Ruler of Neverland

By ouat-peter-pan

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"Lies have been told, and mysteries have to be solved because some people have been gone for too long.", I re... More

The arrival - 1
Weird Noises - 2
Three have been lost - 3
The second arravial - 4
Girl meets Boy - 5
To meet the lost boys - 6
Catch the flag - 7
Kick a sexist in the ass - 8
The first time - 9
Lip prints on bare skin - 11
The soulless - 12
Familiar faces - 13
Another flag game begins - 14
The cave catastrophe - 15
The game comes to an end - 16

The screams - 10

498 16 21
By ouat-peter-pan

"All good things must come to an end."
- Geoffrey Chaucer

- Jacob's P.O.V -

I head down from my treehouse still yawning after my well needed nap. As soon as I get down my gaze goes directly to the only womanly character among us that just entered the area. She doesn't look happy. My emotions are everywhere. What if that Pan tried to do something, oh he's going to pay! But when she comes closer I can tell that she's just irritated.

"What is it?" I ask her a little worried. "Oh nothing, I'm just so done with that boy!". "Where were you guys?" I ask her as I try my best to cover my smile. She doesn't like him!!

"We washed up!", she says and points with her head at the towel in her hand. I just now notice her slightly wet hair which leaves big marks on her shirt.

"Oh I think I need to do that..." I say and smell my sweaty T-shirt I'm still wearing from yesterday. "Yeah I think so too" she says and trows the damp towel at me. "Alice!". She turns around and look at Pan how's standing by the entrance to what I suppose is his treehouse.

She rolls her eyes and turns back to me "I need to go, here's soap, I thing you should use the whole bar" she says jokingly and hands me the sticky clump. "The waterfall is just around the corner!" She shouts to me and points to my left as she hurries back to the boy by the entrance.

- Alice's P.O.V -

I walk towards the big opening in the tree, which is just a big hole. I look at Peter as he makes a little hand gesture which indicates that I should enter the unknown treehouse first. I give him a quick and fake smile and walk in to the dark hole. As soon as I step into the unknown the whole area lights up.

The lights exposes a uneven twisted staircase in wood. I take the first step on the stairs and it feels like in one of those weird attractions with funny mirrors and turning moving floors. I almost loses balance halfway up but Peter grip onto me in last minute. I know I should be thankful but I just give him an irritated sound and twitches my arm away from his.

The staircase leads to a door. I try open it as I catches my breath, but it's locked. Peter mumbled something and reaches the handle from behind me. The door opens with a loud creak.

The first room is something you could call a living room. There's a table and two couches, not much. I continue in to the room and sees a door. "What does that lead to?" I ask him and he opens it with a hand gesture.

I look inside and find a small corridor with four doors. I give him a look of curiosity and he answers my call "that one leads to the bathroom, that one to my closet and this one to a library.", "A library!" I say unable to hide my excitement. He looks satisfied until I ask him about the last door... "Nothing important... let's continue the tour".

He ledes me to an open doorway and we enter a big bedroom with a king size bed, a mirror in the corner and a make-up area. I look at him "I didn't know you used makeup?". "It's for you, stupid!" He says a little irritated. "Look I made this special lipstick for you" he says and hands me a red colored tube.

"It's not a normal lipstick, this one doesn't disappear when you eat or drink", "How do you know that's a problem?" I ask him with a smirk on my face. Oh no I'm turning into him... "Well you see... you're not the first girl here..." he says and mimic my facial expression. He leans in closer and for the first time I don't back off... I don't know why...

Someone clear his throat and we both look at the doorway. "Sorry to interrupt but we need you Pan!" Felix says and gives him a serious look. I watches as Peter turn from a slightly irritated look into a smile and says, "Your party starts in 30 minutes. You find clothes in there" he says and points to the only door in this room. "Put on something nice and I would love to see that color on you" he says and points at the new lipstick in my hand. Then he disappears.

- Peter's P.O.V -

I'm letting endless and magically tones travel from my pipe up over the treetops as I'm watching the lost boys dancing hysterically around the campfire. They look happy in a numb and soulless kind of way, like the usually do in the afternoons.

