Wait Cats!? (Cats!BB X Modern...

By Lunathe_Wolf135

114K 4.2K 2.3K

I changed the book on Quotev, it's called Mates now ... More

The Anonymous Black Cat
Hanging with Onyx
Creepy Crawley
Get the Fuck Along
Back On the Grind
A Thickly Sick Red
A Strange Encounter
A Gorgeous Coon
Kazu Runs Over
A Day with the Older Brother
Wait, Cats--And A Dog?
Puppy, that's not a Toy!
PetCo: Acquired, Hotel: Trivago
The New Cat In Town
Such A Stiff Kitty

My Baby!

4.4K 193 124
By Lunathe_Wolf135

(Y/n) smiled at the little Animal "Hi, there"

The little Feline stared right back at her, their tail staying stiffly still

She bent down a bit "You remind me of Midnight. He's pretty stone wallish too"

The Cat meowed and then stood, the girl now noticing the color of their paws. She gaped and then sat her hands on her cheeks "Oh my God! Look at your lil' paws!"

They were a dark black, a huge contrast to the Cat's brown fur. She poked out her lip as the Cat took a step, the fluff on their paw was fucking everywhere! It was as if it was a big fluff ball on their paws!

She tilted her head as the Cat stared at her "Is it ok to pick you up?" The Cat stared at her before coming closer, making her smile even wider. She lift the Cat up and pat his head "You're oddly calm for a Stray. Then again, all my Babies were Strays"

The Cat still stared at her as dead as usual. The girl chuckled and noticed the tie around his neck, similar to the one Onyx had.

"Miss (L/n)?"

The girl looked up and looked around, spotting a Woman with blonde hair "You're cute little Kitties are ready, I just got them from the Groomer"

(Y/n) smiled and ran over tot he Woman, still holding the Cat in her hands. As soon as she made it over, the Woman opened the door wider "They wanted to show it to flaunt out for you"

She clicked her tongue and soon, the first Cat to walk out did so with his head high and chest fluffed "Look at me and bask!" He then sat down and waved his tail happily "Aren't I beautiful?"

The next Cat to walk out had his tail flicking left and right as he seemed to have a smile on his furry face. He sat down a few distances away from the other "The cleaning process was very well done. I feel cleaner than ever surprisingly"

"Both of you, calm down"

The next Cat to step out walked over to them looking normal as ever, yet he did look a little bit shiny. He sat down and looked to the girl that cared for them. She laughed "Cranky as ever"

Midnight huffed in displeasure. Cranky. Please-

Ruff! Ruff!

The Cats suddenly grew frazzled, yelping as the white Dog ran through. He continuously yelled and barked as he showed off his pure white coat, all nice and pretty and ran up to the girl and waved his tail. (Y/n) 'aww'd' and pat his head as he jumped up on her legs and had his tongue out while panting "Look at you! You all look so pretty!"

As the girl smiled at them all, she then sat the Cat in her arms back down "Alright, looks like everything is all good and payed for. Time to go home"

As the Cats gathered and began to walk away while Snow ran ahead of them, (Y/n) slowly began to freeze. She looked all her Cat's over and hummed. The Cat next to her stared at her, not making any move.

(Y/n) looked over the Cats and narrowed her eyes "Cayenne, Onyx...Midnight, Snow. Cayenne, Onyx, Midnight, Snow. Cayenne, Onyx, Midnight, Snow...." She lift up her fingers


One finger


Two fingers


Three fingers


Four fingers


She squinted her eyes "...D...Dust-DUSTY!"

She had finally figured it all out

She was missing a Kitty!

(Y/n) looked to the Lady as she went to close the door "Wait! Ma'am!"

The Lady stopped and hummed as (Y/n) gave her a worried look "Do you know where my gray Cat is? He's a Maine Coon, really fluffy"

The Woman slowly began to shake her head "I'm sorry, I don't. All we received were those four. Three Cats, red, black and a purple like one? And then a white Dog" She gave her a sad look "We never received a Maine Coon, I'm sorry"

(Y/n) slowly began to look down, her heart thumbing rapidly in a panic. The two dark Cats froze, looking back to the girl. They could hear and tell that something was wrong. Not only that, Snow froze as well. Even Cayenne looked confused.

They do say Animals sense distress


She looked back as the two Ootori Twins ran over to her. Kyoya sat a hand on her shoulder "We heard you from across the store, what's wrong?"

