A New World. (Herobrine x Rea...

By AngelHeartSunGoddess

36.5K 1.3K 1.2K

You spawn in a new world, not knowing where you are, all you know is your name, (y/n). You meet a new friend... More

Chapter zero.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen (NSFW) 😏
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Thirteen

1.4K 50 82
By AngelHeartSunGoddess

This chapter has over four thousand words, so I have an excuse for it taking so long.

I woke up in the lava again, I didn't think that I would be able to shift to her since I was in the same dimension as her but here I am. I breached the lava and stretched like a cat, my tail hit something and I looked up. It was glowstone, I pulled it off the ceiling and started building a little pyramid out of it.

I heard Piglin squeals a ways away but I just kept building cause haha glowstone go brrrr. (It is 2:36 my sleep meds didn't kick in) A little while after the Piglin squealed a bunch of Piglins ran at me, they stopped a little ways away from me.

They held their crossbows and swords at the ready and I just stared at them for a moment before continuing to build my pyramid. I cooed as I pointed at the building I made before pointing to myself, indicating that I built it.

A magma cube bounced it's way to the pyramid and I picked it up and placed it on top. ALL HAIL THE JIGGLE KING! I made a laughing noise and sunk back into the lava. I think if I went to sleep in the lava I might have a normal dream.

My theory was correct and I had a normal dream, well as normal as dreams can get, which was me pillaring up to a purple ship and fighting a purple box creature for a pair of little wing things in an item frame.

I was just about to grab the wings before I got woken up.

"Mx, it's time to get up." I was shaken awake by Lillian, "I don't wanna." I grabbed the blanket and pulled it back over me. She sighed and pulled the blanket back off before gently tossing me over her shoulder, "you have to get bathed and dressed and we worked all night on your dress so I have to get you up early to get it properly fitted..."

She kept talking but I fell asleep before I could hear the rest. I woke up to my shirt being pulled off, I blushed but I didn't know why (y/n doesn't know that it's kinda awkward) they continued to pull my clothes off while I dozed, one of them patted me awake.

"You have to stand up so your pants and undergarments can be removed." I nodded and stood up with a yawn and pulled down my pants, I noticed that my stomach was smooth, I didn't have a belly button.

I pulled off my underwear and saw one of the fem-piglins filling a tub up with water, "I thought it was too hot in the nether to have water in it?" She nodded, "it is, but this tub technically counts as a cauldron, and those can hold water. We have water imported from the overworld."

I hummed in response as one of them took my hand and helped me into the tub because it was deep. I sat down in the warm water and once I got comfortable one of the fem-piglins started to wet my hair and scrub soap into it. It felt really good seeing that I haven't had a shower in a while.

I leaned into the head scrubbing and they laughed at me, and I laughed too because they were laughing. One of them lifted my arm and started scrubbing my body, in certain spots I was ticklish and started laughing.

Soon the bath was over and I felt really weird, y'know, not being covered in a layer of dirt. They started drying me off and gave me new underwear and a thing to wear over my chest to (push it up/flatten it). Once I put them on I was blindfolded and dragged in a random direction.

Once they stopped pulling me, they counted down and pulled off the blindfold. In front of me was a beautiful dress, it was (f/c) and (2/f/c), it was short in the front and long in the back so it would be easy to walk in.

(Change it to any color you like (: )
"It's beautiful, thank you." My eyes were starting to water, "Don't just stand there! Put it on!" Lillian rushed me as she pulled it off the stand and pulled the top over my chest, and let me step into the skirt.

"Well, how does it fit?" I stepped from side to side, lifted up my arms and flung them in a circle, "The top is too (tight/loose), and the skirts waistband is too (tight/loose). But the colors are perfect and the dress itself is lovely." They nodded and I pulled off the dress.

"Now, while we fit this dress and you go eat breakfast, here is another dress." They gave me a pile of clothes to figure out while one of them started working on the fancy dress. I unfurled the bundle of clothes and a pair of shorts fell out and onto the floor.

