She's our bodyguard?!?

By Tillytheboss

142K 3.9K 732

I'm Lenna Vick and believe it or not, I'm One Direction's new bodyguard. I know, it's pretty hard to believe... More

Chapter 1 - ABOUT ME
Chapter 2 - Meeting The Boys
Chapter 3 - DADDY
Chapter 4 - 5 AM
Chapter 5 - Dang it
Chapter 6 - Wait You're My Brother
Chapter 7 - What's going on?
Heads or Tails
The Event
The Vicks are Back Bitch!
Little town
We bought a diner
The tapes
Pregnancies and fighting
Like mother like daughter
Stacy the little liar
Answers and updates
The shootout
Old friend
Story Time
Danny Baby
Bye Bye Bye.
One Direction's return
Children and fighting
Hospital Suprises
Looks like she's back
Wrong Lad
Veronica veronica.
Dear kinda husband
Calm before the storm?
Bang bang/// 1 more chapter
Last Chapter


1.3K 38 20
By Tillytheboss

"Cause you got that....ONE THING!!" Damon loudly sang, Ed harshly hit Damon's shoulder. Damon winced and rubbed his sore shoulder.

"Ow, whatcha do that for?" Damon asked Ed with a glare. (Did anyone read that in Niall's voice? Haha. You know, from This Is Us.)

"I've been telling you to shut up for the past 10 minutes. I don't want to hear, some shit boyband , being sung by a horrible singer." Ed expressed with annoyance. Damon's face showed mock hurt from Ed's comment on his singing.

"They aren't shit. They are actually really cool lads." I told Ed with a glare. He shifted uncomfortably and apologized.

"Yeah, and I'm an amazing singer." Damon added onto my comment. Everyone except me glared at him.

Currently Damon, Ed, Josh, Kaden, and I , are all seated in the back of some old van. Danny and Noah sat upfront. We are on our way to "kick ass", well that's how Damon put it. Damon figured out where they are keeping Nick, with his expert hacking skills , that yes, he does brag about constantly.

We are going to basically raid the place until we find Nick. I don't care for Nick that much, seeing as though he did nothing to save Liam and I in the drowning incident that the disturbed man sitting a few feet from me organized. Me and Danny have a love/hate relationship. I hate him, but I love him. When we were kids we were best friends, and we dated for three years.. That time together just doesn't disappear. The bad times don't disappear either.

"Get ready." Noah yelled to us. We all looked at each other in approval. The van doors swung open and we all jumped out. The morning air still seemed wet from the pouring rain, that took place last night. The ground is muddy, and the grass is wet.

Me and Damon were put in a pair, seeing that we were trained the same, well not exactly the same, but close enough.

With guns in ready to shoot positions, Damon and I walked back to back through the woods. When Damon and I finally made it to the building we shot the lock off a door to get inside. Thankfully, we have silencers to muffle the loud bang.

I pushed the door open, allowing Damon to go in before me. We walked through the lifeless hallway on edge. A scream erupted from a nearby room, the scream is definitely Nick, he got hurt a lot when we were kids , his scream has been burned into my mind.

Quickly, Damon and I started rushing towards the frantic noise. Spotting no one around us. Damon bursted the door open allowing me to step into the room first.

Nick was tied up on a chair. His usual clean blond hair is greasy with dirt and blood. His navy blue shirt is ripped, a blood stain covers a large spot of his shirt. I rushed over to him and began sawing off his ropes. Nick weakly looked at me. His eyes went wide in shock. I bet he thought he was never going to see me again.

"Leanna?" He asked, his voice barely heard.

"Yes, don't worry, I'm here with Danny to save your ass." I assured him. He fell back in the chair. Once his ropes were free I helped him up. He leaned most of his weight onto me, seeing that it was too painful for him to walk on his own. Or the fact that he was far too weak.

