If they could fly ~ larry

By drunkrn

4.1K 54 11

They say opposite attract, well we are about to find out. Warning: contains; foul language, smut, consumptio... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 3

231 2 0
By drunkrn

Harry was in a dark room. 

There was no source of light in that room. There were no windows, no doors, not anything or anyone. Harry tried to find the escape of that room, but he just couldn't. He started to hear someone yelping for help. He listened very carefully to it. It was him yelping for help. Harry was utterly confused at the moment. He followed his voice, but he just kept walking and walking, until he saw some figure and he exactly knew what figure that was. His eyes met with figure's eye and then Harry started running away. He heard some footsteps following him, but he didn't have the courage to look back, because he knew he was following him. He just kept running and then suddenly he fell down. The figure reached Harry and said, "Aha, Ready Princess?" 

Harry woke up screaming. He just had the worst nightmare. He was feeling restless and he started taking very quick breaths. He felt an feeling that needles were pinching him all over his body. He felt like he was going to die. His throat was completely dried. He knew that he was now having a panic attack. He just couldn't calm down. He started walking around his room. There was no water in his room. He looked around for his inhaler. He finally found his inhaler lying in the top cabinet of his personal bathroom. He used the inhaler and felt a bit relieved. But still he was feeling restless. He decided to go out for a walk to calm down a bit. He grabbed his phone, put on his i-watch and went outside. It was 1 in the morning, there was barely anyone on the streets. It was easy for him to sneak out of his house. There was a back door at his house which opened from a passcode and Harry stole the passcode from his mother's phone, a few months ago. So, it was really easy for him to sneak out. He didn't know where he was going, it's like, his mind wasn't in charge of his movements, but his legs were.

It has been 30 minutes since Harry had been just walking. He felt way better now. He saw a park nearby and went inside to sit and...... to just sit. He saw a bench and sat. He kept looking at the sky. It was beautiful. The stars were twinkling and the clouds were just complimenting the sky. The moon was full and bright. Harry just wanted to fly up there and stay there forever. He wanted to feel free. He was lost in the beauty of the sky, that's why he didn't hear Louis approaching him and sitting beside him. He still wasn't aware of Louis' presence, until Louis said, "Lost in the sky? Styles?" Harry was taken aback from this sudden disturbance. He flinched away at Louis' voice and Louis seemed to notice that. 

"Umm. Sorry. What did you say?" Harry asked.

"It doesn't matter." Louis said with a smirk. "What are you doing here at this unholy hour?" 

"Just wanted some fresh air." Harry replied. 

"Okay. Do you live nearby?" Louis asked.

"No, not really. Just wanted to be away from home for a bit. That's it."

Louis just nodded. 

"Do you come here often?" Harry asked him. 

"depends on who is asking. Well, for you, yes I do. It feels nice to just be here at night and look at the amazing sky."

"yeah that's true." Harry said with a smile. 

There was then silence, a comfortable one, until Harry broke it by saying, 

"Louis, do you ever feel like that you don't belong here? That you just want to fly away from all your problems and never come back."

Louis was now just staring at Harry' face. He was not expecting this. He first thought to be mean but then he just couldn't gather the nerves to be so. So, he just said,

"Yes, I do feel like that sometimes. That I don't belong here. scratch that. I feel like I don't belong here, every second of every single day." Harry was now staring at Louis face. He then continued, "I just want to be somewhere, where I can be myself. Someplace that I don't have to be fake. somewhere, where I can express how I truly feel." Harry was now holding back some tears. Louis then asked Harry, 

"Why did you exactly move to this school? It can't be that you didn't like going there. "

Harry' eyes were fixed on the ground. He finally found the courage to say, "I was bullied and sometimes assaulted for being myself, aka a gay freak." 

Louis was shocked. He never thought that Harry would have been bullied. Harry was this cute looking, green eyed boy who had curly hair. How could he be bullied and ASSAULTED? Louis put his arm around Harry' shoulder and said, "I am sorry about that, but now you don't have to worry about that. No one can harm you. Not anyone. Not until, I am here." 

Harry finally let the tears fall down from his eyes. Louis wiped them away and whispered, "You are not a freak. You are beautiful."