A loose, thick strapped sundress and a pair of knee length shorts were in the pile. I pulled on the shorts and as I was doing that a loud whirring sounded and it kinda scared me, "what is that!" I yelled as I pulled on the dress, "It was the sewing machine! Did it scare you?!" One of the fem-piglins yelled back, I nodded as I pulled on my boots that were cleaned and tossed in the pile too.

The piglin that responded to me walked up to me, "we have a pair of flats for you!" I smiled in thanks as she handed them to me. I pulled back off my boots and slid on the thick soled flats. "They feel weird!" She looked to me laughing, "you have to break them in!" She yelled back.

I was confused, why do I have to break the shoes, they're so cute. She grabbed my hand and started leading me to what I guess is the dining hall. "When you go into the room, you must sit where his majesty places you." We stopped outside the door as she did final touches on me and my outfit.

She patted my shoulders before she walked to the door, she gave me little hand signals to stand straight with my shoulders back and my chin slightly up, "only speak when spoken too." I didn't know why she was making such a big deal out of this, it's just breakfast.

She opened the doors and the breeze it made caused my dress to flutter. I confidently walked into the room, a long table stretched the room with the two end chairs having high backs. I quickly spotted Herobrine at the end of the table and made my way to him.

A maid grabbed my hand, "you wait until he notices you, and you sit where he tells you!" She hissed, I felt panic rise as she started pulling me back to the door, "they are fine to do what they please." A husky voice broke me from my panic.

"But your majesty, she is out of line!" The maid retorted, she was an older maid with cracked ear tips and sunken eyes, "they are my guest, I invited them and they shall do as they please." I raised my brows, "that gives me a lot of power, Hero."

"It is 'your majesty'!" I gave her a look before lightly jogging to the seat next to Hero, "how has your morning been?" He asked as he stood up to pull out my chair, "such a gentleman, as is expected from royalty." I said in a posh voice, we both laughed.

The maid was stammering over her words at seeing us so casual, "It's been busy, but I'm just glad to get new clothes!" I sat down and he pushed me in, he sat back down afterwards. "I took a bath for the first time in forever." I smiled giddy, he snorted, "and how was that?" He asked through a chuckle.

I shrugged, "was weird." On the other side of the table doors opened and a butler brought in a cart with covered plates on it, I ooo'd at the little display while other butlers grabbed the plates and placed them in front of us. A glass goblet was placed next to each of our plates, it was then filled with a reddish pink liquid.

"Excuse me, what did you pour in our glasses?" I asked one of the butlers, "it is wine, my Mx, more specifically Crimson Wine." He responded, I smiled, confused but happy that I got a response, "ah, thank you." He nodded and walked over to pour Hero his wine.

More plates were placed on the table, and made up for people to sit there. "Who are the other plates for?" Hero looked up at me from a paper, "generals and higher officers. Other castle workers have homes that they go to or stay here and eat in the other dining hall."

I hummed in thought as I grabbed my spoon and looked at my reflection, "holy shit, I look good." I heard a few gasps at my brash comment, "yeah, you do." Hero responded. I smiled at him, "why didn't you tell me I looked good!" I lightly smacked his arm, "I was preoccupied." He responded with a chuckle.

"Queen Libelle will be arriving at noon, and then her and her entourage will rest for the night and we will have the Audience tomorrow." When he finished, the doors I entered through opened again and a group of zombies, skeletons, wither skeletons, and piglins walked in and just stood in front of the door.

Hero noticed them right away and waved his hand above the table in a 'come sit' kinda way. They made their way to their respective seats as I sat and fiddled with my fork, I also took Hero's fork and I tried to make them balance on my finger.

When I did balance them I chuckled, "hehe, nice." Hero grabbed his fork back and I looked at him with the most betrayed face I could make. "If I may speak your majesty." Hero nodded at the piglin, "you may." The piglin straightened himself in his seat, "may I ask who your guest is?"

"This is, (y/n), they have come, per my request, to attend the Audience tomorrow." The piglin nodded, seemingly satisfied with the answer he got. Soon the food was placed on our plates and the butlers, they must've practiced, took off all the plate covers at once.

