
By Mar_writer23

171K 3.6K 4.6K

The war is won. Voldemort is dead. The trio, alongside all those who were in their same year, have returned t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 8

4.6K 114 112
By Mar_writer23


Draco opened his eyes and left them open this time.

He squinted his eyes at the mess of apricot in front of him.

Is that fur?

Draco's eyes widened and he shot up from bed, he only noticed Hermione when she turned in her sleep.

His eyes widened even more, if that was even possible at this point.

What in Salazar's name was he thinking?!

Hermione suddenly rubbed her eyes and Draco's heart rate picked up by the passing second.

He quickly rolled of the bed and fell on the floor with a thud, accompanied by a gasp that wasn't his but a groan that was —without a doubt— his.

Hermione sat up in her bed suddenly and Draco rolled his body until he was under the bed and out of sights.

Now was not the time to deal with a hungover Granger.

Hermione squinted her eyes at the empty dorm, she swore that she heard a noise.

But the dorm was empty, even Draco was out of sights.

Hermione thought that maybe he was in the common room or in the bathroom, since her wrist wasn't hurt.

She rubbed her temples.

How much did she drink last night? Cause it sure feels like she drank a whole cellar.

But at the same time, Hermione didn't miss how this time —this night— she didn't wake up gasping for air, after witnessing herself and her friends getting tortured.

She thought about it for a while.

Hermione always had nightmares, it was a part of her morning routine at this point.

So why did she suddenly have the best night's sleep since forever?

No nightmares. No gasping for air. No crying afterwards. No nothing.

She was completely fine, with the exception of Crookshanks who was almost sleeping on her head when she woke up.

The night was still young, with almost three hours left for them to sleep.

Hermione sighed and got out of bed, she headed towards the bathroom.

After she closed the door behind her, Draco rolled himself from under the bed again.

"Damn you Granger for not letting me shower yesterday, now I smell even worse than yesterday." He murmured under his breath once he stood up and looked at how disheveled he looked.

He took in his surroundings.

What can he do to avoid Granger's ultimate interrogation?

He thought about getting in bed.

But wouldn't that be shady? That he only got in his bed after she left?

He cursed under his breath and exited the dorm, finally deciding on staying in the common room for a few minutes until she got back into bed.

He walked to the couch in front of the fireplace, flopping on it as he reached the it.

He rubbed his temples and sighed.


Was the question that Draco kept asking himself, sitting on the couch, sneaking into the dorm room, getting into his bed.

Why did he care about Hermione's nightmares?


Hermione woke up three hours later, the hangover not as bad as she thought thanks to the pills she took yesterday.

She doesn't even remember from where or when did she get the pills, she just found them on her bedside table.

She thought about the possibility of Draco getting her the pills, but that didn't make sense, cause he didn't kn-

Godric's beard!

She doesn't even remember how she got to her dorm last night, was Draco here last night? Did he see her drunk? Did she say anything embarrassing?

Hermione groaned into her pillow.

She snapped her head to the side to check if he was still in bed.

He wasn't.

She whipped her head to the bathroom door.

Someone's inside, most likely Draco.

She stayed in her bed for a while, waiting for him to get out so she could enter.

She will not bring up last night. If he brought it up, she will dismiss him.

Yes, that is exactly what she'll do.

Five minutes later and he didn't get out yet.

Ten more minutes later and he didn't get out yet.

Fifteen more minutes later and he still didn't get out.

Hermione narrowed her eyes at the door. It's been half an hour and he still didn't get out, that is without including the time he spent when she was asleep.

Hermione stood up and marched towards the door.

If he yells at her for staying five minutes more in the bathroom, she will yell at him for taking forever.

"Malfoy?! When do you suppose you will bless us with your highly presence?" She knocked at the door impatiently.

"When I feel like it!" He yelled from inside.

"I hope you know that I have a rather fascination with opening door's spells." She taunted him, smirking triumphantly when she heard the water stop.

The small victory however didn't last long due to Draco getting out of the bathroom, with only a towel that hung low around his hips.

Déjà vu.

Hermione willed herself not to look at his water soaked torso and looked him dead in the eyes.

"Your hair is still bleached. I get it you didn't spend more than thirty minutes in the bathroom to get the bleach out." Hermione lifted an eyebrow.

