Next time, Starboy (Jotaro x...

By lasagna_writes_shit

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Even though she had known about Stands and their users for a long time, (Y/N) had never expected to actually... More

Part One
Chapter One - The Cat
Chapter Two - The Guy
Chapter Three - The House
Chapter Four - The Fight
Chapter Five - The Plane
Chapter Six - The Frenchman
Chapter Seven - The Kid
Chapter Eight - The Ship
Chapter Nine - The Room
Chapter Ten - The Way
Chapter Eleven - The Gun
Chapter Twelve - The Food
Chapter Thirteen - The Car
Chapter Fourteen - The Scum
Chapter Fifteen - The Night
Chapter Sixteen - The Memory
Chapter Seventeen - The Bath
Chapter Eighteen - The Baby
Chapter Nineteen - The Sunset

Chapter Twenty - The Girl

2.1K 76 69
By lasagna_writes_shit

(A/N: Thank you so much tLoZSponge and Julia-Kujo, for helping me write this chapter! Also, Pure Silence booty for y'all thirsty asses)

"You can't be serious..." (Y/N) muttered to herself, with her eyes wide and jaw dropped. She was staring as the huge submarine in front of them shocked once again by how much money the old man could spend on useless means of transport. 

As he was also looking at the gigantic, golden submarine, Mr. Joestar turned around to face the rest of the crusaders, but also to enjoy the shocked looks on their faces. "What? We had to cross the sea somehow!" he pleaded. 

The girl sighed and grabbed the bridge of her nose. "We still have that boat that we came here with!" she groaned, angrily gesticulating. 

The others, including Avdol who had bought the thing, all looked at (Y/N) and then back at Mr. Joestar. The old man held his breath for a second, then used one of his always-workin secret techniques. "Well, Avdol chose to buy this!" 

"Not again, Mister Joestar!" the Egyptian man responded, getting embarrassed by that man's audacity. He covered his face with his hands. "You gave me the money and told me to find a submarine!"

"That's not true!"

"Yes it is!" 

They stood still, looking at each other for about thirty seconds. All of sudden, when Avdol's face got unreadable and his fists clenched, as everybody thought he was gonna punch the old man, Mr. Joestar ran away, with the Egyptian man behind him. They were acting just like five year olds and that thought made (Y/N) giggle.

The others kept walking slowly to the submarine, when two crabs got out of the water, heading to the forest through the sand. Then, (Y/N) caught a glimpse of Jotaro lifting his foot above one of the small, red crabs. She couldn't believe he could really hate animals so much. "Jojo!" the girl cried out. Jotaro's head automatically turned in her direction when he heard her yell his name. "Please don't kill that crab!" 

Before the boy could say anything, he noticed the small crustacean walking past his leg's shadow, safely making it to the forest. He let down his foot and turned around to face (Y/N). "I wanted to avoid stepping on that, I wasn't planning on killing it." Jotaro spoke in a low tone, correcting the girl's misunderstanding. 

"Oh..." she sighed in embarrassment, looking away from him. The two kept walking, so they could catch up with Polnareff and Kakyoin. "Then, what about the..." (Y/N) stopped before finishing her question. She didn't want to accuse Jotaro and risk having another fight with him. The evening had been pleasant, and she didn't want to ruin that. 

Jotaro raised his left eyebrow as he observed the girl stopped so suddenly. "What about the what?"


The bulky guy brainstormed for a second. When he thought he finally got it, he tried to guess what (Y/N) was talking about. "If you're talking about that cat you saw me hit back home..." he sighed and covered his eyes with his cap. "I didn't do it on purpose." As (Y/N) puffed and crossed her arms, thinking that he was lying, he frowned. "My mother fed that cat everyday and even let it inside the house whenever it felt like it." 

The four crusaders stood there in silence, waiting for Avdol and Mr. Joestar to start acting like actual grown-ups. (Y/N) was still refusing to talk to Jotaro until he explained why she should believe him. So, the boy continued his last statement. "When those girls follow me around, I purposely don't watch where I'm going, maybe I would step on their shoes and they would leave..." 

