The Divine Hero: Izumi Midori...

By TriggeredIida

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A broken doll...and it's masterful puppet. That was how Izumi Midoriya felt for the first 14 years of her lif... More

Prologue: Hope
Chapter 1: Indignation
Chapter 2: Anger
Chapter 3: Trust
Chapter 4: Sadness
Chapter 5: Pity
Chapter 6: Fear
Chapter 7: Joy
Chapter 8: Happiness
Chapter 9: Pride
Chapter 10: Deceit
Chapter 12: Penitence
Chapter 13: Conviction

Chapter 11: Wrath

131 2 1
By TriggeredIida

Within a flash, the past year replayed itself in Izumi's mind. Finding Katsuki again, meeting her real father, imprisoning Inko, getting infected with a viral quirk and then healing it, and finally ending with the kiss she had wanted for years. All of it...and not a moment was regretted. Thought back on, but never dejected. So she would happily accept the death delivered unto her by Izo's sword. Either way, there wasn't much of a fight she could put up with her neck sliced. She hadn't tried to heal herself, knowing that there wasn't enough time to even remotely summon her fire. Her head was tilting back as she embraced his deathly grip. But, fate had something else in store for her. She recognized the cloth wrapping around the sword, stopping it from continuing. With her hearing slipping, she could hear "Iida now" come from the owner of the strengthened cloth. It was only moments after that she was raised into the air and whisked away by her blue haired friend hanging over her.

"Iida?" She choked out, blood rising in her throat; weakly, her arm went up to her neck. Within seconds, she could feel the warm liquid flowing down her forearm. "I'm bleeding a lot, aren't I?" She tried to chuckle, but only spat blood onto his cheek, "sorry," was the last word she uttered before she felt her neck tear a bit more. It seemed that it'd fall off at anytime so she stopped talking and relied on the boy as they ran up the stairs together. Before she knew it, she was laid on her back to where she was just minutes ago, at the top of the stairs. There, she saw both Katsuki and Iida hovering over her, the only two out of the twenty that hadn't been teleported.

"Izumi!" Katsuki shouted, showing clear distress over his lover, "what happened to her?!" He bit back tears, trying to prevent them from as hard as he could.

"I have no clue," Iida said clearly trying to stay as calm as possible, even with blood staining the metal of his suit. "All I know is that I followed Eraserhead-senpai's plan and rescued her."

Katsuki brought his hands up to his neck, "Izumi, please, I need you to do exactly as I do." Izumi weakly moved her hands up, Iida had to help with the rest, "try and summon your fire. If you forgot how to," Katsuki had been told only once how she summoned the healing factor of her power, but he'd kept onto it, thinking of it as useful. "Then just relax, think about something that makes you calm. All you have to do then is release it from your hands." With the warm feeling of her own hands heating her freezing neck she began to think of something. She closed her eyes, envisioning the kiss she shared with Katsuki nearly a month ago. "No no no, Izumi open your eyes, don't fall asleep please!" She let out a little squeak when Katsuki's warm hands forcefully opened her eyelids.

"Hey, Iida," she looked at the blue haired boy, her quirk wouldn't work because she was too weak. "I'm glad that I could be your friend," she didn't move her head at all, but the blood pressure rose, causing more of it to flow out. "Kacch-" she was shut up when Katsuki's lips met with hers. It was a last ditch effort to activate her quirk, but even after ten seconds it didn't activate. " I can leave this world," she stared up at the blue sky, the sun rained down upon the building. Her quirk wouldn't activate, but she wouldn't curse herself for that inability. In such a quick time she came to terms with her own death, "in peace. I love," tears came from her eyes as a warm feeling piked in her numbing hands, "you."

