her with her blanket then look at my husband. "Lets sit and relax while she is sleeping then if you and her are up to it we can take a walk around the town a bit before we look for some food to eat. We aren't meeting up with my parents till tomorrow night. So we have some time." He says holding me as we sit while our daughter naps. "Sounds like fun. Ooooo baby." I say rubbing my stomach feeling the baby move. "You okay?" He asks rubbing my stomach. "Baby just kicked a bit hard love." I say looking at him. "Aww I'm sorry love. You want me to get you anything?" He asks me and rubs my stomach. "No I'm good love. What you are doing now is perfect." I say smiling and lay my head against his shoulder. "Alright." He says holding me and kisses my head. I nod and let him smiling as he rubs my stomach gently. At the moment we don't know the gender of our baby but we have it written on a piece of paper the doctor gave us and we are going to share it with James parents. The only people who know are Katy and Oliver which we let them look but told them not to tell us.

An hour later our daughter woke up from her nap and stretched sitting up and look around. "Momma? Dadda?" She calls getting our attention looking for us. "Hi princess. It's okay we are right here." James says picking her up and hold her. "Dadda." She says smiling and hold him. "I know princess. I know. Do you and mommy want to go for a walk around the town and then go get some dinner?" He asks her. Autumn nods and holds him and look up at him with a smile. "Alright. What about you momma?" He asks me. "I'm up to it." I say looking at him with a smile. "Alright lets go." He says standing up and grabs our room keys and our phones then heads to the car to get her stroller and puts our daughter into it then grab my hand and locks the car and start to walk pushing the stroller. I hold his hand and walk with him smiling and look around the town. Autumn sits and looks around seeing new things and asks loads of questions causing us to smile and answer her. "Awww she's so cute. How old is she." A guy asked us seeing us walk by. I move closer to my husband a bit having a weird feeling about the guy. My husband pulls me close to him and says a random number and walks away. Autumn starts to whine getting hungry and gets scared of the guy. "Let's eat here. Someone is getting cranky." I say as we arrive at a restaurant. My husband nods and goes inside with us and we wait for a table as I take our daughter setting her on her feet and hold her hand as my husband folds up the stroller and look at both of us with a smile. I smile at him tiredly and still slightly scared having a bad feeling about the guy who asked us about our daughter. "Dadda." She whines looking up at him and makes grabby hands at him. I take the stroller from him and let him pick up his daughter as we head to our table. Autumn holds onto him and looks over his shoulder and tightens her grip on him causing him to look at her. "What baby girl?" He asks looking at her as he sets her in the high chair then takes the stroller from me. "Are you worried about that man baby girl?" I ask her sitting and rub my stomach and look at her. Autumn nods and holds onto her fathers shirt tightly and looks back. "Hey princess look at me." He coos gently and causes her to look at him. Autumn looks at him and tilts her head. "No one will hurt you. Daddy won't let anyone hurt you, mommy or your sibling. I'm going to do everything I can to protect you." He says gently stroking her hair. Autumn looks at him and smiles nods letting go of his shirt. I smile and grab a book for her as a waiter comes over and takes our drink orders then goes to put them in letting us look over the menu. Autumn plays with her book and holds it up smiling as we place our orders causing the waiter to smile. "James?" I ask looking at him. "I know love. Don't worry we will go on the other side of the street." He says kissing my hand gently causing me to nod. "Dadda." Autumn says looking at him and get his attention. "What princess?" He ask looking at her. Autumn leans over and sloppy kisses him causing me to smile and giggle at this. She really is a daddy's girl. James smiles and lets her laughing. "Thank you princess." He says kissing her nose gently and smiles. "You love daddy don't you baby girl?" I ask grabbing her hand. Autumn smiles and nods happily while looking at him. I smile as our food comes out and we eat it.

