don't over think it. (Masky/T...

By GlitchscreensManager

28.8K 633 311

you are (Y/N). you live in an AU where everyone has a ring and a string only the soulmates can see. the strin... More

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new cover
Halloween Special 1
New years special because im built differnt


717 15 7
By GlitchscreensManager

Call the doctor call the doctor must be something wrong with me ooh~ *turns around in wheely chair* oh hello, I didn't see you there- *yeets headphones* you saw and heard nothing.

After Me, Moxi, and GS had talked about what we would do when we met up with Chole. Glitchy had helped me contact her to see if meeting up was good, it was, then we went to sleep.

When we woke up Moxi had left the room, presumably to get ready, and GS was working on some thing already.
"Morning Monarch!" Glitchscreen cheered from her area. I got up and stretched earning the satisfying pops.

"Morning Glithy" I mumbled half asleep.
"Hey monarch?"
"...most proxies...even such as yourself, they usually keep their masks on until they feel its one hundred percent safe to take it off around others... You're about to take it off around two people you've known for hardly a week...and Moxi...shes doing the same but trusting you"

I stayed still for a little but nodded. "Yeah...but..i can trust you guys to, right?"

Glitchscreen almost instantly got a face of peer unsureness, even so, she smiled a little and nodded. "Absolutely, now get prepared and you can take your mask off when we're outside the operators lands main vicinity"

"So..once we leave the woods?"

"Yes that would be correct, now go get ready, we'll wait for you outside"

I nodded and got up, i didn't know what to preparer in but i assume rewearing what I had already would be fine.

I went to bathroom, took a quick shower with surprisingly no problem, when I exited there was a pair of clothes waiting with a note,
'Popped in to give ya fresh cloths

No surprise I hadn't heard her I guess. I got dressed, put on my mask, grabbed my bag, and got out of the bathroom.

Unfortunately my journey to the front door wasn't as unbothered as my time in the rest room, as anyone up that wasn't hostile or a dick, greeted me with 'moring' or 'hello', and just as i reached and opened the door I was tackled to the ground hitting the porch nearly face first.

"Hey Monarch!! Where you headed?"

"Ugh- aye Toby just heading out to get some stuff"

"Mhm cool, c-cool, wanna hang out with me 'an M-masky later? You already seem to annoy him so, we could annoy him tog-together, so we can bound over someth-ing, ya know?"

I wheeze a little and nod, "s-sure buddy- but can i breath first?"

He laughed and hopped off me helping me get up.

"Fine! Cya later Mo-monarch!"

"Yeah yeah cya later or whatever" i mumble with a small smile, then I continue my way out of the forest, I didn't know how to get out in reality, but I assume I'll figure it out. How hard could it be?

Ok. So. Its been about an hour, and I think I'm still lost... Oh wait. No. I found the exit! There at the inside outline of the forest entrance was standing who I assumed to Moxi and GS, though I couldn't see their faces.

I walked a little faster gaining their attention as I neared. i slowed down when I ceased to find GS or Moxi.

"Hey Monarch!" An, at least 16 year old girl said waving her hand at me.
She had rather long brown hair out into pigtails with blue and pink hair ties. She was wearing large blue zip up sweater, a pink shirt, a jean skirt, tan tights, and black short boots.

"Glitchy?" I question the girl, who laughed and nodded, "Yeah its me, you can call me Nova for now"

I nodded and looked to the girl standing a little bit away, most definitely Moxi, Brown hair put into a messy braid to the right side of her neck, a black tank top, skinny jeans, and now that i could see her face I would've thought her personality would match her appearance, it was probably something I should've realized with what she would usually wear and how she usually looked in general. She stood at least at 6 feet tall, with the tank top more open then her usual uniform, she was also rather muscular. Her eyes were still brown but now the area around them was visible, her left eye had an 'X' like scar going across it and her right one had a single thinner scar going down it, to think this is what the all sweet and bubbly Moxi would look like.

"Heyo Monarch!" Moxi waved upon turning to me.

"Moxi, Jesus you could've reminded me you were a frigging giant.

Moxi lauvhed and shook her head, "you talk to me almost everyday now, how didn't you realize before? And please, call me Seen"

I shruged but laughed. "Then please, call me (Y/N)"

The two of them and nodded and curtsied letting out a few laughs them selves.

"Alright then Seen, Y/N, let's be on our way shall we? Y/N lead the way" Nova letting me walk ahead.

I led our trio to the cafe me and Chole usually went to, but I recently remembered I forgot to tell her im bringing company, of course she had brought Alex last time without me knowing so she can't even be upset.

We waited for a little but Nova insisted on getting us seats and Seen left to use the rest room, almost to on time Chole and, you guessed it, Alex.

Chole instantly started waving to,rushing out of her car and hugging me.

"Where have you been?!? You never called me, texted me, snapped me, nothing!" She continued on till I told her I could explain inside and we went to the table Nova was at, playing on her room.