"Not my fault I didn't get to have a shower yesterday, Granger. It was partially your fault." His eyes narrowed.

"My fault?! How is it even-"

"It is not my fault you were absolutely fucked yesterday that I didn't get to take a shower."

Hermione's eyes widened in realization, but then they narrowed again.

"And why would that involve you?" She inquired.

Draco's eyes widened the slightest bit.

He didn't think this through.

"Nothing, it was just hard to shower with your fucked up arse in the room, did you know that you are not a quiet drunk?" He questioned sarcastically.

She narrowed her eyes, "Drunk people are not meant to be quiet."

She casted a nonverbal spell that got Draco flying to the back wall of the bathroom, hitting the floor with a loud thud.

Great, two bruises in one day.

"Good luck getting this out of your hair, Malfoy." She smirked as she summoned a bucket filled with lake water.

Draco's eyes widened in realization.


She closed the door just as the bucket was on top of Draco's head.

She twirled her wand and turned around, what she heard next was confirmation that her plan worked.





Ginny, once again, was awoken by Blaise's charming ways.

A bucket filled with freezing cold water.

But this time, Ginny was not planning on letting him off the hook easily.

She sat up in bed and wiped her face with trembling hands.

Blaise was leaning on a wall away from her, chuckling with his hands shoved down his pocket.

"Not a morning person, eh?" Blaise smirked while she glared daggers at him.

Ginny's mind was filled to the rim with ideas that she could use on Blaise, but Ginny just focused on one evil plan and suppressed the urge to smirk.

She stood up and walked slowly towards Blaise.

The slow kinda deathly walk.

Blaise's confident posture faltered but he got himself in check within two seconds.

Ginny was now stood in front of him with her arms crossed.

"You like to play pranks on me, Blissy?" She asked sweetly.

Even Luna would be jealous of her sweet and airy fake tone.

Blaise's mind was warning him and telling him to back down, but his ego was way bigger than that.

"I like playing pranks on those who are easy enough to fall for them." He smirked confidently.

Her smile deepened.

His confidence faltered.

"I have six brothers, who said that I was easy enough to fall for your childish pranks?" She lifted a sardonic eyebrow.

She couldn't bring herself to say five. Blaise didn't seem to notice which relieved Ginny. She didn't need him to correct her.

"Can you do any better, Ginny?" He smirked.

She smiled mischievously and got even closer to him, until she could hear his heart beating and his breath quickening.

She ran her fingers from his hands to his forearm to his upper hand, stopping at his shoulders to stand on her tippy toes.

Blaise's eyes widened slightly. Ginny's mischievous smile turned into a deep smirk.

"What, Blissy? Already nervous?" She whispered in his ear and pulled back slightly to look at him.

"Nervous? Have you met me?" He said that so confidently but Ginny didn't miss the glance he spared her lips.

Perfect opportunity to strike.

She bit her lips. Blaise clenched his jaw.

She was so tempted to give in but she urged herself to continue.

She leaned even closer to his jaw and let out a breath.

She moved from his jaw, making her way to his lips.

His breathing got even harder.

She stopped moving. Their mouths inches away from each other. If she was just to move one inch, she would be able to touch his lips.

He leaned in just a tiny bit. She smirked.

"Too naive, Blaise. But if you wanted to kiss me, you would've just said so." She whispered and his eyes widened.

She made to move.

She was only a few feet away when she felt a cold hand wrap around her wrist pulling her back to the wall.

In a matter of seconds, Ginny and Blaise's places have been switched.

Now, Ginny was trapped on the wall while Blaise put both of his hands around her waist, tugging her closer to him.

Heat rose from Ginny's stomach to her chest. Blaise's lips were getting closer and her heart decided to skip a beat, the smell of him hypnotic beyond reason.

She parted her lips and felt him washing over like a wave of warmth, curling her toes, unfurling all of her  senses as the taste of him nearly silenced all thoughts.

Her whole body tingled, the feeling of his frame leaning on hers as his arms wrapped around her felt nearly forbidden.

He pulled her in, claiming her mouth again, hungry and intense, until her knees gave in.

By the time Ginny became aware of her fingers, they had already slipped under his shirt, his skin smooth and radiating heat.

His lips didn't leave hers, as if time had stopped right there, as they stood against the dorm's wall, glued to one another.