The girl took a deep breath "Dusty. He's not here, she said he didn't go back there"

Kazu scoffed "The hell? I saw that thing go in there earlier. Hey, Lady!" The Woman's eyes went wide as he walked closer "Let me go back there, I bet I know where that thing is" The Woman scorned at him "Excuse me!" Kyoya shook his head "Kazu, you have better manners than that" Kazu rolled his eyes "I'm not the one sitting here and not looking for the Cat"

(Y/n) stared at him as the yelling began before shaking her head "Where could he have.." She then lightly gasped "Wait, wait..That Lady"

"You're so lucky to have one of these. They're rare around here. I've always wanted one.."

(Y/n) looked to the Lady at the door and then noticed someone walking in the room. She left her head "Excuse me! You, ma'am, from before!"

The Lady with the checklist froze for a second and looked back before she stiffly turned around, holding a familiar gray Cat in her arms "Yes?"

(Y/n) pointed to the Cat as he sat there "That's him, that's Dusty, my Maine Coon"

The other Woman 'oh'd' and looked to the Cat in the Woman's arms "Well, he looks all clean, I'll just tak--Your Cat? This is my Cat"

(Y/n)'s heart dropped, the girl's eyes going wide "W-What? No, he's not..You saw me bring him in here"

The Woman shook her hear and turned her body "I'm sure you must've mistaken him for another Cat, I'm sorry"

The Lady between them sighed "If she says she brought her Cat in to be bathed, this may be him"

The other Woman shook her head yet again "No, this is my Cat. Did you take him from me!" (Y/n) gaped at the Woman before glaring at her as the Woman did so to her "How can I take my own Cat away from someone else!"

"Pardon me"

The three Females all looked back as the Twins stood there. Kyoya, being the one who spoke, walked closer "My Friend here brought in a Maine Coon that had a little oddly shaped top hat. And as you can see.." The other twin pointed next to the Lady holding the gray Feline "It's right there next to her. That's her Cat"

As the Woman holding Dusty looked back and noticed the hat, she began to tear up "B-But.." (Y/n) tilted her head as she held the Cat tighter "That's not fair...I wanted him.."

The girl lift a hand to console her only for the other Lady to shake her head "Don't, it's ok" She walked over and lift up the hat, taking the Cat away as well, and placed it down to join his Owner. The Woman then passed (Y/n) the hat "This isn't the first time. She does this often. Did she tell you she wanted one for years or something like that?"

(Y/n) slowly began to nod while the Woman sniffed and cried. The other flattened her lips with a dejected expression "She does this a lot, to all our Clients, even" She moved a bit to close the door "We just think it's a Cat obsession but, then she just starts crying since she doesn't get her way. Sorry I almost didn't believe you for a second there" They both flinched as the Woman inside was now crying her lungs out behind them, now stomping away into a separate room. The other Lady sweatdropped and fully closed the door "..She only does it for attention at this point"

The girl shook her head "No, no, it's fine"

The Woman then smiled "Gotta thank your Friends too. If it wasn't for them, we would've never noticed"

(Y/n) laughed and then turned around, throwing her arms around their waist "Thank you, guys! I could've lost Dusty if it wasn't for you"

Kazu stood there like a board while Kyoya sighed "Hugs...Always with the hugs.."


Dusty laughed as he layed on the couch, thinking about the little adventure he had "Oh! And the way that they were angry at each other over a Cat! Hahaha!"

Midnight rolled his eyes as he sat on the top of the couch while Cayenne's ears flicked from his nap, a bit irritate since Dusty wouldn't be quiet. Onyx shook his head as he stood next to Dusty, now wishing he was else where and not in the house "You do understand that there was a reason to that fight, yes?" Dusty cackled "Of course I did! And that's what made it funnier!"


Well, he was gnawing away at a bone toy that they got him at the Pet store. He seemed happy with it. And was completely unfazed by whatever the hell the Cats were doing

They had came home after the small argument and everything seemed back to normal. They were all washed and clean, smelled good, were groomed nice, so, it seemed that everything was ok!

Onyx sighed "Can you, please, stop with this? It's been almost an hour since that had happened"

Midnight sighed "Yes, its quite tiring to hear you laugh over and over without stopping"

Dusty giggled "Eh, not in the mood to stop"

Onyx shook his head yet again before his head whipped over to the door. (Y/n) had left already for work but, something was there...

"I follow you all here and this is what you become?"

The three Cats looked to the Coffee table to find the dark brown Cat from before. They barley cared for his presence before but, he's here? How!? The door was locked and Cayenne didn't even focus on him back at the Store! The brown Cat scoffed

"Lazy House Cats"

Onyx sighed "Hello to you as well, Spears"

The Cat lift his head high, as if he was saying that he was better yet seemed to be acknowledging them as well. He then threw Onyx and Midnight a small glare


I did it! >:o!

I did it! ;-;!

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