I didn't know what was on my plate but it looked and smelled good, I took my fork and grabbed some. I felt the air get tense and I looked at the generals, they were staring at me with varying degrees of shock. I stuffed the fork in my mouth as I looked at Hero curious at why they were looking at me like that, when he took his fork and dug into his food too.

The generals relaxed and started eating too, I shrugged my shoulders and continued to eat. It was really good, I didn't know what it was but it was good. "So, where are you from, (y/n)?" A zombie general asked, "uh, the overworld I guess, I mean, I live in a birch forest next to a village."

"I mean, what's your lineage?" I tilted my head, "I don't know what you mean." He sighed as he propped up his arm on the table, "what is your family known for." I furrowed my brows, "I don't have a family. Well I guess Leroy is my family, but I just appeared out of thin air."

One of them dropped their fork, "you're a spawn?!" I ate a mouthful, "mhmm." I smiled. I swallowed, "yeah, I appeared in a field and a rose now grows where I spawned." I picked at my food some more. "You're a spawn." Another one said to himself, "they're a spawn." A female skeleton said with an 'I'm already over this' voice.

"I don't see what the big deal is, I'm just a person." I laughed nervously. "You're a spawn, you're basically immortal! We just have one life but you can live over and over again as long as you have an anchor!" I nodded.

They kept talking about me and how I was a spawn, and to be honest, it was getting old. I ate my food while occasionally poking Hero with my foot and he poked me back with a held back smile. When I was done I started drinking the wine, I screwed my face up at the taste, but I just kept sipping on it.

The butler saw the face I made and brought over a glass of water, "what, can't handle a little wine?" A piglin general teased, "no, I can, it's just so bitter." He huffed and gulped his wine down, I just stared at him with an irritated glare.

I placed my foot right next to Hero's foot for confidence, and sipped my water. "What are you trying to prove." It came out as more of a statement but nonetheless the general was still surprised that I asked that. I wiped down my face, "If I may be excused, your majesty.".

Hero looked at me slightly confused, "you may." I nodded, "thank you for letting me join you in this meal, it was delicious." I bowed then left. I quickly made my way to my room, and once I entered the familiar walls I shoved my head under a pillow and screamed.

"Mx? Mx, are you okay dear?" Lillian called from the other side of the door, "may I come in?" I yelled a yeah and then stuffed my head back under the pillow.

I heard the door open and then shut again, "Mx (y/n)? Are you okay?" I groaned, and kicked my feet. "Oh, Mx, what is the matter?" She asked while rubbing my back, "all of the generals were making a big deal out of me being a spawn, I mean, it's not THAT big of a deal. Is it?" I looked back at her from over my shoulder.

"Well, you're the first spawn in over a hundred years, and it's not that one lived that long. It was just a weird grace period that one didn't poof in." I hummed before digging my face back in the pillow.

"Would you like to nap for a while?" I nodded and snuggled deeper. She pulled the blanket over me and gently tucked me in. "I hope you sleep well, Mx (y/n)." I heard the door shut before I drifted off.

~~Time Skip~~
~~ℸ ̣ ╎ᒲᒷ ᓭꖌ╎!¡~~

"Mx (y/n)! Mx (y/n)!!" I was shook awake and disoriented, "what time is it?" The shaking stopped, "time for Queen Libelle to arrive! Please get up, we must get you ready!" I was pulled up and into another room, I guess this room has a bathroom.

"I have brought an outfit for you to wear, put it on quickly!" She pushed my still sleepy form into the bathroom and shut the door. I looked in the mirror and saw how crazy my hair was, "oh shit... I look like shit." I pulled off my clothes and hopped into the shower.

I quickly washed and dried off the best I could before putting on my new clothes. It was a knee length, (f/c) cocktail dress. I slid it on and the flats she gave me and quickly made my way out. Lilian forced me down onto the stool In front of the vanity and started doing my hair.

When she was done she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards what I think was the throne room. "Wait, I forgot something!" I pulled myself loose and ran back to my room, I grabbed my sword out of the floor and my sheath off of the dresser and buckled it as fast as I could.

