Loving The Way Mountains Talk...

By af28finty

937 76 0

we all need HYUNSUNG this is why i did this More



76 7 0
By af28finty

They are now at the practice room practicing some dances "uhm jisung why dont you practice on your dance first cause you are kinda clumsy ehheheh" chan said

"Oh okay i will go now" jisung said following chan's order

"Hey why don't you teach him! Uhm hyunji-" chan suddenly remembered that hyunjin left the group "uh minho practice with jisung today thank you" chan said earning a nod from minho

"Hey dont get too uncomfortable i just confessed to you nothings wrong with it" minho said making jisung comfortable again

"Hyung i know you know that i am not bisexual but i want you to know that i can accept your letter" jisung said making minho tilt his head

"Thank you so much" minho said

After so many times of practice jisung can only think of what hyunjin wrote for him

"Hey you okay?" Minho ask

The question echoed in jisungs mind making him think that its the person he hates

"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST DANCE BETTER!" jisung yelled earning all of the eyes stare at him

"Did i do something wrong?" Minho stoped his dancing and asked the boy who shouted

"Im sorry im just blacking out" jisung said panicking

"Its fine we can now stop, lets go home" chan said to all of them

(At straykids house)

"Jisung is there something wrong?" Minho said

"Hyung can you stay here be my roommate please.." jisung stated

"Of'course sungie..!" Minho said while smiling

"Thank you hyung" jisung said

"Tell me what's wrong.." minho said

"Hyung i just blacked out thats it" jisung processing what he just lied

"Sung can you please answer my question in the letter...?" Minho asked

"Uhm hyung i want to tell you that yes i accept your letter and uhm i still am not ready for those stuffs" jisung put his head down

"Give me 3 chances to date you if that didn't work then lets just be brothers..." minho said feeling that he literally has no chance with jisung

"Oh okay" was the only words jisung can say

"Lets start tommorow"

After three time of dating jisung still dont feel anything he wants to feel the same way to minho but he couldn't just give them

"So what do you think?" Minho asked

"Uhm hyung can we please have one last date just to prove my feelings are right please?" Jisung begged

"Oh okay" minho said

(One year later)-(im so lazy to do stuffs teehee) -ps: the last date of minsung is still not happening

"GUYSSS OMG" chan yelled going down stairs

"Oh my god hyung its so early" seungmin said

"Oh im sorry" chan apologized and looked at seungmin then bowed

"Why are you looking at me?" Seungmin asked

"Oh okay so uhm hyunjin called last night-" chan was cut off

"Hyunjin hyung called last night and you didnt told us? Hyung?" I.N asked and might want to get angry

"Let him continue" changbin said

"So hyunjin called last night and said that if we want him to comeback he needs one condition" chan continued

"What condition hyung tell me please" seungmin asked and begged desperately making everyone look at him

"He needs to talk to seungmin just seungmin" chan said

"Thats it?" Felix asked "why seungmin why not everyone?" He asked again

"I also dont know but seungmin will you?" Chan asked with puppy eyes

"I will talk to him now.. i gotta go upstairs" seungmin said

"Oh okay thats easy" chan said with wide eyes


(At seungmins room)

'Ring ring ring' seungmins phone rings and suddenly someone picked up

"Yeah why?" The other line said

"Hyung why did you want to talk to me?" Seungmin said

"I don't know i just wanted to make sure your not angry with me" hyunjin confronted

"Hyung i will never get mad at you and you know that" seungmin calmly told hyunjin

After a time of conversation its finally lunch
When the doorbell suddenly rang...

"Uhm can you open the door i think someone's there" hyunjin said

"Oh okay i will call you later just wait a minute" seungmin ended the call and went down stairs

He got to the door and was shocked when he opened it

"Hyunjin hyung!" Seungmin shouted and hugged hyunjin aggressively

All the members came and was surprised when they saw a hyunjin standing infront of their door

"Come in!" Changbin said

Hyunjin entered and saw a jisung sleeping on minho's lap and minho sleeping on the couch with jisung on his lap

Hyunjin ignored it and just went to hug everyone except jisung

"Hey sungie wake up its time to eat lunch" minho said slightly shaking the boy

"Oh you finally woke up c'mon lets eat lunch chan hyung is getting mad" minho said

"Oh okay.." jisung stated

"Guys- hey sungie you finally woke up lets eat" chan said

"Mhmm" jisung hummed in order to tell him that he is literally awake

"Why is there an extra plate aren't we only 7? Why is there an extra plate?" Jisung is so confused and his question was only answered when someone entered the room

"Hey guys I'm now done taking a shower can we eat now?" Hyunjin said rubbing the towel on his hair