"Damon! Help me get Nick out of here." I whisper-yelled to Damon who was watching the door. Damon rushed inside the disgusting room, and grabbed onto Nick's other side.

When me and Damon got close to the exit another scream was heard. The sound made me want to drop Nick. The color in my face has drained, and I suddenly couldn't walk.

"Leanna. C'mon we need to get out of here. What are you doing"? Damon ordered me. I dropped Nick onto Damon quickly deciding what I must do.

"Get him out of here. Go! I'll join you in the car in a few minutes." I demanded to Damon. Damon looked at me as if I was insane. Before he could protest I ran off in the direction of the scream.

Why would she be here? That doesn't make sense. She has nothing to do with any of this.

The screeching was heard once more. I ran until I crossed a corner. The room had to be down this hallway.

Once I spotted guards outside the room I began shooting. One guard fell to the ground, clutching his penetrated chest. The other looked around in panic. Another shot was fired. The second guard fell to the ground. Dead.

I rushed to the door and flung it open. Two men stood in front of her with a knife. She was sobbing while staring at the ground. The sight made me want to have a rampage.

I shot the man with the knife in the arm. The other man looked at me, his mouth wide open. He mouthed "omg". He looked at me in awe, which scared me. I shot him. He fell
To the ground with a bullet in his head. I walked over to the other man who lay on the ground in pain.

"You like hurting women, eh?" I asked him with a cruel tone. He looked up at me, the shock on his features shown.

"Leanna Vick." He spoke with awe in his features.

My eyes scrunched up in curiosity. Why is he looking at me like I'm a god?

I hit him with the boot of my gun. The groaned in pain.

"The boss will be so happy when I tell him I've seen you." The man cruelly spoke. His words taunting me. Without thinking I replied.

"Too bad you'll never tell him."

I shot him in the head. His blood spraying against the wall.

I turned around suddenly remembering the reason why I'm in this room.

June sat on a wooden chair, ropes once again wrapped around her small body.

June looked amazing for her age. She was currently 45, but you couldn't tell.

"Leanna? What are you doing? Agh, did you kill someone? What's going on? Get me untied please!" She yelled out. She was unsure of her surroundings thanks to the blindfold.

"Calm down June please." I told her, while taking her blindfold off. She looked around the room. Once she noticed the dead bodies, she screamed in fright.

"Calm down! I need to get you out of here." I ordered her. She instantly shut up. I sawed the ropes off of her. She sat up, her knife wound in her arm bleeding.

"Get behind me." I demanded. She listened, thankfully. June is a stubborn woman, I just hope her image of me hasn't been destroyed by murder.

I led her to the door me and Damon broke in through. She held onto my arm tightly, she must be scared out of her mind.

When I opened the door. I rushed her out first. When u exited after her she helped me by taking my hand. She gave me a kind smile, to which I returned.

Suddenly my body was tackled to the ground. The impact not only shocked me, but painfully hurt. A crack was felt throughout my bones. My ribs.

I pushed the person off of me with a kick. I got up on my feet in record time. I aimed my gun at the man who attacked me. Without warning he got up and punched me. Angry, I grabbed my gun and hit him with hit repeatedly. He yelled for help, but thankfully no one came.

"Who do you work for?" I yelled in frustration. He smirked at me, his lip busted.

"You'd like to know that, wouldn't you princess?" He tauntingly replied. Knowing June and I needed to escape I shot him. No one can know I was here.

June screamed in terror. She looked at me with wide eyes.

I grabbed her arm, thankfully she followed without a fight. We made it back to the van, everyone else was waiting for me.

The back doors opened , me and June were pulled in.

Damon looked at me with crazy eyes. His emotions flying everywhere.

"Who is that?"Danny asked with anger on his features.

"We need to get out of here right now." I told him breathless, he nodded and started driving away.

After a while of awkward silence Damon broke it.

"What happened back there Leanna?" Damon asked concerned. "Who is this?" Damon asked pointing at June. I looked at June, even though she was already looking at me.
Her eyes wide, and full of confusion.