After dinner we pay and head out crossing the other side of the street and make our way back to the hotel as quick as we could while being aware of our surroundings. Once we were inside the hotel we head to our room and go inside and sigh. "Okay princess I think its pj time and story time. Sound like fun?" I ask grabbing a pair of pjs from my suit case. Autumn nods and smiles happily as she runs across the room. All I am thankful of is that we are on the first floor and away from other rooms so people won't have to complain about her squealing. James grabs hold of her and sets her on the bed as I hand him her clothes and let him change her. While my husband was changing her I head to the bathroom with my pjs and change and see how tired I am. "Guess it's going to be an early bed for me." I mutter to myself and brush my teeth then walk out to see my husband putting on a T-shirt already having his sweatpants on. "There's mommy. We weren't going to start story time without you." My husband says smiling seeing me in a pair of leggings and a maternity tank top with a sweater over it. "Aww you guys waited for me? Thank you so much." I say crawling into the bed with them and lay on my side. Autumn lays against my chest and snuggles into me looking at her father as he grabs a book and lays down next to us. Once we were all laying down and comfy my husband begins to read to us. Half way through the story I hear my tired daughter purr gently signaling she was asleep. I smile and pick her up gently and lay her in her pack and play while my husband puts her book away. "Goodnight baby girl. Sleep well." I say leaning over and kiss her head gently then make my way to the door and lock it fully then make my way back to my husband. "What time do you want to get up tomorrow?" I ask climbing into bed. "I was thinking seven in the morning. Gives us enough time to eat and get the car packed and hop on the road." He says looking at me. "Will that give us enough time to meet your parents at the hotel?" I ask him. "It will. And our check in time is not till 4 pm." He says. "Then we should leave earlier love." I say looking at him. "Get up early and leave by seven and stop for breakfast along the way?" He asks. "Yeah. We can feed Autumn in the car." I say setting my alarm for six in the morning then pack the suitcases leaving our clothes out for tomorrow. James helps me and then goes to change as I shut the curtains then check on autumn seeing her sound asleep still and smile kissing her head gently. "Ready to sleep love?" James asks as I stand up fully and kisses my head gently. "Yeah I am ready to sleep." I say crawling into the bed and lay down on my side and snuggle into him. "Both our alarms are set so we should be good tomorrow." He says holding me and kisses my head. "I love you James. You are honestly the best husband, father and friend I could ask for. I love you for that, Goodnight." I say kissing him gently. "I love you too. You, our daughter and our new baby our my everything. Love you for that. Goodnight." He says smiling and kisses my head then falls asleep after turning the lights of. I smile and fall asleep holding him.