From her feet up, a beautiful pink flame was set ablaze. Why am I warm? Steadily, they reached her calves, spreading up to her thighs in just seconds. Everything was so cold just a moment ago, so why is it different now? The blood that had spilled on her stomach disappeared when the wave continued upwards. It's...comforting, like Katsuki holding me in his arms. When it finally hit her neck, the wound stitched itself together, leaving behind a nasty scar made of collagen, it went about three inches down each side of her neck. Am...I going to die? It should've happened by now, so what gives? The pain still resonated in her, but she opened her eyes when tears fell onto her cheek. They weren't from Katsuki, surprisingly he had his head turned back, but from Iida who'd been over her.

"Don't scare us like that, Midoriya-Kun," they rained down like a light shower, "please don't ever do that again! As your class president I request you to do so!"

"Izumi," she sat up, waiting for Katsuki to continue, "were you fine with dying?" He asked continuing to show his back to her. Was she? Did she truly hate her life that much? Sure, she was fine with dying if she couldn't heal herself...but it was entirely different. Some untold power of hers healed her up to tip top shape.

"No...I tried to be fine with it," Izumi began, "but I tried to fool myself into thinking that...I don't know why," she didn't care that Iida was still next to them, "maybe it was because of my past? That's the only reason, so that once I died I could restart and live a normal life...but, I'm perfectly happy with mine right now. My 'death,' made me rethink things, Kacchan," she stood up and faced the arena in which their teacher's were fighting in, "I want to live a long life. In spite of what happened to me, I've got to, so that I..." she paused as a blush covered her cheeks, "whatever, now that I'm fine we should go help our teachers, shouldn't we?"

"Yeah..." Katsuki spoke, "couldn't have said it better than myself," he jumped down those stairs, "I'm going to give the guy with a sword hell!" Just like that, Katsuki was off without another word...leaving behind Izumi and Iida as he aimed to help Aizawa.

"Midoriya-Kun," he spoke with a bit of sincerity in his voice, "please do not get yourself killed. Try not to," the engines in his calves charged up, "for all of our sakes." With that, Iida charged off, heading to the left of the five, planning on saving those on the outskirts fighting their own battles with villains.

"Ah...I'll try guys," she knew that the fight would still be unfair if it were a two on one, "really, I will." Holes were burnt into the back of her shirt as wings formed, her destination was for Izo. She was ready to have a fair fight with the man who could create invisible appendages. "I will make sure that no one gets killed," she flew forward, intending to collide boot first into Izo's face. However, the blue haired boy caught her, within a moment her boot disintegrated so she threw a bolt of fire to get him off.

"Not bad," she looked into his bloodlust filled eyes, "not too many people react fast enough to escape my quirk." Izumi watched as Katsuki took an invisible punch to the stomach, Izo advanced only to find resistance from Aizawa.

"Eraserhead-senpai," she started, taking her eyes off of the boy covered in hands, "he summons invisible hands, use your quirk to stop them!" She saw his eyes glow purple, signaling that there wouldn't be any invisible blows from then on.

"Don't take your eyes off me!" She turned to face her opponent, quickly blocking his grab with one of her own. "Nomu, attack her!" He shouted, ordering the creature All Might was having a tough time with. She didn't have time to block, time to dodge as the bird-like creature lunged at her, punching her in the arm. It was like getting run over by a truck going 80 kilometers per hour. She could feel the individual segments of her bones shatter before flying backwards. During the tumble, she saw the bird creature falling down at her, ready to perform a final blow with a simple dropkick.

"Midoriya!" Izumi only felt the wind push her further as All Might intercepted the Nomu. "Can you get up?!" He shouted when she stopped tumbling, the pain in her arm was unbearable so she nurtured it with flames.

"Yes sir!" She shouted, summoning tentacles of fire to strike at the Nomu.

"Good, now assist me in this battle!" He got punched in the face but didn't budge as he held the creature's shoulders. "This birdbrain was meant to combat me," he headbutt the Nomu, shattering the glass covering its brain and causing it to reel in pain. "But it is stronger than me," Izumi couldn't help but be shocked.

"What do you want me to do sir?"