The girl's face lit up. Maybe her opinion about him was wrong. Maybe she was wrong about him. (Y/N) snickered when she heard Jotaro's secret. What had all those girls thought when they had seen that Jotaro hadn't come to school in a while? What had her mother thought when she saw the note with her writing on it?


Polnareff kept standing behind Avdol as he tried to navigate the sea. "Are you sure you know how to drive this thing, Avdol?" he asked, scratching his head. "Do you need some help?" Even though he had no idea what all the buttons on the piloting board were doing, he still wanted to help. 

The man was concentrated enough to be able to ignore all of the Frenchman's stupid questions. "I'm alright by myself, thank you."

"And even if he wasn't," the old man included himself in the discussion. "I could've been the one driving it!"

Jotaro puffed. "Don't even think about it! You're not putting us through another crash." he said harshly to his grandfather. 

As the three students were relaxing at the table, Mr. Joestar and Avdol were explaining to Polnareff what's going on in the submarine. Too bad he never takes anything seriously. The interior of the submarine was actually quite spacious, also having a small bar with coffee and other drinks and medium, round windows. It was white, a bit too white for (Y/N's) taste, but it was pleasant. However, even though Avdol mentioned that there was nothing they should've worried about around them, the crusaders had to keep in their mind that they were almost sixty meters under the sea and that they didn't really have anywhere to go.

As Kakyoin got up to fetch some drinks for the others, Mr. Joestar went to the phone, placed right next to the big table they were all staying at. As (Y/N) rested her head on it, she heard the old man dialing. She lifted her head, hoping that the phone was actually working. As Mr. Joestar managed to talk to his wife, her hopes of talking again to her parents rose. After he was done, the girl got up from her chair, being followed by Jotaro's gaze. "Now that you're standing, make me a coffee." he demanded, but somehow without sounding arrogant. 

However, (Y/N) took it as it was. "Make it yourself." she stated and walked up to the old man who had just finished his conversation. It seemed like he had to lie to his wife about the journey and even about Mrs. Kujo's state. She wished that Mr. Joestar would let her try to dial home, but her hopes were low. However, he did, understanding how hard it must've been for (Y/N) to leave her family and come to that journey, knowing the dangers. Almost having tears in her eyes, the girl thanked the old man and picked up the receptor, starting to type in her home's phone number. She waited. Her smile faded as nobody was picking up. After the call ended, (Y/N) desperately tried again, her hands already shaking. She thought of the worst: what if her leaving made her mother go mad? Maybe she did something (Y/N) couldn't even dare think of... 

"Hello?" a familiar, feminine voice could be heard from the other side of the call. 

(Y/N) instantly jumped and her smile reappeared on her face, along with some lost tears. "M-mom?" she stuttered. 

The woman gasped, but didn't answer. Instead, she called someone, but the girl couldn't really tell who that was, since the signal was not the best down there. A man's voice suddenly made (Y/N's) heart thrill. "(Y/N)! (Y/N) sweetheart, is that you?"

"Yes! Yes it's me d-dad!" she sniffed and wiped her tears with her uniform's sleeve.

"Where are you? We've been searching for you everywhere! Are you alright? Why can't we hear you well? (Y/N), please come back to us, it's been more than a month!" The fact that she couldn't tell them anything, made (Y/N's) heart break and all the excitement transformed into sadness. 

The whole room shook, making (Y/N) lose her balance for a second. She ignored that.

With tears running down her face, choking on them, the girl tried to answer as many questions as she could. "I-I'm alright! A-and there is nothing you sh-should worry about, I will come home as fast as I can!" she sobbed. "I'm so, so s-sorry I missed Christmas, Dad... I love you both so much..." And with that, without letting the poor exasperated people say anything else, (Y/N) ended the call, placing her hand on her chest and leaning on the counter, next to the coffee machine. She sighed and wiped the last of her tears as Kakyoin offered her a white cup of coffee. Nodding, the girl thanked the boy and asked him if he needed any help, but he refused. She sat down at the table, with the rest of the crew as the red haired guy was bringing the cups.