The next morning we both wake up to our alarms going off. "Morning love. Lets get up and ready to go." I say looking at him and get up to change then gently pick our daughter up who was still sleeping and change her while my husband changes and packs up her pack and play then grabs our stuff and takes it to the car then comes back to us and heads out after making sure we have everything we brought then check. Once we checked out my husband made me get into the car while he put our sleeping daughter in the car and then gets in and starts driving to Florida. We are on the road for two hours when autumn wakes up crying getting hungry. "Alright princess. I know. We will stop in a minute to get you food." I say gently as we pull into a rest stop. James pulls into the rest stop and parks then heads inside to get us something to eat while I feed our daughter. Autumn eats her food as I sit in the back feeding her as my husband comes back with our food. "Start eating love. I'll be up front shortly. Autumn is almost done eating." I say yawning slightly as I feed her. Autumn finishes eating and stretches her body as I clean her up. Once I was done cleaning her up I get up in the front and sit in my seat. "For you." My husband says handing me my breakfast. "Thanks." I say eating it slowly and yawn tiredly. "Why don't you rest after breakfast. I'll drive for the first few hours then you can take over." He says. "That sounds like a good idea." I say eating my breakfast. Once we finished eating breakfast James gets back on the road and drives for the first few hours of the trip. I sit in the car and sleep while autumn plays with her toys in the back seat. A few hours later James pulls into a rest stop and parks so we can change drivers and to stretch especially me. I get out with my husband and take our daughter and the dipper bag and head in to go change her dipper and for me to go to the bathroom before I get behind the wheel and drive. Once I was done with that I walk out with autumn and the dipper bag and head to the car where my husband was waiting for us. "I'll put her in if you want to get yourself situated." He says taking autumn and the dipper bag then gives me the keys. I take them and get in and situate the diver seat and smile as James gets in. "Ready?" I ask starting the car and look at him. "Yep. Lets go. Also we are just going to the hotel and checking in because my parents are going to meet us there." He says as I start driving. "Okay. Ooooo." I say driving and feel the baby kick. "You okay?" He asks rubbing my stomach gently. "Yeah baby is just becoming active today." I say driving focusing on the road. James smiles and rubs my stomach gently as the baby moves around. I let him and drive enjoying the feeling of his hand on my baby bump as my daughter naps. A few hours go by and we arrive at the hotel and see my in laws waiting. I arrive and park in a spot next to them then turn the car off and get out. "Hi mom." I say hugging her. "Hi honey. Hi James." She says hugging us. "Hi mom." He says hugging them. "Lets go check in James. Then we can head inside." His father says. "Sure." James says heading in with his father leaving me, his mother and our daughter outside. "So how are you?" She asks me. "I'm great. Baby is super active." I say feeling the baby move while I stand next to the open door of the car where my daughter was asleep. "Aww." She says smiling as we talk. "Yeah. The baby is moving now." I say gently taking her hand and place it on my baby bump. "Oh wow. Baby is really active." She says smiling feeling the baby kick around. I nod and smile as Autumn wakes up and stretches. "Hi princess." I say smiling and unstrap her and pull her out gently and sit her on my hip. "Hi baby girl. Come to grandma." My mother in law says gently taking her from me seeing me struggle a bit. "Thanks. Its so hard when I am alone to have her cause I don't have hips at the moment." I say smiling and look at her. "I can see." She says smiling holding autumn as our husbands walk out. "Okay guys we got our rooms so lets load the carts and head in." James says hugging me from behind. "Kay." I say smiling and hold him. James grabs a cart and puts our stuff on it then heads inside with us and to our rooms. My in laws got an adjoining room so if we need some us time we can take Autumn over to them and let them baby sit. I open the door with Autumn on my hip then let my husband through before I set her down and let her run around. "Dadda." She says happily and holds her hands up to him as he sets our suitcases down on the bed. "Hang on princess." He says finishing what he was doing and then picks her up. I smile and unpack our clothes and put them away hearing a knock on the adjoining door causing my husband to go open it with his daughter on his hip. "Hi mom and dad." He says smiling as they come in. "Hi guys. We were planning on going out for lunch and we were wondering if you guys would like to join us." My mother in law asks. "What do you think love?" James asks turning to me. "I don't mind it." I say shrugging feeling exhausted a bit but push it off. "You know what. Love why don't you stay here and rest and I'll go out with my parents and Autumn. You are overworking yourself and I can tell." He says looking at me. "That's fine by me." I say smiling. "Alright lets go. If you need anything call me. Try and relax while we are gone love." He says smiling grabbing the dipper bag and walks out with the cart and our daughter leaving me alone. I sigh and turn on the tv putting on a tv show for background noise while I finish unpacking everything then decide to take a cat nap because I was exhausted.

Two hours go by and I am woken up to tiny little hands on my face. "No princess let momma sleep." I hear my husbands voice whisper grabbing her. "Its fine James." I say opening my eyes and stretch sitting up and yawn. "I'm sorry she woke you up." He says kissing me gently. "Its fine. How was lunch with your parents and autumn?" I ask sitting up fully and pull autumn next to me gently. "It was great. Autumn behaved very well. My parents are dying to know the gender of their grandkid. And to be honest I am too." He says crawling in next to me. "Well I was thinking that we do the gender revel tonight. Also I'm hungry." I say looking at him. "Well lucky for you I got you some food." He says pointing to the fridge. "Thanks." I say getting up and heat up the food. "Momma." Autumn whines wanting me. "I know princess but mommy is hungry and wants to eat." I say grabbing the food and eats hungry. Autumn whines crying wanting me to hold her. "Okay love bug come on calm down." James says taking her and rock her gently calming her down letting me eat. Autumn calms down and sniffles watching me still sitting on her dads lap. I sit eating feeling the baby move around a lot causing me to wince and rub my stomach. "You okay?" My husband asks concerned. "I'm fine. Baby is just super active." I say taking a breath and go back to eating. "Okay." He says still worried about me but holds autumn and plays with her. I finish eating and clean up then crawl onto the bed and lay on my side rubbing my stomach as the baby kicks around causing me to wince and breath deeply. "Okay princess. Lets go over to see grandma and grandpa." He says going to his parents room and drops her off then come over to me. I lay on my side and close my eyes breathing deeply feeling the baby move. "Love I'm worried about you." He says sitting next to me and holds my hand. "I'm fine James. The baby is just active." I say looking at him. "Love your wincing at our baby kicking and it is hurting you. I don't want you in pain while we are here. Will you please tell me if it is worse?" He says looking at me. "I will. You know with the way that baby is sitting and the activeness all these signs are pointing towards a girl." I say looking at him.

