What Just Happened

By parrillas_gang

48.4K 2.3K 170

Emma Swan and her daughter are on the run from her ex husband and his siblings. They escape to a town in Main... More



1.6K 78 3
By parrillas_gang

Emma was just looking into the angry eyes of Regina, seeing the real emotion behind it. She'd never expected anyone to look at her with fear for her life, let alone Regina. She couldn't help but stare into the brunettes eyes, finding a small amount of comfort. Regina was trying to show anger for the woman but she knew her true emotion was coming through. She softened her glare the slightest bit, knowing the man with a gun made her worried at what will happen next; she needed answers.

"Tell me" Regina ordered in a calmer voice, still holding the stern attitude with it.

At the sound of those words, Emma broke eye contact and looked at the road. She started her car up once again, put her foot down and began driving. Regina quickly reached behind her and grabbed the seatbelt, clipping herself in. Once done, she looked at the woman and waited.

"What" Emma asked with a huff, feeling the woman's eyes on her.

"Tell me!" Regina said again, this time snapping a bit more due to having to ask twice.

"My ex wants me dead, is that what you want to hear" Emma asked in anger, glancing briefly at the brunette.


"Doesn't matter"

"Yes it does!" Regina snapped, moving more in her seat to see the blonde.

"No, Regina, it doesn't. You don't give a shit about me, you said it yourself" Emma replied in annoyance, pushing harder on the gas pedal.

"You think I'd be in this car if I didn't" Regina asked angrily, finally showing that she was scared for the blonde.

Emma glanced across and saw it in her eyes for a brief second. She looked shocked to know the woman who hates her actually cares. She then looked back at the road, debating in her head whether to speak. The more she thought, the angrier she got.

"Fine, I'll tell you but if it ever leaves this car, I will shoot you" Emma sternly warned, her face and tone showing she was serious.

"I don't care that much that I want to talk about you" Regina sassed, rolling her eyes at the petty threat.

Emma just glared at the brunettes comment, knowing she should have saw that coming. She sighed as she looked back at the road, thinking at how she could sum up all her problems. She wouldn't say too much, she was too private for that.

"I ran away from the foster system and moved in with a friend I met at school when I was 13. She had three brothers who were older and looked after her, they helped take me in. The youngest one was about 15 and kept flirting with me, he made me uncomfortable. I said no and he didn't like it, resulting in Margot. I was forced to stay until 18 and then I was brave enough to run away. Been on the run since" Emma briefly explained, talking as if it was no big deal. Regina just looked in shock, not expecting that of all things. Emma glanced over and saw the look, sighing as she rolled her eyes. "Don't look at me like that"

"Em, I-" Regina started, unsure of what to say in this moment.

"Em? Don't suddenly start calling me Em now you know this" Emma huffed, annoyed at herself for speaking.

Regina was confused how the blonde was so calm about this. She thought about Margot's age and realised she's had 15 years to learn her poker face, knowing it wasn't how she really felt. Regina knew she that it wasn't the best time to ask anything, she didn't really know what to ask.

"Where are we going" Regina quietly questioned, unsure whether she should speak or not.

"Boston, we'll be there and back tonight so don't worry" Emma replied, not daring to move her eyes from in front.

"What's in Boston" Regina curiously asked, knowing that not actually too far away.

"Storage unit with the only phone I have that can track where he is. I can't keep it with me because he uses it to track me too" Emma simply replied, pulling onto the highway.

"I'm really sorry, Swan, I had no idea about your past" Regina softly said, wanting to say it but knowing she shouldn't.

"Don't be sorry, I don't care anymore" Emma shrugged as if the whole situation wasn't a big deal.

"Dont try the tough guy act on me, I can see right through it" Regina said with a chuckle in shock, unsure why she keeps trying.

Emma just ignored the comment and kept her eyes forward, having nothing to say. Regina decided to keep quiet too, feeling it's the right thing. They sat in an uncomfortable silence for at least an hour and a half, neither wanting to be the one to talk. After long enough, Emma finally glanced across at Regina on her phone; she was messaging Reina.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have got angry" Emma mumbled her apology, looking back at the road to avoid eye contact.

"It's ok" Regina simply said, a little surprised the blonde apologized; they didn't apologize. "I've never heard you say that"

"Don't get use to it" Emma replied with a chuckle, causing the brunette to do the same. "I've never heard you actually laugh"

"You aren't exactly the funniest person, Swan" Regina said with a sassy smirk, giggling a little.

"Funnier than you"

"I take it back, that was funny"

Emma pushed the brunettes shoulder with a small laugh, not expecting that joke. Regina couldn't help but laugh at herself, finding it too funny. Emma looked across with a tiny hint of a smile on her face, admiring the laugh. It was infection to the blonde, causing her to join in.

"You have a nice laugh, you know? If you weren't such a miserable bitch, people would notice more" Emma said with a chuckle, needing to get a burn in to hide the compliment.

"I have my reasons, Swan, we all do" Regina replied, calming her laughter down as she relaxed more.

"And what's your reason for immediately hating me" Emma asked, glancing across at the brunette as she was curious.

"I don't like anyone but you looked like trouble and I was right, you are" Regina replied, thinking it was obvious. Emma shot her a glare at the comment, knowing it's true but still not liking it. "Why do you hate me"

"You're a grade A bitch" Emma simply said, shrugging as they both knew that was the reason.

"Fuck you"

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