"Restrain it, even if you need to break your limits," Izumi didn't waste any time as a torrent of a dozen chains shot out to hold the Nomu. "Go beyond," All Might wound up a punch, ready to take out the creature, "Plus Ultra!" But, things had been going to well, for the restraints broke like toothpicks. The tables turned, quickly in the villains favor as the Nomu ducked down and grabbed the hero by the waist before tackling him to the ground.

"Now, Izo," she heard the black haired man speak, she paid him attention to see that the swordsman now had a long sword. If she knew anything about medieval weaponry, then she'd know it was a zweihänder, a sword that only a single man had ever been able to wield. "Enact our plan!" Suddenly, a dreadful feeling washed over the blood stained battlefield when the man opened his right eye. Suddenly, his strength went through the roof, allowing him to be at All Might's side in less than a second. "Say goodbye," Izo swung downwards, aiming his incredibly long sword at the hero's head, "to the number one hero!"


Izumi didn't want to watch as blood spattered out from All Might. But she did. Katsuki didn't want to let Izo get away from him. But he did. All Might wanted to continue living. So he did. In the last moment, the hero used up a lot of his power to twist both him and the Nomu to the left. His head wasn't lopped off, but he also couldn't save his right arm from being sliced off at the halfway mark of his bicep. Izo was already prepared for his next swing, discarding his zweihänder for the rapier affixed to his head. Surely with his newly found strength and speed Izumi wouldn't have enough time to stop him or even get in front of All Might to take the stab. It was then, that she found the ground was burning around her. That quirk of hers had a mind of its own, but she knew that it moored itself to her emotions. And what she was feeling right now...was wrath.

It didn't take long for the explosive heat Izumi put off to reach the villains attacking All Might. She wouldn't make it on time if she were to run there or even use the fire that came off of her body. She didn't know if it'd work, so she tried creating a whip of fire out of the thin air. She envisioned it wrapping around Izo's weapon, leaving him with nothing but the pommel and guard. To her surprise, it worked, but not in the way she thought it would. In moments. The metal that composed the sword was reduced to a bubbling liquid along with the wrapping around the handle to burst into flames. "Not bad," she saw Izo mouth, it seemed that he had no voice. He placed a hand on the Nomu and mouthed something again, "leave All Might, focus on the girl." It had to have been something like that, since the bird like creature tore its attention off of an injured All Might and instead forced it onto Izumi. This time she'd restrain it properly, and heal the teacher who was bleeding from the stump that was now his arm. It was what she should do, seeing as it was her fault that All Might was in the state he was in.

With a jump, the Nomu rushed at Izumi head on. Izo trailed not too far behind, still clutching the rapier pommel like a pair of brass knuckles. "Get out of my way," she spoke, her voice matched the same tone she used when dealing with Inko. Was she just as angry as then? Or was she just vengeful? Whatever the case was, her power was being used at a rapid rate. She had enough stored to restrain the both for about two minutes, which was more than enough to heal All Might. Within the blink of an eye, hundreds of fiery limbs shot out from her body before grabbing and wrapping around the muscular bird-human hybrid. It was pinned to the ground, showing no signs of being able to move, unlike last time. She continued to walk towards All Might, at this point Izo had backed out of her field of heat.

"Kurogiri," she heard the voice of the man who disintegrated her boot yell, "we're getting out of here. I'd want to stick around," Izumi began to run towards the hero when he finished his sentence. "But if All Might were to go berserk, then we'd be in trouble." She saw Aizawa try to stop the smoky man's quirk, but a quick punch from Izo as he ran to them threw the teacher's quirk off.

"All Might," Izumi shouted, "don't try to get up, you've lost far too much blood!" Izumi grabbed his arm off of the ground before facing the teacher who was slowly approaching her. A sense of animosity came from him; was he infected already? If he was already showing signs of going berserk, then would she be able to heal him?

"Midoriya-Chan," he choked out, the blood flow was starting to slow as a froth bubbled at his mouth. "You can do it right?" All Might, for the first time she'd seen, had a sad gaze behind his stoic eyes, "you can kill me?"