"You can't wear that, it's rude!" She ran in front of me as we booked it to the throne room. "It makes me feel safe! Besides, it's just an iron sword." She huffed, "just an- hooo, child, his majesty is gonna kill me." She softly hissed.

She threw open the throne room doors and ran up to Hero, "I apologize your majesty for bursting in! Please forgive us." She kneeled down on the ground, "uhhhhh?" I stared at her. "We chill?" He sighed, then he smiled, "yeah, we chill."

Lilian jumped up and hugged me before thanking Herobrine multiple times, she then stepped to the side of the room. I walked up to Hero and took a sheet of paper in my hands, "just a bunch of gibberish!" I threw the paper down, gently, and into the correct pile.

Hero laughed, "I can teach you to read.", "nah, I'll just force Lee to teach me, the only thing he'll do is complain." I chuckled, "I'll teach you, and I won't complain." He winked.

"Babe, I'm dense. If you're trying to tell me something just tell me." He blushed at the nickname before pulling out some more papers to read and sign. I grabbed one and sat on the throne armrest, I stared hard at the paper for a while.

A loud knock interrupted my slip into madness, "that Libelle?" He nodded, "most likely." I hummed and put the paper back down. "You want me to stand up or stay here like the eye candy I am?" He blushed again, "you might want to stand up, it might come across as rude."

I shrugged and leaned into him, slightly falling into the throne, he laughed, "well now you have to get up." I shook my head, "nah, I'll be eye candy." I twisted around to where my legs draped across his, "pretend I'm the highest ranking concubine in your harem." He choked on his spit.

"(Y/N)! I don't have a harem." his face was so red that it slightly hid his freckles, "whaaat! I'm just saying!" I crossed my legs, he pushed me off his lap, "hey!" I playfully yelled, he looked up at the ceiling while whistling.

"Ahem, your majesty?" We froze, I stood up and dusted myself off. "Would you like for us to let in her majesty, Queen Libelle?" I scooted next to the throne and straightened myself up. The generals from this morning quickly but composed, made their way next to the throne.

They lined up on the left side while I stood on the right, alone. "Now introducing Queen Libelle and her entourage." The double doors were opened and the dragon I was expecting wasn't the one I got.

She stood tall and held an air of confidence that rolled off her in waves, this wasn't the scared dragon that I saw in my dream. she had scars lining her scales and a slight limp in her front right leg. (Libelle is 8 blocks tall and 16 blocks long, Leroy is 3 or so blocks tall. she had to duck to get through the doorway.)

Her wings were folded along her back and her tail was held high off the ground, she had a silver crown snuggled between and around her horns. She stopped in front of us and bowed, "I thank you, King Herobrine, for the Audience. I am extremely grateful for this chance."

Her face was very gentle, it looks more like you'll see her from in between a bookshelf than ruling a kingdom. "It is my pleasure to have you here, please, you must be famished from your travels. I insist that we treat you to dinner."

She dipped her head, "thank you, your majesty." She smiled without her teeth, Herobrine stood up and walked down to her. I noticed what he was wearing, a tight suit with his hair trimmed and styled along with his stubble being styled. A dark blue cape was draped over his shoulders and matched nicely with the black suit he was wearing.

He also had a crown on, it was gold with quartz gems in it. He looked so ♥️handsome♥️! "Mx (y/n)." Hero was offering his hand to me, I curtsey the best I could before I grabbed his hand. He escorted me down the stairs towards Libelle. "Your highness." I curtsey to her too but I stumbled and fell into Hero, "sorry hehe."

She smiled down at me, "I am Queen Libelle, what may I call you?" I smiled up at her, "I'm (y/n). I'm the eye candy." Wink. Her brows shot up and her jaw slightly dropped. "(Y/n) what did I tell you.", "hey, be glad I didn't say concubine."

Libelle broke and started laughing, "I like them, they're funny." She started calming down, "you found one nice *snort* eye candy." She started giggling again. Her enderman entourage smiled at her, they were taller than Lee but shorter than Libelle.

We escorted Libelle, her entourage, and Hero's 'entourage' to the main dining hall. A large pillow replaced the other high backed chair opposite of Hero's chair, I'm guessing for Libelle. I was tempted to grab it and move it next to me but I've caused enough mischief for today. Not really, but I think Hero is almost ready to tape me to the wall.