"Waaah hyung sit beside me!" Seungmin said

"Okie seung-ie" hyunjin said putting his hands on seungmins cheeks

"Okay lets eat" changbin said

When they all started eating felix asked something

"Hyunjin hyung where have you been staying the past year?" He questioned

"Oh actually i didn't go to Canada i just stayed at an apartment" hyunjin answered

"Are you ok with it?" I.N. questioned

"Yeah kind of well there is no more shouting and bickering and stuffs so its kinda calm but also a tiny bit of lonely" hyunjin explained

"Ohh would you rather stay here or there?" Changbin asked

"Uhm hyung im sorry but I'd rather stay there rather than staying here tho but i missed seungmin and you guys a lot" hyunjin said

"Oh that's fine" changbin smiled

"Okay uhm im done eating" jisung said

"Uh me too!" Minho said following jisung quickly

"Okay" chan said

"Uhm hyung i am also done uhm can i get my left over stuffs at jisungs and minho hyungs room?" Hyunjin asked chan politely

"Yeah go on" chan confirmed

"Thanks hyung" hyunjin thanked

Hyunjin left the table and went upstairs just to see a minsung cuddling like there is no more later

"Hey hyunjin whats up?" Minho asked

"Oh uhm im gonna get my stuffs and leave" hyunjin said picking his clothes

"Where will you sleep?" Minho asked

"Oh uhm i will sleep next door yeah..." hyunjin sadly said while looking at jisung who was cuddling minho

"Oh okay sleep early and uhm pd-nim wanted us to have a day off tomorrow so uhm we will discuss it tomorrow morning" hyunjin left the two boys

Hyunjin went to his room and felt like just wanna take a shower and just felt like staying in the bath forever

He went to the shower room and remembered he gave another letter to jisung he wondered that is the two really dating or minho is already jisungs boyfriend

Jisung pov

I was shocked when i received another letter from someone i mean that person could have just texted me well i dont know

I went to the drawer and picked it up again and i also read it again i just cant get off of it i just cant belive it

'Hi Han uhm in the last letter that i gave to you was i told you that i was into you but i did not waste that one year i was away from you actually i felt really happy not seeing you well
i was so happy that i dont see you with minho hyung but you know what i finally moved on from my feelings well i dont like you anymore i dont love you anymore Han i wanted to simply tell you that i now finally moved on that's it well moving on was kinda hard you are my first love and i thought that you will be the last one but someone told me that you are happy with another person and that was not me-'

I didnt want to continue the letter cause i do not want to be hurt i just wanted to feel like i am not alone

But Hyunjin just made me feel like i am now on his own

"Who told you th-that i am h-happy without you i n-never loved anyone else its just -you h-hwang -hyunjin" i tried to tell it while sobbing

Its true i never really loved anybody else except hyunjin he is the only guy that made me feel like i was never alone with all those fights i never felt anger i just felt that i loved him more

The more we fight the more i put love to him
the more i slap his handsome the more i feel his soft skin

But i do not want to let minho hyung down
'Knock knock knock' mhmm speaking of minho hyung "come in" i just yelled wiping my tears as fast as i could

"Anything wrong?" He asked

"Nothing why are you here?" I asked

"This is also my room remember?" I forgot that minho hyung was my roommate

"Oh yeah right uhm hyung can we talk?" I asked

"Yeah well uhm i also wanted to talk to you" he said

"Hyung i don't want to hurt your feelings but i dont love you the way you love me i love someone else" i confessed

"Well uhm actually i also love someone else this past few weeks i felt like i dont feel the same way to you anymore.. im sorry" he said

"Its fine but uhm i guess its a win-win?" I chuckled a bit

"Yeah maybe" he laughed softly

"Well uhm im gonna go to chan hyungs uhm room first we need to film something" he added

"Oh okay bye see you later" i waved at him and he waved back

When he left i continued the letter that just makes me feel like no one loves me anymore

'I don't want to make you feel sad that's why i am telling you this cause i know that you are angry or maybe depressed because i like you but don't worry that just changed i don't like you anymore its now fine just uhm uh i guess just enjoy your self with the person you love well bye -sincerly hyunjin'

Bitch i always love you and if i had a chance to make you mine i will do it but nope i dont have any not even a tiny bit of chance cause we always fight we always bicker i just wished that i moved on already knowing that you will literally love someone i just wished that i never read all your letters in the first place


It had now been three days since jisung just kept crying and the others worrying about him jisung just kept eating late these days

Even Minho cant force him to eat on time and dont eat just ramen, everyone except hyunjin had been forcing jisung to come out of his bed but jisung just won't respond

Jisung just had the same routine these days

Wake up
Eat late
Sleep again

But the worse in this sometimes after showering he won't eat

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