"I think so too. The same thing happened when you were pregnant with Autumn." He says stroking my hair gently and looks over my full body. "What?" I asked starting to feel self conscious about myself. "Your so beautiful love. I mean look at you." He says gently rubbing his hand over my body slowly. "I'm not." I say biting my lip and shiver slightly at the feeling. "Oh but you are my love." He says kissing each and every part of my body and compliments it. I watch him and smile feeling good about myself and giggle as he gets to my neck. "Love that tickles. You need to shave again." I say giggling and push his face away from my neck gently and look at him smiling. "But I like looking like a dog." He says looking at me with a smile. "I know you do but I don't like it." I say giggling. "Ugh fine I'll go shave." He says getting up and going to the bathroom. I smile and lay on my side rubbing my stomach waiting for him to come back as the baby kicks. "I really hope you are a girl." I say gently and rub my stomach. "Okay I am done. This better now?" My husband asks me as he walks out and shows me. "Much better. I like and know Autumn will like it as well." I say smiling and look at him as he lays down next to me. "Good." He says leaning over and kisses me gently. I smile and kiss back pulling him closer to me as best as I can. James kisses back and deepens it wanting to go further but I stop him. "We can't go farther then this right now love." I say looking at him. "I want to though." He pouts looking at me. "How bout this. Tonight when Autumn is down and we find out the gender of our baby we take this make out session further." I say looking at him and gently stroke his cheek with my thumb. "Okay. But if we do go further you need to be quiet because our daughter is sleeping in the same room as us." He says kissing my nose gently. I giggle and look at him with a smile. "Okay. Lets get out daughter back and head to the pool?" I say sitting up. "Okay lets go." He says as we walk to his parents room and tell them that we were going to head to the pool. His parents nod and agree and go get ready while we go and get ready. I set autumn on the bed and grab her bathing suit and a swim dipper then go to change her into it and smile. Autumn squirms and kicks not liking to lay down and wants to move. "Autumn hold still princess." I say putting her swim dipper on and then trying to put her bathing suit on her. "Autumn can you hold still for mommy." My husband says coming over and helps me with her. Autumn lets us and stays still. "Go get changed love." He says taking over for me. I nod and grab my maternity swimsuit and go change in the bathroom. After I change I walk out putting on my bathing suit cover up and smile seeing my husband in his bathing suit with our daughter on his hip. "Wow look at you two." I say smiling as I walk over to them. "You look amazing in that outfit." He says smiling as we head out into the hallway once we had all our stuff we need and head to the pool with his parents. Autumn holds onto her fathers shirt and looks around at everything as we head outside to the pool area. Once we arrive we set our stuff down and my husband, father in law, and daughter head to the pool and get in while myself and my mother in law sit and watch them. Autumn holds onto her father as he stays in the shallow end with her and looks around not understanding the concept of the water.

I watch as James shows her the water while holding her and after a few moments of hesitation she smiles and giggles splashing. "Look at her. This is her first time in a pool. She loves the water." I say looking at her and smile. "She is for sure a water baby. Have you decide what to do with this baby?" My mother in law asks me. "I think what we are going to do is go to the hospital as normal and do a natural birth again since I can't have the epidural." I say looking at her. "Would you consider a home birth?" She asks me. "To be honest I thought about it when I was first pregnant but with the early signs of preeclampsia my doctor felt it was best to be at the hospital to give birth. And in reality James and I haven't discussed our birth plan for this baby. It would be nice to have this baby at home where I can recover in the comfort of my own home but having early signs of preeclampsia my doctor will mostly likely not allow it and will want me to be at the hospital to give birth to this baby." I say looking at her. "If you did have a home birth do you think you would feel better?" She asks me. "Yes for sure but I know that it can't happen." I say sighing then look over at the pool seeing my husband wave me over. My mother in law and I get up and walk over to them to see what they want. "What guys?" I ask sitting down. "Autumn wants you guys to come in." My husband says holding our daughter who is wet from splashing. "I guess I can get in." I say taking my cover up off and toss it onto the chair and slip in feeling the coldness. "Oh god that's cold." I say shivering slightly. "Should've warned you it was cold. But yay your in with us now." He says as he passes autumn to me. I smile and take my daughter and gently splash her which she splashes back in return. James smiles and swims around a bit then comes back to us and holds us both and swims around while holding us. "James later tonight we need to talk." I say holding him. "Okay love. Is everything okay?" He asks worried a bit as he puts us in the shallow end. "Everything is fine." I say floating as James starts to help our daughter learn to swim. "Okay." He says holding our daughter and helps kick her legs a bit. I watch and smile as autumn tries to swim with her fathers help. "Good job baby girl." I say smiling. "Look at her. She's doing so good." My mother in law says taking her gently from James. "You two go and swim around a bit. We got her." My father in law says. James and I nod and swim away from them and spend some time with each other. "Okay now that we are alone what do you want to talk about?" He asks me holding me as we were in the deep end and I was short. "Well your mother and I were talking and I guess I got a bit anxious about having this baby." I say floating and look away from him. "What are you anxious about with this baby? We know what to expect. What is bothering you." He asks me making me look at him. "I guess just going into labor and the whole labor process. I mean I know what to expect its just I don't know." I say looking down still floating in his arms. "You know you got this. I know you got this. If your scared I understand. What would you want your labor process to be like this time?" He asks me trying to make me feel better. "I guess. Ummmm just feeling more comfortable." I say shrugging tryin to processing everything. "Okay. Would it make you feel better if we start your birth plan tonight?" He asks me. "I think so. I just don't know why I get so anxious over something so small." I say looking at him. "Its okay to be anxious about this stuff. But just so you know I'm going to be there with you the whole time like I was before with autumn. I will do everything to make sure you are okay during this entire process." He says kissing my head gently.

