Garden of Hell // Shameless (...

Por la_miniprincesa

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Read it! Hopefully you'll like it Más

The beginning
Oh shit
aunt who?
missing kid
oh boy
killer Carl
It's time to kill the bullshit
I did it all
Family Night
Daddy girl

Rest in peace Frank

839 24 5
Por la_miniprincesa

It's been five days since I found out Steve has been cheating on me. Between those five days, I have been ignoring him. I have been working on the attic more. I have been focusing on my family and my friends and my jobs. Nobody knows about what happened between me and Steve. Only Kevin and Veronica know.

Today was Friday, which was also was the day when Lip and Ian get out of school early. Debbie and Carl didn't have school today. I also didn't have work, Day off. So here I was finishing up the last touches on the attic. 

After a few minutes, I go downstairs and see Veronica cutting Debbie's hair. "Sooo. I am done with the attic." I commented. 

"What have you been doing? For the last few days, you have been up in that damn attic." Veronica said as I stand next to the stairs.

"Wanna see?" I asked her raising an eyebrow 

"Of course." She comments 

Debbie, Veronica, and I go to the attic

Once we're in I hear Debbie and Veronica gasp in shock. 

"It's not much, but it's something," I said as I scratch my head a bit 

"I had to buy new floorboards, and I used the old floorboards and made a dresser. I also made some shelves. I bought some lamps from goodwill and put them in the corner. I found some rich dude giving away two mattresses because supposedly he bought a bigger bed. He gave them to me for free. Then we had those blankets. so I just put them on. Um, I decided to let the boys put in whatever they want." I tell them as we all walked around the room 

"You did all of this by yourself?"Veronica asked me still looking shocked. 
"Yeah, well I asked Kevin for help to bring in the mattresses," I tell her

"Who will be staying in here?" Debbie asked
"Lip and Ian," I responded 

I look at my feet as I said "I don't know if they'd like it."

Veronica scoffs "They won't like it."

I look at her in worry "What?" I questioned 

"They will love it, Fiona." She tells me causing me to smile. 
"You are an amazing sister Fiona. I don't know what happened in the last few months, but you are different. You actually have changed, in a good way." V tells me 
"Well, I'm trying to be better, for them and me." I tell her

"anyways, let's go downstairs." I tell them 

We all do downstairs and back to the Kitchen I see Steve standing next to the sink, I stand next to the stairs "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked him as I crossed my arms 

"I'm here to make things right between us," Steve comments causing me to scoff 

Suddenly Kevin comes in saying "Lip found a truck, let's go check it out."  

"Alright let's go," Ronnie said 

Carl, Debbie, Kevin, Veronica, Liam, and I went didn't know that Steve was following us. 


When we got there we opened the truck and saw big pieces of meat. It looked like heaven. We filled up Kevin's truck and went back home. We were all bringing in the pieces. 

"How the hell we gonna fit all of that in there?" Veronica asked looking in the fridge, While I started getting knives 

"We could hang it in the garage, hack off what we need," Steve said while bringing in some meat 

I looked at him "Why are you still here?" I asked him as I go to the table with the knives 

"Rats would get the meat," I said as I get some newspaper 

Carl comes in saying "Rats won't be a problem." He snapped scissors 

Kevin comes in caring a big piece of meat Telling people to get out of his way, He then drops it on the table. Soon everyone started working on cutting the meat. Veronica Went to get more newspapers 


Third POV

After a while, Veronica came back Saying "I got more newspaper." as she walks to the kitchen 

Fiona was still ignoring Steve, While he was looking through the fridge "I think this expired when Bush was president." Steve said as he looks at cheese 

Fiona walks up to Veronica getting the newspaper from her "It's supposed to age. It's fine." Veronica said 

Kevin then comes in which caused Veronica to ask "Wait, who's got the chain saw?
"Lip," Kevin states as he hands Veronica something while Fiona goes to the table and wraps up pieces of meat. 

Steve walked up to Fiona as he asks "When are you going to forgive me?" 

Fiona ignores him, while she looks at Kevin while asking "Any more gallon-sized Ziplocs?" 

"You need to forgive me some time, you know that," Steve informs 

Fiona looks at him as she says "Fuck you." She then continues working 

Debbie comes up to us "What is it, Debs?" Fiona asked her little as Fi stopped wrapping the meat 

"Upstairs bathroom, It's plugged up," Debbie tells Fiona which caused her to sigh 

Fiona gets up from the seats and gets the plunger and a wrench from the living room and kitchen door frame. While she gets it Steve says "We can go out tonight and have dinner while talking things through." 

Fiona walks to the stairs as she says "That sounds nice lets schedule that for 2023." 

"Let's go debs," Fiona said as She and Debbie go upstairs.

While Fiona goes upstairs to fix the bathroom Kevin talks to Steve. 

