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De -suitachi

71.1K 3.3K 1.6K

previous title: DEPAYSEMENT โ๐–๐‡๐„๐ ๐ˆ ๐’๐€๐– ๐˜๐Ž๐”, ๐ˆ ๐’๐–๐„๐€๐‘ ๐ˆ ๐๐„๐‹๐ˆ๐„๐•๐„๐ƒ ๐“๐‡๐€๐“ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐’๏ฟฝ... Mais

quirk information.
love interests?


4K 209 171
De -suitachi

↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-

Bright light blinded Akahana's vision when she opened her eyes. She blinked multiple times, trying to get rid of the blurriness that welcomed her.

Akahana looked around. She was in a room. Huh. Did someone find her or something? Last thing she remembered is fainting as she flew. She rolled her back to relax the tense muscles and stopped as she realized her wings were still out and exposed.

Oh, god. Did someone see her wings? What if they think she's a monster or an alien? Well, she could be considered an alien since she wasn't from there, but what if this world didn't have quirks? That would be bothersome.

"Oh! You are awake!" A voice said, making Akahana look towards the source of the voice.

It was...a young boy. Or at least she thought he was young. One thing she could assume is that he really liked the color green. His outfit consisted of those colors mostly, along with white and a bit of black and gold. However, his eyes were mesmerizing. It was a mix of deep blue and emerald green. His black hair was trimmed with two long braids with blue-green tips framing his face.

Akahana's wings opened on instinct, wrapping around her body as a means of protection. The boy noticed that the feathers looked somewhat sharp. He gulped. Never should he come close to those scary-looking wings.

"Hehe...don't worry, I won't hurt you!" The boy smiled brightly, making her let down her guard slightly. "I saw you struggling in the water and was about to help you, but you suddenly used cryo and flew! Then you fell."

Akahana stared at him blankly, processing his words carefully. What is a cryo? She thought.

The boy sweatdropped at the lack of response, but soon realized that the girls must've not trusted him yet. "I'm Venti the bard! What's your name, drenched angel?"

Akahana choked on her saliva at the weird nickname. Drenched angel? What the fuck.

"D...Drenched angel..?" She mumbled unsurely.

Venti giggled and walked closer as he saw that her wings were now relaxed behind her. "Yes, and unless you want me to call you that, you'll have to tell me your name!"

Akahana grimaced. "Kita Akahana," she mumbled, now hiding her wings.

Venti smiled. "Red flower of the north. What a beautiful name."

At that, Akahana's cheeks flushed, which didn't come unnoticed by Venti. Too busy and flattered, Venti took this time to study her. Short, platinum blonde hair and glistening bright red eyes, soft-looking pink lips and a  beauty mark on her cheek. She does look like an angel who was missing her halo.

Venti wonders what creature she is. She looked human with a cryo vision, which was still pretty normal to him. What made him curious was her wings. Never did he see such magnificent wings. His wings were white, however it was jot as beautiful as hers.

It was almost 20 feet long in all, pure white that shines like gold in the sun. It's sharp like knives, however soft like silk.

What a mystery. Venti was curious.

Akahana recovered. "Um...where am I?"

She only knew she was being sent into a dimension called M-TEY07. It's better to know the place from a local. Maybe Venti can answer her questions.

"In an inn I rented for today!" He answered cheerfully. Almost like he was asking for praise.

Instead, Akahana sweatdropped. "No, I mean this place. What is this place called?"

Venti raised his brow in confusion. "Huh? We're in Teyvat, of course! More specifically, in Mondstadt."

"Huh," Akahana mumbled. Maybe it was normal if people had quirks since Venti didn't look that surprised. He also called her quirk something like cryo? Maybe she should ask more.

Venti handed her a glass of water, and sat on the wooden floor, hands tucked underneath his thighs. He looked like a child. "So, mind telling me why you were in the ocean?" He asked curiously.

Akahana tried to think of a good excuse, however she thought it would be best if she told the truth i stead. Something tells her that Venti wouldn't believe a lie she said. Also, she wasn't a good liar.

So she explained everything from the beginning. Leaving out only the details of her quirks. She didn't really have a mission, only to observe and explore this world. Damn! Speaking of mission, her hand reached into her left arm for the device, only to feel nothing but her clothes.

"Uh," she hesitated, "did you see some sort of a machine around my arm when you found me?"

Venti hummed, thinking deeply whether or not he saw some weird outlander stuff. He shook his head. "Nope, nothing. What did it look like though?"

"It's black and rectangular, about the size of my palm, I really need it."