Avdol took out a map and told everyone that they had almost made it to land. Everyone was so happy they finally made it to Egypt. It was almost time to go home. Polnareff snickered. "What's so funny?" the Egyptian man asked. 

He sighed. "Nothing, I just feel sort of happy..." That statement made the girl smile. "We haven't been gathered like this, together, in a while..."

All of sudden, (Y/N) noticed something was wrong. "Noriaki, why did you bring six cups? You gave me one already!" she giggled thinking that it was all a mistake. 

Kakyoin raised an eyebrow, counting the cups. "What? I... I took five cups off the counter, not six..." As the red haired boy took one cup away, Mr. Joestar grabbed one as well. However, as he was not paying any attention, the cup morphed into a blade-handed monster, cutting off the old man's prosthetic hand and shoving the fingers into his head. The man flew away and hit a wall as the monster, most probably a Stand, jumped on the table, throwing down the actual coffee cups. It screeched and the crusaders yelled. It was impossible, how could a stand reach them down there?

Jotaro didn't take one second to think, he took out Star Platinum and tried to punch the enemy Stand. Unfortunately, the creature dodged his hit, morphing into one of the walls, leaving the crusaders speechless. It disguised itself as one of the gauges, just like it did with the coffee cup. With his eyes wide open, frowning and with his fists clenched, the black haired student looked around the room, searching for something, even the slightest move. 

While Kakyoin and (Y/N) went to see if the old man was alright, Polnareff was thinking about how in the world could the Stand enter the submarine. All of sudden, the phone started ringing, making the girl jump while healing Mr. Joestar's wound. "The phone..." she said, looking away from Pure Silence.

"Stay focused, (Y/N)!" Kakyoin almost yelled to snap her out of her thoughts.

Suddenly, Avdol whispered to himself. "The High Priestess..." The man crossed his arms and an indecipherable look on his face. "Our enemy is using a deadly Stand called the High Priestess." According to him, the Stand's user was a woman called Midler, who was controlling it from far away, so she was probably on land. If she was honest, (Y/N) was kind of glad to hear that there were other female Stand users besides her. However, the power of that Stand was totally different from hers, being able to turn into any object, as long as it comes from a mineral. Including almost everything in the submarine, that being made of iron. There was no way for them to recognise where it was until it decided to attack. 

Polnareff was roughly sweating. "But how did it get in?" Just as he said that, a window got shattered and water started flowing inside through it. The Frenchman sighed, kicking the water. "How simple... It cut a hole and moseyed in." 

"The ballast tanks are damaged, we're sinking even faster!" As Kakyoin took Mr. Joestar on his shoulders, (Y/N) got up from the ground whining at the wet socks inside of her shoes. 

The girl glanced at the monitors and her jaw dropped. "Not to mention we're losing oxygen!" She was panicking. "We can't go on like this!" (Y/N) put her hands over her head and squatted down, her uniform skirt getting all wet. She had to think, but the atmosphere around her was too loud.

However, the phone kept ringing. 

"Jotaro, don't!" Avdol's exclamation caught the girl's attention. The boy was standing right beside the ringing phone, so he stretched his arm to the receptor. "That thing can be anything..." However, he didn't listen. 

Jotaro picked up the phone and answered. It seemed that Mrs. Joestar had called again. He kept quiet. No-one could hear anything from the phone because of the loud siren, but (Y/N) was almost sure the old lady was talking. Finally, the black haired student spoke softly, his eyes covered with the shade of his cap. "Sorry, but the old man can't come to the phone right now..." They all waited. They waited to see what was going to happen next as Jotaro stopped speaking for a moment. He took a long, deep breath and held it in, while his grandmother was asking him a bunch of questions through the phone. "There's nothing you should be worried about, grandma Suzie..." he let out the air. "I'll be right here with him." With that, Jotaro ended the call. Turning around, he glanced at (Y/N), who was unconsciously staring at him, then sighed. He looked so calm, yet the girl knew how it felt to lie to your family to protect them. It burned you down from the inside. 