I smile and hold him leaning in and kiss him gently. He kisses back but pulls away hearing his name get called. We both look over and see my in laws waving us over which we swim over and look at them. "What's wrong?" James asks concerned. "We are going to head inside and we wanted to give you autumn." His mother says. "Okay. Come on princess." James says smiling and takes her in his arms which she happily goes into and holds onto him. I smile and gently rub her back as she splashes and giggles happily having fun. "Your a water baby for sure." I say laughing and watch her. James swims around with her and smiles having fun with her. I watch and smiles and watch then get out thinking myself and the baby had enough pool for the day and also I was getting tired. "Lets swim to mommy." He says helping her swim to me. "Yay good job baby girl." I say clapping and pick her up as she smiles. James lets her go to me and smiles placing his arms on my lap. Autumn smiles and starts to yawn playing with my wet hair. "I think its time for someone's nappy time." I say looking at her as she yawns and fights the sleep taking over her tiny body. "Lets go princess." My husband says helping me up and smiles looking at her grabbing our stuff and heads inside to our rooms. I go into our rooms and take her to the bathroom and dry her off as my husband gets her some clothes and a clean dipper which I change her into and lay her down in her pack and play and let her sleep. "I'm going to go shower then I am going to work on my plan." I say looking at him. "I'm going to stay out here with her then I'll shower while you are out here." He say smiling and kiss my head. 

I nod and grab some clothes and go to shower washing the day off me then walk out changed into comfy clothing letting my husband go shower while I work on my birth plan. A few minutes later my husband comes out changed in a t-shirt and sweatpants then crawls next to me and helps me with the plan. "If I can and my doctor allows me I want to have a home birth James." I say looking up at him. "I understand that. Is it because it feels better for you to be in an environment you know and feel more comfortable in?" He asks me. "Yes." I say nodding and look at him. "That would be nice to see if you can have our baby at home. It would be easier for you and for me to stay home and make sure you are feeling comfortable." He says rubbing my back. "Yeah. I am going to finish this plan and send it to my doctor and see what she says." I say finishing up the plan and send it off to her waiting for her response. "Now what do you want to do?" He asks me as I shut my laptop. "Cuddle." I say holding my arms up and make grabby hands. He smiles and holds me gently as we cuddle. I smile and snuggle into him for warmth and close my eyes taking in his scent and hold him. "Where should we go out to eat love?" He asks holding me in his arms. "I don't know love. Probably somewhere close that we can walk and not really have to worry about bringing the stroller." I say looking at him. "Okay. Let me look up a restaurant." He says grabbing my laptop and looks up a place. I let him and lay against him and watch him. "I found one which is right next to here so we can just walk to the restaurant or we can order." He says looking at me. "Lets see what your parents want to do." I say yawning a bit. "I'll check with them. Get some sleep love." He says rubbing my shoulder gently. I nod and close my eyes and lay down against the pillows while my husband asks his parents what they want to do for dinner. After he got the information from his parents I feel the bed shift a bit and then a strong and supportive arm drape across my waist and hold me causing me to smile and snuggle into him more as I nap. An hour or two goes by before I wake up hearing Autumn crying. "Hey princess What's wrong?" I ask sitting up and look at her and pick her up and rock her not seeing James. "Where did daddy go princess?" I ask calming her down and look around. Autumn calms down and looks for her father as well. "Dadda?" She says as I set her down and look for my husband grabbing my phone getting ready to text him but see the door leading to his parents room open and him walk in. "Dadda!" She says running to him and hug his leg once he shut the door. "Hi princess. Your up." He says picking her up. "Dadda." She says holding him and points to me. "I see. Momma's up." He says holding her and hugs me. 