I instantly made my way to the chair next to Herobrine, and patted his chair with a suggestive look, he blushed with a playful glare before escorting Libelle to her pillow. She thanked him and sat down, she grabbed her fork and accidentally snapped it in half, she gasped and looked to a butler.

They brought over a thicker set of silverware and replaced the old ones. She thanked them before grabbing the fork again to test the waters. It didn't break and she sighed in relief. The table was already set up so they brought out the food and placed them down.

The dinner set out like a normal dinner, I got elbowed in the side by the jerky general from earlier, an enderman was accidentally brought water, and Libelle broke her spoon and became really bashful.

Just a couple of little mishaps, though through most of it I was playing footsie with Hero, so I don't remember much. When the wine was poured they gave me water again and I just sat and people watched while eating and drinking.

"Still can't handle the wine?" I sighed, "I can, I just don't like the flavor." I took a sip of my water, "don't start shit in front of the Queen, it's rude." I hissed. He huffed and gulped his wine, a butler poured him more.

"Don't get drunk, Gunther, the little spawn is smart with drinking water." Gunther groaned, "If i get drunk I get-", "punished for disorderly conduct, the least you'll get is to clean the Strider stalls at worst *shudder* you'll have to watch for the monster." They both shudder and Gunther takes a sip of wine.

I took a sip, "so the worst punishment is to take care of the monster?" They nodded vigorously, "the other worse punishment is temporary banishment to the overworld, for a whole five minutes!" He hissed harshly, "five minutes?" He nodded, "any longer and we'll turn zombified." He shuddered again.

I ate a mouthful of food, "y'all're weird.".

When the dinner was over I, along with my maid, were tasked with escorting Libelle to her room. "So you're the Kings 'eye candy' hmm?" I laughed, "nah, I'm just his friend, but being the eye candy is fun."

She laughed with me, "here we are, your highness." Lillian bowed to her, "see ya in the morning, Libelle, sleep good." I waved and wandered off, "(y/n)! I apologize about them your majesty, they don't mean any harm..."

I cackled to myself as I walked to my room, "ahh, freedom at last." I flopped down onto my bed and relaxed, I closed my eyes and sighed. I heard my door open, and I felt someone holding me down.

My eyes flung open, "really, Hero babe, we have to stop meeting like this~." I stared up at his flustered and frustrated expression, "what were you trying to pull today." He growled.

"Wow, I should make you angry more often." He blushed and his grip loosened, I flipped us over to where I was on top, "Herobrine I was just being myself, and it didn't cause no harm."

He looked like a tomato pinned under me, "(y/n), please get off of me." I folded my arms under my chest and over his, "nah, well, you asked so nicely, let me think.... Nah." I smirked.

He sighed and pushed himself up to where I was sitting in his lap. "You are so frustrating sometimes." He held my thighs and I wrapped my arms over his shoulders, "aw, but you love me." He sighed again with a soft smile and rested his forehead on mine.

"Yeah, I do." I avoid looking into his eyes. "You look handsome in your suit." He blushed and buried his face in the crook of my neck, "thank you." His rumbly voice sent chills down my spine.

"It's true. You looked so handsome and confident with it on." I started drawing circles on his back between his shoulder blades. "You look beautiful in that dress." I quietly chuckled, "nah, I look like a slime in rusty chainmail.".

He pulled back his head, "you see, that is where you're wrong." He flipped us over and hovered over me, "I think that you are unbelievably gorgeous." He huskily whispered as he slowly leaned closer to me.

I leaned up to meet him.

I shot up in my bed, my legs were hurting from hanging over the side of the bed. My face felt flushed and I felt hot and unsatisfied for some reason. "Holy shit." I laid on my back and threw out my arms, my left arm hit something.

It was Herobrine, he was laid on top of the covers with his normal comfy clothes on. The cutest thing though was that he had a pair of black fuzzy socks with little hearts on his feet. I giggled before laying my arm across his back. "I guess it was just a dream."

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