Harry didn't respond, he just kept looking at the ground. Louis broke the tension and said, 

"It's getting late, you should go home. I will come along with you." Harry nodded. They got up and started walking towards Harry' house. Harry felt relieved now.  They were walking in complete silence, but then Harry asked, "You won't tell about the things that I said to you, to anyone. Right?"

"Of course I won't"

Harry sighed in relief. They had been walking for a long time now and they were near Harry' house. Louis was stealing glances of the green eyed boy. Then Harry stopped in front of a huge mansion. Louis stopped there and asked, "No way, you live here. You are the son of Anne Twist. I should have connected the dots. My mum and her are good friends."

"I didn't know that. My mum barely spends time with me." Harry  replied. 

"I think I should get going" Louis said while scratching the back of his head. 

"Yeah. Bye."

"Bye Styles. See you at school" and then Louis walked away.

Harry was not sure that what just happened was not a dream. He saw this arrogant boy in school, who was so kind when alone. Harry was beyond confused. He entered his house and laid down in his bed. Still thinking about the blue eyed boy. He didn't know when he drooled off to sleep. He woke up from his sharp alarm sound. It was 6:30 in the morning. He hopped in his bathroom and took a shower and brushed his teeth. Harry was feeling beyond exhausted. He just wanted to curl up in his bed and stay there forever.

He dressed in some blue distressed jeans and a Gucci plain black shirt. He went downstairs and as he thought, he wouldn't be seeing his parents was correct. They had already left for work. When Gemma was here, at least he could talk to her and now he is completely alone. He grabbed a granola bar, not that he wanted to eat, but because he knew if he didn't eat something, he would probably faint. He hasn't eaten a good meal in about 4 days. Not that anyone cared or something. He left for school in his car. He reached there in about 20 minutes. He parked his car and went inside. He saw Niall, Liam and Zayn standing in the hallway. He was about to cross them but Niall stopped them and said, "Hey mate. Why didn't you join us yesterday?" 

Harry looked at the ground and said, "I had some work that needed my urgent attention." 

Niall was not convinced, but he didn't say anything because he's a cute Irish potato. Liam then said, "Well, We are not going to leave you today, Harry." Harry just smiled at the comment, an actual smile. It has been a long time since Harry has genuinely smiled. Harry had cute dimples on his face and that's exactly when Louis came. He saw Harry smiling and thought that it was the cutest sight ever. But he wasn't going to tell anyone about that. What would they think of him. That he is  obsessing over a green eyed, curly haired boy. He approached his friends. They all waved at him, except Harry. He smiled at Louis and Louis returned the cute gesture. Zayn saw it and had a confused expression on his face. 

They all went to their respective class room together. Niall and Harry were left at the end together. Harry's class was just beside Niall'. Harry said goodbye and left for his class. But he was stopped at the door by those two jerks, Stewart and Josh who threatened Harry.

Harry was scared. The Josh guy spoke up, "Hey, look what we have here, Stewart."

"I know, I am really excited for this little birdie. So how shall we begin?" The Stewart guy spoke up. 

Josh looked at Harry with a smirk and said, "Introduce yourself!" 

Harry said, "I am H-H-Harry S-styles."

Both of them laughed and then Stewart grabbed Harry' throat and said, "No! You are a worthless fag. Let's try again."

Harry said what they asked him to say. Stewart was still holding Harry' throat and now he begin to choke. Harry was grasping for air. Stewart pulled away his hand because he saw the professor coming. Harry was now taking deep breaths. He saw the professor too and entered the class and sat at the last bench, because that was the only seat left. He was unable to focus on anything. He just stared at his bench. He flinched away at the sound of the bell. He immediately grabbed his belongings and ran, ignoring the professor.  He entered the restroom. He went inside a stall and fell on his knees. He began to cry. He was trying so hard to ignore them talking but he just couldn't. He covered his hands over his ears. 


Worthless Faggot

They should have choked you.

They should have killed you.

You should die.

You are ugly. Nobody wants you.

The voices were getting the best of Harry. Yes, Harry is schizophrenic. He gets visual and audial hallucinations. The voices tell him to do bad things to himself. They tell him that he is ugly and seriously Harry can't take it anymore. No one knew about his disorder. Not even Gemma. 

Harry was now scratching his arms vigorously. He was scratching them so violently that he started to bleed. He was panicking so much that he didn't hear the opening of the door. 


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