"Hi. I had a good nap and so did autumn but when I woke up I didn't know where you went." I say holding him. "I'm sorry love. I was over at my parents and was talking to them seeing what they wanted to do for dinner." He says looking at me and kisses my nose gently. "That's alright. What did they say?" I ask holding and scrunch my nose up. "They says they'd rather order from here and have it delivered then we can eat in the rooms." He says holding me and our daughter. "Sounds good to me. I mean we are going to be in the parks tomorrow so it will be better to stay in and rest up a bit before we take an exciting one year." I say smiling and hold him. "Alright. Well they already ordered so now we are waiting for the food to arrive. Lets head over to their room and go over our plan while we wait for the food." He says holding us. "Kay you guys head on over and I'll join you in a moment." I say patting his chest gently and head to my bag. "What are you doing?" He asks me. "I am getting the envelope with the gender in it and I'm going to the bathroom." I say handing him the envelope with the gender in it. "Alright." He says heading over to his parents with autumn and the gender. I go to the bathroom an then wash up then go to my in laws room and smile seeing my daughter playing with her father as his parents set up the food. "Hi guys I'm here." I say smiling and sit next to my husband. "Hi honey. Now who's hungry?" My mother in law asks us. "I have something. How bout we see the gender of the baby and then we eat as a celebration." I say. "That doesn't sound like a bad idea." My mother in law states. "Okay. James will you hand the envelope to your parents so they can see the gender first." I say grabbing autumn and set her at the table and start to feed her her food as my husband hands the envelope to his parents who open it and take a look which causes my mother in law to squeal in excitment and shock. "Here you go." His mom says handing James the envelope. James grabs it and opens it and looks at it smiling widely. "What is it?" I ask him as he hands me the envelope causing me to look at it. Autumn sits looking at us confused as to why her family was so happy. I look at it and gasp. "Oh my god. James we are having a baby girl!" I say looking up at him. "Yep. I am so excited. I love you so much." He says smiling and kisses me gently. I kiss back gently and smile pulling away hearing our daughter call us to get our attention. "Okay okay lets eat." I say grabbing my food and eat it while feeding her. Our family eats and go over a plan for our first park day and what we want to do first when we arrive and how long we want to stay at the park.  

Once we finish eating and coming up with a plan we clean up our food and then head into our room with Autumn to get her ready for bed. "Alright baby girl time for bed time." I say rocking her gently and lay her down in her pack and play gently then cover her with a blanket gently and let her sleep.  "Time we went to bed too." My husband says softly and holds me gently kissing my neck. "Yeah. What time we getting up tomorrow?" I asks looking up at him and lay against him. "Seven." He says kissing my neck gently. "Kay." I say getting out of his grip and set my alarm and then head to the bathroom to brush my teeth. James follows me and does the same thing then crawls into bed after making sure I was in bed and comfy before turning the lights of and crawl into bed next to me. I smile and fall asleep holding my husbands hand against my stomach gently and snuggle into him. The rest of our night is peaceful and relaxing. Best day ever with my husband and daughter and my in laws. 

(Here is chapter 33. Hope you enjoy. And as always if you can please vote, comment and share. It really helps.) 

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"You are to marry my son." That is when y/n's life took a wild turn. I didn't know what it is like to be loved. (Under edit)
172K 3.4K 26
A Romione love story.
49.5K 1.3K 18
you taught me what real love is ... Hermione x OC reader :)
127K 3K 85
WARNING: My first language is not english, i can write wrong... but If i do, you're Welcome to correct me You and your brother Harry Potter is raised...