Venti furrowed his brows. "I'm sorry, I haven't seen anything like that. Maybe we can go back there and search? However, you might've lost it in the ocean..."

Akahana sighed. "No, no it's fine. I'm only here for a week and they are supposed to get me back at the same place." Hopefully, her parents won't worry too much when they find out they can't contact her at all.

Venti had nothing to say, so he stood up and offered her a hand. "Say, you must be hungry! What do you say I treat you to lunch?"

Akahana brightened up at the thought of food. She wondered how food in this place called Teyvat tastes like. "Yes please!" she chirped happily and stood up with the help of Venti.

Venti didn't realize this sooner, but her clothes looked similar to what some people would wear. If she didn't admit she was from a different dimension, then he would've thought she was a local with a foreign name. Kita Akahana, how nice.

As they walked towards Venti's favorite food place in Mondstadt, he thought of a topic to make things more comfortable. "So, you must be pretty good at fighting if you have cryo vision!"

Akahana made a confused sound. Cryo, again. What was that? Did it somehow relate to her ice powers that she used? "What's cryo vision?" she asked instead, wanting to know more.

Venti giggled. "Silly, it's those ice powers you used before you flew!"

"Oh," Akahana hummed, "well, to tell you the truth, I don't only have 'cryo vision'," she said.

"What do you mean?"

Before she could answer, Venti grabbed her wrist and dragged her to a seat. Ah, so they have arrived. It wasn't so big of a place, but the ambiance was homey and cozy. She could smell the delicious cuisines and she was more than ready to get a taste of this world's food.

"Two Barbatos Ratatouille, please!" Venti said as soon as they took a seat.

Venti observed the outsider as she looked around the small restaurant. Her sparkling ruby eyes made her look like a curious child.

"So, what did you mean by earlier?" Venti asked.

Akahana snapped her eyes back to the bard. "Oh. It's just that I can control all the elements," like an avatar, she wanted to say, but she doubts Venti knew what that means. Teyvat didn't seem like a modern world with advancing technologies.

Venti's eyes widened and he leaned closer. "All elements? Wow! That's so cool!"

Akahana smiled warmly at his childish glee. "Yes. From where I am from, we call this a 'quirk.' Each of us have different quirks. My wings came from my father, while my elemental control came from my mother." She explained as Venti continued to listen.

"Wow. What other...quirks...exists?" He asked, tilting his head.

Akahana hummed. "Hmm, well I have this friend who can make explosions from his hands. He's a pretty violent one but I assure you that he has good intentions for the world." She said, remembering Bakugou Katsuki and his rather aggressive ways. Though Bakugou disliked her (or so she thinks), she was one of the few who went to save him when he was captured by villains.

She laughed. "Another is half ice and half fire. He has such beautiful eyes. He's rather aloof, but we go along well."

"Ohh! Let me not forget one of my closest friends! She can create anything from her body. I remember one time I said I felt cold and she created a sweater for me!"

Venti just listened to her storytelling. He liked the sound of her voice. How her eyes sparkled at the mention of her friends.

The girl suddenly grew serious, though a small smile still graced her lips. Venti stared at her as she tucked her blonde locks behind her ear.

"All of us...our dream is to become a hero. We want to do our very best to keep everyone safe." Akahana said, smiling as she met eyes with Venti.

He swore his breath hitched and his heart jumped. My, my, Akahana is something else.

"That is a wonderful dream, Akahana." Venti said sincerely, nodding his head.

Akahana giggled, and just in time, their delicious food arrived. The smell invaded her nose, and she grew more hungry than earlier. She's surprised her stomach didn't even grumble.

"Please, call me Hana. Akahana is too long," she said to Venti as she clasped her hands together before eating, "Itadakimasu!"

Venti tilted his head, but soon shrugged it off as a tradition her people would do back in their world. Wait, how did they even get to understand each other anyway? Gee, now even Venti is questioning his own world. Eh, he can question that later.

For now, he will eat with this new girl and perhaps give her a tour around the village.

"Wow! This is delicious!" Hana shoved spoonfuls of the food inside her mouth, and Venti couldn't help but laugh at her silly expression.

"Ehe, I know right?"

↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-

The two finished their hearty lunch and left the restaurant with full stomachs. Venti patted himself in the back for bringing more than enough money because Hana had such a huge appetite! He couldn't have known since she seemed slim and petite, almost.

Venti suggested he take her on a short tour around the village. Then, he realized something. "Say, where will you be staying? I don't suppose you have mora currency with you to pay for your supplies," he asked, making Hana stop her walking and do a facepalm.

Well, she didn't really think of that either.