"This is June." I answered the question they were all thinking.

"Why is she here?" Danny rudely asked. Before he even gave me the chance to answer he began ranting.

"The mission was: get Nicky and leave. You got Nick, but you didn't fucking listen. Dammit Leanna! You never listen to anything I say. Never! You never have! Ever! What the hell? Who the hell even is this? Is this a fucking random woman who you don't even fucking know, but heard screaming? You piss me off so much! Why did you even grab this fucking woman? If she is some random bitch who you heard scream I'm going to flip my shit."

My mouth fell agape. I glared at him suddenly hearing what he said.

"What the fuck do you mean by I never listen? I CAME WITH YOU TO SAVE NICK!! I wouldn't fucking be here if it wasn't for that. I left people who actually, love and care about me!! They are in so much fucking trouble and stupidly I came with your dumbass. I am so stupid! Harry and Liam are going to be so pissed off at me, but they won't try to fucking kill me and someone who I care about , cause they aren't fucked up. You tried to drown Liam. So did Nick, yet I came here because I remembered when we were kids. We aren't kids anymore. This woman is Janet Reed's mother, you asshole! You know what Danny? I'm going to flip my shit." I screamed letting all my suppressed emotions to rise. Everyone looked at me in shock, not believing that I just yelled at Danny like that. Danny processed my words before yelling back.

"You shouldn't of left that dumb Boyband!! Apparently they love and care about you. You are stupid Leanna, and the sooner you realize the better. I don't care whose mother this is, or that they won't drown you or Liam!! Go ahead you stupid bitch, fucking flip your shit."

Before I could respond Damon did.

"Shut the fuck up Danny!! Leanna isn't stupid, she's smarter than your dumb ass. Me and Leanna are leaving as soon as we back to the hotel."

The car grew silent. Even Danny didn't speak. Once we reached the hotel Damon grabbed my arm, pulling me and June out of the van. He pulled us into Damon & I's hotel room and slammed the door.

"I'll pack our stuff." Damon mumbled and disappeared Into the bathroom.

June looked at me with wide eyes. She sat down in shock. I sat beside her hoping she'd speak.

"What the hell Leanna?" She asked me. She looked at me and shook her head.

"Why are you with these guys? Where is my granddaughter? Why was I taken off the streets of Vegas, shoved into a van and woken up in a deserted school?" She yelled, her emotions controlling her. She began crying into her hands.

"Sydney is safe. She is with Harry. These guys are a gang, someone took their member named Nick so they asked for my help. They were my friends when I was little, Janet's also.... I think you ...were taken ...because of me." I answered her questions calmly. She looked at me, her eyes red from crying.

"Who is Harry? Why was my daughter friends with men like them? Because of you? Why would this have anything to do with you?

"You know the famous boyband One Direction?" I asked her. She shook her head in answer. No.

I grabbed the magazine of the nightside table. I flipped it to the page in the airport. She instantly spotted Sydney in Harry's arms.

"Why is Sydney with famous people? How do you know famous people?" She shrieked in worry.

"Liam, he is right there." I pointed at Liam. She grabbed the magazine and looked closely. Her mouth fell agape.

"Am I dead? Are you dead? Liam is dead!! Is that my daughter? SHE IS DEAD!" She yelled in terror. She looked at me her eyes full of terror.

"Liam is alive, and this may be hard to believe, but Janet is also. It was a shock to me too." I calmly told her, she started shaking.

"Prove it." She ordered. I grabbed my phone.

"I have a voicemail from s few days ago. Sydney, Liam, and Janet all talk." I informed her before pressing the play button.

"Leanna. Where are you? You need to come to England, Sydney is tired of me, I swear. She wants her aunt. She keeps asking me where you are, but I don't know what to tell her." Harry started. June looked at me.

"Who is that?" She asked me calm.

"That's Harry." I responded.