And so, they hit the bottom of the sea. While the others grabbed onto the things around themselves, (Y/N) didn't have the time to do so, so she was thrown about two meters away, hitting her head. 

Leaning on a cupboard, Jotaro dusted himself. "I'm never riding in a submarine again!" he told himself. 

Before he could notice, Kakyoin left the old, unconscious man down and ran to (Y/N) to help her get up. He grabbed one of her hands with his left one and wrapped his right arm around her waist. The girl got up all dizzy, not being able to see clearly, but she told herself she could manage it. "Are you alright, Noriaki?" she asked, scanning the red haired boy with her unfocused eyes. 

"I should be the one asking that!" he laughed softly. "Is your head okay? Sit down!" he exclaimed, offering himself to lift (Y/N) on another cupboard, since all the chairs around were broken. Of course, the girl refused, telling him that she was alright. However, Kakyoin didn't want to hear any of that, so he grabbed her waist once again, with both of his hands, and helped his friend sit on the cupboard. She got all flushed and hid her face with her shaking hands.

Polnareff took Mr. Joestar on his shoulders. "Oi, the oxygen is getting thin in here..." he complained. 

Jotaro, pretending not to see (Y/N) on that cupboard and hiding his slight blush in the shade of his hat, walked up to the eleven gauges. He asked Kakyoin to follow him, and so he did. Hesitantly, the red haired boy showed Jotaro into which of the gauges had the enemy Stand turn. As Star Platinum was slowly approaching the place Kakyoin pointed, a red light behind (Y/N) started moving. 

"Wait, Jotaro! Behind (Y/N)!" yelled Avdol, but right before Jotaro could react, the girl jumped off the cupboard with her eyes wide open, summoned Pure Silence and attacked the enemy Stand with her claws. Unfortunately, it got away before getting any serious wounds, scraping Kakyoin's neck and going back into the walls before Star Platinum could punch it. 

(Y/N) sighed in relief, but immediately remembered about Kakyoin and ran to help him. As she was healing the boy's neck, Jotaro's question surprised her. "Are you alright?" he asked, placing his hand on her shoulder. The girl glanced at him and nodded, then shivered as Jotaro took away his warm hand from her back. 


They were all running. Everybody was following Mr. Joestar to the back of the submarine. After he had woken up, he had said that he was going to take all of them out of there using a method that had helped the Joestar family lots of times before, but he didn't mention the name of it. It was the Joestar's secret method, after all. 

They had to abandon ship and escape, since the submarine was done for with that Stand following them. They were done for as well if they didn't leave, and Mr. Joestar had found the perfect way to do that. "Are we seriously going to scuba dive?" Polnareff asked, holding a mask in his hand. "I've never done anything like this before..."

Mr. Joestar looked at his missing hand, then at Jotaro and spoke. "Hm... I just noticed I won't be able to suit up in time with this busted hand... Jotaro, can you help me?"

"Do it yourself."

The girl right next to them frowned and immediately replied. "It's okay, Mr. Joestar, I'll gladly help you!" she smiled and continued trying to put on her own suit. It was kind of heavy and the vest was tight, so (Y/N) needed someone to help her put the oxygen tanks on her back as well. She walked away from the black haired boy, up to the red haired one. "Since Jotaro is not available to help, could you help me, Noriaki?" she smiled smugly for a second, looking behind her at Jotaro, who was clenching his fists. 

"Of course!" Kakyoin didn't mean any bad to the black haired boy, he just wanted to treat (Y/N) the way she treated him. It was the least he could do, after the girl had healed so many of his wounds, but he knew Jotaro meant totally something else for her.

After everyone put on their suits, Mr. Joestar started instructing the crew what they were going to do: since they were forty meters under the sea level, they had to swim to the surface slowly, so their eyes wouldn't come out of their skulls. When it came to communication, as they were all Stand users, the men and girl could talk through their Stands, just like Jotaro had done with Dark Blue Moon. 

While they were all getting their gear together, they heard a scream from Polnareff. It turns out that the High Priestess had transformed into the gear that the French guy was trying to equip. With the rising water levels, the Stand dragged Polnareff under the water, making him struggle to breathe.