"No, of course not," dozens of fiery arms came from her back before they encircled All Might. "But I might be able to stop you, stay still," Izumi commanded, forcing the fire to enter his body. It probed around his body, enveloping it all with its cleansing property as it burned the quirk out of his system. At least she hoped it did, there was no way to properly tell until after the fact. At the same time, a fiery tentacle grabbed the arm she held onto before moving to attach it to All Might's body. When it was aligned, a second arm came to help, "this will hurt just a bit, sir." This one was lethal, but she only used it to stitch the arm back together, her medical prowess wasn't much, but it wasn't something one could scoff at. She stitched his arm back together with fiery staples so as to mitigate the time span in which he was without one. After about a minute, she was done operating on the man, "there, how do you feel now, All Might, sir?"

"Midoriya, is the Nomu still here?" It was an odd question, but Izumi regardless turned to see that it too had been transported. She shook her head, "good," an explosion of steam enveloped them, blinding Izumi entirely. Within the thick fog, she could see a withered figure that rivaled the man with the quirk that would've caused All Might to go berserk. "Hey, Midoriya-Chan," Izumi knew All Might was speaking, but there was no way his body was this weak, it just wasn't possible. "What do you say? Keep this form of mine a secret of ours?" With that, All Might fell to the ground unconscious.

"Izumi, All Might-San, are you two alright?!" She heard Katsuki yell as he ran towards them.

"Yes, but stay back! All Might's been infected by a deadly viral quirk," it wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either, "go rescue the other students and get out of here, I'll try my hardest to cure him!" She watched as Katsuki tried to rush to her side, but Aizawa's restraining device stopped him.

"Come," Aizawa held Izumi's gaze, seemingly knowing about All Might's condition, "we should do as she says, Bakugou." And with that, Izumi was left to tend to the withering husk of the hero in front of her. Just what could've wounded him to this point?


Izumi didn't even know that she passed out while attending to her teacher, but she found out when she woke up to the familiar buzzing of the white ceiling lights. Aches covered her body. A faint, phantom-like pain ran across her neck. If she were to list every individual pain or soreness, then it would've been longer than a grocery list that comprised enough food for an entire month. She tried sitting up, but found it to be too stressful on her body, it called for too much energy she no longer had. "Hah," she whined out, the burning sensation in her lower back was intolerable, too much to even get a foot off of the hospital bed.

"I sure hope you rested well," Izumi looked to her right to see the boney version of her teacher speaking. "How do you feel, Midoriya-Chan?" His arm was wrapped in plaster, being held up by a sling. She knew there was no need for a tourniquet, but there still was one.

"I am fine," her stiff neck craned over to him, "but how about you? You were the one who lost their arm, got infected, and then turned into...this," she gestured to his withered form. It baffled her that he was living right now for his health was an enigmatic circumstance that not even the best doctors would be able to figure out.

"Ah," he said, "well you have a powerful regenerative quirk, so this," he tried to raise his arm, "is just precaution." All Might paused, seemingly unwilling to tell her how his body had gotten into such a state. "My's been like this since four years ago, since the last time All for One appeared. With one blow, he destroyed half of my respiratory organs," a morose sensation washed over his tongue as the words flowed from his mouth.

"If you want," Izumi offered, keeping everyone but her own needs ahead of her, "then I can try healing you." Never had she thought about herself solely. Always she charged head first into danger, always she sacrificed herself for others' sake, always she made Katsuki upset.

"Listen, I don't doubt your abilities," All Might tried to be bright with his wide smile, "but there's nothing anyone can do for me at this point. I'm just a dead man walking to my grave." The room went silent for a moment, causing the events of Izumi's potential death to replay in her head. "But hey, at least," he sucked in a deep breath, transforming into his muscular self, "I AM," the transformation quickly ended with a spray of blood from his mouth, "here!" Izumi tried to get up and next to him in order to heal him, "sit back down, Midoriya-Chan," his bony smile was somewhat comforting, "I'm gonna be alright." Even with the blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

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