The warm feeling of his breath, although destabilizing, was inviting.

Both of their hands were tangled in each other's hair, their hearts skipping several beats.

Both of them only had one glowing need.

I want you.

I have never wanted anyone more than I want you.


Harry has been talking for 10 minutes straight. Not that Hermione heard anything from what he was saying.

The group of Slytherins and Gryffindors were headed towards the great hall, minus Ginny and Blaise who were no where to be seen.

Again, not that Hermione was clear minded right now.

Harry kept talking and talking about professor Alvaro and his awful treatment with the Slytherins, but Hermione was only able to hear some sentences of the conversation.

"...Heard that his whole family died in the war..."

"...Hufflepuff, can you believe that?"

"...what if he is treating them like that because he..."

"...Apparently he has no one except his brother that was disowned years ago..."

"...Have not seen each other for more than seventeen years!"

"...Do you think something is wrong, Hermione?"


"Hermione?" Harry nudged her shoulder.

"Oh! Sorry, Harry. I didn't get enough sleep,"


"I think I will go stay in the library before classes begin, maybe take a nap even." She tried to smile but she concluded that she failed.

"Sure! Do you want me to bring you something to eat?" Harry asked.

"No, thank you. I am not hungry."


"Okay then, See you in class?"

"Yeah." She smiled and headed towards the library.

A few feet away, Pansy, Daphne, Theo and Draco were walking towards the great hall, following Harry, Ron and Neville.

"Do you think she is okay?" Daphne asked, concern visible in her glowing eyes.

"She is Granger, she will be okay." Pansy smiled at Daphne.

"What if she is not?" Theo lifted an eyebrow.

"She seems out of it today." He shrugs.

Draco rolled his eyes, "She is probably hungover. She came to the dorm late last night, drunk as hell."

"Drunk? You sure that is a word in her dictionary? Maybe she is not okay after all." Pansy was now the one getting worried.

"Draco, do you think you can check on her?" Daphne asked.

Draco furrowed his eyebrows, "Why me? Didn't you hear what I told you this morning?! Lake water, guys! Do you know how long it took to get the smell-"

"Oh stop acting like a baby, Draco! You are her roommate and you are the one who saw her last night. Maybe try confronting her? I am sure Granger wouldn't get drunk on a school night with no reason." Pansy cut him off and sent him a firm look.

Draco looked at Theo for help but Theo gave him a "This is your problem, don't get me involved." Look.

Draco narrowed his eyes at his friend.

"I agree with Pansy, Draco. Just check in, you don't even have to stay with her the whole time." Daphne offered.

Draco rolled his eyes and muttered a fine.

He didn't notice the smirks that formed on his friend's faces.


The group of Slytherins and Gryffindors were now seated on a table in the great hall, waiting for Blaise and Ginny who still didn't appear.

When they first entered the great hall, Draco stalked towards the table and grabbed two sandwiches before setting off to the library.

Theo and Neville —as always— were talking about Herbology and what not.

Pansy and Daphne were eating and having small conversations in between bites.

Ron and Harry were both speculating about professor Alvaro.

"I might be onto something, Harry." Ron nodded while taking a bite of his food.

"I need to ask professor McGonagall about him, tell her about his treatment with the Slytherins at least." Harry sighed.

He never thought he would be going through all of this trouble just because of the need and want to help the Slytherins.

Ron encouraged him to do so and was about to ask him a question but was cut off by the sight of a disheveled and flustered Ginny and Blaise who had a smug grin on his face.

Even though Ginny was no where to being punctual and tidy, it wasn't her usual to look that...rumpled.

"Hey Gin." Ron waved casually and continued eating.

He was never one to notice.

"Where were you guys?" Harry asked curiously.

"We slept longer than usual." Ginny shrugged and sat down next to Harry. Blaise sat down next to Pansy who was still looking at him with a suspicious look.

"Did you shag?" She whispered.

Blaise's eyes widened and he looked around to see if anyone heard.

No one did.

"Why would you even think that? And no, we didn't."

They didn't, but it was not the full truth.

Pansy lifted an eyebrow, smirking as doing so.

"We kissed." Blaise shrugged.

Her eyebrows flew up.

"And you were planning to tell us or where you planning to keep that to yourself?" She smirked.