"I-It already transformed into a regulator!" Kakyoin exclaimed. The Stand that once posed as Polnareff’s regulator began to dig its way down his throat.

"It's going to go in through his mouth and tear him apart! We’re going to have to drain the room!" (Y/N) shouted, not knowing what else to do.

"It’s far too late for that! That stand user must have been waiting for this exact moment!" Mr. Joestar responded. Polnareff's eyes started to roll to the back of his head, and they all knew that they were going to have to do something. Jotaro, deciding he would try to take measures into his own hands, frantically used Star Platinum to try to grab the Stand attacking Polnareff, but narrowly missed.

"C-crap! The stand is making its way into Polnareff, and it’s going to tear him apart!" Avdol shouted.

Both Mr. Joestar and Kakyoin tried to use their Stands to pull the High Priestess out of him, having to send them down Polnareff's nose. That caused Polnareff to jolt awake. "Hey!" He screamed in confusion, probably in pain as well.

Kakyoin and Mr. Joestar were both able to grab onto High Priestess before it was able to travel down Polnareff’s throat. They wanted to try to force the Stand out before it was able to transform, otherwise it would've ended up killing Polnareff. Eventually, the Stand wriggled it’s way out of the Frenchman.

"Alright, we got it! Make sure to keep hold of it," Kakyoin said. If they were to keep the High Priestess in their grasp, they could stop further attacks.

Suddenly, the Stand freed itself from Hierophant Green’s grasp by transforming into a harpoon gun. Polnareff summoned Silver Chariot and began fending off the attacks the gun began to deliver. As soon as it had to reload, they all decided that they would be given a good chance to escape.

Jotaro climbed out of the submarine first, and helped everyone out. Finally, when (Y/N) swam out of the hatch, Jotaro grabbed onto her arm to help her out. She looked over her shoulder and nodded her head as a form of thanks. Mr. Joestar came out lastly, and Jotaro quickly closed the hatch of the submarine, leaving the High Priestess inside. 

Once everyone was out, the girl went over to Polnareff and gave him his oxygen mask. 

"Polnareff, are you better now?" she asked, concerned. 

He smiled at her. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Merci mademoiselle."

They started slowly swimming up to the surface, taking short pauses along the way. Every time she got the chance, (Y/N) would go and look at the plants and animals that were surrounding her. She found peace in the sea life. 

"(Y/N), come on, we gotta go before we run out of oxygen!"

She pulled herself away from the coral she had just found, and swam back to Mr. Joestar, who called her. 

"Do you think we are safe now?" Kakyoin asked. 

"I believe so. The High Priestess can only turn into metal and glass, but it can’t take the form of bubbles or fish, so I doubt it will come after us, here." (Y/N) sighed in relief after hearing Avdol speaking. 

"Just keep your eyes peeled. You never know."

(Y/N) swam over to Jotaro, seeing more interesting sea-things by his side. The boy observed her without interrupting, and couldn’t help but notice her interest in the beauty of sea life. Suddenly, a group of fish quickly passed her. Startled, she swam backwards, and accidentally ran into him. "I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to crash into you!" she apologized.

"Just watch where you are going, will you?" he mumbled, swimming away from her. 

The girl huffed. 'Such an ass...' she thought. 

"Look over there! There's two tunnels!" Avdol exclaimed, pointing at them. "We are about seven meters away from shore, so we can follow along these rocks until we reach the top." They started swimming over to the tunnels, when suddenly, the ground started rumbling underneath them. Unfortunately, the crusaders were right above the High Priestess’s mouth, so once it opened, they all fell in. 

"Oh my God!" (Y/N) yelled as she fell in. “Is that the Stand?”

"Yes, and it's huge!" Avdol replied. 

Once the Stand knew that it had all of them in its mouth, it closed, leaving the crusaders trapped. 

"You all are so slow on the uptake!" a feminine voice called out to them. "If rocks are minerals, wouldn’t the seabed be mineral too?"