"Ah, crap," she muttered, before glancing at Venti, who seemed worried about her. "Is there a way for me to earn mora?" She asked.

Venti smiled again and clapped his hands. "Of course! Since you have crazy visions—er, I mean, quirks—maybe you can join the Adventurers' Guild and do commissions to earn money!"

Hana tilted her head, "Adventurers' Guild?"

"Yep!" Venti nodded, "Travelers or adventurers join here to earn money while on their travels. The guild will give them small quests like deliveries or fighting off hilichurls or monsters," he explained, making Hana hum in thought.

That didn't sound like a bad idea. She can't really live homeless for a whole week and rely on fruits for food either. The guild would also be a good experience she could later on report back home.

"Sounds good! Where is this guild?" She asked, and Venti dragged her again towards a small stand near the stairs leading out of the village.

"Hi Katheryne!" Venti greeted the young woman standing up to greet them.

"Ad astra abyssosque. Welcome to the Adventurers' guild! What can I do for you today." Katheryne greeted with a friendly smile.

"My friend would like to join the Guild and also get some commissions for today," Venti said before Hana could even open her mouth to explain herself. Dang, isn't Venti an impatient one?

Katheryne's eyes brightened at the news of a new member. The Guild has been getting shorthanded lately, and she would surely accept an extra hand right now.

"Of course! Here are your commissions for today, Miss!" She said happily, handing Hana a list, and a map where she could refer to.

"I'm Kita Akahana, pleasure to be working with you."

And so, Akahana left the village for her first commission. Venti explained along the way what she needed to do and would be there to assist her for the time being. He was bored, he said. A free bard who knows the basics of fighting, he said.

"You can unlock a few teleport waypoints on our way there so as you complete your quests, you can travel a lot easier. There are also statues here that represents Teyvat's seven Archons. Come, let me show you!" Venti rambled before running off, not even waiting for the confused girl.

"W-Wait..." she groaned when Venti didn't stop and continued running towards a statue.

There was a huge tree behind the statue which seemed to vibrate with raw power. Hana felt the power, though she didn't really know what kind of power the tree possessed. There was something else about that tree, that much she knows. She tore her eyes away from the tree and to the statue who was glowing red.

Venti observed her actions. He knew she could feel the anemo power coursing through the tree and the statue, he just hoped she didn't get too curious about it. He didn't want to be found out this soon.

"Go ahead and touch the statue." Venti gestured. "That is Barbatos, the Anemo archon who guides over Mondstadt," he added, staring at his own statue and hoping that Hana was a hit oblivious to the fact that he and the statue had the same hair. Maybe he could reason that he idolizes the god so he had the same hairstyle. That would work, probably.

Hana touched the statue and immediately, she felt a reaction. The same time the statue glowed blue, her hand let out strong gusts of wind, stronger than it normally is. "Whoa, what was that?" She asked, staring at her palms in surprise.

Venti gaped, What is that? "I don't know, but maybe Barbatos took a liking on you because you can control his element," he giggled instead. It wasn't his work. Though it wasn't totally a lie; he did take a bit of a liking towards the girl.

Hana decided to try out something. Maybe the strong burst of wind was just a one time thing, so she decided to test it out on something—or someone. "Hmm, Venti. Mind helping me out?" She smirked.

Venti didn't see her evil smirk and agreed quickly. One moment he was standing on his own two feet, the next he was flying with the wind slapping his face. Well, he can fly, but this time not on his own accord.

Also, he was flying more than a hundred meters up in the sky. He screeched and almost wanted to use anemo to bring him down. He then heard loud laughter beside him.

...beside him..???

Venti snapped his neck towards the sound and saw Hana with her majestic wings out, flying easily and gracefully. "Well, I guess it's safe to say that this Barbatos strengthened my use of the wind...or anemo."

Venti tried to glare, but the harsh blow of the wind just made him tear up. "You guess?"

"Normally I can't send someone flying this high without using too much of my energy, but I did this with a mere snap of my fingers," Hana smirked, inwardly proud of her strengthened ability. Her red eyes found Venti's flabbergasted ones and she turned her smirk into a friendly smile.

"Well, time to send you down now!" Hana said too cheerfully that Venti wanted to protest and just reveal he had anemo vision.

Before he could even do that, though, he already felt his soul leaving his body. Falling doesn't feel good, and he guessed this was how his enemies might have felt whenever he made then go zoom.


Hana stayed watching, laughing her heart out before she deemed that Venti's torture was enough for today. Using her huge wings, she dove down to catch the boy in her arms to stop him from falling.

"Huh, I never thought I would be the knight saving a damsel in distress!"

"Shut up!"

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