But I can't avoid stopping when I lay my eyes on the most beautiful creature I've ever seen. Even the mermaids beauty fall flat compare to the girl walking towards me.

Her long dress sparkles in the light of the fire when she moves. But her red dress doesn't even compare to her beautiful brown glowing eyes. She gives me a slight smile as she stops in front of me.

"You look breathtaking." I tell her, "And I knew you would look good in that color" I say and lean in closer as I touches her lips with my index finger. "Oh thank you" she says and pulls away from me.

"Let's dance" I say as I reach out my hand to seek hers. She hesitates for a slight second but eventually grabs it.

We fly up in the sky and I can feel who Alice's grip tighten. "What is it love?" I ask her when she hang on to me like a scared cat. I can feel her fast heartbeat against my own and her heavy breath against my neck.

"I'm afraid of heights..." she whispers in my ear. I let out a laugh, "When you're on the ground you're tuff but - ", "It's not funny!", "Okay, okay... calm down" I tell her. "Look, everything is alright".

- Alice's P.O.V -

I carefully loosen my grip around Peter when I see that everything indeed is alright. I carefully let down one of my foot from Peter's hips to the air. And as if it was an invisible floor under us my foot finds a steady place. I carefully let go of my other foot and moves my arms from Peter's neck and grabs his hands in mine.

I look down for a second, big mistake, I start to panic again. My breath and heartbeat raises. "Hey, Hey!" Peter says to me. But I don't listen, I'm still in panic-mode trying to think of how it will feel to fall down and hit the hard ground. "Don't look down" his soft voice says, "Look at me instead" he says and pull my face towards his.

With a snap all the lights down below disappears and the night sky becomes clear. I look up at the billion bright and shining stars in disbelief. My heartbeat is pounding slower. I feel more secure looking up then down.

"How can something be this beautiful?" I ask Peter as I look around us. "I don't know? How can you?". I meet his intense gaze and mimic his smile. Before I can say anything we dance the night away starring into each other's eyes.

— * —

Our dance felt like a beautiful dream that I never wanted to wake up from. But like all dreams and beautiful things, they must come to an end.

A loud scream appears. And one more. I look at Peter shocked and scared as we stop dancing. Then a whole bunch of screams echoes from the forest down below.

"Is it this late already?!" He says to himself. He makes a hand gesture over the sky which causes a magical barrier to appear. The barrier must be sound proof because the screaming stopped. "Peter what was-" I begin worried but stops as I no longer feel a steady floor under me. And Peter is gone.

I begin falling. My screams echoes louder then the once I heard before. I can feel the damage my throat is putting up with. As soon as I think my life will end I hit something else instead of the hard and cold ground. Peter's arms.

He catches me bridal-style and with me in his arms he run to the others. "Is everyone inside?" he asks Felix. "Inside what?" I ask confused. "Yes." Felix answers Pan. "Good."

"Inside what Peter?! What was that sound!?", "Inside the barrier" he says, "no one survives the night outside the barrier, so it's very important everyone is here when the dark falls" he says looking at Jacob who just arrived before us. "that's all you need to know" he continues.

Peter puts me down and start talking to all the lost boys. "Don't forget some of you need to sleep outside tonight!" He says under a grin which shows how proud and satisfied he is. "Do I really have to?" a small voice says beneath me. I look down and meet two small blue eyes. "No Tommy you don't have to" I say to him and pet the 5 year old in his head.

"Oh yes he must" Peter turns back to me, "It was the deal remember?". "Oh but common Peter, he's so young", "No won't happen!". "Then he'll sleep with us" I say and pick him up. I watches as Peter's face turns from angry to a realization. "Okay let the kid sleep in his bed" he sights. "Good choice" I say to him and let the child with golden curls go.

"Don't you dare think you made me break a deal!" He says to me under clenched teeth, "I just made a exception this time, we don't want anyone disturb out first night" he says smirking at me. Before I can add something he pulls me in and we teleport back to Peter's treehouse.

- Words from the author-

Yes they will have some intimate things this night ;) Before posting the next chapter I might need to change this story to "adult themed" ;) I was supposed to include that in this chapter but that didn't happen Hahaha

Stay safe!

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