"Crap!" the red haired boy exclaimed. "However, since the stand is so strong, she must be closer than we think!" 

"That's right Kakyoin, I'm actually 7 meters above you, on the shore. But, you will never get to see my face!" The woman giggled, knowing that there was no possible way for them to get out of there. She then spat out all the water in her mouth, leaving everyone inside falling to the floor. Once they all landed, they checked themselves to make sure that nothing was lost, or that they were hurt. (Y/N) tried to get up, but she had fallen funny on her ankle, and fell back to the ground. 

"(Y/N), are you alright?" Kakyoin came racing over to the girl right after he saw her fall.

"Yeah, I’m okay. I think I sprained my ankle, that's all. I should be fine in a few minutes."

"So it’s not that bad then." Jotaro sighed, getting back on his feet. "Here, get up." He stretched out his hand to the girl. (Y/N) hesitated, but then took his hand. She was able to stand up, but since her leg was still hurt, she fell onto her classmate. 

"Is everything okay, (Y/N)?" Mr. Joestar called out to her after he saw her stumble. 

“I’m fine, my ankle is just kind of messed up. It got better than before, though.” she replied, smiling faintly at the old man. She was unaware that she was still leaning on Jotaro. 

He fixed his cap, the shade covering his whole face, so no one could notice the look on it. He didn't know how to feel about (Y/N) leaning on his arm. He liked it, if he was honest to himself. However, he couldn't understand how she could be so fragile as a Stand user, and it was kind of annoying. He felt something stuck in his throat so he cleared it, making the girl look up at him.

"I’m sorry, Jojo! I didn’t realize…"

"Don’t worry about it." he said, looking away. 

"Do you want me to take care of her, Jojo? I don’t mind." Kakyoin asked. He knew Jotaro could get pissed about stuff like this. 

"No, she’s fine." 

"Are you sure? It’s really no problem…"

"I said she’s fine." He snapped, turning his head and glaring at his fellow classmate. Kakyoin nodded his head, surprised at the reaction that his friend had towards him. 

(Y/N) didn’t know how to feel about Jotaro’s sudden reaction to the red haired boy trying to help her. She just shrugged it off though, the possibility of Jotaro just being stressed about the situation entering her mind.

"You know, it’s a shame that I have to kill you, Jotaro. You’re actually my type! Under certain circumstances, maybe we could have actually gotten things to work out…"

The girl didn't fully understand why, but what the Stand user had just said made her feel… angry? Jealous, even. No matter what it was, she didn't like what the lady had just said.

As the Stand user, Midler, kept rambling on, Polnareff went to Jotaro and whispered something to him. Jotaro glared at him, as if to say, 'You really want me to do that?'

As Jotaro had a look of defeat on his face, he sighed and began to speak. "You never know. If I were to see your face too, you might be my type as well— I may even fall for you."

As Midler became embarrassed, the others seemed to catch on to Polnareff’s plan as well.

"I think she’s probably gorgeous! I can tell from her voice," the Frenchman said.

"Yes. I get the impression of an elegant woman from hearing her speak. I can tell from my fortune teller senses."

Midler, of course, really only cared about what Jotaro had said to her. "How could you mean any of that when you have her, laying on your arm?!" Jotaro suddenly remembered that (Y/N) was still leaning on him. She must have realized it too, because she quickly stopped. All of a sudden, the group is flung into the air by what looks like the Stand’s tongue. Jotaro gets hit the farthest, landing between the Stand’s teeth. As soon as he landed, the teeth had closed on him.

"You’ll never be able to escape! These teeth are as hard as diamonds, so you’ll never be able to break them!" Midler shouted triumphantly.

"Jotaro!" The group yelled, everyone bringing out their Stands once more. Before he could get crushed, Jotaro brought out Star Platinum and tried to stop the giant molars from crushing him. Due to the weight, he actually struggled to do so.

Avdol attacked the teeth with his Magician’s Red, but to no avail. Jotaro was almost fully concealed by them, when Mr. Joestar tried to pull him away with Hermit Purple. However, it seemed as if it was already too late.