"HARRY!! Is that auntie Lea? I want my princess crown NOWWWWWWWWWWWW!! Do you have my macaroni ready?" Sydney yelled, you could tell she is in Harry's arms.
He laughed, her joining in.

"Why don't you go tell Perrie more baby names?" Harry asked her with a voice of excitement. The smile on my face must be huge. June was smiling now, but she still seemed weary.

"Okay." She answered Harry. You could hear him sitting her down. He sighed and yawned.

"Harry give me the phone. Is that a voicemail to Leanna? " Liam yelled. Harry shhed him and handed him the phone.

"Leanna you need to get here so I don't kill Louis. He keeps playing with my hair like its his teddy bear. Also Zayn misses you! He needs someone to keep him awake, with all the rambling Perrie has been doing lately I'm surprised he's awake." Liam jokingly stated. I'm the background you could hear perrie yelling that she heard him. June looked at me with wide eyes, she did think my brother died.

"Liam give me the phone." Janet yelled, her mother instantly grabbing the phone.

"Leanna, I need you here. My little girl doesn't even know her mother is in the same room as her, let alone her father has been with her for a long time. She thinks harry is hiding you . It's actually quite depressing. Agh, I gotta go, bye." She spoke into the phone. The voicemail was done. June started crying on me. Unsure of what to do, I patted her shoulder.

"Leanna, you're gonna wanna see this." Damon yelled while running Into the room and turning the tv on. He changed the network to E! News.

"Up next: Boybander, in the hospital?"

The title caught all of our attention.

"Earlier today, Harry Styles rushed to Gem Hospital. Now you teenage girls can calm down, the curls is fine. His alleged child, Sydney, has been checked into the hospital." The news reporter informed us making me gasp. I nervously started playing with my hair. Pictures of Harry and three woman surfaced on the screen. Sydney crying in his arms. The two woman were Gemma and someone I don't know. I am guessing his mother.

"We have yet to receive information on why Sydney is in the hospital. The rest of the boyband rushed to the hospital, with Destiny and Janet, close friends of the boyband. Here is a video of Liam Payne outside the hospital, only a few hours ago." The reported told us, her fake smile making me want to turn the TV off.

In the video Liam is seen walking close to Janet. He walked into the hospital doors and pushed Janet forward. She smiled and waved to him before continuing without him. He walked back out side to face the reporters.

"Hi, excuse me, but can you please respect our privacy and go home, or somewhere else than here?" Liam requested with a smile on his stressed face. Zayn and Perrie walked by Liam. The cameras flashed ignoring Liam's request. Perrie and Zayn were whispering to Liam, they all walked inside seeming angry.

The video ended and I knew what we had to do.

"We need to get on a plane right now." I demanded. Everyone in the room agreed.

Liam's POV
(Starting from where the video ended)

"What happened Liam? Harry texted me saying that Syd is hurt." Perrie asked me seeming lost. Zayn nodded and looked at me.

"I don't know, he texted me the same as you. I just got here." I answered them annoyed. Harry could've at least told me why. She is my daughter.

We stayed silent as we walked to the elevator. Gemma texted us the room number and what floor they were on.

When we finally made it to the room. Harry was standing, running his hands through his hair. He does that when he is nervous.

Gemma and Anne were seated with Janet. Janet had red eyes.

I looked to the hospital bed. Sydney laid there with her eyes shut. A cast on her arm.

"What's wrong?" Perrie asked no one in particular. Zayn told her to sit down to which she listened.

"T-they don't know. She broke her arm.. But then she passed out and she hasn't woken up. They are running tests, but we don't know." Harry answer, his eyes looking sore. The redness screams that he has been crying. I sat down. The feeling over came, the fear in the moment. They don't know what's wrong with my baby. I don't know.

Thanks for reading ;)

Please comment those amzing thoughts and feelings

Love your selves

Thank you for voting, commenting, and reading

Love you- Tilly

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