"Don't stick your nose into my business." He narrowed his eyes playfully and Pansy hit him with her hand.

Blaise fake groaned.

"Shut up and tell me what happened."

"On a breakfast table?" He inquired, lifting a teasing eyebrow.

"Spill Zabini or I will get it out of you by myself." Pansy threatened.

Blaise threw his head back in laughter and started explaining his unforgettable morning.

Keeping some details to himself, of course.


Draco walked to the library, two sandwiches in his hands and a bag slung over his shoulder.

In the library, Hermione sat on the windowsill and leaned her head against the glass, closing her eyes to rest them for just a bit.

It wasn't that she didn't sleep well, but Hermione's hungover wasn't completely gone and replaying the conversation that she had with professor McGonagall yesterday only worsened her headache.

The library was empty, no one goes to the library that early in the morning and that was why Hermione chose this place specifically to nap in it.

But before she could even drift off to sleep, a cough was heard from beside her.

Hermione twisted her head to find Draco, stood a few feet away from her, two sandwiches in his hands.

She lifted an eyebrow at his sudden intrusion.

"Granger," he motioned to one of the sandwiches and then motioned to one of her hands.

The sandwich was in the air in less than two seconds and it was a miracle that Hermione caught it.

"Don't throw food around like that." She scolded and he shrugged nonchalantly.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, taking a bite of his sandwich and leaning against one of the bookshelves.

"I came here to take a nap because I thought I would be alone." She looked pointedly at him and he smirked.

"Well, I am not going anywhere." He shrugged.

"You can't find anywhere else to eat?" She asked sarcastically.

"I like it here."

"Find another place."

"Make me."

He smirked and she narrowed her eyes at his undertone.

Bleached arsehole. She murmured.

"What was that?" He asked, a glint in his eyes.

She rolled her eyes and stayed quiet.

The smirk turned into a smile and he examined the bookshelves.

He found an oddly interesting book.

He has a library five sizes the size of this one and he had never come upon this book.

He rolled his eyes at the absurdity.

"That's a muggle book."

His face snapped to the side to find Hermione looking at the book that was in his hands intensely.

"You read it?" He inquired and she nodded her head.

"Pride and Prejudice, yes. It's a lovely book." She looked back at the window and took a bite out of the sandwich.

Draco replied only after a few seconds.

"What is it about?"

Hermione looked back at him, confused.

"You want to read a muggle book?" She lifted an eyebrow and he shrugged.

"If it is as good as you say then sure, why not."

He moved closer to her and sat next to windowsill by the floor, his back on the wall.

"Are you gonna tell me what this is about or no?" He asked impatiently.

Hermione rolled her eyes and took a deep breath.

"The book is mostly about manners but the genre is overall classic romance. It illustrates the character development of Elizabeth Bennet who is the dynamic protagonist of the book. She learns about the repercussions of hasty judgments and comes to appreciate the difference between superficial goodness and actual goodness. Fitzwilliam Darcy who is known as Mr. Darcy is the romantic interest of Elizabeth Bennet, he..." She is rambling.

She didn't even stop to take a breath, so engrossed in describing everything and going over all of the details to Draco.

He thought he would give her the chance to take a breath himself, as he was always a gentleman.


Hermione suddenly stopped her rambling and lifted an eyebrow.

"Why were you drunk last night?" He inquired, curiosity getting the best out of him.

She narrowed her eyes, "My business is not yours, Malfoy."

He chuckled softly to himself and Hermione found herself getting delighted by the sound of his rare laughter.

"I had a feeling that you would say that." He shook his head.

"They are just so stubborn..." he murmured, smiling to himself.

And so am I, he thought to himself.

"What do you mean "they"?" She asked.

"Nothing, you can continue reciting the book now." He smirked.

Hermione glared but continued whatsoever.

She was delighted and surprised that someone like Draco would be interested in reading muggle books and she would do nothing to discourage him.

Draco found himself enjoying the time that he spent with Hermione. It wasn't exactly something that he would write on a wish list.

Him spending time with Hermione, talking about muggle books, was in no way, shape or form something he thought he would ever do.

But he found himself enjoying spending time with her...maybe enjoying it too much...

He recalled Daphne's words.

"You don't even have to stay with her the whole time"

He stayed with her the whole time.


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