"Oh and Chole, this is Nova"

The two waved to one another, and not to soon after we all sat, Alex went to the rest room, and Seen came over and sat next to me, putting me between her and Nova.
Chole seemed confused at first then asked,

"Are you Y/N's soulmate?" Chole then pointed to Nova, "and are you their daughter?"

Seen laughed while I just went red and wanted to panic to say something. "Nah, she wishes tho, I'm Seen, a college of Y/N's"

Chole nodded and blushed a little, "right sorry for assuming, and college?"

Seen nodded, "yeah, its why Y/N hasn't been around lately, she wanted to keep it a secret but decided not to, she got herself a new job, but just between you and me," Seen leaned over the table a little, "its kinda Super confidential, so we can't have you going around telling people, 'ight?" Chole nodded as Seen pulled back to area.
"My lips are sealed!"
"Thanks doll it means a lot" Seen replied cheekily.

The three all talked for a bit as I waited for Alex ro return, in which he did, instantly stopping upon seeing me and Seen.

"You" he gritted through his teeth, getting the attention of the table, mostly Seen, who looked, mostly mortified, shook it off.

"you" she responded bitterly.

Chole clapped her hands not sensing the tension, "You two know each other? How swell!"

They both hummed still starring glares into one another even as Alex was sitting down.

We all had ordered and talked for the rest of the time, except for Seen and Alex who just sat there, glaring at one another.

Then we were all leaving, time flew while inside, but it was still early, so Chole insisted we join her and Alex at the mall, so we did.

Seen seemed to be on edge most of the day Alex kept his distance, though I preferred it that way.
Chole left us with one another near our cars because she had lost something of hers inside.

With Chole gone for the moment we didn't have anything to talk about, it created a tension thick enough to be a frosting and after Chole was out of sight, Alex and Seen were both practically at each others throats.

I went to step in but Nova grabbed my shoulder and shook her head looking to the two.

At first everything the two did we harmful pushes and shoves, the Alex said something that apparently ticked Seen off becuase she punched him straight across the face sending him back, which is where Nova rushed in grabbing Sean's arms back.

"Oh boy.." I mumbled going over to help Alex up.
Seen got out of Nova's grip and grabbed Alex's sweater collar but said loud enough for us all to hear.

"When Chole asks, say we nearly got mugged or some shit" then she dropped his collar and walked back to Nova back towards us.

No one said anything till Chole came back, she asked about it, and we blamed it on a near mugging.
Then it got late and we all parted ways.

We went back to my place to grab some of my important things and then we left back to the woods.

We all walked in silence, ever now and again Nova's humanoid form would glitch out but always change back but Seen seemed heaving, though I haven't know her for long, I knew this defiantly wasn't Seen.


I jumped a little but looked up.

"Yes Moxi?"

"He needs to die"

I laughed a little, "Who? Alex? Why? Because you two got into a little hissy fight?" Moxi turned around stopping me in my tracks.

"This is no funny talk Monarch, he is to die, by any means necessary,"

I'm guessing by any means, means even if it means Chole must go. I won't stand for that.

"Wait, so, he's bad? And we're any better?" Is she forgetting we are killers, dare I say monsters?

"you dont know him like we do-"

"We? Who's we?!" I almost shout but try to keep it down.

"WE as in the proxies! We as is Masky, Hoodie, Skully, Me, May, and Hazy! You have no idea what he has done! He is a terrible person!" Moxi was fuming.

"Are we any better?!"

Moxi shoved me down and growled.
"We are better then him by so much!"

She laughed and backed down seemingly losing her hostility, but still saying bitterly, "you aren't the one who basically put your friends up on supernatural Craigslist and called it day Monarch, please consider it, if you need further information please speak to our Operator or Fallen" Moxi put on her mask and a cyan sweater and walked far ahead of us.

What was she talking about? I turn to Nova who was walking but holding her head.

I touched Novas shoulder lightly but she nudged it off, smiled at me a little and teleported away, leaving me and Moxi alone.

To hopefully make this day any better *oh please note my sarcasm*, I looked down at my ring. Purple and red. Should I be worried? Please be ok Tim, I hardly know you, don't you get into any trouble, for my sake.
Now time to take my focus off that.
Actually...this got me wondering.


Moxi hummed as a response.

"What happened between you and your soulmate?" Moxi slowed a little but went back to her pace quickly.


"It doesn't seem like nothing, you can trust me"

Moxi chuckled and stopped to look up. We've been out all of today, noted by the hardly see able stars in the sun set sky.

"Monarch, do you like the name Talimonka?"

"I've never heard of a name much like it, but yeah, it seems nice."

Moxi seemed to smile and nodded, "I had loved it...perhaps this would be a story for another time, ok Monarch?" Then she started walking again.

I nodded lightly not knowing what else to do.

I looked forward to see the mansion.

Home sweetish home.

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