"What the hell, is wrong with you man," Kevin said as he Chops a piece of meat, Steve walks up to him 

Kevin looks at him as he continues "Fiona is an amazing person, you can ever meet. She is raising her siblings, her son, and taking care of her dysfunctional parents. She takes care of everyone, but nobody takes care of her. She gave you a chance, you fucked up. I know she will forgive you because that is the kind of person she is, but if you keep fucking up. Let's just say her family, Veronica and I won't hesitate to fuck you up."

"How do I make things right with her?" Steve asked 

Kevin looked at him then kept cutting "You work it out on your own." Kevin states 

After a few minutes Fiona Fixed the restroom, Kevin went to sell a few pieces while Veronica went to get more supplies. 

Steve was in the kitchen While Fiona looked for Liam "Where is Liam?" Fiona asked 

Steve walked up to her saying "At Sheila's." 

"He's not dry cleaning. You can't just drop him off." Fiona states as she gets a few newspapers

"Come on, let's go out and talk." Steve said as Fiona walked to the counter "Not a chance." She states 

"I want to explain, let me explain." Steve states 
Fiona looked at him in hurt "What Let you explain how you cheated on me? On how you promised to not break me, but you did it anyway." Fiona states 

"Please, Fiona," Steve begged 

Fiona sighs "Luke's diner, at six. Buy me a burger, fries, and a milkshake." Fiona states running her hands through her hair 

"Okay great," Steve said

Fiona looked at him "I'll see you tonight, please, leave now." Fiona states He nods then leaves 

Fiona's POV

It has been a couple of hours since I agreed to talk to Steve about him cheating on me. We have already sold all the meat. Kevin was at work, Ian is at work, Lips...I have no idea, Debbie, in her room and Carl is at the park, trying to find dead animals. I was in the kitchen in washing clothes and cooking dinner with Veronica.

"I still can't believe Carl is your son! It's still a little shocking." V tells me 

I smile as I say "Yeah, he's all mine. My pride and joy." 

"You know Kevin wants to be a dad. I told him we should foster first, so we're thinking about it." Veronica tells me I looked at her shocked 

"No way! Well, you guys better get ready for it, it's a lot of work." I tell her as I put barbecue sauce on the meat. 

"I'm trying to talk him out of it. Hopefully, it will work." V tells, me 

I sigh as I say "You guys gotta talk it out." 

"Are you and Steve going to talk it out?" Veronica asked me

"I'm meeting him tonight. I don't think we're going to get back together." I tell her 

"I would give him a second chance if the reason is good enough," Veronica tells me 

I gave her a small smile "I'll think about it, but I wouldn't hold my breath on it."


After making dinner the kids showed up, I got to show Lip and Ian their new room and they were completely shocked but happy. They told me how thankful they are and gave me bearhugs I swear they made me tear up. I watched the kids eat until I had to go meet Steve. Lip told me he could watch the kids for me tonight. Which I'm thankful for. 

I was entering the diner I spot Steve in the corner. I go sit across from him, I cross my arms as he tells me "I ordered you a bacon burger with fries and strawberry milkshake... Your favorite." I smile a little 

"You're just trying to sweeten me up to forgive you, But it's not gonna work," I state with a smile 

I lean over as I give him my bitch face "Now who's Haley and Hanna?" I asked him 

He sighs "You know my jimmy life. Haley is a girlfriend I'm forced to date, by my parents. She's no one important. I only care about you, Fiona." He tells me 

"Now who's Hanna?" I asked him 

he looks a bit cautious "It's Veronica." He informs me 

I look at him shocked and confused "My best friend? Veronica as in V? Like Kevin and Veronica? Veronica Fisher? Kevin's wife?" I asked many questions not able to comprehend with the new information 

"Well, fake Wife, but Yes." He tells me 

Suddenly the waitress comes up and puts the food on the table, while I can't even get a word out. 'Why would she do this? Should I tell Kevin? Oh god! I'm so stupid!' I thought

I grab my shake and pour it all over him "Fiona! What the fuck!" Steve shouts 
"You made me trust you! I opened up to you! And you go sleep with my best friend!" I shout as I grab his soda and splash it on him as I get up "Fuck You! You Fucking Fuck!" I shout at him then leave

While I was walking to my car my phone rings I answer it "Hello?" 

"Veronica cheated on me. I've been drinking and I need a friend, I need my short-stack." I hear Kevin slur on the other line 

"Where are you, bigfoot?" I ask him as I unlock my car 

"The Alibi." He tells me as I get in my car 

I start the car as I say "I'm on my way." 


When I park my car in front of the Alibi I see Kevin standing in the front leaning on the wall.

I get out of the car and walk up to him "Kev?" I asked

He looks up to me "Fiona." He hugs me I hug him back

"She cheated on me, with Steve." He sobs

I start to cry as I say "I know, he just told me. It'll be okay bigfoot. We'll be okay."