The group stood there, as (Y/N) tried to steady her breath. "We didn't make it in time…" Avdol spoke.

"N-no… He can't be dead! If he can survive almost being burned alive,  he can survive this! Right…?" (Y/N) questioned no one in particular. Kakyoin walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder.

Mr. Joestar sighed in defeat, until he heard something. "No, wait… Listen! Although it sounds a bit far away, it’s definitely there!"

"No, it sounds like it’s getting closer," Kakyoin said. "It sounds like…"

It was now close enough to be clearly heard. "It is!" Polnareff shouts excitedly.

(Y/N) went from worried to relieved in a split second. She knew who that voice belonged to when she heard it.

"It’s coming from inside the tooth, he’s breaking himself out! Brace yourselves!" Mr. Joestar said, as he covered his ears and crouched to the floor of the Stand’s mouth. Just then, Jotaro was able to break free from one of the teeth. As he went, he broke all of the other teeth as well.

"He was able to dig his way out, despite the teeth being as hard as diamonds!" Polnareff exclaimed.

"Oh, for crying out loud. How much power does his Stand have?" (Y/N) asked out loud.

Jotaro stopped breaking the set of teeth for a second. "Hey, we're getting out of here," he told everyone before going at it again. Once all of the teeth were broken out, the giant Stand began to cough out blood. Water filled the Stand’s mouth, and the group started swimming up to the surface.

However, Midler was not giving up on Jotaro so easily. Stretching out her tongue, she grabbed (Y/N's) right leg and pulled her back into her mouth. It hurt like hell, but if she couldn't have Jotaro, he couldn't have that girl. The Stand trapped the girl under its tongue, hoping she would eventually suffocate and die. 

Even with her ankle twisted and crashed by the gigantic muscle, (Y/N) managed to take out Pure Silence. With her, she cut open the tongue, forcing Midler to let her out. She knew she couldn't swim fast anymore, but gladly, Kakyoin noticed her from the first time and came to rescue. He used Hierophant to drag the girl by her waist, up to the surface with the others.

Once they reached the surface, they stopped for a moment to take a much-needed breath of fresh air. "Well that was awful…" Mr. Joestar said, out of breath. He looked up, and noticed something about ten meters away. "Hey, there's a woman passed out over there."

"I assume it’s Midler, the user of the Stand we just fought."

"What should we do? She’s probably hurt pretty badly from all of that," (Y/N) asked. She didn't feel bad or anything, but she didn't want to leave an injured body just laying on the beach.

"I’ll go see if she’s hot or not. Looks like she’s got a nice figure!" Polnareff said excitedly, rushing to check the woman out. As he got closer, his facial expression changed.

"Well, what about her?" Avdol asked.

Polnareff shrieked as if he'd just seen a bug. "No comment! Don’t come over here! Her teeth are all busted, so there’s no point in looking!"

(Y/N) gave a small laugh to Polnareff’s reaction. Jotaro glanced down at her. How lucky he felt to have her still standing beside him at this point in the journey… He smiled slightly at her, his face being covered by shade.

(Y/N) realized that Jotaro may have been hurt during the incident with the High Priestess. She looked up at him, and their eyes met. This caught her off guard for a second, but she didn't think too much of it.

"Jotaro, you're not hurt anywhere, are you?" she asked him.

"No, I’m fine." He took his gaze off of her, and looked towards the water.

The group had finally made it to Egypt. After many hardships and battles, they’ve arrived at their destination. By plane, it would have taken a day; but it took them a whole month. After everything they’ve been through, they were finally one step closer, but they still had a lot more to go through.

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Y/N L/N is an enigma. An outgoing, cheerful, smiley teenage boy. Happy, sociable, excitable. A hidden gem in the rough of Japan's younger soccer pl...
814K 32.6K 38
On that fateful Halloween night, Lily and James survived while Voldemort apparently 'marked' Harry Potter as his equal. Aria Potter, twin sister of...
165K 7.6K 103
In the vast and perilous world of One Piece, where the seas are teeming with pirates, marines, and untold mysteries, a young man is given a second ch...