"She also cheated on me with an old ex of yours...Damon" He tells me

I look back on Fiona's memories and she dated a guy named Damon he looks was kind but also controlling.

"We'll be okay Kev. We'll get through this together like we always do." I tell him

I let go of the hug "How about we do this. We go get McDonald's and a shit tone of alcohol and then get a hotel room and just drink, eat, talk, and watch movies...wanna do that?" I ask him

He smiles at me "Yeah, that sounds nice."

"Come on." I smile at him as I help him to get in the passenger side.

I then get on the driver's side.


While getting the food and alcohol we listened to music with the volume all high and we just sang our hearts out.

After getting to the hotel room we brought all our things to the room.

Kevin and I were eating and drinking while talking on the bed.

"So are you going to work it out with Veronica?" I asked Kevin as I take a bite of my chicken nugget

He was taking a sip of his drink then answered "I don't think so, we have been falling apart for a while, I'll still be there for her, I mean she's one of my best friends but I think it's for the best if we break up, try to end in good terms."

I then ask "Are you going to live with her still?"

"I don't think so, I'm going to try and get my own apartment." He tells me which made my heart hurt

I spoke instantly "You could live with me. I mean with me and my family." I look in his eyes as I say "if you want to."

He looks at me with a small smile "I'd like that, but how will the sleeping arrangements work?"

"Lip and Ian's room is in the attic. I could put Debbie, Carl, and Liam in one room and you could get your own room or you can share with me. It's up to you." I tell him as I try to find what he's thinking about

He smiles at me as he says "I like the second one."
I smile at him as I say "Me too."

"Come on let's watch a movie," I tell him as I start to put a channel on the TV

The rest of the night Kevin and I watched movies, eat and drank until we passed out.


It was the next morning when I woke up to me cuddling up to Kevin.

Suddenly a cellphone starts to ring, I rub Kevin's chest to wake him up "Kev, your phone is ringing."

He groans and reaches for the nightstand to get his phone with me still in his arms. He answers it.

He then puts it on speaker. It was Lip. He was informing us of the situation with Frank. After a while of working through it, we hung up.

Kevin looks at me "Good morning Short stack." He smiles at me

I smile at him "Good morning, bigfoot."

"That was the best sleep I got in my whole life," I state still cuddling with him

"Me too." He smiles at me.

I groan as I say "I don't want to deal with anything today." Kevin laughs at me as he says "Well you have to, Come on let's go deal with our daily lives." He kisses my head as we get out of bed. 

"Oh, we also have to go pick up Liam from Sheila's," I inform him He nods 


After picking up Liam I dropped Kevin off at work and I went back home. I see Veronica and Steve when I entered. They noticed me and walked up to me. 

"Fiona, I'm so sorry." Veronica apologized to me 

I look at them with my bitch face "We'll talk about this later let's deal with Frank first." I tell them as I start to get ready for the fake funeral


After making sure Frank looked dead the guys that were after him soon came and joined. Everyone was fake crying and Fake being sad, it was weird. While to me it was Since I've been a Gallanger Frank and I haven't seen eye to eye. I honestly had a hard time being sad, but it worked. 

The plan worked until we had to find to switch Frank's body. We hid him in the closet while putting the extra gross meat in the coffin. 

After barring the coffin we everyone gathered at the Alibi even Frank's drinking buddies. 

Kevin was serving drinks, while everyone talked about Frank, Lip was keeping others out. Debbie and Liam were with Veronica, who was with Steve at a table. I sat behind the bar with Carl in my lap, Kevin wanted me to sit behind the bar so he and I could just talk about 'great' memories of Frank. While I soothed Carl. 

Kevin then got a glass and went to the small stage, he gathered everyone's attention but clinking his ring on the glass as he asks "Could I have your attention, please?"  

"Uh, Frank Gallagher. Loving husband, devoted father, and grandfather Truly respected and cherished member of this community. He was a good friend and a good neighbor and he will be sorely missed. I just hope that in the afterlife... They treat him as kindly as he treated us. To Frank." Kevin spoke then raised his glass as everyone said "To Frank." then they took a drink

The guys that were after Frank got up and left, Lip locking the door behind them. Frank then comes out from the backroom as he says "Gonna take more than that to put out the light on Frank Gallagher." Which caused everyone to cheer. 

After that Everyone started to party, I helped Kevin with serving the drinks. Soon everyone started dancing to the music Kevin put not too long ago. I was drinking some water until Kevin tapped my shoulder, which of course caused me to look at him 

"Wanna dance?" He asked me as he had his hand out I smile at him "I'd love to." I tell him as I take his hand. 

Even at the worst moments in life, Kevin always was there to me original Fiona smile and now me.  

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